ANP Catalog 82074 Guide to RF Connectors Revised 5-98 Tee Adapters BNC Connectors, 50 Ohm (Continued) Style A Style B Style C (Jack-P ug Jack} . With Insulaced (Jack-lack-Jack) a Covel om (Jack-?lug-Jack} Insulalicn Material Palyphenylene oxide \Y of - ae : / so a . 5 % H a . [oY a ~E Body Center Contact . . Comparable Packaging Style Material Material Dielectric ______Dimensions_ Fart UG/U Number and Plating and Plating 0 E F . Connector Per Pkg. Brass, BE OU. Gold 1.281 1.031 562 , Bulk Nckel (a0 TEFLON 3294 36.19 427 221543-2 a (100) PH3R, Gold . 7.300 1.075 B71 , _ Bulk 15} Acetal 33.2 ona 44.50 413992-2 (1005 PHBR Silver , 7.300 1.075 BT ; _ Bulk 2coy" Avelal 33.02 97,31 1450 41392-4 (100) BE CU. Gold , 1.300 1.075 Bn ; _ Bulk (aay Acelal 33.02 e731 450 413592-6 oe) BE CU, Silver om 1.300 1075 5M ; _ Eulk (200)! Aceal 43.02 a7 31 ABC 413592-8 (100) PHBR. Gold : 1.300 1.075 511 lndividual , Zins, (15 Acer 33.02 27.31 ia5e 4135929 a Nickel PH BR. Silver 1.300 1.075 571 Individuai i206} Acelal 3408 a7 ia5t 1-413592-0 ~ (5 B= CU, Saver 1.300 1.075 Br ; , _ Individual (200% Acclal 3302 2731 14.50 14135921 (1 mae Ace 130 1.075 an 1-419592-4 Buk PH3R, Silver 1.200 1.075 571 ; _ Bulk 200" Acetal 34.02 2734 1450 +413892-5 iS} Ti ST iow Brass, BE CU, Silver 4.281 1.031 fi? Nawwigual Nickel (200i TEFLOW 254 26 18 ian 529518 a74e lj PHBR, Gold pectal 7.281 1.225 675 4133661" Buk 8 Zine (15) 32.54 3142 i745 413366-22 (100) Nicxel PHRA Said 1.281 7.225 675 Buk (1g} Acctal 5A a i745 413366-37* - cia) Eras BE cL. Silver 1.281 920 _ Bulk ; Nicee (in): TEFLON 3054 3337 ~ 221988-1 (100) . dire, PHBR, acid 1.281 930 , _ Bulk Nicke eg celal 3254 3382 a1a3tt-1 100) Black insulation cover *Gray insulation cover "Without insulation cad 4tMicroinches min thickness} a (Special graphics) a oN a ss Tee Adapter as eige Covers 114.55 - 1 Material Polypropylene general purpase a tae Color 200 . Gack 2015861 | i5.03] lvery 221586-3 - a 39 For crawings. tacan cal data or samples, contact your AMP salas engineer or eal the AMP Product Inforrration Genter 1 800 922-6752. Dimensions are in inches and millimeters unless otherwise specified. Values in Drackels are metric equ valenits. Srecificat ons subject to change Consut AMP ncarpovated for latest spacificatians