SENSOR PRODUCTS Advance Information APPLICATION Remote Digital Display RDD100 Displays Honeywell Precision Pressure Transducer (PPT/PPT-R) output T he Remote Digital Display RDD100 is a convenient, compact and inexpensive accessory for displaying the output from Honeywell's Precision Pressure Transducer. PPT or PPT-R pressure readings are displayed by the RDD100 at distances up to 50 ft. Any of the PPT's 14 factory-set pressure units or a user-specified unit can be displayed. Bench top or panel mount installation FEATURES AND BENEFITS FEATURES AND BENEFITS Accurate: no accuracy loss caused by signal conversion in the Direct output: RDD100 display accepts continuous stream RS232 directly from PPT display. PPT/PPT-R accuracy of 0.05%/0.1% FS is maintained. FEATURES AND BENEFITSFast Setup: no additional hardware or wiring required. Easy to use: Simple PPT setup; factorysupplied interface cables; single wallmount supply powers the RDD100 and the PPT Computer interface: 9-pin "D" cable ports the RDD/PPT to your PC Versatile: Perform computerized data collection while observing PPT output. Configure the PPT for update rate, damping and other parameters through the computer link. RDD100 SENSOR PRODUCTS SPECIFICATIONS P owe r Re quire me nts Voltage Current: RDD100 and PPT operating together Power Connection Display Type Polarity Indication E nvironme ntal Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Relative Humidity Environmental Ruggedness Dime nsions/ We ight Overall Panel Cutout Depth behind panel Weight 12 3 VDC 170 mA 2.5 X 5.5 X 10 mm (ID x OD x length) with center negative 6 digit, 7 segment LED 0.56" (14.3mm) "-" Displayed -20C to +60C -25C to +85C 0% to 90%, non-condensing Acid and abrasion resistant lense; NEMA 4 rated bezel with panel gasket seal 3.8 in. W x 2.0 in. H x 4.86in. D 3.58 in. W x 1.77 in. H 4.5 in. Approximately 1 pound ORDERING INFORMATION Basic Unit RDD100 O ptions O rde r Numbe r RDD100 Add codes to end of order # Wall mount powe r supply and power supply plug Power supply for RDD100 and PPT; 120VAC to 12V DC transformer, 6 ft. power cord - ps Power supply plug for customer-built supplies: Radio Shack part no. 274-1573A Procure from Radio Shack or other supplier Cable s 6 ft. cable for standard PPT to RDD100 connection - sc 6 ft. cable for PPT-R to RDD100 connection - rc Computer interface cable Double-ended 9-pin "D" connectors, 6 or 10 ft. Interfaces computer to PPT through RDD100 - cc6 or -cc10 Conne ctors for custome r-built cable s PPT basic 6-pin socket connector (Conxall 6-282-6SG522) All RDD-to-PPT/PPT-R cables require one RDD-to-standard PPT cables require two - bsc PPT-R 6-pin military style (Amphenol PTO6A10 6S) RDD-to-PPT-R cables require one - msc RDD100 Order Code Example: RDD100-ps-rc-cc10 RDD100 display to be supplied with power supply, cable for use with PPT-R and 10 foot computer interface cable. Honeywell reserves the right to make changes to any products or technology herein to improve reliability, function or design. Honeywell does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Solid State Electronics Center 12001 State Highway 55 Plymouth, MN 55441 1-800-323-8295 E-Mail: * 900213 5-98 Helping You Control Your World