GaAs Infrared Emitting Diodes VTE3322LAH, 24LAH Long T-1 Plastic Package -- 940 nm PACKAGE DIMENSIONS inch (mm) CASE 50A LONG T-1 CHIP SIZE: .011" X .011" DESCRIPTION This narrow beam angle, 3 mm diameter plastic packages, GaAs, 940 nm emitter is suitable for use in optical switch applications. RoHS Compliant ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS @ 25C (unless otherwise noted) Maximum Temperatures Storage and Operating: Continuous Power Dissipation: Derate above 30C: Maximum Continuous Current: Derate above 30C: Peak Forward Current, 10 s, 100 pps: Temp. Coefficient of Power Output (Typ.): Maximum Reverse Voltage: Maximum Reverse Current @ VR = 5V: Peak Wavelength (Typical): Junction Capacitance @ 0V, 1 MHz (Typ.): Response Time @ IF = 20 mA Rise:1.0 s Fall: 1.0 s Lead Soldering Temperature: -40C to 100C 100 mW 1.43 mW/C 50 mA 0.71 mA/C 3A -.8%/C 5.0V 10 A 940 nm 14 pF 260C (1.6 mm from case, 5 seconds max. ELECTRO-OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS @ 25C (See also GaAlAs curves, pages 123-124) Output Irradiance Part Number Ee Half Power Beam Angle Radiant Intensity Total Power Test Current VF Ie PO IFT @ IFT Volts Typ. Max. Condition mW/cm2 Min. Forward Drop distance Diameter mW/sr mW Typ. mm mm Min. Typ. mA (Pulsed) 1/2 Typ. VTE3322LAH 1.0 1.3 10.16 2.1 1.0 1.5 20 1.25 1.6 10 VTE3324LAH 2.0 2.6 10.16 2.1 2.0 2.5 20 1.25 1.6 10 Refer to General Product Notes, page 2. PerkinElmer Optoelectronics, 22001 Dumberry, Vaudreuil, Canada J7V 8P7 128 Phone: 877-734-6786 Fax: 450-424-3413