NEC's 1310 nm InGaAsP MQW FP TOSA FOR SHORT HAUL 155 Mb/s and 622 Mb/s APPLICATIONS NX7312UA FEATURES DESCRIPTION * OPTICAL OUTPUT POWER: Pf = 0.2 mW NEC's NX7312UA is a 1310 nm Multiple Quantum Well (MQW) structured Fabry-Perot (FP) laser diode TOSA (transmitter optical subassembly) with InGaAs monitor PIN-PD in a receptacle type package designed for SFF/SFP transceiver with LC duplex receptacle. This device is ideal for Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) systems, short haul STM-1 (S-S.1)and short haul STM-4 (S-4.1), ITU-T recommendations, and SONET OC-3(IR) and OC-12(IR). * LOW THRESHOLD CURRENT Ith = 8 mA TYP @ TC = 25C * WIDE OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE: -40 to +85C * InGaAs MONITOR PIN-PD * SMALL PACKAGE o3.8 mm TOSA (Total length 12.0 mm MAX) * BASED ON TELCORDIA RELIABILITY GR-468-CORE ELECTRO-OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = -40 to +85C, unless otherwise specified) PART NUMBER SYMBOLS NX7312UA PARAMETERS AND CONDITIONS UNITS MIN TYP MAX V - 1.2 1.5 VOP Operating Voltage, CW, Pf = 0.2 mW ITH Threshold Current CW, TC = 25C CW mA mA 4 2 8 - 20 50 d ifferential Efficiency CW, TC = 25C W/A 0.008 0.020 0.025 CW W/A 0.005 -- 0.040 Pf Optical Output Power, CW mW - 0.2 - Modulation Current mA mA 8 5 10 - 25 40 Center Emission Wavelength, CW, Pf = 0.2 mW, RMS (-20 dB) nm 1274 - 1356 Spectral Width, CW, Pf = 0.2 mW, RMS (-20 dB) nm - - 2.5 tr Rise Time, IB = ITH, 10 to 90% ns - - 0.5 tf Fall Time, IB = ITH, 90 to 10% ns - - 0.5 IMOD c CW, Pf = 0.2 mW, TC = 25C CW, Pf = 0.2 mW Im Monitor Current, CW, Pf = 0.1 mW, VR = 1.5 V A 100 - 1000 ID Monitor Dark Current nA nA - - - - 50 500 Tracking Error1, CW, Im = const. (Pf = 0.2 mW) dB -1.5 - 1.5 Connector Repeatability, master pigtail dB -1.0 - 1.0 VR = 1.5 V, TC = 25 C VR = 1.5 V Note: 1. Tracking Error : Po = 10 log (mW) Po 5.0 [dB] TC = 25C 5.0 TC = -40 to +85C Po 0 Im Im (mA) California Eastern Laboratories NX7312UA ORDERING INFORMATION ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS1 (TC = 25C, unless otherwise specified) PART NUMBER SYMBOLS PARAMETERS Pf Optical Output Power mW 2.0 IF Forward Current of LD mA 150 VR Reverse Voltage of LD V 2.0 IF Forward Current of PD mA 10 VR Reverse Voltage of PD V 20 TC Operating Case Temperature C -40 to +85 TSTG Storage Temperature C -40 to +85 TSLD Lead Soldering Temperature (10 s) C 350 (3 sec.) Relative Humidity (noncondensing) % 85 RH PACKAGE PIN CONNECTION O3.8 mm TOSA 1 UNITS RATINGS NX7312UA LD 2 4 PD 3 Note: 1. Operation in excess of any one of these parameters may result in permanent damage. TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES (TC = 25C) FORWARD VOLTAGE vs. FORWARD CURRENT 0.5 C C Forward Voltage, VF (V) 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 2.0 1.5 TC = -40C TC = -40C 1.0 TC = 25C 85C 0.5 20 40 60 80 100 Forward Current, IF (mA) Relative Intensity TC = 25C 1315 Wavelength, (nm) Remark: The graphs indicate nominal characteristics. 0 20 40 60 80 Forward Current, IF (mA) SPECTRUM 1290 TC = 85C 25C +85 0.4 +25 -40C 2.5 TC = Optical Output Power from Fiber, PF (mW) OPTICAL OUTPUT POWER FROM FIBER vs/ FORWARD CURRENT 1340 100 NX7312UA OUTLINE DIMENSIONS (Units in mm) 4.750.1 3.4 BOTTOM VIEW OPTICAL REFERENCE PLANE 0.550.05 (1.1) 1 4 (2.55) 4.0450.05 1.10.05 12.0 MAX. 6.990.2 2.92 2 3 PIN CONNECTIONS 1.0 1 (CASE) 6.50.5 LD 4- 0.3 2 4 PD 3 1.43 P.C.D 3.8 Life Support Applications These NEC products are not intended for use in life support devices, appliances, or systems where the malfunction of these products can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. The customers of CEL using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify CEL for all damages resulting from such improper use or sale. 02/20/2003 A Business Partner of NEC Compound Semiconductor Devices, Ltd.