Antennas for Wireless M2M Applications 13
Product Specication 12MD-0050-2-PS
GPS RADIONOVA® RF Antenna Module
Part No. M10478
Power Management
Full Power ON mode
In the FULL ON state, the ARM processor in the GSD4e is enabled and clocked and the system is under
software control. This is the operating state during all acquisition and tracking modes. All RF/BB domains are
powered and clocked. However, the software has control of clocks and bias currents, it removes the clocks
and bias currents from digital and RF/analog circuits when these circuits are not in use.
In Hibernate state, only essential areas are powered, RTC, IO, RAMs. Current levels are typically 20μA.
At start-up, the module requires an ON_OFF pulse sent from the host. A second pulse sent from the host will
re-enter hibernate mode. The ON_OFF pulse needs to be the rising edge of a low to high pulse, this needs to
be longer than 90us.
If the host device does not require the hardware selection of hibernate mode, the wakeup pin can be
connected to the ON_OFF pin to automatically wake the module to a full power state.
Trickle Power (TP)
Trickle power enters a duty cycle mode to reduce the average current consumption, but still retaining a high
standard of accuracy and performance from the module. This means being able to still track weak signals
Typically under normal conditions TP mode runs in full power for 100-900ms and provides a x, followed by a
1-10 second interval of a low power standby state. Once in a while (typically every 1800 seconds) the module
will return to Full power mode to update the ephemeris data.
When in TP, if the signal conditions are harsh (below 30dB-Hz) the module will automatically switch to Full
Power mode to improve the navigation performance. When conditions return to normal, the module will
return to TP mode. This results in variable power savings but for a xed output rate, much more reliable
performance. Applications using TP Mode perform similarly to applications using full power, but with
signicant power savings in strong-signal conditions.
Push to Fix (PTF)
Push to x is similar to TP except:
• The time in the OFF state is longer
• It uses the hibernate settings
• It has a typical duty-cycle of about 2 hours
• It is prepared to wake any time in response to an edge on the ON_OFF pin
PTF Mode is for applications that require infrequent position reporting. The GPS generally stays in a low-
power mode, up to 2 hours. Upon wake-up, GPS data is checked for aging validity versus the position update
rate to determine if a refresh of position, time, ephemeris data and RTC calibration is required before the next
Hibernate cycle. The PTF Mode puts the receiver into a background duty-cycle mode that provides a periodic
refresh of position, GPS time, ephemeris and RTC calibration every 10 seconds to 2 hours.