A AMT128503T46F AMT128503T26L 1.25 Gb/s Integrated 850nm MSM - TIA Advanced Product Information - Rev . 4 FEATURES * * * * * * 1.25 Gb/s Differential Output TIA 3.3V Operation Automatic Gain Control 850nm Photodetector with 100 mm x 100 mm Active Area Integrated MSM detector & TIA TO-46 Ultra Flat Window or Ball Lens Package APPLICATIONS * * TO-46F TO-46 Ultra Flat Window Package Gigabit Ethernet (1.250Gb/s) Fibre Channel (1.064 Gb/s) Electrical Characteristics (TA = 25 oC, VDD =+3.3V + 5%) PAR AMETER MIN TYP MAX Wavelength ( ) - 850 - D etector Acti ve Area Small Si gnal D i fferenti al (@ 50 MHz) Responsi vi ty (1) Bandwi dth(1) - 100 - 1000 - - 1000 - 1500 Low Frequency C utoff - 800 - Output Resi stance - 40 - Opti cal Overload (2) 0 - - Opti cal Sensi ti vi ty D i fferenti al Output Voltage (3), (4) TRISE & TFALL (20 - 80%) (3), (4) D uty C ycle D i storti on (3), (5) RMS Ji tter (3), (5), (6) - - 22 700 260 4 15 - 20 - Total Ji tter (pk-pk) (3), (5), (7) - 90 - (2) Supply C urrent Operati ng Voltage Range Operati ng Temperature Range - - 55 + 3.1 +3.3 +3.5 0 - 70 T0-46L TO-46 Ball Lens Package (1) Measured at 14 dBm optical input nm power with output m connected into RL = 100W (differenV/W tial) -10 MHz (2) Measured at 10 7 BER with a 2 -1 kHz PRBS at Ohm 1.25 GB/s dBm (3) Input optical power = -3 dBm, RL = 100 W dB m (differential). mV (4) Measured with a 625 ps MHz, 50% duty cycle % square wave. (5) Measured with a 1.25 ps Gb/s, 27-1 PRBS. ps (6) 1s about the center mA eye crossing. V (7) 6s about the center eye crossing. C U N IT AMT128503T46F AMT128503T46L Absolute Maximum Ratings V DD 7.0 V PIN + 5 dB m TS Storage Temp. - 65 C to 150 C AMT128503 TO-46 Package Pin Description PIN D escription C omment 1 VOUT - TIA Output Voltage (Non- i nverted) Logi al '1' wi th opti cal i nput 2 VDD - Posi ti ve Supply Voltage + 3.3 Volts 3 VOUT - TIA Output Voltage (i nverted) Logi cal '0' wi th opti cal i nput 4 Ground C ase i s grounded V DD 2 4K OUT 1 3 OUT AGC US Patents: 5047728, 5646573 -3 V Charge Pump 6.5 GHz Osc US Patent Pending 4 Figure 1: AMT128503 Equivalent Circuit A 2 AMT128503T46F AMT128503T46L Figure 2: Frequency Response with an Optical Input Power of -17dBm Figure 3: Eye Diagram with an Optical Input Power of -17dBm Figure 4: Eye Diagram with an Optical Input Power of -0.5dBm A 3 AMT128503T46F AMT128503T46L Lightwave Analyzer HP 8702D Optical Attenuator Laser DUT Test Fixture Power Supply Extinction Ratio= 3dB Figure 5: Test Setup for Frequency Response BERT Pulse Pattern Generator Laser Error Detector Hybrid Coupler Optical Attenuator Limiting Amplifier 25 dB Gain DUT Test Fixture Extinction Ratio = 9dB Power Supply Figure 6: Test Setup for Sensitivity A 4 AMT128503T46F AMT128503T46L VDD 0.1uF DUT VOUT 0.1uF V OUT 0.1 uF Figure 7: DUT Test Fixture Schematic V DD 0.1uF 2 4K OUT 1 CF OUT 3 0.1uF RO 0.1uF AGC Charge Pump 6.5 GHz OSC 4 APPLICATION SCHEMATIC A 5 AMT128503T46F AMT128503T46L CF is an optional single pole noise filter CF = 1 2 fcR fc = desired cutoff frequency R = 50 W RO is required with high input resistance limiting amplifiers RO = 100 W EVALUATION BOARD SCHEMATIC V DD 0.1uF 2 4K OUT OUT 1 0.1uF 3 0.1uF VOUT VOUT AGC Charge Pump 6.5 GHz OSC 4 A 6 AMT128503T46F AMT128503T46L EVALUATION BOARD LAYOUT A 7 AMT128503T46F AMT128503T46L T046F PACKAGE OUTLINE DIAGRAM A 8 AMT128503T46F AMT128503T46L T046L PACKAGE OUTLINE DIAGRAM A 9 AMT128503T46F AMT128503T46L NOTES A 10 AMT128503T46F AMT128503T46L NOTES A 11 AMT128503T46F AMT128503T46L A ANADIGICS, Inc. 35 Technology Drive Warren, New Jersey 07059 Tel: (908) 668-5000 Fax: (908) 668-5132 http://www.anadigics.com Mktg@anadigics.com IMPORTANT NOTICE ANADIGICS, Inc. reserves the right to make changes to its products or discontinue any product at any time without notice. The Advanced Product data sheets and product specifications contained in this data sheet are subject to change prior to a products formal introduction. The information in this data sheet has been carefully checked and is assumed to be reliable. However, ANADIGICS assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies. ANADIGICS strongly urges customers to verify that the information they are using is current before placing orders. WARNING ANADIGICS products are not intended for use in life support appliances, devices, or systems. Use of an ANADIGICS product in any such application without written consent is prohibited. A 12