Specifications and information are subject to change without notice
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InGaP HBT Gain Block Product Information
Product Features
x DC – 6000 MHz
x +19.5 dBm P1dB at 900 MHz
x +33 dBm OIP3 at 900 MHz
x 20.5 dB Gain at 900 MHz
x Single Voltage Supply
x Green SOT-86 SMT Package
x Internally matched to 50 :
x Mobile Infrastructure
x Defense / Homeland Security
x Fixed Wireless
Product Description
The AG604-86 is a general-purpose buffer amplifier that
offers high dynamic range in a low-cost surface-mount
package. At 900 MHz, the AG604-86 typically provides
20.5 dB gain, +33 dBm OIP3, and +19.5 dBm P1dB. The
device combines dependable performance with consistent
quality to maintain MTTF values exceeding 100 years at
mounting temperatures of +85 qC & is housed in a SOT-86
(micro-X) industry-standard SMT lead-free/green/RoHS-
compliant package.
The AG604-86 consists of Darlington pair amplifiers using
the high reliability InGaP/GaAs HBT process technology
and only requires DC-blocking capacitors, a bias resistor,
and an inductive RF choke for operation.
The broadband MMIC amplifier can be directly applied to
various current and next generation wireless technologies
such as GPRS, GSM, CDMA, and W-CDMA. In addition,
the AG604-86 will work for other various applications
within the DC to 6 GHz frequency range such as CATV
and fixed wireless.
Functional Diagram
Function Pin No.
Input 1
Output/Bias 3
Ground 2, 4
Specifications (1)
Parameter Units Min Typ Max
Operational Bandwidth MHz DC 6000
Test Frequency MHz 900
Gain dB 20.5
Input Return Loss dB 21
Output Return Loss dB 15
Output IP3 (2) dBm +33.1
Output IP2 dBm +44
Output P1dB dBm +19.4
Noise Figure dB 3.5
Test Frequency MHz 1900
Gain dB 16.1 17.1 18.1
Output IP3 (2) dBm +33.1
Output P1dB dBm +19.2
Device Voltage V 5.16
Device Current mA 75
1. Test conditions: T = 25º C, Supply Voltage = +6 V, Rbias = 11.2
, 50
2. 3OIP measured with two tones at an output power of +2 dBm/tone separated by 10 MHz. The
suppression on the largest IM3 product is used to calculate the 3OIP using a 2:1 rule.
3. The junction temperature ensures a minimum MTTF rating of 1 million hours of usage.
Typical Performance (1)
Parameter Units Typical
Frequency MHz 500 900 1900 2140
S21 dB 21.8 20.5 17.1 16.4
S11 dB -19 -21 -20 -18
S22 dB -19 -15 -12 -12
Output P1dB dBm +19.4 +19.4 +19.2 +19.2
Output IP3 dBm +33.4 +33.1 +33.1 +32.8
Noise Figure dB 3.5 3.5 3.7 3.7
Absolute Maximum Rating
Parameter Rating
Operating Case Temperature -40 to +85 qC
Storage Temperature -55 to +125 qC
DC Voltage +7 V
RF Input Power (continuous) +10 dBm
Junction Temperature +250q C
Operation of this device above any of these parameters may cause permanent damage.
Ordering Information
Part No. Description
AG604-86* InGaP HBT Gain Block
(lead-tin SOT-86 Pkg)
AG604-86G InGaP HBT Gain Block
(lead-free/green/RoHS-compliant SOT-86 Pkg)
AG604-86PCB 700 – 2400 MHz Fully Assembled Eval. Board
* This package is being phased out in favor of the green package type which is backwards compatible for
existing designs. Refer to Product Change Notification WJPCN06MAY05TC1 on the WJ website.
RF Out