VDRM =4.5kV
VRRM =4.5kV
IPULSE = 150 kA
VDcmax =2.8kV
Reverse Blocking Design
For Single or Repetitive Pulse Applications
Very High di/dt Capability
Free Floating Silicon Technology
Glazed Ceramic Presspack Housing
High Interdigitated Gate Structure
Optimized as Discharge Switch
Driver Unit Integrated
Optical Triggering
Electrical Data
VDRM Repetitive peak of-state voltage 4.5 kV Tj = 125°C
VRRM Repetitive reverse blocking voltage 4.5 kV Tj = 125°C
VDC Permanent DC voltage for 100
FIT failure rate 2.8 kV At T j 120 °C. Ambient cosmic
radiation at sea level in open air.
IPULSE Max. Pulse Current 150 kA Half sine wave, Tj 50°C, tp 100 µs
di/dt Max. current r at e of rise 20 kA/µs1 Hz
f Pulse repetition frequency 400 Hz tp = 10 µs, 28 kA, Tc = 60°C
I2t Limiting load integral 1.13 x106A2stp = 100 µs, Tj = 50 °C
VT0 Threshold voltag e 2.72 V Tj = 50°C
2.76 V Tj = 125°C
rTSlope resistance 0.58 mTj = 50°C
0.62 mTj =125°C
VTForward voltage drop 4.46 V IT = 3000A , Tj = 50°C
4.52 V IT = 3000A, Tj = 125°C
tdon Turn- on delay time 0.9 µsLight on 90%, VD 10%
- The trigger pulse length must be at least 50 µs longer than the total main pulse. The device is not able to
switch off current.
- Also available as Reverse Conducting Version (5SPR 26L4506)
ABB Switzerland Ltd reserves the right to change specifications wi thout noti ce
High Current High di/dt Switch
for Pulsed Power Applications
5SPB 36L4506
Cover from Driver Uni t removed
Pulse Power Device 5SPB 36L4506
Input Optical Receiver for trigger HFBR 2412T
Output Optical transmitter for status HFBR 2414T
Supply Power Supply Input 25 k Hz From separat e cur r ent source P.S.
4A With closed loop HV cable
Mechanical Data
min. 36 kN
FMMounting for ce max. 44 kN
DpPole-piece diameter 85 mm
HHousing thickness 29 mm
MWeight 3,0 kg
DSSurface cr eepage distance 33 mm
DaAir strik e dist ance 15 mm
ABB Switzerland Ltd reserves the right to change specifications wi thout noti ce
Pulse Power Device 5SPB 36L4506
Thermal Data
min. - 40 °C
TAAmbient T emp. max. 125 °C
Tvjm Max. Junction Tem per at ure 125 °C
RthJC Thermal resistance junction - case 0.012 K/W (double side cooling )
RthCH Thermal resistance case heatsink 0.003 K/ W (double side cooled)
1) If an electrical trigger signal is offered, ABB can supply an optical interface to convert the electrical signal
into an optical signal.
2) In case devices are stacked in series connection, a light distribution box is available with multiple (up to 12)
optical outputs for simultaneous triggering of the switches.
3) A current source power supply to energize the driver unit, and to isolate the driver unit is available.
ABB Swit zerl and Ltd, Semiconductors
Pulse Power
Fabri kstra sse 3
CH-5600 Lenzburg, Switzerland
Tel.: +41-58-586-1742
Fax: +41-68-586-1310
E-Mail: pulsepower.abbsem@ch.abb.com
Internet: www.abb.com/semiconductors