Hardware Documentation D at a S h e e t (R) HAL 1821...HAL 1823 Linear Hall-Effect Sensor Family in TO92UA Package Edition July 17, 2013 DSH000157_002EN HAL1821...HAL1823 DATA SHEET Copyright, Warranty, and Limitation of Liability The information and data contained in this document are believed to be accurate and reliable. The software and proprietary information contained therein may be protected by copyright, patent, trademark and/or other intellectual property rights of Micronas. All rights not expressly granted remain reserved by Micronas. Micronas Trademarks - HAL Third-Party Trademarks All other brand and product names or company names may be trademarks of their respective companies. Micronas assumes no liability for errors and gives no warranty representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose due to these specifications. By this publication, Micronas does not assume responsibility for patent infringements or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. Commercial conditions, product availability and delivery are exclusively subject to the respective order confirmation. Any information and data which may be provided in the document can and do vary in different applications, and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters must be validated for each customer application by customers' technical experts. Any new issue of this document invalidates previous issues. Micronas reserves the right to review this document and to make changes to the document's content at any time without obligation to notify any person or entity of such revision or changes. For further advice please contact us directly. Do not use our products in life-supporting systems, military, aviation, or aerospace applications! Unless explicitly agreed to otherwise in writing between the parties, Micronas' products are not designed, intended or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implants into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the product could create a situation where personal injury or death could occur. No part of this publication may be reproduced, photocopied, stored on a retrieval system or transmitted without the express written consent of Micronas. 2 July 17, 2013; DSH000157_002EN Micronas HAL1821...HAL1823 DATA SHEET Contents Page Section Title 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. 1.7. 1.8. Introduction Major Applications Features Family Overview Marking Code Operating Junction Temperature Range (TJ) Hall Sensor Package Codes Solderability and Welding Pin Connections and Short Descriptions 6 6 2. 2.1. Functional Description General Function 7 7 11 11 11 12 12 13 13 15 3. 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.4.1. 3.5. 3.6. 3.7. 3.7.1. Specifications Outline Dimensions Dimensions of Sensitive Area Position of Sensitive Areas Absolute Maximum Ratings Storage and Shelf Life Recommended Operating Conditions Characteristics Magnetic Characteristics Definition of Sensitivity Error ES 16 16 16 16 4. 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. Application Notes Ambient Temperature EMC and ESD Application Circuit 17 5. Data Sheet History Micronas July 17, 2013; DSH000157_002EN 3 HAL1821...HAL1823 DATA SHEET Linear Hall-Effect Sensor Family in TO92UA package - operates from 40 C up to 170 C junction temperature Release Note: Revision bars indicate significant changes to the previous edition. - operates from 4.5 V up to 5.5 V supply voltage in specification operates with static magnetic fields and dynamic magnetic fields up to 2.25 kHz 1. Introduction - overvoltage and reverse-voltage protection at VSUP pin The HAL182x is a new family of linear Hall-effect sensors. It is a universal magnetic field sensor with a ratiometric, linear analog output. This sensor family can be used for magnetic field measurements, current measurements and detection of mechanical movements. Very accurate angle measurements or distance measurements can also be done. The sensors are very robust and can be used in harsh environments. The output voltage is proportional to the magnetic flux density through the hall plate. The choppered offset compensation leads to stable magnetic characteristics over supply voltage and temperature. The different family members vary by sensitivity (25 mV/mT, 31.25 mV/mT and 50 mV/mT). The quiescent output voltage (offset) is for all family members 50% of supply voltage. The sensor is designed for automotive and industrial applications and operates in the junction temperature range from -40 C up to 170 C. The HAL182x is available in the very small leaded packages TO92UA-1 and TO92UA-2. - magnetic characteristics extremely robust against mechanical stress - short-circuit protected push-pull output - EMC and ESD optimized design 1.3. Family Overview Type Offset Sensitivity see Page 1821 50% of VSUP 50 mV/mT 13 1822 50% of VSUP 31.25 mV/mT 13 1823 50% of VSUP 25 mV/mT 13 1.4. Marking Code The HAL182x has a marking on the package surface (branded side). This marking includes the name of the sensor and the temperature range. Type 1.1. Major Applications Due to the sensor's robust characteristics, the HAL182x is the optimal system solution for applications such as: - linear position measurements, - angle sensors, Temperature Range A HAL 1821 1821A HAL 1822 1822A HAL 1823 1823A - distance measurements, - magnetic field and current measurement. 1.5. Operating Junction Temperature Range (TJ) 1.2. Features The Hall sensors from Micronas are specified to the chip temperature (junction temperature TJ). - ratiometric linear output proportional to the magnetic field - temperature and stress stable quiescent output voltage A: TJ = 40 C to +170 C The relationship between ambient temperature (TA) and junction temperature is explained in Section 4.1. on page 16. - very accurate sensitivity and offset - customized versions possible - on-chip temperature compensation - active offset compensation 4 July 17, 2013; DSH000157_002EN Micronas HAL1821...HAL1823 DATA SHEET 1.6. Hall Sensor Package Codes 1.8. Pin Connections and Short Descriptions Pin No. Pin Name Short Description Temperature Range: A 1 VSUP Supply Voltage Pin Package: UA for TO92UA-1/2 2 GND Ground Type: 182x 3 OUT Push-Pull Output 4 GND Ground HALXXXPA-T Example: HAL1821UA-A Type: 1821 Package: TO92UA-1/2 Temperature Range: TJ = 40 C to +170 C 1 VDD OUT Hall sensors are available in a wide variety of packaging versions and quantities. For more detailed information, please refer to the brochure: "Hall Sensors: Ordering Codes, Packaging, Handling". 3 2 GND Fig. 1-1: Pin configuration 1.7. Solderability and Welding Soldering During soldering reflow processing and manual reworking, a component body temperature of 260 C should not be exceeded. Welding Device terminals should be compatible with laser and resistance welding. Please note that the success of the welding process is subject to different welding parameters which will vary according to the welding technique used. A very close control of the welding parameters is absolutely necessary in order to reach satisfying results. Micronas, therefore, does not give any implied or express warranty as to the ability to weld the component. Micronas July 17, 2013; DSH000157_002EN 5 HAL1821...HAL1823 DATA SHEET 2. Functional Description Output/Magnetic Field Polarity 2.1. General Function Applying a south-pole magnetic field perpendicular to the branded side of the package will increase the output voltage from the quiescent (offset) voltage towards the supply voltage. A negative magnetic field will decrease the output voltage. The HAL182x is a monolithic integrated circuit which provides an output voltage proportional to the magnetic flux through the Hall plate and proportional to the supply voltage (ratiometric behavior). The external magnetic field component perpendicular to the branded side of the package generates a Hall voltage. The Hall IC is sensitive to magnetic north and south polarity. This voltage is amplified and stabilized by a push-pull output transistor stage. Internal temperature compensation circuitry and the choppered offset compensation enables operation over the full temperature range with minimal degradation in accuracy and offset. The circuitry also rejects offset shifts due to mechanical stress from the package. In addition, the sensor IC is equipped with devices for overvoltage and reverse-voltage protection at supply pin. In addition HAL182x features an internal error detection. The following error modes can be detected: - Over-/underflow in adder or multiplier - Over-/underflow in A/D converter - Overtemperature detection In case of an over-underflow error the sensors output will be forced to the lower error band. The error band is defined by VDIAG (see Section 3.6. on page 13). In case of overtemperature detection, the output is set to high impedance. VSUP Internally stabilized Supply and Protection Devices Switched Hall Plate Temperature Dependent Bias Oscillator A/D Converter Digital Signal Processing Undervoltage Detection 50 D/A Converter Analog Output Protection Devices OUT Calibration Control GND Fig. 2-1: HAL182x block diagram 6 July 17, 2013; DSH000157_002EN Micronas HAL1821...HAL1823 DATA SHEET 3. Specifications 3.1. Outline Dimensions A2 A3 E1 A4 Bd F1 D1 y Center of sensitive area F3 F2 3 L1 2 L 1 e c 4 b physical dimensions do not include moldflash. 0 5 mm 2.5 solderability is guaranteed between end of pin and distance F1. scale Sn-thickness might be reduced by mechanical handling. A4, y= these dimensions are different for each sensor type and is specified in the data sheet. min/max of D1 are specified in the datasheet. UNIT A2 A3 b Bd c D1 e E1 F1 F2 F3 L L1 4 mm 1.55 1.45 0.7 0.42 0.2 0.36 3.05 2.54 4.11 4.01 1.2 0.8 0.60 0.42 4.0 2.0 15.5 min 15.0 min 45 JEDEC STANDARD ANSI ISSUE ITEM NO. - - ISSUE DATE YY-MM-DD DRAWING-NO. ZG-NO. 09-06-09 06616.0001.4 ZG001016_Ver.06 Fig. 3-1: TO92UA-1: Plastic Transistor Standard UA package, 3 leads, spread Weight approximately 0.106 g Micronas July 17, 2013; DSH000157_002EN 7 HAL1821...HAL1823 DATA SHEET A2 A3 E1 A4 Bd F1 D1 y Center of sensitive area 1 2 3 L F2 e b 4 c physical dimensions do not include moldflash. 2.5 0 solderability is guaranteed between end of pin and distance F1. 5 mm scale Sn-thickness might be reduced by mechanical handling. A4, y= these dimensions are different for each sensor type and is specified in the data sheet. min/max of D1 are specified in the datasheet. UNIT A2 A3 b Bd c D1 e E1 F1 F2 L 4 mm 1.55 1.45 0.7 0.42 0.2 0.36 3.05 1.27 4.11 4.01 1.2 0.8 0.60 0.42 15.5 min 45 JEDEC STANDARD ANSI ISSUE ITEM NO. - - ISSUE DATE YY-MM-DD DRAWING-NO. ZG-NO. 09-06-05 06612.0001.4 ZG001012_Ver.07 Fig. 3-2: TO92UA-2: Plastic Transistor Standard UA package, 3 leads, not spread Weight approximately 0.106 g 8 July 17, 2013; DSH000157_002EN Micronas HAL1821...HAL1823 DATA SHEET Fig. 3-3: TO92UA/UT: Dimensions ammopack inline, spread Micronas July 17, 2013; DSH000157_002EN 9 HAL1821...HAL1823 DATA SHEET Fig. 3-4: TO92UA/UT: Dimensions ammopack inline, not spread 10 July 17, 2013; DSH000157_002EN Micronas HAL1821...HAL1823 DATA SHEET 3.2. Dimensions of Sensitive Area 0.2 mm x 0.1 mm 3.3. Position of Sensitive Areas TO92UA-1/-2 y 1.0 mm nominal A4 0.4 mm nominal D1 3.05 0.05 mm H1 min. 21 mm max. 23.1 mm 3.4. Absolute Maximum Ratings Stresses beyond those listed in the "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only. Functional operation of the device at these conditions is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods will affect device reliability. This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs and outputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields; however, it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than absolute maximum-rated voltages to this circuit. All voltages listed are referenced to ground (GND). Symbol Parameter Pin No. Min. Max. Unit Condition VSUP Supply Voltage 1 8.5 14.4 15 8.5 14.4 16 V t < 96 h, not additive t < 10 min. t < 1 min. not additive VOUT Output Voltage 3 0.51) 0.51) 0.51) 8.5 14.4 16 V t < 96 h t < 10 min. t < 1 min. not additive VOUT VSUP Excess of Output Voltage over Supply Voltage 1,3 0.5 V IOUT Continuous Output Current 3 5 5 mA tSh Output Short Circuit Duration 3 10 min TJ Junction Temperature under Bias 40 190 C VESD ESD Protection3) 4.0 4.0 kV 1,2,3 2) internal protection resistor = 50 for 96h - Please contact Micronas for other temperature requirements AEC-Q100-002 (100 pF and 1.5 k 1) 2) 3) Micronas July 17, 2013; DSH000157_002EN 11 HAL1821...HAL1823 DATA SHEET 3.4.1. Storage and Shelf Life The permissible storage time (shelf life) of the sensors is unlimited, provided the sensors are stored at a maximum of 30 C and a maximum of 85% relative humidity. At these conditions, no Dry Pack is required. Solderability is guaranteed for two years from the date code on the package. 3.5. Recommended Operating Conditions Functional operation of the device beyond those indicated in the "Recommended Operating Conditions/Characteristics" is not implied and may result in unpredictable behavior of the device and may reduce reliability and lifetime. All voltages listed are referenced to ground (GND). Symbol Parameter Pin No. Min. Typ. Max. Unit VSUP Supply Voltage 1 4.5 5 5.5 V IOUT Continuous Output Current 3 1.0 1.0 mA RL Load Resistor 3 5.5 10 k CL Load Capacitance 3 0.33 10 47 nF TJ Junction Operating Temperature 1) 40 40 40 125 150 170 C C C 1) 12 Remarks for 8000 hrs for 2000 hrs for 1000 hrs Time values are not additive Depends on the temperature profile of the application. Please contact Micronas for life time calculations. July 17, 2013; DSH000157_002EN Micronas HAL1821...HAL1823 DATA SHEET 3.6. Characteristics at TJ = 40 C to +170 C (for temperature type A), VSUP = 4.5 V to 5.5 V, GND = 0 V, at Recommended Operation Conditions if not otherwise specified in the column "Conditions". Typical Characteristics for TJ = 25 C and VSUP = 5 V. Symbol Parameter Pin No. Min. Typ. Max. Unit Conditions ISUP Supply Current over Temperature Range 1 7 10 mA Resolution 3 10 Bit INL Non-Linearity of Output Voltage over Temperature 3 1.0 0 1.0 % ER Ratiometric Error of Output over Temperature (Error in VOUT / VSUP) 3 1.0 0 1.0 % VOQ Output Quiescent Voltage 3 2.425 2.5 2.575 V B = 0 mT, TJ = 25 C, IOUT = 1 mA VOUTH Output High Voltage 3 4.7 4.9 V VSUP = 5 V, IOUT = 1 mA2) VOUTL Output Low Voltage 3 0.1 0.3 V VSUP= 5 V, IOUT = 1 mA2) tr(O) Response Time of Output3) 3 0.5 1 ms CL = 10 nF, time from 10% to 90% of final output voltage for a step like signal Bstep from 0 mT to Bmax tPOD Power-Up Time (Time to reach stabilized Output Voltage)3) 1 1.5 ms CL = 10 nF, 90% of VOUT BW Small Signal Bandwidth ( 3 dB)3) 3 2.25 2.5 kHz BAC < 10 mT VOUTn Output RMS Noise3) 3 2.6 5 mV B = 5 to 95% of Bmax ROUT Output Resistance over Recommended Operating Range3) 3 60 VOUTLmax VOUT VOUTHmin VPORLH Power-On Reset Level from VSUPLow to VSUPHigh 1 3.9 4.35 4.5 V VPORHL Power-On Reset Level from VSUPHigh to VSUPLow 1 3.8 4.2 4.4 V VPORHYS Power-On Hysteresis 1 0.1 0.175 0.3 V VDIAG Output Voltage in case of Error Detection 3 0 300 mV % of supply voltage1) TO92UA Package Thermal Resistance Rthja Rthjc junction to air junction to case Measured with a 1s0p board 250 70 K/W K/W 1) if more than 50% of the selected magnetic field range are used and VOUT is between 0.3 V and 4.7 V 2) Linear output range 3) Guaranteed by design 3.7. Magnetic Characteristics Micronas July 17, 2013; DSH000157_002EN 13 HAL1821...HAL1823 DATA SHEET at Recommended Operating Conditions if not otherwise specified in the column 'Test Conditions', TJ =40 C to +170 C (for temperature type A), VSUP = 4.5 V to 5.5 V. Typical Characteristics for TA = 25 C and VSUP = 5 V. Symbol Parameter Values Pin No. Min. Typ. Max. Unit Test Conditions Sens Sensitivity 3 47.5 30.0 24.0 50.0 31.25 25.0 52.5 32.5 26.0 mV/mT HAL1821; TJ = 25C HAL1822; TJ = 25C HAL1823; TJ = 25C ES Sensitivity Error over Temperature Range 3 6 9 11 0 0 0 6 9 11 % HAL1821 HAL1822 HAL1823 SensLife Sensitivity Drift (beside temperature drift)1) 2 % TJ = 25C; after temperature cycling and over life time BOFFSET Magnetic offset 3 1.4 2.3 2.8 0 0 0 1.4 2.3 2.8 mT HAL1821 HAL1822 HAL1823 B = 0 mT, TA = 25 C BOFFSET Magnetic offset drift over Temperature Range 3 950 950 1015 0 0 0 950 950 1015 T HAL1821 HAL1822 HAL1823 B = 0 mT 3 20 0 20 T Range = 40 mT BOFFSET(T) BOFFSET (25 C) BHysteresis 1) 14 Magnetic Hysteresis1) Guaranteed by design July 17, 2013; DSH000157_002EN Micronas HAL1821...HAL1823 DATA SHEET ideal 200 ppm/k 1.03 relative sensitivity related to 25 C value least-square-fit straight-line of normalized measured data measurement example of real sensor, normalized to achieve a value of 1 of its least-square-fit straight-line at 25 C 1.02 1.01 1.001 1.00 0.993 0.99 0.98 -50 -25 -10 0 25 50 75 100 temperature [C] 125 150 175 Fig. 3-5: Definition of Sensitivity Error ES. 3.7.1. Definition of Sensitivity Error ES ES is the maximum of the absolute value of 1 minus the quotient of the normalized measured value1) over the normalized ideal linear2) value: ES = max abs meas ------------ - 1 ideal In the example shown in Fig. 3-5 the maximum error occurs at 10 C: ES = 1.001 ------------- - 1 = 0.8% 0.993 Tmin, Tmax 1) normalized to achieve a least-square-fit straight-line that has a value of 1 at 25 C 2) normalized to achieve a value of 1 at 25 C Micronas July 17, 2013; DSH000157_002EN 15 HAL1821...HAL1823 DATA SHEET 4. Application Notes 4.3. Application Circuit 4.1. Ambient Temperature For EMC protection, it is recommended to connect one ceramic 47 nF capacitor between ground and output voltage pin as well as 100 nF between supply and ground. Due to the internal power dissipation, the temperature on the silicon chip (junction temperature TJ) is higher than the temperature outside the package (ambient temperature TA). VSUP TJ = TA + T At static conditions and continuous operation, the following equation applies: OUT HAL182x T = ISUP * VSUP * RthjX 100 nF The X represents junction to air or to case. 47 nF For worst case calculation, use the max. parameters for ISUP and RthjX, and the max. value for VSUP from the application. GND Fig. 4-1: Recommended application circuit The following example shows the result for junction to air conditions. VSUP = 5.5 V, Rthja = 250 K/W and IDD = 10 mA the temperature difference T = 13.75 K. The junction temperature TJ is specified. The maximum ambient temperature TAmax can be calculated as: TAmax = TJmax T 4.2. EMC and ESD The HAL182x is designed for a stabilized 5 V supply. Interferences and disturbances conducted along the 12 V onboard system (product standard ISO 7637 part 1) are not relevant for these applications. For applications with disturbances by capacitive or inductive coupling on the supply line or radiated disturbances, the application circuit shown in Fig. 4-1 is recommended. Applications with this arrangement should pass the EMC tests according to the product standards ISO 7637 part 3 (Electrical transient transmission by capacitive or inductive coupling) and part 4 (Radiated disturbances). 16 July 17, 2013; DSH000157_002EN Micronas HAL1821...HAL1823 DATA SHEET 5. Data Sheet History 1. Advance Information: "HAL1821...HAL1823, Linear Hall-Effect Sensors Family", July 1, 2009, AI000148_001EN. First release of the advance information. 2. Advance Information: "HAL1821...HAL1823, Linear Hall-Effect Sensors Family", April 28, 2010, AI000148_002EN. Second release of the advance information. Major changes: Electrical characteristics 3. Data Sheet: "HAL1821...HAL1823, Linear HallEffect Sensors Family", May 6, 2011, DSH000157_001EN. First release of the data sheet. 4. Data Sheet: "HAL1821...HAL1823, Linear HallEffect Sensor Family in TO92UA package", July 17, 2013, DSH000157_002EN. Second release of the data sheet. Major changes: * Temperature range "K" removed * Characteristics: Power-On Hysteresis VPORHYS max. value changed * SOT89 package type removed * Package drawings updated Micronas GmbH Hans-Bunte-Strasse 19 D-79108 Freiburg P.O. Box 840 D-79008 Freiburg, Germany Tel. +49-761-517-0 Fax +49-761-517-2174 E-mail: docservice@micronas.com Internet: www.micronas.com 17 July 17, 2013; DSH000157_002EN Micronas