APR 97
(8) One-hundred percent test at 25°C (group A, subgroups 1 and 7). Vm = 5.9 V with loose timing, apply PDA. For device
types 03 - 08, the virgin state of the device must be verified.
(9) Perform remaining final electrical subgroups and group A testing.
(10) For device types 01, 02, erase devices may be submitted for groups B, C, and D at this time.
(11) For device types 01, 02, verify erasure (see 3.11.3). Steps 1 through 4 are performed at wafer level.
4.2.2 Additional criteria for device classes N, Q, and V.
a. The burn-in test duration, test condition and test temperature, or approved alternatives shall be as specified in the
device manufacturer's QM plan in accordance with MIL-PRF-38535. The burn-in test circuit shall be maintained under
document revision level control of the device manufacturer's Technology Review Board (TRB) in accordance with
MIL-PRF-38535 and shall be made available to the acquiring or preparing activity upon request. The test circuit shall
specify the inputs, outputs, biases, and power dissipation, as applicable, in accordance with the intent specified in
method 1015 of MIL-STD-883.
b. Interim and final electrical test parameters shall be as specified in table II herein.
c. Additional screening for device class V beyond the requirements of device class Q shall be as specified in
MIL-PRF-38535, appendix B.
4.3 Qualification inspection for device classes N, Q, and V. Qualification inspection for device classes N, Q, and V shall be in
accordance with MIL-PRF-38535. Inspections to be performed shall be those specified in MIL-PRF-38535 and herein for groups
A, B, C, D, and E inspections (see 4.4.1 through 4.4.4).
4.4 Conformance inspection. Technology conformance inspection for classes N, Q, and V shall be in accordance with
MIL-PRF-38535 including groups A, B, C, D, and E inspections and as specified herein. Quality conformance inspection for
device class M shall be in accordance with MIL-PRF-38535, appendix A and as specified herein. Inspections to be performed
for device class M shall be those specified in method 5005 of MIL-STD-883 and herein for groups A, B, C, D, and E inspections
(see 4.4.1 through 4.4.4).
4.4.1 Group A inspection.
a. Tests shall be as specified in table II herein.
b. For device class M, subgroups 7 and 8 tests shall be sufficient to verify the truth table. For device classes N, Q, and V,
subgroups 7 and 8 shall include verifying the functionality of the device.
c. Subgroup 4 (CIO measurement) shall be measured only for the initial test and after process or design changes which
may affect capacitance. A minimum sample size of 5 devices with zero rejects shall be required.
d. All devices selected for testing shall have the EPROM programmed with a checkerboard pattern or equivalent. After
completion of all testing, the devices shall be erased and verified (except devices submitted for groups C and D
e. The device types 03 - 08 shall be tested for programmability and AC performance compliance to the requirements of
group A, subgroups 9, 10, 11. Either of the two techniques is acceptable.
(1) Testing the entire lot using additional built in test circuitry which allows the manufacturer to verify programmability
and AC performance without programming user array. If this is done, the resulting test patterns shall be verified
on all devices during subgroups 9, 10, 11, group A testing per the sampling plan specified in MIL-STD-883,
method 5005.
(2) If such compliance cannot be tested on an unprogrammed device, a sample shall be selected to satisfy
programmability requirements prior to performing subgroups 9, 10, 11. Twelve devices shall be submitted to
programming. If more than 2 devices fail to program, the lot shall be rejected. At the manufacturer's option, the
sample may be increased to 24 total devices with no more than 4 total device failures allowable. (Ten devices
from the programmability sample shall be submitted to the requirements of group A, subgroups 9, 10, 11. If
more than 2 total devices fail, the lot shall be rejected. At the manufacturer's option, the sample may be
increased to 20 total devices with no more than 4 total device failures allowable.)