Qualification Test
Report 501-586
26Feb09 Re v F
LightCrimp* Plus Singlemode and Multimode LC
Connector (Field Installable)
©2009 Tyco Electronics Corporation
Harrisburg , PA
All International Rights Reserved
* Trademark
| Indicates change 1 of 15
1.1. Purpose
Te s ting w as p e r f o rme d o n Tyco Ele c tr o nic s L ig h tCrimp * P lu s L C, s in g le mo d e a n d mu ltimo d e , f ib e r o p tic
connectors to determ ine their conform ance to the requirem ents of Tyco Electronics Product
| Spe cific ation 10 8-218 9, Revision E, which meets the O ptical Fiber C abling C ompone nts Standa rd
1.2. Scope
This report covers the optical, environm ental, and m echanical perform ance of LightCrim p Plus LC,
singlem ode and m ultimode, fiber optic connectors, m anufactured by T yco Electronics, Fiber Optics
| Business Unit. Testing was performed between 17Jun04 and 09O ct07 on standard PC product
| term inated to 900 :m tight-buffered fiber, between 02Feb09 and 03Feb09 on APC digital product and
| between 20Sep06 and 14Nov06 for standard PC product terminated to 2.0 m m jacketed cable. T he test
| file num bers for this testing are B049702-005, B072038-003, K414-008, and B108822-002.
1.3. Conclusion
| LightCrimp Plus LC singlemode standard PC fiber optic connectors, term inated to 900 :m tight-buffered
fiber, m eet or exceed the optical, environmental, and mechanical perform ance requirem ents of Tyco
| E lec tro n ics P ro du c t Sp e c ifica tion 1 0 8-2 1 8 9 , R ev ision E , an d the O p tica l Fib er Ca b ling Co mpo n en ts
Standard ANSI/TIA-568-C .3.
| LightCrimp Plus LC singlemode APC digital fiber optic connectors term inated to 900 :m tight-buffered
| fiber m eet the optical perform ance requirem ents of Product Specification 108-2189, Revision E, and the
| Optical Fiber C abling Com ponents Standard ANSI/TIA-568-C.3. Environmental and m echanical
| performance a re as sumed to be q ualified by similarity to the LightCrim p P lus LC singlem od e s tandard
| PC co nnec tor.
| LightCrimp Plus LC singlemode standard PC fiber optic connectors, term inated to 2.0 mm jacketed
cable, m eet or exceed the optical, environm ental, and m echanical perform ance requirem ents of T yco
| E lec tro n ics P ro du c t Sp e c ifica tion 1 0 8-2 1 8 9 , R ev ision E , an d the O p tica l Fib er Ca b ling Co mpo n en ts
Standard ANSI/TIA-568-C .3, when two simplex connectors are fastened together to form a duplex
LightCrim p Plus LC m ultim ode fiber optic connectors, listed in paragraph 1.5, meet the optical
| perform ance requirem ents of Product Specification 108-2189, Revision E, and the O ptical Fiber Cabling
Components Standard ANSI/TIA-568-C .3, when terminated to 900 :m tight-buffered fiber or 2.0 mm
jac k e te d c a ble . En v iron men tal a nd mec h a nic al pe rf orma n ce is a s s ume d to be q ua lified by similarity to
the singlem od e LightC rimp Plus LC co nn ector.
LightCrim p Plus LC XG fiber optic connectors, term inated to 900 :m tight-buffered fiber or 2.0 m m
| jacketed cable, are assum ed to be qualified to Product Specification 108-2189, R evision E, and the
O ptical Fiber Cabling Com ponents Standard AN SI/T IA-568-C.3 by sim ilarity to LightCrimp Plus LC
m ultimode 50/125 :m connectors.