Interconnect Solutions
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3M™ Pak 10 Boardmount Plug
1 mm Right Angle, Through-Hole PK10M Series
"RoHS compliant" mea ns that the product or part does not contain any of the following substances in exce ss of the following maximum con centration values
in any homogeneous material, unless the substance is in an application that is exempt under RoHS: (a) 0.1% (by weight) for lead, mercury, hexavalent
chromium, polybrominated biphe nyls or po lybrominate d dip henyl e thers; o r (b) 0.01% (by weight) for cadmium. Unle ss o therwise s tate d by 3M in writing,
this information represents 3M's knowledge and belief based upon information provided by third party suppliers to 3M.
Material: Glass Filled LCP
Flammability: UL 94V-0
Color: Black
Signal Contact: Copper Alloy
Power Contact: Copper Alloy
Retention Clips: Copper Alloy
Contact Plating
Underplating: 120 µ" [ 3.0 µm ] Nickel
Wiping Area: 4 μ″ [ 0.10 μm ] min. Gold
Solder Tails: Tin Alloy or Gold Flash (RoHS compliant)
Retention Clip Plating: Tin Copper over 120 µ" [ 3.0 µm ] Nickel
Marking: Polarity Identification Triangle, Lot Number, Standoff Indicator Code
Current Rating: 0.5 A per Signal Contact, 5 A Power Contact
Insulation Resistance: 1 × 103 MΩ min at 250 VDC
Withstanding Voltage: 300 VAC for 1 minute
Temperature Rating: -55°C to +85°C
Process Rating: Maximum 260°C
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Date Modified: January 9, 2007
• 1 mm pitch connector system
• Four mating heights available
• Available power contacts rated at 5A
• Available frame ground connection through
surfacemount retention clips
• Keyed design helps prevent mating
• RoHS compliant* version (DA plating suffix)