Dual-Output, 1MHz DC-DC Boost Converter
for PCMCIA Applications
______________________________________________________________________________________ 11
Adjustable Auxiliary SMPS
The auxiliary output is adjustable from 5V to 15V; two
external resistors set the output voltage. The auxiliary
SMPS is similar to the main SMPS, but it does not have
an undervoltage-lockout comparator, and requires an
external power MOSFET (see
Typical Operating Circuit
Design Procedure for Main and Auxiliary SMPS
The 5V SMPS undervoltage-lockout circuit overrides the
ONA input until the 5V main SMPS (VMAIN) output reach-
es about 4V. This feature ensures that the external auxil-
iary SMPS MOSFET has sufficient gate-drive voltage.
The adjustable output voltage can be increased to 30V
or higher (Figure 9). However, such high output volt-
ages cause the inductor current to become discontinu-
ous, consequently reducing the load-current capability.
Voltage Reference
The MAX624’s internal 2.00V reference is powered from
the VIN input. The reference is kept alive in all modes
(needed for reset function) and must be bypassed with
a 0.1µF capacitor to GND for low-noise operation. No
external load current is allowed.
Control Scheme
A unique pulse-frequency-modulation (PFM) control
scheme, with adjustable on-time/off-time circuitry and
current limit, is a key feature of both the main SMPS regu-
lator and the auxiliary SMPS converter. The PFM scheme
combines the advantages of pulse-width modulation
(high output power and efficiency) with those of a tradi-
tional pulse-skipper (ultra-low quiescent currents). The
on-time is calculated from the input voltage, and the off-
time is calculated from VOUT - VIN. The off-time is divided
by two so that the inductor current can ramp into continu-
ous conduction. Switch on-times are adjusted down at
high input voltages in order to minimize output ripple.
Use the following formulas to calculate tON and tOFF:
tON = K / VIN
tOFF = 0.5 x K / (VOUT + 0.6V - VIN)
Nominally, K = 1.3µs-V for the main SMPS, and K =
2.2µs-V for the auxiliary SMPS. The K (design constant)
scale factor that sets the switching frequency also sets
the peak inductor current to control no-load output rip-
ple at low input-to-output differentials (e.g., VIN = 5V,
VOUT = 5V).
The PFM’s high switching frequency (1MHz) helps
reduce external component size. When the peak current
limit is reached, the MOSFET switch turns off for at least
the off-time set by the one-shot. When the comparator
monitoring the output voltage is less than the desired
value, it starts another cycle by turning the switch on.
Surge Prevention
Surge prevention is accomplished by slowly high-side
driving an N-channel switch. The gate is driven by an
on-chip charge pump that triples the input voltage. This
charge pump is powered from the input voltage and
runs continuously. The reset trip voltage is set to 2.8V to
guarantee that the surge-prevention MOSFET can be
turned on under worst-case low input voltage condi-
tions. Otherwise, the card would go out of reset even
though the supply voltage is unavailable.
Design Procedure for
__________Main and Auxiliary SMPS
Output Filter Capacitor Selection
The output filter capacitor should have the minimum pos-
sible ESR for low ripple, and the minimum possible value
for smallest physical size (i.e., ceramic). Larger sizes can
be used for lower cost (i.e., tantalum). The output ripple
is the sum of two components, due to CFand ESR.
To select the filter capacitor value, follow the steps below:
1) Select the maximum ripple you can tolerate (e.g.,
2) Calculate the value of CF, using the formula below:
2 x K x ILOAD
CF(in F) > —————————————
where K is a design constant. Use the worst-case
value from the
Electrical Characteristics
3) Calculate the output capacitor’s required ESR, using
the formula below.
ESR (in Ω) < —————————————
4 x ILOAD (VOUT + 0.5V - VIN)
For example: For the 5V main SMPS with K = 1.7µs-V,
ILOAD = 200mA, VOUT = 5V, VIN = 3.3V, and maximum
tolerable ripple = 80mVp-p, assume VRIPPLEC = 60mV
and VRIPPLEESR = 20mV. Calculate CF> 5µF with ESR
< 37mΩ.
Inductor Selection
Select the inductor value to optimize one of the following:
• High Load Currents: Higher inductor values give higher
load currents, since the inductor operates in deep con-
tinuous conduction.
• Small Physical Size: Lower inductor values result in
lower energy storage requirements, hence smaller
physical size. The filter capacitor can also be smaller,
since the inductor current can ramp up faster when the
load is suddenly increased.