The TLI4970 is a highly accurate current sensor based on Infineon’s well established Hall
technology. The coreless concept allows significant miniaturization compared to exi -
sting products. It is a fully digital solution, easy to use, no need for external calibration.
Additionally a separate interface pin (OCD) provides a fast output signal in case the
current measured by the sensor exceeds a pre-defined threshold. The small QFN-like
package allows standard SMD assembly.
Product Highlights
AC & DC measurement range up to ±50A
Highly accurate over temperature range and lifetime (max. 1.0% (0 h),
1.6% (over lifetime) of indicated value)
Low oset error (max. 75mA over temperature and lifetime)
High magnetic stray field suppression
Fast over current detection with configurable threshold
Galvanic isolation up to 2.5kV max. rated isolation voltage (UL1577)
16-bit digital SPI output (13-bit current value)
Small 7.0 x 7.0 mm SMD package
The TLI4970 provides superior accuracy compared to existing open or closed loop systems
with magnetic cores. It has additional functionality such as over current detection, zero
crossing detection and programmable filters, but oers a significantly smaller footprint
and power consumption.
The TLI4970 is suitable for AC and DC current measurement applications like photovoltaic-
and general purpose inverters, Power Supplies (SMPS), battery chargers, lighting appli-
cations, electrical drives, and many more. With its implemented magnetic interference
suppression, it is extremely robust when exposed to external magnetic fields. It is also
suitable for fast over current detection with a configurable threshold level. This allows the
control unit to switch o and protect the aected system from damage, independently
of the main measurement path.
Galvanic isolated, measurement
Coreless solution, hysteresis free
Inherent suppression of stray
magnetic field
13-bit current resolution
Update rate: 80kSPS
Galvanic isolation up to 2.5kV
Adjustable LP filter (≤ 18kHz)
Fast over current detection
(typ. 1.8µs) with configurable
threshold levels
Suitable for industrial and
consumer applications
Plug and play solution –
no external calibration needed
Long-term stability of output signal
Digital Interface
3 wire SPI
Digital OCD pin
Leadless package (QFN-like)
Size in mm: 7.0 x 7.0 x 1.0 (L, W, H)
Weight: 0.2g
SMD mounting
Product Brief
TLI4970 – Current Sensor Family
Miniature Magnetic Digital Current Sensor ±50A (AC/DC), up to ±1%, Digital SPI Interface
Sensor Features
Product Brief
Block Diagram TLI4970
Product Summary
Supply, Biasing,
Reset, Oscillator,
DSP Digital IF
Fast Overcurrent Detection (open-drain)
Separation SCLK
Product Name Description Primary Current Range Max. Accuracy Error1) Order Code
TLI4970-D050T4 Qualified according to industrial standards:
For use in industrial and consumer applications
50A ±1.6 SP000917088
TLI4970-D050T5 50A ±3.5 Upcoming
TLI4970-D025T4 25A ±1.6 Upcoming
TLI4970-D025T5 25A ±3.5 Upcoming
TLE4970-D050T4 Qualified according AEC for automotive applications 50A ±1.6 On request
TLE4970-D025T4 25A ±1.6 Upcoming
1) Accuracy error includes temperature and lifetime dris
TLI4970 – Current Sensor Family
Miniature Magnetic Digital Current Sensor ±50A (AC/DC), up to ±1%, Digital SPI Interface
Published by
Infineon Technologies AG
85579 Neubiberg, Germany
© 2014 Infineon Technologies AG.
All Rights Reserved.
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Order Number: B142-I0071-V1-7600-EU-EC-P
Date: 12 / 2014
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sustain and/or protect human life. If they fail, it is reasonable
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be endangered.
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