Description Min Typ Max Unit
Frequency Range 0.5 125 MHz
Overall Stability (+/-) 10 100 ppm
Supply Voltage 3.3 5 V
Operating Temperature Range 0~70 -55~125 Deg C
Capacitive Load on Output 15 50 pF
TTL Load on Output 1 10 TTL
Supply Current:
5V 0.5-23.9MHz 20 mA
5V 24-49.9MHz 30 mA
5V 50-69.9MHz 40 mA
5V 70-125MHz 60 mA
3.3V 0.5-23.9MHz 15 mA
3.3V 24-49.9MHz 20 mA
3.3V 50-69.9MHz 30 mA
3.3V 70-125MHz 45 mA Pin Assignments Tri-State Voltages
Output Voltage : Pin 1 N/C (1200) or Tri-State (1210) N.C Output Active
High (5Vdd) 4.5 V Pin 4 Ground >2.2V Output Active
High (3.3Vdd) 2.4 V Pin 5 Output <0.8V Output Disabled
Low (5Vdd) 0.5 V Pin 8 +V DC (Pin 1 has internal pull up resistor to allow
Low (3.3Vdd
0.5 V it to float High)
Symmetry 40:60 45:55 48:52 %
Jitter 1 pS AEL12
Rise/Fall time (frequency dependant) 1 8 10 nS Pin 1: 0=N.C., 1=E/D
Start up Time 10 mS Supply voltage: 0=5V, 3=3.3V
Stability* (+/-ppm): C=100, B=50, A=25
Temperature range: S=0~+70, I=-40~+85C, M=-55+125C
Part Number
Stock Number
Issue Date
Issue Number
Options and How to Specify
12-Series General Oscillator Specifications
e.g. AEL1210BS 40MHz = E/D, 5V, +/-50ppm, 0~+70C, 40MHz
AEL Crystals Ltd. Reserve the right to amend specifications without notification. Please ensure you have the latest issue
AEL 12-series oscillator
Contact Sales Office
Contact Sales Office
*please contact our Sales Office for further options
Module "D", Airtech II
Jenner Road, Manor Royal
Crawley RH10 9GA
Not to be reproduced without permission of AEL Crystals Ltd