The efficiency is the ratio between the output
power and the power supply
The maximum theoretical value is reached when
V p e ak = Vcc, so
■Decoupli ng of t he c i rcuit
T wo c apacitors are needed to bypass properl y the
TS419/TS421. A power supply bypass capacitor
CS and a bias voltage bypass capacitor C B.
CS has particular influence on the THD+N in the
high frequency region (above 7kHz) and an
indirect inf l uence on power supply disturbances.
With 1µF, you can expect similar THD+N
performances to those shown in the datasheet.
In the high frequency region, if CS is lower than
1µF, it increases THD+ N a nd disturbances on the
power suppl y rail are less filter ed.
On t he ot her h and, if CS i s highe r tha n 1µF, those
disturbances on the power supply rail are more
CB has an influence on THD+N at lower
frequencies, but its function is critical to the final
result of PSRR (with input grounded and in the
lower frequency region).
If CB i s lower than 1µF, THD+N increases at lower
frequenc ies and PSRR worsens.
If CB is hig her than 1µF, the benefit on T HD+N at
lower frequencies is small, but the benefit to PSRR
is substanti al.
Note that CIN has a non-negligible effect on PSRR
at lower frequencies. The lower the value of CIN,
the higher the PSRR.
■Wake-up Time: TWU
When standby is released to put the device ON,
the bypass capacitor CB will not be charged
immediatly. As CB is di re ctly linked to the bias of
the amplifier, the bias will not work properly until
the CB voltage is correct. The time to reach this
voltage is called wake-up time or TWU and typically
equal to :
TWU=0.15xCB (s) with CB in µF .
Due to process tolerances, the range of the
wake-up time is :
0.12xCb < TWU < 0. 18xCB (s) with CB in µF
Note : When the standby command is set, the time
to put the device in shutdown mode is a few
■Pop performance
Pop performance is intimately linked with the size
of the input capacitor Cin and the bias voltage
byp ass capacitor CB.
The size of CIN is dependen t on the l ower cut-off
frequency and PSRR va lues requested. The size
of CB is depend ent on THD+N and PSRR values
reques ted at lower frequencies.
Moreover, CB determines the speed with which the
amplifier turns ON. The slower the speed is, the
softer the turn ON noise is.
The charge time of CB is directly proportional to
the internal generator resistance 150kΩ..
Then, the charge time constant for CB is
τB = 150kΩxCB (s)
As CB is directly connected to the non-inverting
input (pin 2 & 3) and if we want to minimize, in
amplitude and durat i on, the output spike on Vout1
(pin 5), CIN must be cha rg ed faster than CB. The
equivalent charge ti me cons tant of CIN is:
τIN = (Rin+R feed)xCIN (s)
Thus we hav e the relation:
τIN < τB (s )
Proper respect of this relation allows to minimize
the pop noise.
Remark : Minimizing CIN and CB benefits both the
pop phenomena, and the cost and size of the
■Appl ication : Differential i nputs BTL power
The schem atic on figure 98, shows how to design
the TS419 /21 to work in a differential input mode.
The gain of the amplifier is:
In order to reach optimal
performanc es of the differential function, R1 and
R2 should be matched at 1% max.
2G =