16 LEMO USA Inc. P.O. Box 2408 Rohnert Park CA 94927-2408 Phone (707) 578 88 11 Fax (707) 578 08 69 lemous@lemousa.com
Model Description
Fixed receptacle
Elbow receptacle
Fixed coupler
Watertight or vacuum-tight models Threaded-fixing models
Fixed receptaclesFixed plug Straight plugs
CFF Bridge plug with two non-latching plugs
CRG Bridge plug with two non-latching plugs,
and monitoring receptacle and key (G)
or keys (A…M)
EBG Fixed receptacle, nut fixing, round flange,
key (G) or keys (A…L and R),
screw fixing (back panel mounting)
ECG Fixed receptacle with two nuts, key (G) or
keys (A…M and R) (back panel mounting)
ECG Fixed receptacle with two nuts, key (G)
or keys (A…F and R) and straight contact
for printed circuit (back panel mounting)
ECG Fixed receptacle with two nuts, key (G)
or keys (A…F) with elbow (90°) contact
for printed circuit (back panel mounting)
EEG Fixed receptacle, nut fixing, key (G) or
keys (A…M and R) (back panel mounting)
EFG Fixed receptacle, nut fixing, key (G) or
keys (A…M), with two flats on the shell
and O-ring (back panel mounting)
EGG Fixed receptacle, nut fixing, key (G)
or keys (A…M and R)
EHG Fixed receptacle, nut fixing, key (G) or
keys (A…M and R), and protruding shell
EJG Fixed receptacle, press or adhesive fit,
key (G) or keys (A…M)
EKG Fixed receptacle, nut fixing, key (G)
or keys (A…L and R), special alignment
mark on the front
EMG Fixed receptacle, nut fixing, microswitch,
key (G) or keys (A…L)
EMG Fixed receptacle, with two nuts, micros-
witch, key (G) or keys (A…L)
ENG Fixed receptacle with grounding tab, nut
fixing, with key (G) or keys (A…M)
ENG Fixed receptacle with grounding tab,
nut fixing, key (G or J), PEEK outer shell
ENY Fixed receptacle with grounding tab, nut
fixing, keys (Y), PSU or PPSU outer shell
EPG Elbow (90°) receptacle for printed circuit,
key (G) or keys (A…F) (solder or screw
ESG Fixed receptacle with two round nuts, key
(G) or keys (A…L), long threaded shell
(back panel mounting)
EXG Elbow (90°) receptacle for printed circuit
with two nuts, key (G) or keys (A…F)
(solder or screw fixing)
EYG Fixed receptacle for printed circuit, nut
fixing, key (G) or keys (A…F)
(back panel mounting)
EZG Straight receptacle for printed circuit,
key (G) or keys (A…F)
FAG Fixed plug, non-latching, nut fixing,
key (G) or keys (A…M and R)
FBG Fixed plug, nut fixing, round flange,
key (G) or keys (A…L and R), screw fixing
FCG Straight plug, key (G) or keys (A…L and
R), cable collet and safety locking ring
FDG Straight plug, long version, key (G)
or keys (A…L), cable collet
FEG Straight plug, key (G) or keys
(A…L), cable collet, front seal
and nut for fitting a bend relief
FFG Straight plug, non-latching, key (G)
or keys (A…M), cable collet
FGG Straight plug, key (G) or keys
(A…M and R), cable collet
FGG Straight plug, key (G) or keys (A…M),
cable collet and nut for fitting a bend relief
FGG Straight plug, key (G or J), cable collet,
PEEK outer shell
FGY Straight plug, keys (Y), cable collet
and PSU or PPSU outer shell
FGY Straight plug, keys (Y), cable collet
and PSU or PPSU outer shell
and nut for fitting a bend relief
FHG Elbow (90°) plug, key (G) or keys
(A…M and R), cable collet
FIG Straight plug for remote handling,
key (G) or keys (A…L and R),
special alignment mark, knurled handling
surface, cable collet
FKG Elbow (90°) plug for remote handling,
key (G) or keys (A…L), special alignment
mark, knurled handling surface,
cable collet
FMG Elbow (90°) plug, key (G) or keys (A…M),
cable collet and lanyard release
FNG Straight plug, key (G) or keys (A…M and
R), cable collet and lanyard release
FTG Straight plug, key (G)
and two parallel receptacles
FYG Straight plug, conical shell, key (G)
or keys (A…M), cable collet
FVB Straight plug, keys (B), threaded-fixing
for special cable crimping
FVG Straight plug, key (G) or keys (A, B),
cable collet, threaded-fixing
FWG Fixed plug, nut fixing, key (G)
or keys (A…L)
FZG Straight plug for remote handling,
key (G) or keys (A…L and R), cable collet
HCG Fixed receptacle, nut fixing, key (G)
or keys (A…M), watertight
or vacuum-tight (back panel mounting)
HEG Fixed receptacle, nut fixing,
key (G) or keys (A…M), or vacuum-tight
(back panel mounting)
HGG Fixed receptacle, nut fixing, key (G) or keys
(A…M and R), watertight or vacuum-tight
HHG Fixed receptacle, nut fixing, key (G) or
keys (A…M), watertight or vacuum-tight
HMG Fixed receptacle with grounding tab, nut
fixing, key (G) or keys (A…M), watertight
or vacuum-tight (back panel mounting)
HNG Fixed receptacle, nut fixing, with groun-
ding tab, key (G) or keys (A…M),
watertight or vacuum-tight
PEG Fixed receptacle, nut fixing,
key (G) or keys (A…L), cable collet
(back panel mounting)
PFG Fixed receptacle, with two nuts, key (G)
or keys (A…M and R), cable collet
(back panel mounting)
PHG Free receptacle, key (G) or keys
(A…M and R), cable collet
PHG Free receptacle, key (G) or keys
(A…M), cable collet and nut
for fitting a bend relief
PKG Fixed receptacle, nut fixing, key (G)
or keys (A…M and R), cable collet
PNG Free receptacle, nut fixing, key (G)
or keys (A…L and R), cable collet
with lanyard release
R●● Fixed coupler, nut fixing, key (G)
or keys (A and J) at the flange end and
keys (J, K or M) at the other end
S●● Fixed coupler, nut fixing, key (G)
or keys (A, B, J, K and L)
at the flange end and key (G) or keys
(A, B, J, K and L) at the other end,
watertight or vacuum-tight
XBG Elbow (90°) receptacle fixing nut
for printed circuit, key (G) or keys (A, B)
(back panel mounting)
XPF Fixed receptacle, nut fixing, long shell,
keys (F) for printed circuit
(back panel mounting)
XRB Elbow (90°) receptacle fixing nut
for printed circuit, keys (B), short shell,
threaded-fixing (back panel mounting)
YHG Fixed plug, nut fixing, non-latching,
key (G) or keys (A…M)