Test Condit ions: (V
= ±12V , Tamb = 0 to 70°C , Sing le amplifi er in normal condition ( PWDN0 = 1, PWDN1 = 1),
unless otherwise specified). The limits listed below are guaranted in the above temperature range (0-70°C) by
specific testing at different temperature or by product characterisation.
Notes: 1. The output stage of the STLC60133N is designed for ma ximum load c urrent capa bility. As a result, sho rting the o utput to common
can cause the STLC60133N to source or sink 1.4A.
2. Guaranteed by product cha racter i zation.
Symbol Para mete r Test Cond ition Mi n. Typ. Max. Unit
SR Slew Rate G = 6, Vout = 2Vpp 400 V/us
GBW Gain Bandwidth G = 6, Vout = 2Vpp, f = 5MHz 90 140 MHz
THD Single ended Distortion G = 6, f = 1MHz, Vout = 12Vpp,
Rl = 16.5Ω
Rl = 100Ω-47
-52 dBc
DTHD Differential THD (2) G = 6, f = 1MHz, Vout = 24Vpp,
Rl = 33Ω
Rl = 100Ω-50
-55 dBc
IMD Single ended IMD G = 6, Vout = 3Vp each tone,
f = 500KHz, ∆f = 10KHz
Rl = 16.5Ω
Rl = 100Ω-70
-75 dBc
DIMD Differential IMD (2) G = 6, Vout = 6Vp each tone,
f = 500KHz, ∆f = 10KHz
Rl = 33Ω
Rl = 100Ω-66
-72 dBc
IB Input Biasing 5 µA
OZ Output Impedance PWDN0 = PWDN1 = 0; f = 1MHz 2 Ω
VN Voltage Noise (RTI) f = 30KHz 4 10 nV/
IOV Input Offset Voltage 6mV
ICMR Input Common Mode Voltage
Range f = 1 MHz -1 +1 V
CMRR Common Mode Rejection Ratio f = 1 MHz, Vin = 100mV 40 dB
OVS Output Voltage Swing Single ended, Rl = 100Ω, G = 6 -11 +11 V
LOC Linear Output Current Single ended, Rl = 10Ω, G = 6 400 600 mA
SCC Short Circuit Current (1) Single ended 1000 1400 mA
QC Quiescent Current PWDN1, PWDN0 = 1,1
PWDN1, PWDN0 = 1,0
PWDN1, PWDN0 = 0,1
PWDN1, PWDN0 = 0,0
SC Shutdown Current 75µA out of Bias pin 1.5 2.0 mA/Amp
PSRR Power Supply Rejection ratio f = 500kHz, V = 100mV 30 dB
BIASV Bias Pin Voltage 10 10.5 V
DCG DC Gain 80 dB