Table 85. Configuration Bit Stream Sizes for Intel Arria 10 Devices
Use this table to estimate the file size before design compilation. Different configuration file formats, such as a hexadecimal file (.hex) or tabular text file (.ttf)
format, have different file sizes.
For the different types of configuration file and file sizes, refer to the Intel Quartus Prime software. However, for a specific version of the Intel Quartus Prime
software, any design targeted for the same device has the same uncompressed configuration file size.
I/O configuration shift register (IOCSR) is a long shift register that facilitates the device I/O peripheral settings. The IOCSR bit stream is part of the uncompressed
configuration bit stream, and it is specifically for the Configuration via Protocol (CvP) feature.
Uncompressed configuration bit stream sizes are subject to change for improvements and optimizations in the configuration algorithm.
Variant Product Line Uncompressed Configuration Bit
Stream Size (bits)
IOCSR Bit Stream Size (bits) Recommended EPCQ-L Serial Configuration
Intel Arria 10 GX GX 160 91,729,632 2,507,264 EPCQ-L256 or higher density
GX 220 91,729,632 2,507,264 EPCQ-L256 or higher density
GX 270 132,638,432 2,507,264 EPCQ-L256 or higher density
GX 320 132,638,432 2,507,264 EPCQ-L256 or higher density
GX 480 189,710,176 2,695,680 EPCQ-L256 or higher density
GX 570 252,959,072 2,884,096 EPCQ-L256 or higher density
GX 660 252,959,072 2,884,096 EPCQ-L256 or higher density
GX 900 351,292,512 2,756,096 EPCQ-L512 or higher density
GX 1150 351,292,512 2,756,096 EPCQ-L512 or higher density
Intel Arria 10 GT GT 900 351,292,512 2,756,096 EPCQ-L512 or higher density
GT 1150 351,292,512 2,756,096 EPCQ-L512 or higher density
Intel Arria 10 SX SX 160 91,729,632 2,507,264 EPCQ-L256 or higher density
SX 220 91,729,632 2,507,264 EPCQ-L256 or higher density
SX 270 132,638,432 2,507,264 EPCQ-L256 or higher density
SX 320 132,638,432 2,507,264 EPCQ-L256 or higher density
Intel® Arria® 10 Device Datasheet
A10-DATASHEET | 2018.11.29
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