FTLF1621S1xCL 2x10 Pin SFF Product Specification – November 2005 F i n i s a r
Finisar Corporation March 2006 Rev A Page 3
II. Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Notes
Maximum Supply Voltage Vcc -0.5 4.5 V
Storage Temperature TS -40 85 °C
Case Operating Temperature TOP -10 70 °C
Relative Humidity RH 0 85 % 1
Lead Soldering Temperature/Time 260/10 °C/s
III. Electrical Characteristics (TOP = -10 to 70 °C, VCC = 3.00 to 3.60 Volts)
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Notes
Supply Voltage Vcc 3.00 3.60 V
Supply Current Icc 270 340 mA
Input differential impedance Rin 100 Ω 2
Single ended data input swing Vin,pp 250 1200 mV
Transmit Disable Voltage VD Vcc – 1.3 Vcc V
Transmit Enable Voltage VEN Vee Vee+ 0.8 V 3
Transmit Disable Assert Time 10 us
Single ended data output swing Vout,pp 300 400 800 mV 4
Data output rise time tr 100 175 ps 5
Data output fall time tf 100 175 ps 5
SD Assert VSD assert Vcc – 0.5 Vcc V 6
SD De-Assert VSD deassert Vee Vee+0.5 V 6
Power Supply Rejection PSR 100 mVpp 7
Total Generated Receiver Jitter
(peak to peak) JRXp-p 0.07 UI 8
Total Generated Receiver Jitter
(rms) JRXrms 0.007 UI 8
1. Non condensing.
2. AC coupled.
3. Or open circuit.
4. Into 100 ohms differential termination.
5. 20 – 80 %
6. Signal Detect is LVTTL. Logic 0 indicates normal operation; logic 1 indicates no signal detected.
7. All transceiver specifications are compliant with a power supply sinusoidal modulation of 20 Hz to 1.5
MHz up to specified value applied through the power supply filtering network shown on page 23 of the
Small Form-factor Pluggable (SFP) Transceiver MultiSource Agreement (MSA)2, September 14, 2000.
8. Parameters per GR-2532 section 5.6 for OC-48B.