4-88 Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are in millimeters Dimensions are shown for USA: 1-800-522-6752 South America: 55-11-3611-1514
Revised 12-04 and inches unless otherwise reference purposes only. Canada: 1-905-470-4425 Japan: 81-44-900-5102
specified. Values in brackets Specifications subject Mexico: 01-800-733-8926 Singapore: 65-4866-151
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QFT (Continued)
Property Performance Test method
Tensile strength 10 MPa (1500psi) minimum ISO 37
Ultimate elongation 250% minimum ISO 37
Longitudinal change 0 to 20% maximum ISO 1183
Physical Specific gravity 1.4 maximum ISO 1183
Heat aging Minimum 200% ultimate elongation ISO 188
168 hours at 120°C [248°F] Tensile Strength 10 MPa min. ISO 37
Heat shock No cracking, dripping or flowing ASTM D 2671
4hours at 105°C
Electrical Dielectric strength 8MV/m minimum IEC 243-1
Fluid resistance 1 (24 +/- 2h immersion at 23C+/- 2C) ISO 1817
Engine Oil (SAE 20W/50) —
Hydraulic Fluid
Tensile Strength 10 MPa minimum ISO 37
Ultimate Elongation 200% minimum —
Fluid resistance 2 (30 +/- 3m immersion at 23C+/- 2C) ISO 1817
Chemical Automotive gasoline (BS 4040) —
Diesel fuel (BS 2869) —
Cleaning fluid (TL 6850-07) —
Antifreeze (Ethylene Glycol/Water 50/50 v/v) —
Engine cleaning fluid (Gunk)
Tensile strength 10 MPa minimum ISO 37
Ultimate elongation 200% minimum —
Color Standard Black (-0)
Code 0
Standard 10 pieces per bag, 30 clips
Packaging Bulk pack 500 pieces per box and 500 clips per bag
(clips ordered separately)
-contact Tyco Electronics for details
Crimp tool QFT-Crimp-Tool-Manual (069172-000) —
*Available in bulk pack, part number QFT3-130/42-0-B500 (US and UK).
Typical QFT Performance
Ordering Information
Part Numbering System
Product name
QFT3 - 130/42 - 0*