AOZ5166QI-01 High-Current, High-Performance DrMOS Power Module General Description Features The AOZ5166QI-01 is a high efficiency synchronous buck power stage module consisting of two asymmetrical MOSFETs and an integrated driver. The MOSFETs are individually optimized for operation in the synchronous buck configuration. The High-Side (HS) MOSFET has low capacitance and gate charge for fast switching with low duty cycle operation. The Low-Side (LS) MOSFET has ultra low RDS(ON) to minimize conduction losses. Fully complies with Intel DrMOS Rev 4.0 specifications The AOZ5166QI-01 is intended for use with 3V (CMOS) and Tri-state input compatibility by using both the PWM and DISB# inputs for accurate control of the power MOSFET's switching activities. Single pin control for diode A number of features are provided making the AOZ5166QI-01 a highly versatile power module. The boot supply diode is integrated in the driver. The LS MOSFET can be driven into diode emulation mode to provide asynchronous operation when required. The pinout is optimized for low parasitics, keeping their effects to the minimum. Applications 4.5V to 18V input voltage range 4.5V to 5.5V driver supply range Up to 60A output current Up to 1MHz PWM operation 3V PWM / Tri-state input compatible Under-voltage lockout protection Emulation / CCM operation 6mm x 6mm QFN-40L package Servers VRMs for Motherboards Point-of-Load DC/DC Converters Memory and Graphic Cards Video Gaming Consoles Typical Application Circuit AOZ5166QI-01 +12V VIN CVIN SMOD BOOT CBOOT DISB# Drive Logic and Delay Controller PWM VSWH L VOUT THDN COUT CGND PGND VCIN CGND +5V Rev. 1.0 March 2016 VDRV CVCIN PGND CDRV Page 1 of 17 AOZ5166QI-01 Ordering Information Part Number Ambient Temperature Range Package Environmental AOZ5166QI-01 -40C to +85C 6x6 QFN-40L Green Product AOS Green Products use reduced levels of Halogens, and are also RoHS compliant. Please visit for additional information. VIN 11 VIN 12 VIN VIN VIN VSWH GH CGND BOOT VDRV VCIN SMOD Pin Configuration 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 40 PWM 39 DISB# CGND VIN VIN 13 38 THDN VIN 14 37 CGND VSWH 15 36 GL PGND 16 35 VSWH PGND 17 34 VSWH PGND 18 33 VSWH PGND 19 32 VSWH PGND 20 31 VSWH PGND 27 28 29 31 VSWH PGND 26 VSWH PGND 25 PGND 24 PGND 23 PGND 22 PGND 21 PGND VSWH 6x6 QFN-40 (Top View) Rev. 1.0 March 2016 Page 2 of 17 AOZ5166QI-01 Pin Description Pin Number Pin Name Pin Function 1 SMOD Pull Low to Enable Discontinuous Mode of Operation (DCM), Diode Emulation or Skip Mode 2 VCIN Control Supply Voltage Input (5V) for all MOSFET Driver Control functions.(NOT a LS MOSFET Gate Driver Supply Rail - see VDRV pin). Place a 1F capacitor to CGND (Pin 5). 3 VDRV Power Supply Voltage Rail (5V) for the BOOT capacitor charging diode and LS MOSFET Driver. Nominal 5V. 4 BOOT HS MOSFET Gate Driver Supply Rail (5V Nominal). Mount a 100nF ceramic capacitor across this pin and the VSWH pin at Pin 7. 5, 37 CGND Control or analog ground for return of control signals and bypass capacitors. Attached to exposed pad in the driver section Pins 5 & 37. 6 GH Gate of the HS MOSFET. Used for module testing during production. No user connections. 7 VSWH HS MOSFET Gate Driver Return Rail. A 100nF ceramic capacitor is mounted to this pin and the BOOT pin. 8 ~ 14 VIN Power input to the switching MOSFETs. Connected to the HS MOSFET drain pad. 15 VSWH Switching or the phase node pin. Not for power connections. 16 ~ 28 PGND Power Ground Return Rail for the LS MOSFET Driver. A 1F ceramic capacitor is connected between this pin and VDRV (Pin 3). 29 ~ 35 VSWH High Current Switching terminal of both the HS and LS MOSFETs. Pins to the internal circuitry for Zero Cross Detect, Boost UVLO and Anti-Overlap Control. 36 GL 38 THDN Active Low. Thermal Monitor. Open drain outputs a Flag signal to the controller when a thermal fault has occurred. 39 DISB# Enable pin for all MOSFET Driver functionality. When pulled low, the GH and GL outputs will be pulled low leaving the VSWH node floating. 40 PWM PWM input signal from the controller IC. This input can accept zero to 5V logic and Tri-state logic levels. Rev. 1.0 March 2016 LS MOSFET Gate. Used for module testing during production. No user connections. Page 3 of 17 AOZ5166QI-01 Functional Block Diagram VCIN BOOT VIN VDRV REF/BIAS UVLO SMOD PSKIP/ZCD Enable VBST UVLO EN Diode DISB# Control Logic Sequencing and Propagation Delay Bank HS Gate Driver 40k HS Output Check UVLO EN LS Min ON PWM/ Tri-State Logic Level Translator Driver Logic LS PWM GH VSWH HS ENABLE UVLO EN VSWH BST UVLO ZCD 2mV PWM Tri-State Irev LS Check Tri-State Clamps Warning VDRV UVLO EN UVLO EN LS Gate Driver THDN Thermal Monitor Thermal Monitor OTP UVLO VSWH GL 40k PGND Temp Fault PGND Rev. 1.0 March 2016 Page 4 of 17 AOZ5166QI-01 Absolute Maximum Ratings Recommended Operating Conditions Exceeding the Absolute Maximum ratings may damage the device. The device is not guaranteed to operate beyond the Maximum Recommended Operating Conditions. Parameter Rating Supply Voltage (VIN) Parameter -0.3V to 25V Switch Node Voltage (VSWH) (1) -8V to 30V (2) -0.3V to 35V Bootstrap Voltage (VBOOT) VBOOT Voltage Transient (1) 40V VCIN Supply Voltage to CGND (DC) -0.3V to 6.5V VCIN and Gate Drive Voltages {VCIN, VDRV, (VBOOT - VSWH)}(1) -0.3V to 7V (Transient) Control Inputs (PWM, SMOD, DISB#) Rating Supply Voltage (VIN) 4.5V to 18V Supply and Gate Drive Voltages {VCIN, VDRV, (VBOOT - VSWH)} 4.5V to 5.5V Control Inputs (PWM, SMOD, DISB#) 0V to VCIN - 0.3V Operating Frequency 200kHz to 1MHz -0.3V to VCIN +0.3V Storage Temperature (TS) -65C to +150C Junction Temperature (TJ) +150C (3) 2kV ESD Rating Notes: 1. Peak voltages can be applied for 25nS per switching cycle. 2. Switching node Absolute Maximum Rating. 3. Devices are inherently ESD sensitive, handling precautions are required. Human body model rating: 1.5k in series with 100pF. Electrical Characteristics(3) TA = 25C, VIN = 12V, VCIN = VDRV = 5V unless otherwise specified. Symbol VIN Parameter Operating Voltage RJA (4) Thermal Resistance Min. Typ. 4.5 VDRV Tied to VCIN VCIN RJC(4) Conditions PCB Temp = 100C 4.5 Max. Units 18 V 5.5 V 5.0 C / W 50 C / W INPUT SUPPLY AND UVLO VCINON VCINHYST Undervoltage Lockout VCIN Rising 3.5 VCIN Hyst 600 mV 1 A DISB# = 0, VCIN = 5V (Shutdown) IVCIN IVDRV Control Circuit Bias Current Drive Circuit Operating Current Rev. 1.0 March 2016 3.8 V SMOD = High, DISB# = High, VPWM = 0V (No Switching) 400 SMOD = Low, DISB# = High, VPWM = 0V (No Switching) 400 A SMOD = Low, DISB# = High, VPWM = 1.5V (Tri-State, No Switching) 300 A DISB# = High, VPWM = 300kHz 22 mA DISB# = High, VPWM = 1MHz 72 mA Page 5 of 17 AOZ5166QI-01 Electrical Characteristics(3) (Continued) TA = 25C, VIN = 12V, VCIN = VDRV = 5V unless otherwise specified. Symbol Parameter Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units PWM INPUT VPWMH PWM Input High Threshold VPWM Rising, VCIN = 5V 2.2 VPWML PWM Input Low Threshold VPWM Falling, VCIN = 5V IPWM PWM Pin Input Current Source or Sink, VPWM = 0V to 3V VTRIH PWM Input Tri State Threshold Window VCIN = 5V -40C < Temp < +85C 1.35 Outputs Enable Threshold VCIN = 5V 2.0 VDISBOFF Outputs Disable Threshold VCIN = 5V RDISB DISB# Pin Input Resistance V 0.8 30 V A 1.65 V DISB# INPUT VDISBON V 0.8 1000 V k SMOD INPUT SMOD Enable Threshold VCIN = 5V VSMODL SMOD Disable Threshold VCIN = 5V RSMOD SMOD Pin Input Resistance VSMODH 2.0 V 0.8 V 1000 k 26 ns GATE DRIVER TIMINGS tPDLU PWM to HS Gate PWM H L, GH H L tPDLL PWM to LS Gate PWM L H, GL H L 18 ns tPDHU LS to HS Gate Deadtime GL H L, GH L H 12 ns tPDHL HS to LS Gate Deadtime VHWH H L, GL L H 13 ns tTSSHD Tri State Shutdown Delay 155 ns tTSEXIT Tri State Propagation Delay 18 ns THERMAL SHUTDOWN TJTHDN Junction Thermal Threshold 150 C TJHYST Junction Thermal Hysteresis 30 C VTHDNL THDN Pin Output Low 60 mV RTHDNL THDN Pull Down Resistance 60 Notes: 3. All voltages are specified with respect to the corresponding GND pin. 4. Characterisation value. Not tested in production. Rev. 1.0 March 2016 Page 6 of 17 AOZ5166QI-01 Timing Diagrams PWM 2.2V 0.8V tPDHL tPDLL GL 10% tPDLU GH tPDHU VSWH 1V Figure 1. PWM Logic Input Timing Diagram PWM 2.2V tTSSHD 0.8V tTSSHD tTSSHD 0.8V tTSSHD GL 10% tTSEXIT tTSEXIT tTSEXIT tTSEXIT GH - VSWH Figure 2. PWM Tri-State Input Logic Timing Diagram Rev. 1.0 March 2016 Page 7 of 17 AOZ5166QI-01 Typical Performance Characteristics TA = 25C, VIN = 12V, VOUT = 1.8V, VCIN = VDRV = 5V unless otherwise specified. Fig 3. Efficiency vs. Load Current Fig 4. Power Loss vs. Load Current 95 20 94 18 93 16 92 Power Loss (W) Efficiency (%) 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 14 12 10 8 6 84 4 83 82 F = 600kHz 2 81 0 80 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 Load Current (A) Load Current (A) Fig 5. Supply Current (IDRV) vs. Temperature Fig 6. PWM Input Threshold vs. Temperature 118 2.25 112 2.10 106 PWM Logic High to Tri-State Threshold 1.5MHz 1.95 94 PWM Threshold (V) Supply Current (mA) 100 88 82 76 70 1MHz 64 58 800kHz 52 1.80 1.65 Tri-State Window (300mV) 1.50 1.35 1.20 1.05 PWM Tri-State to Logic High Threshold 46 40 0.90 600kHz 0.75 34 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 -40 140 -20 0 20 Temperature (C) 40 60 80 100 120 140 Temperature (C) Fig 7. PWM Logic Threshold vs. Temperature Fig 8. UVLO (VCIN) vs. Temperature 2.15 3.50 3.45 2.00 3.40 PWM Logic High Threshold UVLO High 3.35 UVLO Threshold (V) PWM Threshold (V) 1.85 1.70 1.55 1.40 1.25 PWM Logic Low Threshold 3.30 3.25 3.20 3.15 3.10 3.05 3.00 1.10 UVLO Low 2.95 0.95 2.90 0.80 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 2.85 -40 Temperature (C) Rev. 1.0 March 2016 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Temperature (C) Page 8 of 17 AOZ5166QI-01 Typical Performance Characteristics (Continued) TA = 25C, VIN = 12V, VOUT = 1.8V, VCIN = VDRV = 5V unless otherwise specified. Fig 9. DISB# Threshold vs. Temperature 1.70 1.65 DISB# Threshold (V) 1.60 Enable Threshold 1.55 1.50 1.45 1.40 Disable Threshold 1.35 1.30 1.25 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Temperature (C) Rev. 1.0 March 2016 Page 9 of 17 AOZ5166QI-01 Application Information AOZ5166QI-01 is a fully integrated power module designed to work over an input voltage range of 4.5V to 18V with a separate 5V supply for gate drive and internal control circuits. A number of desirable features makes AOZ5166QI-01 a highly versatile power module. The MOSFETs are individually optimized for efficient operation on either HS or LS switches in a low duty cycle synchronous buck converter. A high current driver is also integrated in the package that minimizes the gate drive loop and results in extremely fast switching. The modules are fully compatible with Intel DrMOS specification Rev 4.0 in form fit and function. Powering the Module and the Gate Drives An external supply VDRV of 5V is required for driving the MOSFETs. The MOSFETs are designed with low gate thresholds so that lower drive voltage can be used to reduce the switching and drive losses without compromising the conduction losses. The control logic supply VCIN can be derived from the gate drive supply VDRV through an RC filter to bypass the switching noise. See Figure 11 for recommended gate drive supply connections. The gate driver is capable of supplying several amperes of peak current into the Low Side MOSFET to achieve extremely fast switching. A ceramic bypass capacitor of 1F or higher is recommended from VDRV to CGND. The boost supply for driving the HS MOSFET is generated by connecting a small capacitor between BOOT pin and the switching node VSWH. It is recommended that this capacitor CBOOT be connected as close as possible to the device across Pins 4 and 7. Boost diode is integrated into the package. RBOOT is an optional resistor used by designers to slow down the turn on speed of the HS MOSFET. Typical values between 1 to 5 is a compromise between the need to keep both the switching time and VSWH node spikes as low as possible. signal may lead to a number of undesirable consequences as explained below. In general it should be noted that AOZ5166QI-01 is a combination of two MOSFETs with an Intel DrMOS specification Rev 4.0 compliant driver, all of which are optimized for switching at the highest efficiency. Other than UVLO and thermal monitor, it does not have any current monitoring or protection response functions built in. The PWM controller should be designed in to perform these functions under all possible operating and transient conditions. Outputs can also be turned off through the DISB# pin. When this input is grounded the drivers are disabled and held active low. The module is in standby mode with low quiescent current of less than 1A. IMPORTANT: If the DISB# is used, it is necessary to ensure proper coordination with soft start and enable features of the external PWM controller in the system. Every time AOZ5166QI-01 is disabled through DISB# there will be no output and the external controller may enter into open loop and put out a PWM signal with maximum duty ratio possible. If the AOZ5166QI-01 is reenabled by taking DISB# high, there will be in-rush currents while the output voltage ramps up that may drive the system into current limit. There may be undesirable consequences such as inductor saturation, overloading of the input or even catastrophic failure of the device. It is recommended that the PWM controller be disabled when AOZ5166QI-01 is disabled or non operational because of UVLO. The PWM controller should always be enabled employing soft start to minimize stresses on the converter. In general it should be noted that AOZ5166QI-01 is a combination of two MOSFETs and MOSFET Drivers, all of which are optimized for switching at the highest efficiency. The PWM controller should be designed in to perform these functions under all possible operating and transient conditions. Undervoltage Lockout and Enable Input Voltage VIN VCIN is monitored for UVLO conditions and both outputs are actively held low unless adequate gate supply is available. The under-voltage lockout is set at 3.5V with 550mV of hysteresis. Since the PWM control signals are provided typically from an external controller or a digital processor extra care must be taken during start up. AOZ5166QI-01 is rated to operate over a wide input range of 4.5V to 18V. As with any other synchronous buck converter, large pulse currents at high frequency and extremely high di/dt rates will be drawn by the module during normal operation. It is strongly recommended to bypass the input supply (VIN) very close to package leads with X7R or X5R quality surface mount ceramic capacitors. Since the PWM control signals are provided typically from an external controller or a digital processor, extra care must be taken during start up. It should be ensured that PWM signal goes through a proper soft start sequence to minimize in-rush current through the converter during start up. Powering the module with a full duty cycle PWM Rev. 1.0 March 2016 The HS MOSFET in AOZ5166QI-01 is optimized for fast switching with low duty ratios. It has low gate charges (QT) that have been achieved as a trade off with higher RDS(ON) value. When the module is operated at low VIN Page 10 of 17 AOZ5166QI-01 the duty ratio will be higher and conduction losses in the HS MOSFET will also be correspondingly higher. This will be compensated to some extent by reduced switching losses. The total power loss in the module may appear to be low even though in reality the HS MOSFET losses may be disproportionately high. Since the two MOSFETs have their own exposed pads and PCB copper areas for heat dissipation, the HS MOSFET may be much hotter than the LS MOSFET. It is recommended that worst case junction temperature be measured and ensured to be within safe limits when the module is operated with high duty ratios. Table 2. Control Logic Truth Table DISB# SMOD PWM GH GL L X X L L H L H H L H L L L H H L L L L H X Tri State L L H H H H L H H L L H Note: Diode emulation mode is activated when SMOD pin is held low. PWM Input AOZ5166QI-01 is offered to be interfaced with 3V (CMOS) PWM logic. Refer to Figure 1 for timing and propagation delays diagram between PWM input and the MOSFET Gate drives. The PWM is also a tri-state compatible input. When the input is high impedance or unconnected both the gate drives will turn off and the MOSFET gates are held actively low. The PWM Threshold Table (below) lists the thresholds for high and low level transitions as well as tri- state operation window. As shown in Figure 2, there is a hold off delay between the corresponding PWM tristate signal and the output gate drive being pulled low. This delay is typically 155ns and intended to prevent spurious triggering caused by tri-state mode entrance. Table 1. PWM Input and Tri State Thresholds Thresholds VPWMH VPWML VTRIH VTRIL AOZ5166QI-01 2.2V 0.8V 1.35V 1.65V Note: See Figure 2 for propagation delays and tri state window. Diode Mode Emulation of Low Side MOSFET (SMOD) AOZ5166QI-01 can be operated in the diode emulation or skip mode using the SMOD pin. This is useful if the converter has to operate in asynchronous mode during start up, light load or under pre bias conditions. If SMOD is taken high, the controller will use the PWM signal as reference and generate both the HS and LS complementary gate drive outputs with minimal antioverlap delays necessary to avoid cross conduction. When the pin is taken low the HS MOSFET drive is not affected but diode emulation mode is activated for the LS MOSFET. See Table 2 for all possible logic inputs and corresponding output drive conditions. Rev. 1.0 March 2016 Gate Drives AOZ5166QI-01 has an internal high current high speed driver that generates the floating gate drive for the HS MOSFET and a complementary drive for the LS MOSFET. Propagation delays between transitions of the PWM waveform and corresponding gate drives are kept to the minimum. An internal shoot through protection scheme ensures that neither MOSFET turns on while the other one is still conducting, thereby preventing shoot through condition of the input current. When the PWM signal makes a transition from H to L or L to H, the corresponding gate drive GH or GL begins to turn off. The adaptive timing circuit monitors the falling edge of the gate voltage and when the level goes below 1V, the complementary gate driver is turned on. The dead time between the two switches is minimized, at the same time preventing cross conduction across the input bus. The adaptive circuit also monitors the switching node VSWH and ensures that transition from one MOSFET to another always takes place without cross conduction, even under transient and abnormal conditions of operation. The gate pins GH and GL are brought out on Pins 6 and 36, respectively. However these connections are not made directly to MOSFET gate pads and their voltage measurement may not reflect the actual gate voltage applied inside the package. The gate connections are primarily for functional tests during manufacturing and no connections should be made to them in the application. Thermal Shutdown The module temperature is internally sensed and an alarm is asserted if it exceeds 150C. The alarm is reset when the temperature cools down to 120C. The THDN is an open drain pin that is pulled to CGND to indicate an over-temperature condition. It may be pulled up to VCIN through a resistor for monitoring purposes. The AOZ5166QI-01 device will not power down during the over temperature condition. Page 11 of 17 AOZ5166QI-01 PCB Layout Guidelines AOZ5166QI-01 is a high current module rated for operation up to 1MHz. This requires fast switching speeds to keep the switching losses and device temperatures within limits. Having a robust gate driver integrated in the package eliminates driver-to-MOSFET gate pad parasitics of the package or PCB. While excellent switching speeds are achieved, correspondingly high levels of dv/dt and di/dt will be observed throughout the power train which requires careful attention to PCB layout to minimize voltage spikes and other transients. As with any synchronous buck converter layout the critical requirement is to minimize the area of the primary switching current loop, formed by the VIN, VSWH and the input bypass capacitor CVIN. The PCB design is somewhat simplified because of the optimized pin out in AOZ5166QI-01. The bulk of VIN and PGND pins are located adjacent to each other and the input capacitors should be placed as close as possible to these pins. The area of the secondary switching loop, formed by LS MOSFET, output inductor and output capacitor COUT is the next critical parameter, this requires second layer or "Inner 1" should always be an unobstructed PGND plane with sufficient PGND vias placed as close as possible to input capacitors' PGND pads. While AOZ5166QI-01 is optimally efficient, it can still dissipate up to 6W which requires attention to thermal design. MOSFETs in the package are directly attached to individual exposed pads to simplify thermal management. Both VIN and VSWH pads should be attached to large areas of PCB copper. Thermal relief pad should be placed correspondingly to ensure proper heat dissipation to the board. An inner power plane layer dedicated to VIN, typically the 12V system input, is desirable and vias should be provided near the device to connect the VIN copper pour to the power plane. Significant amount of heat is dissipated through multiple PGND pins. A large copper pour connected to the PGND pins in addition to the system ground plane through vias will further improve thermal dissipation. Figure 11 illustrates the various copper pours and bypass capacitor locations. Rev. 1.0 March 2016 VSWH PGND VIN CVIN Figure 10. Top Layer of Demo Board, VIN, VSWH and PGND Copper Planes As shown above in Figure 10, the top most layer of the PCB should comprise of un-obstructed copper flooding for the primary AC current loop that runs along the VIN copper plane originating from the input capacitors that are mounted to a large PGND copper plane, as well as on the top most layer of the PCB. These copper planes also serve as thermal relief as heat flows down to the VIN exposed pad and onto the top layer VIN copper plane which fans out to a wider area moving away from the 6x6 QFN package. Adding vias will only help transfer heat to cooler regions of the PCB board through the other layers beneath but serve no purpose to AC activity as all the AC current sees the lowest impedance on the top layer only. Due to the optimized bonding technique used on the AOZ5166QI-01 internal package, the VIN input capacitors are optimally placed for AC current activities on both the primary and complementary current loops. The return path of the current during the complimentary period flows through PGND copper plane that is symmetrically proportional to the VIN copper plane. Due to the PGND exposed pad, heat is optimally dissipated by flowing down through the vertically structured lower MOSFET, through the exposed PGND pad and down to the PCB top layer PGND copper plane that also fans outward, moving away from the package. As the primary and secondary (complementary) AC current loops move through VIN to VSWH and through PGND to VSWH, large positive and negative voltage spike appear at the VSWH terminal which are caused by the large internal dI/dts produced by the in-package parastics. To minimize the effects of this interference, the VSWH terminal at which the main inductor L1 is mounted to, is sized just so the inductor can physically fit. The goal is to employ the least amount of copper area for this VSWH terminal just enough so the inductor can be securely mounted. Page 12 of 17 AOZ5166QI-01 To minimize the effects of switching noise coupling to the rest of the sensitive areas of the PCB, the area directly underneath the designated VSWH copper plane on the top layer is voided and the shape of this void is replicated descending down through the rest of the layers. Figure 11. Various Copper Pours and Bypass Capacitor Locations Rev. 1.0 March 2016 Page 13 of 17 AOZ5166QI-01 Package Dimensions, 6x6 QFN-40 EP3_S D A D/2 30 B 21 20 31 E/2 2 INDEX AREA (D/2xE/2) E 2x aaa C e 40 11 1 2x 2x aaa C 10 A3 TOP VIEW A3 ccc C C A SEATING PLANE 4 3 40 x b ddd C A1 bbb M C A B SIDE VIEW D1 PIN#1 IDA C0.30 x 45 1 D1 e e/2 L6 10 40 11 E1 E1 L2 L1 L1 L3 L5 E2 L 20 31 21 30 L L4 L5 D2 BOTTOM VIEW Notes: 1. All dimensions are in millimeters. 2. The location of the terminal #1 identifier and terminal numbering convention conforms to JEDEC publication 95 SPP-002. 3. Dimension b applies to metallized terminal and is measured between 0.20mm and 0.35mm from the terminal tip. If the terminal has the optional radius on the other end of the terminal, the dimension b should not be measured in that radius area. 4. Coplanarity applies to the terminals and all other bottom surface metalization. Rev. 1.0 March 2016 Page 14 of 17 AOZ5166QI-01 Package Dimensions, 6x6 QFN-40 EP3_S (Continued) 4.40 0.40 0.25 2.87 2.27 0.21 0.20 2.87 0.20 0.37 2.23 1.50 0.73 0.52 0.55 0.75 0.54 2.20 0.30X45 0.25 2.00 2.87 0.50 REF 2.00 2.87 UNIT: mm RECOMMENDED LAND PATTERN Dimensions in millimeters Symbols Min. Typ. Max. Symbols Min. Typ. Max. A A1 A3 b D 0.70 0.00 0.75 0.02 0.20 REF 0.25 6.00 BSC 0.80 0.05 A A1 A3 b D 0.028 0.000 0.030 0.001 0.008 REF 0.010 0.236 BSC 0.031 0.002 0.20 0.35 0.008 0.014 D1 1.90 2.00 2.10 D1 0.075 0.079 0.083 D2 4.30 4.40 4.50 D2 0.169 0.173 0.177 E Rev. 1.0 March 2016 Dimensions in inches E 6.00 BSC 0.236 BSC E1 E2 1.40 2.17 1.50 2.27 1.60 2.37 E1 E2 0.055 0.085 0.059 0.089 0.063 0.093 e L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 aaa 0.30 0.15 0.15 0.63 0.44 0.30 0.27 0.50 BSC 0.40 0.20 0.21 0.73 0.54 0.40 0.37 0.15 0.50 0.25 0.26 0.83 0.64 0.50 0.47 e L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 aaa 0.012 0.006 0.006 0.024 0.017 0.012 0.011 0.020 BSC 0.016 0.008 0.008 0.028 0.021 0.016 0.015 0.006 0.020 0.010 0.010 0.032 0.025 0.020 0.019 bbb ccc 0.10 0.10 bbb ccc 0.004 0.004 ddd 0.08 ddd 0.003 Page 15 of 17 AOZ5166QI-01 Tape and Reel Dimensions, 6x6 QFN Carrier Tape P1 D1 P2 E1 T E2 E C L B0 K0 D0 P0 A0 Feeding Direction UNIT: MM Package A0 B0 K0 D0 D1 E E1 E2 P0 P1 P2 T QFN6x6 (16mm) 6.30 0.20 6.30 0.20 1.10 0.20 1.50 MIN. 1.50 +0.10 -0.00 16.00 0.30 1.75 0.10 7.50 0.10 12.00 0.20 4.00 0.20 2.00 0.10 0.30 0.05 Reel W1 S G N M K V R H W UNIT: MM Tape Size Reel Size M N W W1 H K S 16mm O330 O330 Max. O100 Min. 16.40 +2.00 -0.00 22.40 Max. O13.00 +0.50 -0.20 10.10 Min. 1.50 Min. G R V --- --- --- Leader/Trailer and Orientation Trailer Tape 300mm min. or 75 Empty Pockets Rev. 1.0 March 2016 Components Tape Orientation in Pocket Leader Tape 500mm min. or 125 Empty Pockets Page 16 of 17 AOZ5166QI-01 Part Marking AOZ5166QI-01 (6.0 x 6.0 QFN) Z5166QI1 Part Number Code Assembly Lot Code Fab Code & Assembly Location Year Code & Week Code LEGAL DISCLAIMER Alpha and Omega Semiconductor makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the information provided herein and takes no liabilities for the consequences of use of such information or any product described herein. Alpha and Omega Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes to such information at any time without further notice. This document does not constitute the grant of any intellectual property rights or representation of non-infringement of any third party's intellectual property rights. LIFE SUPPORT POLICY ALPHA AND OMEGA SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS. As used herein: 1. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body or (b) support or sustain life, and (c) whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury of the user. Rev. 1.0 March 2016 2. A critical component in any component of a life support, device, or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness. Page 17 of 17