This is information on a product in full production.
November 2015 DocID025718 Rev 4 1/39
16 channel LED driver with error detection, current gain control and
12/16-bit PWM brightness control for automotive applications
production data
•AECQ100 qualification
•16 constant current output channels
•Output current: from 3 mA to 40 mA
•Current programmable through external
•7-bit global current gain adjustment in two
•12/16-bit PWM grayscale brightness control
•Programmable output turn-on/of f time
•Error detection mode (both open and shorted-
•Programmable shorted-LED detection
•Auto power saving/auto-wakeup
•Selectable SDO synchronization on the CLK
falling edge
•Gradual output delay (selectable)
•Supply voltage: 3 V to 5.5 V
•Thermal shutdown and overtemperature alert
•Up to 30 MHz 4-wires interface
•20 V current generator rated voltage
•Full color/monochrome displays
•Dashboard (backlighting led indicators)
•Automotive Interior lighting
The ALED1642GW is a monolithic, low voltage,
low current power 16-bit shift register designed for
LED panel displays. The ALED1642GW
guarantees 20 V output driving capability allowing
the user to connect several LEDs in series. In the
output stage, sixteen regulated current sources
provide from 3 mA to 40 mA constant current to
drive the LEDs. The current is programmed
through an external resistor and can be adjusted
by a 7-bit current gain register in two subranges.
The brightness can be adjusted separately for
each channel through 12/16-bit grayscale control.
Programmable turn-on and turn-off time (four
different values available) improves the low noise
generation performance of the system.
Open/short error detection mode is available in
the ALED1642GW. The auto power-shutdown
and auto power-on features (selectable) allow the
device to save power without external
Thermal management includes an
overtemperature data alert and output thermal
shutdown (170 °C). The high clock frequency is
up t o 30 M Hz a n d it m ak es t h e devi ce su i t ab l e f or
high data rate transmission. A selectable gradual
output delay reduces the inrush current, whereas
the selectable SDO synchronization feature works
when the device is used in daisy-chain
configuration. The supply voltage range is
between 3 V and 5.5 V.