480.0 MHz Filter
for Satellite / DVB Applications
Part Number SF0480CF01977S
Micro Networks, 324 Clark Street, Worcester, MA 01606, USA tel: 508-852-5400, fax:508-852-8456, www.micronetworks.com
Horizontal: 20.0 MHz/div Vertical (from top): Magnitude 10 dB/div
Magnitude 1 dB/div
Group Delay 50 ns./div
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units.
Center Frequency (Fc) 1 479.0 480.0 481.0 MHz
Insertion Loss(@ Fc ) 24 26 dB
1 dB Bandwidth 2 70.0 74.0 MHz
36 dB Bandwidth 2 84.0 87 MHz
Rejection: 10 - 436.5 & 523.5 - 650 MHz 36 40 MHz
Passband Amplitude ripple( Fc+/- 35 MHz) 0.6 1.0 dB
Passband GD ripple ( FC +/- 35 MHz) 3 15 40 nsec.
Absolute delay 0.4
Source and Load impedance 50 Ω
Operating temperature 25
° C
Temp. coefficient of Frequency -72 ppm / ° C
Substrate Material Lithium Niobate
Matching network None
1 : Mean of the 3 dB points.
2 : With respect to Fc
3: Measured using smoothing aperture of 1% of the swept bandwidth.
Rev 4.0 29-Sep-04
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