Screw terminal M8 ×15 (plus),
M10 ×15 (minus)
Active cell voltage balancing
Case material polyethylene, black
Power type
6 serial single cells of 3600 F
Low ESR due to laser-welded
Passive cell voltage balancing (by resistor)
Please pay attention to the safety, transport
and waste disposal instructions in chapter
Dimensional drawing
Dimensions in mm
Electrical specifications
1) DCC: discharging with constant current.
2) Requirements: ∆C/CR≤30%, ESR ≤2 times of specified limit, Ileak ≤2 times of initial value.
3) Requirements: ∆C/CR≤30%, ESR ≤2 times of specified limit, Ileak ≤2 times of initial value (1 cycle: charging to VR, 30 s rest,
discharging to VR/2, 30 s rest).
Rated capacitance (TA=25°C; DCC) 1) CR600 F
Tolerance of CR10/+30 %
Rated voltage (TA=25°C) VR14 V
Capacity 2300 mAh
Specific power (IEC 62391-2) 1.9 kW/kg
Specific power (IEC 62391-2) 1.8 kW/l
Stored energy (V = VR) E 58800 J
Specific energy (V = VR) 2.3 Wh/kg
Specific energy (V = VR) 2.2 Wh/l
Surge voltage Vsurge 16 V
Maximum series resistance (TA=25°C; 1 kHz) ESR 1.0 mΩ
Maximum series resistance (TA=25°C; 50 mHz) ESRDC 1.8 mΩ
Weight 7.0 kg
Volume 7.4 l
Operating temperature range Top 30/+70 °C
Storage temperature (V = 0 V) Tst 40/+70 °C
Lifetime (hours) 2) (TA=25°C;V=VR) 90000 h
Lifetime (cycles) 3) (TA=25°C; I = 100 A) 500000 cycles
Module, 600 F/ 14 V