Interrupt Generators
The MAX21105 offers two completely independent inter-
rupt generators, to ease the SW management of the
interrupt generated. For instance, one line could be used
to signal a DATA_READY event whilst the other line might
be used, for instance, to notify the completion of the inter-
nal start-up sequence.
Interrupt functionality can be configured through the
Interrupt Configuration registers. Configurable items
include the INT pin level and duration, the clearing meth-
od as well as the required triggers for the interrupts.
The interrupt status can be read from the Interrupt Status
The event that has generated an interrupt is available in
both forms: latched and unlatched.
Interrupt sources may be enabled/ disabled and cleared
individually. The list of possible interrupt sources
includes the following conditions: DATA_READY, FIFO_
The interrupt generation can also be configured as
latched, unlatched or timed, with programmable length.
When configured as latched, the interrupt can be cleared
by reading the corresponding status register (clear-on-
read) or by writing an appropriate mask to the status
register (clear-on-write).
Digital-Output Temperature Sensor
An digital output temperature sensor is used to measure
the MAX21105 die temperature. The readings from the
ADC can be accessed from the Sensor Data registers.
The temperature data is split over 2 bytes. For faster and
less accurate reading, accessing the MSB allows to read
the temperature data as an absolute value expressed in
Celsius degrees. By reading the LSB, the accuracy is
greatly increased, up to 256 digit/°C.
Power Modes
The MAX21105 features nine power modes, allowing
selecting the appropriate tradeoff between power con-
sumption, noise level, accuracy and turn-on time.
The transition between different power modes can be con-
trolled with the software by explicitly setting a power mode
in the Configuration register.
Gyro Low-Noise Mode
In gyro low-noise mode, only the gyro is switched on and
it is operational with minimum noise level.
Gyro Low-Power Mode
In this power mode, only the gyro is switched on and it
is operating in low-power mode. The low-power mode
allows to reduce power consumption with the same sen-
sor accuracy at the price of a higher rate noise density.
This unique MAX21105 features can be activated for the
gyro with different ODR from 5Hz to 200Hz.
Gyro Standby Mode
To reduce power consumption and have a shorter turn-
on time, the IC features a standby mode for the gyro.
In standby mode, the MAX21105 gyro does not gen-
erate data because a significant portion of the signal
processing resources is turned off to save power. Still, this
mode enables a much quicker turn-on time.
Acc Low-Noise Mode
In acc low-noise mode, only the accelerometer is switched
on. It is operational with minimum noise level.
Acc Low-Power Mode
In this power mode, only the accelerometer is switched
on, and it is operating in low-power mode. The low-power
mode allows to reduce power consumption with the same
sensor accuracy at the price of a higher accelerometer
noise density.
This feature can be activated for accelerometer with dif-
ferent ODR from 5Hz to 400Hz.
Power-Down Mode
In Power-Down Mode, the IC is configured to minimize the
power consumption. In Power-Down Mode, registers can
still be read and written, but neither sensor can generate
new data. Compared to Standby Mode, it takes longer to
activate the IC and start collecting data from the sensors.
Sensor Data Output Registers
The sensor data registers contain the latest gyroscope,
accelerometer, and temperature measurement data.
They are read-only registers and are accessed through
the serial interface. Data from these registers can be read
at anytime. However, the interrupt function can be used to
determine when new data is available.
The MAX21105 embeds a 512-byte data FIFO. The user
can flexibly select the set of axis data to be stored in
FIFO.This allows a power saving at system level as the
host processor does not need to continuously poll data
from the sensor, but it can wake up only when needed
and burst the significant data out from the FIFO.
MAX21105 Low-Power, Ultra-Accurate 6 DoF IMU
www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated