U440 / U441
ABSOLUTE M AXIM UM R A T INGS (TA = 2 5oC unless otherwise not ed)
Param et er/Test Con ditio n Symbol Limit Unit
Gate- Dr ain Voltage VGD -25 V
Gate-Source Voltage VGS -25 V
Gate-Gate V oltage VGG ±50 V
Forwar d G ate Cur rent I G50 mA
Power Dissipat ion (per side) PD250 mW
(total) 350 mW
Power Der at ing (per side) 2 mW / oC
(total) 2.8 mW/ oC
Oper at ing J unct ion Temper at ur e TJ- 55 to 15 0 oC
Stor age Tempe ratu re Tstg -65 t o 200 oC
Lead Tempe ra tu re (1/1 6 " fr om case for 1 0 seconds) TL300 oC
ELECTRICA L CHARACTERI STIC S (TA = 2 5oC unless other wise no ted)
V(BR)GSS Gate-Source Breakdown Voltage -35 -25 -25 VIG = -1µA, VDS = 0V
VGS(OFF) Gate-Source Cut off Voltage -3.5 -1 -6 -1 -6 VDS = 10V, ID = 1nA
IDSS Saturation Drain Current 215630630 mAV
DS = 10V, VGS = 0V
IGSS Gate Reverse Current -1 -500 -500 pA VGS = -15V, VDS = 0V
-2 nA TA = 150oC
IGGate Operating Current -1 -500 -500 pA VDG = 10V, ID = 5mA
-0.3 nA TA = 125oC
VGS(F) Gate-Source Forward V oltage 0.7 V IG = 1mA, VDS = 0V
gfs Common-Sourc e Forward Transconductance 6 4.5 9 4.5 9 mS VDG = 10V, ID = 5mA
f = 1kHz
gos Common-Source Output Conductance 70 200 200 µS
Ciss Common-Source Input Capacitance 3 pF VDG = 10V, ID = 5mA
f = 1MHz
Crss Common-Source Reverse Transfer Capacitance 1
enEquivalent Input Noise Voltage 4 nV/ Hz VDG = 10V, ID = 5mA
f = 10kHz
| VGS1-VGS2| Differential Gate-Source Voltage 6 10 20 mV VDG = 10V, ID = 5mA
∆ | VGS1-VGS2|
∆TGate-Source Voltage Differential Change with
Temperature 20 µV/ oCT = -55 to 25oCVDG =10V,
ID = 5mA
20 T = 25 to 125oC
IDSS2 Saturation Drain Current Ratio 0.97 VDS = 10V, VGS = 0V
gfs2 Transconductance Ratio 0.97 VDG = 10V, ID = 5mA
f= 1 kHz
CMRR Common Mode Rejection Rati o 85 dB VDD = 5 to 10V, ID = 5mA
NOTES: 1 . For design aid only, not subject to product ion testing.
2. Pulse test; PW = 30 0µs, duty cycl e ≤ 3%.