PRELIMINARY MX23L12840 128M-BIT NAND INTERFACE MASK ROM DESCRIPTION The MX23L12840 is a 128 Mbit NAND interface programmable mask read-only memory that operates with a single power supply. The memory organization consists of (512 + 16 (Redundancy)) bytes x 32 pages x 2,048 blocks. The MX23L12840 is a serial type mask ROM in which addresses and commands are input and data output serially via the I/O pins. The MX23L12840 is packed in 48-pin plastic TSOP(I) and 44-pin TSOP(II). FEATURES * Word organization - (16,777,216 + 1,048,576Note)words by 8 bits * Page size - (512 + 16Note) by 8 bits * Block size - (8,192 + 512Note) by 8 bits Note : Underlined parts are redundancy. Caution Redundancy is not programmable parts and is fixed to all FFH. * Operation mode - READ mode (1), READ mode (2), READ mode (3), RESET, STATUS READ, ID READ * Operating supply voltage : VCC = 3.3 0.3 V * Access Time - Memory cell array to starting address : 7 us (MAX.) - Read cycle time : 50 ns (MAX.) - RE access time : 35 ns (MAX.) * Operating supply current - During read : 30 mA (MAX.) (50 ns cycle operation) - During standby (CMOS) : 100 uA (MAX.) * Package Type - 48-pin TSOP(I) (12mmx20mm) - 44-pin TSOP(II) P/N:PM0889 REV. 1.2, JUN. 20, 2003 1 MX23L12840 PIN CONFIGURATIONS 48 TSOP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 NC NC NC NC NC GND RB RE CE NC NC VCC VSS NC NC CLE ALE WE NC NC NC NC NC NC 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 MX23L12840 (Normal Type) NC NC NC NC I/O7 I/O6 I/O5 I/O4 NC NC NC VCC GND NC NC NC I/O3 I/O2 I/O1 I/O0 NC NC NC NC PIN DESCRIPTION VSS CLE ALE WE WP NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC I/O0 I/O1 I/O2 I/O3 VSS 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 MX23L12840 44 TSOP 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 VCC CE RE R/B GND NC NC NC NC NC SYMBOL PIN NAME I/O0~I/O7 Address Input/Command Inputs/ Data Outputs NC NC NC NC NC I/O7 I/O6 I/O5 I/O4 VCC P/N:PM0889 CLE Command Latch Enable ALE Address Latch Enable WE Write Enable RE Read Enable CE Chip Enable RB READY, /BUAY pin VCC Supply Voltage NC No Connection GND Ground REV. 1.2, JUN. 20, 2003 2 MX23L12840 BLOCK DIAGRAM Data Register Circuit I/O0 Status Register I/O3 I/O4 I/O5 I/O6 I/O7 ID Register Address Register Y-Selector Command Register ALE WE Control Logic CE CLE Sense Amplifier READ Contorol Circuit X-Decoder I/O2 Input/Output Buffer I/O1 Memory Cell Matrix RE READY/BUSY Control Circuit VCC RB (Open-drain) P/N:PM0889 REV. 1.2, JUN. 20, 2003 3 MX23L12840 BLOCK DIAGRAM 1 Page=528 Bytes 0 . . . 255 256 . . . 511 . 527 0 1 2 1 Block =32 Pages . . 30 31 . . . . . . . . . 65,533 65,534 65,535 (A) (B) 512 Bytes (Main memory) * (C) 2,048 Blocks =65,536 Pages 16 Bytes (Redundancy) The start address (SA) during read operation is specified divided into three areas using three types of read commands. - In read mode (1), start address (SA) is set in area (A). - In read mode (2), start address (SA) is set in area (B). - In read mode (3), start address (SA) is set in area (C). One page consists of a total of 528 bytes broken down into 512 bytes (main memory) and 16 bytes (redundancy). One block consists of 32 pages. Caution The data of area (C) is redundancy. Redundancy is not programmable parts and is fixed to all FFH. P/N:PM0889 REV. 1.2, JUN. 20, 2003 4 MX23L12840 Operation Modes Command input, address input, and serial read are all performed from I/O pins, and the respective statuses are controlled by the CLE, ALE, WE, RE, and CE signals. Command input cycle Address input cycle Serial read cycle CLE CE WE ALE RE I/O0~ I/O7 RB Busy Operation mode Mode Command input cycle Address input cycle Serial read cycle CLE H L L ALE L H L CE L L L WE H ALE L L L CE L L H WE H H H RE H H Operation mode during serial read Mode Data output Output Hi-Z Standby CLE L L L RE L H x I/O0 - I/O7 Data output Hi-Z Hi-Z Remark : VIH or VIL P/N:PM0889 REV. 1.2, JUN. 20, 2003 5 MX23L12840 Operation Commands The following six operation settings are possible by inputting commands from I/O pins. Command Hex I/O7 I/O6 I/O5 I/O4 I/O3 I/O2 I/O1 I/O0 Command receivable during Busy Read mode(1) 00 L L L L L L L L 01 L L L L L L L H 50 L H L H L L L L Reset Note2 FF H H H H H H H H Status read 70 L H H H L L L L Note3 90 H L L H L L L L Read mode(2) Read mode(3) ID read Note1 Notes: 1. The data output in read mode (3) is all FFH. 2. The only command that can be executed when the device is Busy is the reset command. Do not set any of the other commands while the device is Busy. 3. For ID read, input "00" during the first address cycle after setting a command. I/O Pin Correspondence Table during Address Input Cycle (Address Setting) (1) When 00H or 01H command is set [Read mode (1), Read mode (2)] Command I/O7 I/O6 I/O5 I/O4 I/O3 I/O2 I/O1 I/O0 1st address cycle A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 2nd address cycle A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 3rd address cycle X A23 A22 A21 A20 A19 A18 A17 (2) When 50H command is set [Read mode (3)] Command I/O7 I/O6 I/O5 I/O4 I/O3 I/O2 I/O1 I/O0 1st address cycle X X X X A3 A2 A1 A0 2nd address cycle A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 3rd address cycle X A23 A22 A21 A20 A19 A18 A17 Remarks 1. A0 to A23 are internal addresses. 2. Internal address A8 is set internally with command 00H or 01H. 3. When 50H command is set [read mode (3)], the I/O4, I/O5, I/O6, and I/O7 inputs of the 1st address cycle are VIH or VIL. P/N:PM0889 REV. 1.2, JUN. 20, 2003 6 MX23L12840 Electrical Specifications Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Supply voltage Rating Unit VCC -0.5 to +4.6 V VI -0.3 to VCC+0.3 V VI/O -0.3 to VCC+0.3 (< 4.6) V TA 0 to 70 C Tstg -65 to +150 C Input voltage Input / Output voltage Operating ambient temperature Storage temperature Condition Caution Exposing the device to stress above those listed in Absolute Maximum Ratings could cause permanent damage. The device is not meant to be operated under conditions outside the limits described in the operational section of this specification. Exposure to Absolute Maximum Rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. C) Capacitance (TA = 25 Parameter Symbol Input capacitance CI Output capacitance CO Test condition MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit 10 pF 10 pF f = 1 MHz C, VCC = 3.3 0.3 V) DC Characteristics (TA = 0 to 70 Parameter Symbol Test conditions MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit High level input voltage VIH 2.0 VCC+0.3 V Low level input voltage VIL -0.3 +0.8 V High level output voltage VOH IOH =-400uA 2.4 V Low level output voltage VOL IOL = 2.1 mA 0.4 V Input leakage current ILI VI = 0 V to VCC 10 uA Output leakage current ILO VO = 0 V to VCC 10 uA CE = VIL, IOUT =0 mA, 30 mA Power supply current in read ICCO1 tCYCLE = 50 ns Power supply current ICCO3 tCYCLE = 50 ns 30 mA ICCO5 tCYCLE = 50 ns 30 mA Standby current (TTL) ICCS1 CE = VIH 1 mA Standby current (CMOS) ICCS2 CE = VCC-0.2 V 100 uA in command input Power supply current in address input RB pin output current IOL(RB) VOL = 0.4 V P/N:PM0889 8 mA REV. 1.2, JUN. 20, 2003 7 MX23L12840 C, VCC = 3.3 0.3 V) AC Characteristics (TA = 0 to 70 Parameter Symbol MIN. TYP. MAX. CLE setup time tCLS 0 ns CLE hold time tCLH 10 ns CE setup time tCS 0 ns CE hold time tCH 10 ns Write pulse width tWP 25 ns ALE setup time tALS 0 ns ALE hold time tALH 10 ns Data setup time tDS 20 ns Data hold time tDH 10 ns Write cycle time tWC 50 ns WE high hold time tWH 15 ns Ready to RE falling edge tRR 20 ns Read pulse width tRP 35 ns Read cycle time tRC 50 ns RE access time (serial data access) tREA CE high hold time for last address in serial read cycle tCEH RE access time (ID read ) tREAID RE high to output Hi-Z tRHZ CE high to output Hi-Z tCHZ RE high hold time tREH 15 ns Output Hi-Z to RE falling edge tIR 0 ns RE access time (status read) tRSTO 35 ns CE access time (status read) tCSTO 45 ns WE high to CE low tWHC 30 ns WE high to RE low tWHR 30 ns ALE low to RE low (ID read) tAR1 100 ns CE low to RE low (ID read) tCR 100 ns Memory cell array to starting address tR 7 us WE high to Busy tWB 200 ns ALE low to RE low (read cycle) tAR2 RE last clock rising edge to Busy (in sequential read) tRB 35 100 10 ns ns 35 ns 30 ns 20 ns 50 Note Unit ns 200 ns CE high to Ready (when interrupted by CE in read mode) tCRY 1 us Device reset time tRST 6 us Note :tCRY (time from CE to Ready) depends on the pull-up resister of the RB pin. P/N:PM0889 REV. 1.2, JUN. 20, 2003 8 MX23L12840 AC Test Conditions Input Waveform (Rise/Fall Time < 5ns) 1.5V Test points 1.5V 1.5V Test points 1.5V Output Waveform Output Load 1 TTL + 100pF P/N:PM0889 REV. 1.2, JUN. 20, 2003 9 MX23L12840 READ CYCLE TIMING CHART (1) (In case of read mode (1)) CLE tCLS tCLH tCS tCH CE tCS tWC tCEH tR WE tCRY tALH tALH tALS tWP tWH tAR2 tCHZ ALE tRR tRC tRC RE tRP tREH tWB tDS tDH I/O0~ I/O7 00H tRHZ tDS tDS tDS A0-A7 A9-A16 A17-A23 tDH tDH tDH tRHZ DOUT DOUT DOUT N N+1 527 tREA tRB RB Access page M Output Page M Data Remarks: 1. Start address (SA) specification when read is performed with command 00H. N: 0 to 255 2. Then time (tCRY) from CE high level until Busy is cancelled depends on the pull- up register of the RB output pin. P/N:PM0889 REV. 1.2, JUN. 20, 2003 10 MX23L12840 READ CYCLE TIMING CHART (2) (In case of read mode (2)) CLE tCLS tCLH tCS tCH CE tCS tWC tCEH tR WE tCRY tALH tALH tALS tWP tWH tAR2 tCHZ ALE tRR tRC tRC RE tRP tREH tWB tDS tDH I/O0~ I/O7 01H tRHZ tDS tDS tDS A0-A7 A9-A16 A17-A23 tDH tDH tDH tRHZ DOUT DOUT DOUT 256+N 256+N+1 527 tREA tRB RB Access page M Output Page M Data Remarks 1. Start address (SA) specification when read is performed with command 01H. N: 0 to 255 2. Then time (tCRY) from CE high level until Busy is cancelled depends on the pull0up register of the RB output pin. P/N:PM0889 REV. 1.2, JUN. 20, 2003 11 MX23L12840 READ CYCLE TIMING CHART (3) (In case of read mode (3)) CLE tCLS tCLH tCS tCH CE tCS tWC tCEH tR WE tCRY tALH tALH tALS tWP tWH tAR2 tCHZ ALE tRR tRC tRC RE tRP tREH tWB tDS tDH I/O0~ I/O7 50H tRHZ tDS tDS tDS A0-A3 A9-A16 A17-A23 tDH tDH tDH tRHZ DOUT DOUT DOUT 512+N 512+N+1 527 tREA tRB RB Access page M Output Page M Data Remarks 1. Start address (SA) specification when read is performed with command 50H. N: 0 to 15 2. The start address of area C (redundancy data) is specified with A0 tp A3 during the 1st address cycle. At this time, A4 to A7 are Don't Care. 3. The time (tCRY) from CE high level until Busy is cancelled depends on the pull0up register of the RB output pin. P/N:PM0889 REV. 1.2, JUN. 20, 2003 12 MX23L12840 READ CYCLE TIMING CHART (4) (In case of read mode (4)) CLE tCLS tCLH tCS tCH CE tCS tWC tR WE tALH tALH tALS tWP tWH tAR2 tCHZ ALE tRC tRR tRC RE tRP tREH tWB I/O0~ I/O7 tRHZ tDS tDH tDS tDS tDS Command input Address input Address input Address input tDH tDH tRHZ tDH DOUT DOUT DOUT N N+1 N+2 tREA RB Access page M Remarks 1. If CE is made high level during the read cycle, the read operation until that time is cancelled. 2. Therefore, to perform read again, execute a new command and new address input. P/N:PM0889 REV. 1.2, JUN. 20, 2003 13 MX23L12840 Sequential Read In read modes (1), (2), and (3), when a command (00H, 01H, 50H) is input and an address specified, if it is in the block that includes the address that was specified first, the address is automatically incremented and the read operation is continuously performed until the last address in the same block, by inputting the RE# clock. At this time, a Busy period (tR) occurs after the last address is accessed in a page. Note Command Address input input Page M data output Page M+1 data output Command input Output of in last page in block 00H 00H 01H 01H 50H 50H Address input Data output Note tR tR tR tR tCRY Busy Busy Busy Busy tR RB Busy Busy In same block (Maximum of 32 pages) Note :To perform read again after reading the 527th byte of data of the last page of block, stop the read operation once, and then restart the read operation by inputting again the read command and an address. Relationship Between Command and Start Address (SA) during Sequential Read (A) 0 (B) 256 (C) 512 527 (A) (B) 256 (C) 512 (A) 527 (B) 256 (C) 512 527 SA SA SA 1block =32 pages Sequential read mode (1) (When "00H" command is input) Sequential read mode (2) (When "01H" command is input) Note Sequential read mode (3) (When "50H" command is input) Note : When the "50H" command is set, only the (C) area (redundancy data part) is continuously read. * When the "00H" command is set, the start address (SA) is set to area (A). * When the "01H" command is set, the start address (SA) is set to area (B). * When the "50H" command is set, the start address (SA) is set to area (C). P/N:PM0889 REV. 1.2, JUN. 20, 2003 14 MX23L12840 SEQUENTIAL READ CYCLE TIMING CHART(1) (In case of read mode (1)) CLE tCLS tCLH tCS tCH CE tCS tWC tR WE tALH tALH tALS tWP tWH tAR2 ALE tRR tRC tRC RE tRP tREH tWB tDS tDH I/O0~ I/O7 00H tDS tDS A0-A7 A9-A16 A17-A23 tDH tRR tRHZ tDS tDH tR tDH DOUT DOUT DOUT DOUT DOUT N N+1 527 0 1 tREA tRB RB Access page M Output Page M Data Access page M+1 Output page M+1 data Remarks 1.Start address (SA) specification when read is performed with command 00H. N:0 to 255. P/N:PM0889 REV. 1.2, JUN. 20, 2003 15 MX23L12840 SEQUENTIAL READ CYCLE TIMING CHART(2) (In case of read mode (2)) CLE tCLS tCLH tCS tCH CE tCS tWC tR WE tALH tALH tALS tWP tWH tAR2 ALE tRR tRC tRC RE tRP tREH tWB tDS tDH I/O0~ I/O7 01H tDS tDS A0-A7 A9-A16 A17-A23 tDH tRR tRHZ tDS tDH tR tDH DOUT DOUT DOUT DOUT DOUT 256+N 256+N+1 527 0 1 tREA tRB RB Access page M Output Page M Data Access page M+1 Output page M+1 data Remarks 1.Start address (SA) specification when read is performed with command 01H. N:0 to 255. P/N:PM0889 REV. 1.2, JUN. 20, 2003 16 MX23L12840 SEQUENTIAL READ CYCLE TIMING CHART(3) (In case of read mode (3)) CLE tCLS tCLH tCS tCH CE tCS tWC tR WE tALH tALH tALS tWP tWH tAR2 ALE tRR tRC tRC RE tRP tREH tWB tDS tDH I/O0~ I/O7 50H tDS tDS A0-A3 A9-A16 A17-A23 tDH tRR tRHZ tDS tDH tR tDH DOUT DOUT DOUT DOUT DOUT 512+N 512+N+1 527 512 513 tREA tRB RB Access page M Output Page M Data Access page M+1 Output page M+1 data Remarks 1.Start address (SA) specification when read is performed with command 50H. N:0 to 15. P/N:PM0889 REV. 1.2, JUN. 20, 2003 17 MX23L12840 Status Read Status information can be output from the I/O pins with the RE clock following input of the 70H command. Status read is a function to recognize the status of the device from external. tCLS CLE tCLS tCLH tCS tCH CE tCSTO WE tCHZ tWP tWHC tRHZ RE tWHR tDS I/O0~ I/O7 tDH tIR 70H Status tRSTO RB Status Status output dataNote I/O0 Ready / Busy 0/1 I/O1 Not used 0 I/O2 Not used 0 I/O3 Not used 0 I/O4 Not used 0 I/O5 Not used 0 I/O6 Ready / Busy 1/0 I/O7 Write protect 0 Note Use the status read command only during Ready. P/N:PM0889 REV. 1.2, JUN. 20, 2003 18 MX23L12840 ID Read To recognize the ID code (maker code / device code) of this device in a system, execute the ID read command. The ID code can be read with the following timing. tCLS CLE tCLS tCLH tCS tCH CE tCS tCH tCR WE tALH tALS tWP tALH tAR1 ALE tRC RE tREH tRP tDS I/O0~ I/O7 tDH tDS 90H tDH Maker code Device code C2H 56H 00H tREAID tREAID I/O7 I/O6 I/O5 I/O4 I/O3 I/O2 I/O1 I/O0 HEX Maker code H H L L L L H L C2H Device code L H L H H L L L 56H Cautions : 1. If the RE clock is input after the maker code and device code are output, the output data is not guaranteed. Therefore, do not input the RE clock following device code output. 2. Do not input an address other than 00H after setting the ID read command (90H). If an address other than 00H is input, the data following RE clock input is not guaranteed. P/N:PM0889 REV. 1.2, JUN. 20, 2003 19 MX23L12840 Reset Cycle Timing Chart CLE tCLS tCLH tCS tCH CE WE tRST tALS tWP tALH ALE tDS I/O0~ I/O7 tDH FFH tWB RE P/N:PM0889 REV. 1.2, JUN. 20, 2003 20 MX23L12840 [Usage Cautions] (1) Rated operation Operation using timing other than shown in the timing charts is not guaranteed. (2) Commands that can be input The only commands that can be input are 00H, 01H, 50H, 70H, 90H, and FFH. Do not input any other commands. If other commands are input, the subsequent operation is not guaranteed. (3) Command limitations during Busy period Do not input commands other than the reset command (FFH) during the Busy period. If a command is input during the Busy period, the subsequent operation is not guaranteed. (4) Cautions regarding RE clock * Following the last RE clock, do not input the RE clock until the RB pin changes from Busy to Ready. * Do not input the RE clock other than during data output. (5) Cautions upon power application Since the state of the device is undetermined upon power on, input high level to the CE pin and execute the reset command following power on. (6) Cautions during read mode * Perform address input immediately following command input. If address input is done without performing command input first, the correct data cannot be output because the operation mode is undetermined. * To execute the read mode after the read mode has been stopped with the reset command (FFH) and CE, input again a command and address. (7) Busy output following access of last address in page in read mode After the access to the last address in a page, if the delay (tRHCH) from RE to CE is 30 ns or less, the Ready status is maintained and Busy is not output by keeping CE high level for a set period (tCEH). tCEH CE tRHCH RE 526 527 RB P/N:PM0889 REV. 1.2, JUN. 20, 2003 21 MX23L12840 PACKAGE INFORMATION P/N:PM0889 REV. 1.2, JUN. 20, 2003 22 MX23L12840 P/N:PM0889 REV. 1.2, JUN. 20, 2003 23 MX23L12840 REVISION HISTORY Revision No. Description 1.1 Add 44-TSOP Package 1.2 Modify Package Information Page P1,2,23 P22~23 P/N:PM0889 Date JAN/16/2002 JUN/20/2003 REV. 1.2, JUN. 20, 2003 24 MX23L12840 MACRONIX INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD. HEADQUARTERS: TEL:+886-3-578-6688 FAX:+886-3-563-2888 EUROPE OFFICE: TEL:+32-2-456-8020 FAX:+32-2-456-8021 JAPAN OFFICE: TEL:+81-44-246-9100 FAX:+81-44-246-9105 SINGAPORE OFFICE: TEL:+65-348-8385 FAX:+65-348-8096 TAIPEI OFFICE: TEL:+886-2-2509-3300 FAX:+886-2-2509-2200 MACRONIX AMERICA, INC. TEL:+1-408-453-8088 FAX:+1-408-453-8488 CHICAGO OFFICE: TEL:+1-847-963-1900 FAX:+1-847-963-1909 http : // MACRONIX INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD. reserves the right to change product and specifications without notice.