MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR = TECHNICAL DATA Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Silicon Gate MGW12N120 This Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) uses an advanced termination scheme to provide an enhanced and reliable high voltage-blocking capability. Short circuit rated IGBTs are specifically suited for applications requiring a guaranteed short circuit withstand time. Fast switching characteristics result in efficient operation at high frequencies. Industy Standard High Power TO-247 Package with Isolated Mounting Hole High Speed: Eoff = 160 uJ/A typical at 125 "C High Short Circuit Capability - 10USminimum Robust High Voltage Termination # ~ t t w G c @ E CASE 340F-03 TO-247 AE ? @#E= 1 MQ) ,- Continuous ctor CU::@q~:. :" - Continuous @ Tc = 25 `C ,,)*\f*, ~""w - Continuous@ Tc = 90 `C .,:..~,1', t. I ~ ~"F,~ratin and Stora e Junction Tem erature Ran e -::!:+$ ~,, "'i., @%ort Circuit Withstand Time ,~: "}(VCC=720Vdc, VGE= 15 Vdc, TJ= 125"C, RG=20Q) Thermal Resistance - Junction to Case Value Unit Vdc Vdc VGE 1200 1200 * 20 IC25 20 Adc IC90 12 VCES VCGR ICM 40 PD 123 Watts 0.98 WPC Tj and Tstg I Vdc tsc -55 to150 I 10 % ILSI' I - IGBT - Junction to Ambient Maximum Lead Temperature for Soldeting Purposes, 1/8" from case for 5 seconds ROJC 1.02 ROJA 45 m Mounting Torque, 6-32 or M3 screw `CM 260 % 10 lbf*in (1.13 Nom) ~ (1) Pulse width is limited by maximum junction temperature. Repetitive rating. This document contains information on a new product. Specifications and information are subject to change without notice. I MOTOROLA REV 950627 @ - ! ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TJ = 25 `C unless otherwise noted) Characteristics Symbol Min I 1 Typ Max Unit OFF CHARACTERISTICS Collector-to-Emitter Breakdown Voltage BVCES (VGE = O Vdc, IC = 250 @de) Temperature Coefficient Emitter-to-Collector (Positive) Breakdown Voltage (VGE = O Vdc, IEC = 100 mAdc) Zero Gate Voltage Collector Current Vdc 1200 - - - 870 - mV/OC 25 - - Vdc BVECS ICES - (VCE = 1200 Vdc, VGE = O Vdc) (VCE = 1200 Vdc, VGE = O Vdc, TJ = 125 `C) Gate-Body Leakage Current (VGE = k 20 Vdc, VCE = O Vdc) IGES - ~ Collector-to-Emitter On-State Voltage VCE(on) (VGE = 15 Vdc, IC = 5 Adc) (VGE = 15 Vdc, IC = 5 Adc, TJ = 125C) Voltage VGE(th) (VCE = VGE, IC = 1 mAdc) Threshold - .,y&~: 3,13 4,28 6,0 8,0 Temperature Coefficient 10 - 12 - (Negative) Vdc mV/OC Mhos &+. .:<,\e,, ,!/$. *k~`"a' ,L,s'~%L?* (VCE = 10 Vdc, IC = 10 Adc) DYNAMIC ,;f:~$i *L %~$~ ,.,.,.,$!,**~. .~+: \...*,,,,:~.. - Forward Transconductance ,~~ >:~~nAdc ~:<,+,~:.. . ..\... .,if:'$ 5* .`~:!i, .':..S.ri; ` \,i::~ ,.-. `J.i* ,$.< Vdc ,s\!~, >. ,,l,? ,+g:~: `":: : ~ 3,26 - ~ ~:k.i, ?$kk~d (VGE = 15 Vdc, IC = 10 Adc) Gate Threshold pAdc .-:\.r*,, 100 ., "'L.* 25, ,,**,' ;>::, CHARACTERISTICS Input Capacitance - 930 - Output Capacitance - 126 - - 16 - - 80 - (VCE = 25 Vdc, VGE = O Vdc, f = 1 ~~) `:s$b Cies f'" ~~t:+i, Coes ",+,:;:{%..<, *:,\-"~$.,, Transfer Capacitance ~,t ,., ,,., ...$ Cres S,.+*... ?$<, .s~~.:,, rx${,~,,. +, SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS(1) Turn-On Delay Time (VCC = 720 Vdc, IC = 10$dc,#G~ Rise Time L = 300 yH, RG = 20 &%~~>= 25 Turn-Off Delay Time Energy losses inclw~wl;'> ,x:} + ~ ~\:.\ ~ it' ,..:~i. .. .~,+,{h *,;~ ..!;;'(~tw ,,,:,.1., Fall Time Turn-Off Switching Loss = 15 Vdc, `C) Turn-On Delay Time (VCC = 72&~$~~"~~ = 10 Adc, VGE = 15 Vdc, Rise Time L = 30{g~~:@~ = 20 Q, TJ = 125 `C) Turn-Off Delay Tme Ene$y I@Ssesinclude "tail" ,,,..: ,:.~i%,, .`:~.k.: ~s. ~& ` :$} Fall Time .. ,,*,, Turn-Off Switching LOSS,*w&+@' Gate Charge "%,~#CC = 720 Vdc, IC = 10 Adc, VGE = 15 Vdc) ,,,*.:\. .` $'::,.:.$ -~: \ .'l..% ,.~~:', ,:8,~~:,~ ,>:,,:. , ,:,, !+~l..*.V.$ lNTERNA,~ ~~@AGE INDUCTANCE m$~,e~lnductance d~$rom the emitter lead 0.25" from package to emitter bond pad) `Test: Pulse Width <300 VS, Duty Cycle< 2Y.. td(on) tr pF ns 114 - td(off) - 66 - tf - 232 - Eoff - 0,56 1,27 mJ - 74 - ns 110 - td(on) tr td(off) - 80 - tf - 616 - Eoff - 1,60 - mJ QT - 31 - nC Q1 - 13 - Q2 - 14 - 13 - nH LE