A1750A DWDM Ana log Data Sheet, Rev. 4
Forward-Path or Return-Path Laser Module June 2001
Agere Systems Inc.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Stresses in excess of the absolute maximum ratings can cause permanent damage to the device. These are abso-
lute stress ratings only. Functional operation of the device is not implied at these or any other conditions in excess
of those given in the operational sections of the data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum ratings for extended
periods can adversely affect device reliability.
* The devi ce can withstand continuous exposure to the specified limits without damage.
1. Tested in a 50 Ω system with 27 Ω series matching resistor.
2. Eight-channel loading, 10% OMI, 40 km fiber.
3. Measured at 42 MHz.
4. Measured at 553.25 MHz, 577.25 MHz. and 595.25 MHz.
5. Consult an Agere Systems account manager f or other wavelengths.
6. Change in wavelength as case temperature is changed.
Parameter* Symbol Min Max Unit
Operating Case Temperature Range TC–25 65 °C
Storage Temperature Range Tstg –40 70 °C
Monitor Photodiode Reverse Voltage VMPD —10V
Lase r Forward Current IF— 150 mA
Reverse Voltage (Laser) VR—2V
TEC Current ITEC –1.5 1.5 A
RF Input Power PRFIN — 62 dBm V
Table 1. Key Characteristics
Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
Frequency Range:1
Return Path
Forward Path
F — 5
40 —
860 MHz
Frequency Response:1
5 MHz—210 MHz
40 MHz—860 MHz
|S21| IF = 60 mA,
TOP = 25 °C, —
±0.5 —
RF Return Loss:1
5 MHz—210 MHz
40 MHz—860 MHz
|S21| IF = 60 mA, — >16
>16 —
Optic al Output Power POIF = IOP 6, 8, or
10 ——mW
Laser Relative Intensity
Noise RIN IF = ITH + 70 mA,
T = 25 °C —< –155 — dB/Hz
Composite Second Order 2, 3 CSO IF = IOP
, OMI = 10% — < –50 — dBc
Composite Triple Beat 2, 4 CTB IF = IOP
, OMI = 10% — < –60 — dBc
Available Wavelengths5λIP = IOP
, T = TOP 1528 — 1563 nm
Wavelength Drift6∆λOP I
F = 60 mA,
T = TOP,
TC varied from min—>max
— — 0.04 nm
Adiabatic Chirp FM IF = 60 mA,
TOP = 25 °C,
measured at 500 MHz
40 — 100 MHz/mA
Operatin g Case Tempera-
ture Range TCIF = IOP –20 — 65 °C