.| Ordering number : EN485F : _ 2802314 NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor 27MHz CB Transceiver Driver Applications | Absolute Maximum Ratings at Ta= 25C . unit Collector-to-Base Voltage Vcso Rpge=150Q .- 7B Vv Collector-toEmitter Voltage Vcrr 15 v Collector-toEmitter Voltage Vcro 45 Vv Emitter-to-Base Voltage VreBo - 5 .V Collector Current Ic 1.0 A Collector Current (Palse) Icp 1.5 A Collector Dissipation __ Po 750 mW. Te = 25C 5 W Junction Temperature / Tj , - 150 C Storage Temperature Tstg 55t0o+150 C Electrical Characteristics at Ta = 25C , min typ max unit Collector Cutoff Current Icgo Vcop=40V Jp=0 1.0 pA Emitter Cutoff Current Irso ~ Vep=4VJIc=0 1.0 pA _ C-B Breakdown Voltage Visricpo Ic=l0pA,Ip=90 75 Vv C-E Breakdown Voltage - VeprceR. Ic=1mA,Rppg=1502 75 Vv C-E Breakdown Voltage Visrceo Ic=1mA,Rgg= 45 Vv E-B Breakdown Voltage ViBRoEBO Ip=10pA,Ic=0 5 Vv DC Current Gain hrg Vor=5V,I=500mA 603% 3203% Gain-Bandwidth Product frp Voer= l0V,Ic=50mA , 180 9=250 MHz Output Capacitance Cob Vcep=10V,f=1MHz ; : 15 25 pF Output Power. Po Voc=12V,f=27MHz,Pi=35mW 1.0 1.8 - WwW Collector Efficiency Ne See specified Test Circuit. 60 % C-E Saturation Voltage Vekat) Ic=500mA,Ip=50mA 02 0.6 Vv 'B-E Saturation Voltage Veksat) Ic=500mA,I[p=50mA 09 1.2 Vv * : The 25C2314 is classified by 500mA hp as follows : 60 D 120 100 E 200 160 F 320 Collector Efficiency Test Circuit . . Package Dimensions 2009A 2$C2316 -~100p_-L2_ OUTPUT (unit: mm) 1-0, . , {27 INPUT.~100p Li Tho 1 3.08 . Lite OSsEC OE Vee L22109 O.68EC 120 12v B:. Base . : : JEDEC: TO-126 C: Collector Unit (Resistance : Q, Capacitance : F) : E: Emitter SANYO Electric Co.,Ltd. Semiconductor Business Headquarters TOKYO OFFICE Tokyo Bldg.,1-10,1 Chome, Ueno, Taito-ku, TOKYO, 110 JAPAN 2090M0/4147K1/1165MW,TS No.485-1/3 28 mm 7997076 no1s7e2 00)282314 120 3 i 2 : g wo he 3 o he $ is] x 3 3 10 20 90 & 50 60 70 Collector-to Emitter Voltage,Vcop V- 80 -_ Vee VoEg=5V 8 Coliector Current,I[ mA ge 3 o 02 4 06 O8 1,0 12 Base-to-Emitter Voltage, Vpp V fr = ho 46 Vor=10V Gain-Bandwidth Product,fp MHz 8 10 100 1000 Collector Current,lg mA Vv - Ie 5 8 Saturation Voltage, Vogisat) MV 3 Collector-to Emitter 0,001 oo 01 1.0 Collector Current,I A 10 I_- Vee 8 600 ! 2 es f=] 3 a g s oD h 3 o 2 a) oD =0 0 04 0.8 1.2 1.6 20 Collector-to-Emitter Voltage, Vcp V hre - Ic DC Current Gain,hpg i : 0.001 ool a1 10 10 Collector CurrentJg A Cob - V, Output Capacitance, Cob - pF 3 100 Collector-to-Base Voltage, Voz ~ V Vv - le B=10 1,0} T,= 25C Saturation Voltage,Vpreat) Base-to-Emitter 001 2.001 10 0,01 01 1,0 Collector Current,I A | 7997076 0029723 THe . 29Collector Dissipation,P. ~ W ~~ n wn a ww nw ~ 9 2 No heat a 60 &. wo 120 Ambient Temperature,Ta C 140 28C2314 160 30