First Edition LCD Module Technical Specification Jan 18, 2007 Final Revision KRKKKKK tyen. 1T-51963GD035J-MLW-AHN OPTREX CORPORATION Shigeo Suzuki QUALITY ASSURANCE DIVISION Apprroved : Toshiyuki Okamoto MOBILE ,CONSUMER&INDUSTRY DESIGN DIV, Takashi Yuchi MOBILE ,CONSUMER&INDUSTRY DESIGN DIV, Checked : Prepared : APPROVED By Signature : Date : Please return this specification within two month with your signature. If not returned within two month ,specification will be considered as having been accepted. T-51963GD035J-MLW-AHN (AH) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 1/27Table of Contents 1. General Specifications... ccs css essessessesessecsessesseseessesatsetsncsesseseeseesavsatstsscsnsecsesseesaesaeeseecees 3 2. Operating CONMAHONS occ cccccccecccecsesssssssesscsnsesseesssnsenstessantsstssanstistsssertissasssstesssasseseestsatseaeeecsaneeeees 3 3. Electrical Specifications ooo cccccccccsscssessessesesnessscsseseeseesatsesnsesssetenseestsatstsecssseteesesseeatseaeees 4 4. Optical Specifications... ccc cccccecssssssssssssssssssssnsesssassesstsssasssssessassssstessansesssssanesstssceesessnseeeeseeees 12 5. MO TOP oo. ccecccc ccc ccseesesssssssscssssnsesseessassessessantsstsssantisisssnstesassesstessansesstsssasetessissasesstssseseseceaneeeeees 18 GB. TOSE on ccccccccccccccc cscs sssesessssnetenasensesasesstesasssisissstsesntessstsssntessssstsstassesssssassssstssansesssessansssnsessaressesseeseeseseeeeeeees 22 7. APP@araNCe Standards... cc cccccscssesesssesssssetesessssnesssssssssstessassesstesssnsesstissssetstessaseesessseseeeceaseeeees 23 8. Code System Of Production LOt ccc sec csessssnesstentenstsstsnsestssssssssnssssnesetsssseeeensaneeeeees 25 9. Type NUMER occ ccs cssessessessesncsesseseeseesetsatsnssnseseeseeseteatsntsnteetsessesetsatsansatstentesreeseesatenteesaes 25 10. Applying PreCaUutions. ccc ccc ccesssessssssssessssnsenmtesssnstistisantistsssenssssasssstsstassenesstsaseesetensaeeeeeees 25 11. Precautions Relating Product Handling oo... ccc cssessessesesnestensstsseseseseeeeeeees 26 V2. Waray ooo cccccescssesseseesstsneeneencsssseseesitsateatsntsntensensensetsaneatentencensesteeresittitstsetstseseotesesieseesseees 27 Revision History Rev. Date Page Comment T-51963GD035J-MLW-AHN (AH) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 2/271. General Specifications 2. Operating Conditions Screen Size Display Mode Driving Method Display Format Resolution Dot Pitch Pixel Configuration Active Area Outline Dimension Weight Backlight Attached Drawing 3.52 inches (8.9cm) Normally White a-Si TFT active matrix format 320 (W) X240 x3 [R.G.B] (H) 320(W) x 720(H) 0.2235(W) x 0.0745(H) mm RGB Stripe 71.52(W) x 53.64(H) mm 86.2(W) x 65.0(H) x 3.4(D) mm 46g max. LED Backlight / White Dimensional Outline T-51963AH base Item Conditions Temperature Remark Range Operating Note2-1,2-2 LCD Module Temperature Panel Surface -20~70C w/Backlight Range Storage Note2-3 LCD Module Temperature Panel Surface -30~ 70C w/Backlight Range Note2-1: Operating temperature range defines the operation only and the contrast, response time and Note2-2: Note2-3: other display optical characteristics are set at Ta=+25C. Panel surface temperature indicates the temperature of the backlight panel surface on the five points from the four corners and the center. Also note that the panel temperature of backlight side is 10C (reference value) higher than the other side. Backlight is not activated. T-51963GD035J-MLW-AHN (AH) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 3/273. Electrical Specifications 3.1.Absolute Maximum Ratings Item Symbol Conditions Min. Max. Units VDDA 0 +6.0 V Supply voltage VGH 0 +18.0 V ppy 9 Ta=25+5C VGL -15.0 0 V Vss=0V Data Signal VDDD -0.3 +6.0 V Voltage Note: Absolute maximum ratings should not exceed the limit any time. the limit, it may cause damage. 3.2.Description If the product exceeds Please be cautious to the changes in supply voltage, connection parts, surge of signals, and ambient temperature. Item Description Remark Display Size 3.5 (8.9cm) Display Method TN full color (transflective type) Normally White Driving Method a-Si TFT Active Matrix Line Scanning Pixel Alignment RGB Stripe alignment Visual Signal Input Method RGB x 6bits CMOS Level Controlled Signal Input Method CMOS Level Backlight LED, Edge light 3.3.Pixel Alignment (<+-- T-51963GD035J-MLW-AHN (AH) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 4/273.4.Operation Condition for LCD Module Ta=25C Item Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units Remark VIL - 0 0.8 V Signal VIH 2.7 3.3 3.6 V Vppp=MAX VDDD 3.0 3.3 3.6 V Supply Voltage VDDA 4.9 5.0 5.1 V Gate Driver Plus VGH 15.5 16.0 16.5 V Gate Driver Minus VGL -12.5 -12.0 -11.5 V Digital IDDD - 1.6 - mA Analog IDDA - 8.0 - mA Gate Driver IGH - 0.05 0.10 mA Gate Driver IGL - 0.05 0.10 mA Common Electrode Voltage | VCOMAC - +2.5 - VP-P VCOMDC 0.6 1.6 2.6 V Note: The recommended conditions are the range of operation guaranteed and operating beyond the range, the operation will not be guaranteed even if it is within the absolute values. Gamma: Target 2.2 T-51963GD035J-MLW-AHN (AH) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 5/273.5.Timing Specification 3.5.1. Input signal waveform VDDD=3.3V, Ta=25C Item Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units CLK Period Tose 199 183 146 ns Data Setup Time Tsu 12 - - ns Data Hold Time THD 12 - - ns HD Period TH 260 280 300 Tose HD Pulse Width THs 2 10 - Tosc Horizontal Active Time THA - 240 - Tose VD Period Tvx 323 326 340 TH VD Pulse Width Tvs 1 3 5 TH Vertical Active Time TVA - 320 - Tose VD-DENA Time TvseE - 4 - TH HD-DENA Time THE 10 30 63 Tose DENA Pulse Width TEP - 240 - Tosc HD-POL Time THP - 7 - Tosc a. Pixel Timing Chart DCLK DATA(R,G,B), DENA, HD, VD b. Horizontal Timing Chart First Data RGB) Invalid Data I 1 ) 2 Y 3 eK Y 240 J Invalid Data \ Tue Tap IS Last Data \ DENA ~ | Ty Tus <> ay HD LS lt )T hip POL T-51963GD035J-MLW-AHN (AH) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 6/27c. Vertical Timing Chart HD LINE DATA DENA VD \\ POL Ww T-51963GD035J-MLW-AHN (AH) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 7/273.6.Power Supply Sequence Please follow below for power supply sequence. When the power is on, all power source is assumed to be at 90% and when power is off, all power source is assumed to be at 10%. Please avoid any single power source to be outside of the sequence written below. Power ON Sequence VDDD VGH/VGL + VDDA -- Data Power OFF Sequence Data -~ VDDA ~ VGH/VGL ~+ VDDD 3.0V t9 |t10 t10} t9 Nee oy 0.5V J. le le! 0.5V / VDDD 7A +s e* re t8 NS VGL VGH VDDA D t1 . t2 q _t6 pil p t3 x 14 its) data Backlight Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units t1 0 - 10 ms t2 0 - 50 ms t3 20 - 1000 ms t4 0 - 50 ms t5 1000 - - ms t6 200 - - ms t7 0 - - ms t8 0 - 10 ms t9 0 - 10 ms t10 0 - 10 ms T-51963GD035J-MLW-AHN (AH) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 8/273.7.Reset Signal Timing T-51963 is internally initialized by the global reset signal, RESET. The reset input must be held for at least 1ms after power is stable. 90% T <+\ p> T>1ms RESET 3.8.Scan Direction AM ee prerereerere) > (2) A) (3) VM (4) |, seeeeeeeee ~q Leveveseneee y H=VDDD, L=GND L/R U/L (1) H L (2) L H (3) L L (4) H H T-51963GD035J-MLW-AHN (AH) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 9/273.9.VCOM Input Signal T-51963 needs DC level shift circuit at customerside. _.(4.1V) wf LOVE 1.0V (adjustable) (-0.9V) --VDDA(5V) vob L Od... OV DC level shift POL(output ) > circuit |}_______y VCOM(input ) T-51963GD035J-MLW-AHN (AH) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 10/273.10. Backlight 3.10.1. Backlight Driving Section Ta=25C Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units Remark LED Voltage VL - 19.2 21.0 V IL=20mMA LED Current IL - 15 20 mA Power Consumption WL - 0.384 - WwW IL=20mA ok Backlight Life Time BL 5000 - - Hrs IL=15mA * Calculated reference value(IL x VL) T-51963GD035J-MLW-AHN (AH) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 11/274. Optical Specifications Conditions Standard Value Method of Item Symbol ; Units Remark CR Min. | Typ. | Max. Measurement (1) Brightness B - 160 - Cd/m? N4-1 (2)Contrast Ratio CR 40 70 - - " 4 (D4-1a) s - | 032] - - n . : 3)White Chromacit 5 |) y - |o35] - ; o. < |(4)Brightness Uniformity - 0.7 - - - (D4-2) N4-1 S (5)Vertical Up Bu >10 - 40 - Degree - Viewing Angle Down 8p >10 - 40 - Degree (D4-3) (6)Horizontal Left OL >10 - 40 - Degree Viewing Angle Right or >10 - 40 - Degree Rise wT - 30 60 ms - (7)Response Time (D4-4) Decay | 1d - 50 100 ms 2 (1)Contrast Ratio CR - 8 - - " g S - 0.32 - - - @ | (2)White Chromacity (D4-1b) = - 0.33 - - o (3)Reflectance - - 20 - % - (N4-1) :Under the condition of IL=15mA T-51963GD035J-MLW-AHN (AH) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 12/27@ Conditions for Measuring Environment: Dark room with no light or close to no light. Temperature: 25+5C Humidity: 40~70%RH @ Optimal viewing angle (The angle with best contrast) 3 Oclock(NON INVERTING ) (D4-1a) Method of Brightness Measurement 1) Measuring Device TOPCON BN-7, Measuring Field: 1 2) Measuring Point Center of Display 9=0, 6=0 On Conditions 9: A vertical angle from measuring direction to perpendicular. : A horizontal angle from measuring direction to perpendicular. 3) Method of Measuring Apply signal voltage (displayed in white) to maximize Brightness and measure brightness B (cd/m?). The distance between BM-7s front lens to surface panel is 500mm. Center (Pixel) (X, Y)=(120, 160) LCD Module Distance: 500mm TOPCON BM-7 T-51963GD035J-MLW-AHN (AH) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 13/27(D4-1b) @ Method of Brightness Measurement(Reflective mode) Detector b> A > Fira ight _ 15 1) Measuring Conditions: Measuring equipment : Colorimeter: (Yokogawa M&C Corporation) 2) Incident angle : 15 Measured angle : 0 (Angle is defined from normal direction ) 3) Light source Ring light ( C light source ) 4) Definition of reflectance Reflection of reflection standard is defined as 100% 5) Brightness of LCD Brightness of backlight x 100 ( in all white pattern ) @ Method of Contrast Measurement 1) Measuring Device Colorimeter: (Yokogawa M&C Corporation) 2) Measuring Point Center of display : Same as Method of Brightness Measurement 3) Method of Measuring eSet LCD module to 6=0, =0 eChange signal voltage to measure maximum Brightness Y1 and minimum brightness Y2. eContrast is derived from CR=Y1/Y2. T-51963GD035J-MLW-AHN (AH) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 14/27(D4-2) @ Definition of Brightness Uniformity Definition is calculated from the 5 points (SO-S4) on the diagram below. 10mm 15mm 15mm a i $1 s4 _ SO $2 $3 | Standard value of Brightness Uniformity = } 10mm Minimum value of S$1-S4 So T-51963GD035J-MLW-AHN (AH) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 15/27(D4-3) @ Method of Viewing Angle Measurement 1) Measuring Device TOPCON BN-7, Measuring Field: 1 2) Measuring Point Center of display: Same as Method of Brightness Measurement 3) Angle of Measuring 8: An angle vertical to perpendicular line from the viewing direction. o: An angle horizontal to perpendicular from the viewing direction. Temperature Chamber Rotation Table (6,6) TOPCON BM-7 4 LCD A fo L__] Computer Control Unit & Waveform generator 4) Method of Measuring Set rotation table to =0 and set BM-7 to contrast 10 to measure angle + 0 for left and right direction of horizontal viewing angle >. Also set rotation table to =90 and set BM-7 to contrast 10 to measure angle + 6 for up and down direction of vertical viewing angle 9. T-51963GD035J-MLW-AHN (AH) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 16/27(D4-4) @ Measuring Response Time (1) Measuring Device TOPCON BN-7 , Measuring Field : 1 Tektronix Digital Oscilloscope (2) Measuring Point Center of display, same as Method of Brightness Measurement (3) Method of Measuring * Set LCD panel to 0=0,and $=0. > Input white+blackwhite to display by switching signal voltage. If the luminance is 0% and 100% immediately before the change of signal voltage, then tr is optical response time during the change from 90% to 10% immediately after rise of signal voltage, and td is optical response time during the change from 10%to 90% immediately after decay of signal voltage. White Black White >} i > <_______. 100% 90% Brightness 10% 0% > ur 4 > 7d 4 Page 17/27 OPTREX CORPORATION T-51963GD035J-MLW-AHN (AH)5. 1/O Terminal 5.1.Pin Assignment No. Symbol Level Function 1/0 1 VL1 - Power Supply for LED (High Voltage) | 2 NC - No Connection - 3 VL2 - Power Supply for LED (Low Voltage) | 4 VGL - Power Supply of Gate Drive(Low Level) | 5 VDDD - Power Supply of DigitaL | 6 DGND - Ground (Digital) | 7 NC - No Connection - 8 DGND H/L | Ground(Digital) | 9 HD H/L Horizontal Sync Signal | 10 U/L H/L Selection for Vertical Scanning Direction | 11 NC - No Connection - 12 VGH - Power Supply of Gate Drive(High Level) | 13 VCOM H/L Common Electrode Driving Signal | 14 DGND - Ground (Digital) | 15 VD H/L Vertical Sync Signal | 16 DGND - Ground (Digital) | 17 VDDA - Power Supply(Analog) | 18 L/R H/L Selection for Horizontal Scanning Direction | 19 RESET H/L Hardware Global Reset. Low Active. | 20 POL H/L Polarity Control Signal for Common Inv. O 21 DGND - Ground (Digital) | 22 B5 H/L_ | Blue Data Signal(MSB) | 23 B4 H/L Blue Data Signal | 24 B3 H/L Blue Data Signal | 25 B2 H/L Blue Data Signal | 26 B1 H/L Blue Data Signal | 27 BO H/L | Blue Data Signal(LSB) | 28 DENA H/L Data Enable Signal | 29 DGND - Ground (Digital) | 30 NC - No Connection - 31 DGND - Ground | 32 DCLK H/L Data Sampling Clock | 33 DGND - Ground (Digital) | 34 G5 H/L Green Data Signal(MSB) | T-51963GD035J-MLW-AHN (AH) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 18/2735 G4 H/L Green Data Signal | 36 G3 H/L Green Data Signal | 37 G2 H/L Green Data Signal | 38 G1 H/L Green Data Signal | 39 GO H/L Green Data Signal(LSB) | 40 DGND - Ground (Digital) | 41 R5 H/L_ | Red Data Signal(MSB) | 42 R4 H/L Red Data Signal | 43 R3 H/L Red Data Signal | 44 R2 H/L Red Data Signal | 45 R1 H/L Red Data Signal | 46 RO H/L_ | Red Data Signal(LSB) | 47 AGND - Ground(Analog) | 48 NC - No Connection - 49 DGND - Ground (Digital) | 50 DGND - Ground (Digital) | RecommendationCN : FH12A-50S-0.5SH(HIROSE) T-51963GD035J-MLW-AHN (AH) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 19/275.2. Gray Scale Table for TFT Input signals Basic Display Colors and Gray Scale of each Color Colors & Data Signal Gray Gray RO: R1}R2:}R3iR4: RS} GO: G1 i G2: G3} G4: G5] BO: Bi i B2: B3: B4: BS Black - 0:0:0'0:'0.0/0:0:0:'0:'0:0/0:0:0 0:0 :0 Blue - 0:00:00 0/0:0:'0:'0'0 0/1:1:1:1:1 1 Green - 0:0:0'0,'0.0/1:1:1:'1,1:1]/0:0:0:0:0:0 Cyan - 0:0:00,0 0/1:1:1:1,1-1/14:1:51:51:1 51 Red - 1:1:1:1:'1:1/0:0:0'0'0:'0/0:'0:0 0:00 Magenta - 1:1:1:1:1:1/0:'0:0'0'0:0]/1:1:1:1:1:1 Yellow - 1:14:51:1:'1:1/1:51:511:'1:51/0:0:0 0:00 White - 1:$4:54:4:24:14/14514517154254254]/151515151451 Black Gso |0'0:0:'0:'0'0/0'0:0:'0:0:0/0:0:0:0:0'0 t Gs1 |1:0:00:'0'0/0'0:0:'0:'0'0/0'0:0:0:0 0 Darker Gs2 |/0'1:00:'0'0/0'0:0.0:'0:0/0:'0:0 0:0 .0 a t V \ 1 oe 1 J i t Brighter Gse1 |1/0'1:51:51:51/0.0'0:0:0:'0]/0.0.0:0:0:0 1 Gsez2 |}0 1:1:1:1:1/0 0'0:0:'0:'0]/0.0.0:0:0:0 Red Gse3 |111:1:1:1/0 0'0:0:0:0]/0 00:00:00 Black Gso |0'0:0'0:'0'0/0:'0:0'0'0:'0/0:0:0'0:0'0 t GSs1 |0'0:0:'0:'0:0/1:'0:0'0:'0'0/0:'0:0:0:00 Darker GSs2 |0'0:0'0:'0'0/0'1:0:'0:0'0/0'0:0:0:0 0 in * J Y Y m J J i j Brighter Gse1 |0'0'0'0:'0 0/1 0'1:1:51:51/0'0'0:0:0:0 1 Gsez2 |0.0'0:0:'0'0/0 1,1:1:1:51/0,0.0:0:0:0 Green Gs6e3 |0'0'0:'0:'0 0/1 1'1:1:51:51/0,0.0:0:0:0 Black Gso |0'0:0'0'0'0/0'0:0:'0:'0'0/0:'0:0:0:0 0 t GS1 |0:0:0'0:'0'0/0:0:0'0:'0:'0/1:0:00:0:0 Darker GS2 |/0'0:0'0'0,'0/0'0:0:'0:'0,0/0'1:0:0:0:0 Ww t V V V m 1 V V 1 Brighter Gse1 |0'0'0:0.'0:0/0'0'0:0:0 0]/10'1:1:1 51 1 Gsez2 |0'0'0:'0.0 0/0'0'0:'0:'0 0/0'1:'1:1:1 51 Blue Gs6e3 |0'0'0:'0'0'0/0'0:'0:0'0 0]/1:'1:1:51:151 O:Low Voltage 1:High Voltage each primary color can be displayed in 64 gray scales from 6 bit data signals. According to the cordination of a total 18 bit data signals, the 262,144 color display can be achievend on screen. T-51963GD035J-MLW-AHN (AH) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 20/275.3.Block Diagram DC level | Shift circuit [7 DCLK Hsync Vsync DENA RO-R5 G0-G5 BO-B5 VDDD(+3.3V) JOAUG aye5 = ze 3.5TFT-LCD 240(RGB)x320 dots Source Driver A Timing Controller 90JNOS OL +3.3V VGH(+16V) VGL(-12V) VDDA(+5.0V) we VCOM(4.1V/-0.9V) cs Reference Voltage Circuit Source Driver T-51963GD035J-MLW-AHN (AH) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 21/276. Test 6.1.Mechanical and Environmental Test No. Parameter Conditions 1 High Temperature Storage Test | Ta=+70C, 240hrs 2 Low Temperature Storage Test Ta=-30C, 240hrs 3 High Temperature and High Ta=+40C, 90%RH, 240hrs Humidity Operating Test | (But no condensation of dew) 4 High Temperature Operating Test} Ta=+70C, 240hrs 5 Low Temperature Operating Test | Ta=-20C, 240hrs 6 Electro Static Discharge Test +200V, 200pF (022) to Terminals(Contact) (1 time for each terminal) +8kV, 150pF (3300) to Housing bezel (Contact) +15kV, 150pF(330Q) to Housing bezel (in Ain) 7 Shock Test 980m/s, 6ms +X, +Y,+Z 3 times for each direction 8 Vibration Test Frequency range : 10~55Hz Stroke: 1.5mm Sweep : 10~55Hz X, Y, Z 2 hours for each direction (total 6 hours) 9 Heat Shock Test Ta=-25C(1h)~+70C(1h) / 5 cycles 10 FPC Bending Test Bending 30 times by bending radius RO.6mm and angle=90(LCD FPC) T-51963GD035J-MLW-AHN (AH) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 22/277. Appearance Standards 7.1.Extraneous Substances, Scratches, Dents Externals defect which does not shine Length : L(mm), Average diameter : D(mm) Inspection standards Check Average Diameter No count Count NG pattern 3 Black or D<0.15 0.150.3 white/black 6 White spots ee Lenght Lint L<0.15 0.153.0 black Scratches L<2.0 2.05.0 black L Dent or Bubble D<0.15 0.150.3 black L=Longest point *Please refer to inspection conditions section (Shown Below) for the external inspection conditions. Inspection conditions item Inspection conditions External lighting source inspection Black light inspection Panel Surface =750 Ix 160cd/m? Ilumination (uniform lighting on the panel surface) (Panel center brightness) Light Source Fluorescent tube Backlight Ambient Illumination 300 ~ 700 Ix < Viewing Distance 350mm + 50 mm < Direction of Lighting Set light tube without - reflection on the panel surface Viewing Angle The surface of the Module and the eyes of the inspector shall be < 90 + 5 degrees. How to use ND filter Use ND filter close to eyes (fig 1) Use ND filter open to eyes(fig2) Check pattern(Bright dot) Black picture position << Check pattern(Black dot) White pictiure position << ND Filter a LCD Panel Light soure 350+50mm LCD Panel (fig1) Light source(Backlight) A 350+50mm ND Filter (fig2) T-51963GD035J-MLW-AHN (AH) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 23/27Definition a) Bright dot Green/Red/Blue dots : When the MODULE lights, dots appear bright in display at black picture position. Count _ : Visible through 5% transparency of filter (Red, Green, Blue) No count : Not visible through 5% transparency of filter b) Black dot Black dots : When the Module lights, dots appear black in display at white picture position. c) Scratch on the color filter Count _ : Visible over the half of a dot No count : Visible under the half of a dot d) Scratch on the Black mask Count _ : Visible over 50 umd No count : Visible under 50 um Bright dot Zone total(Active area) Bright dots 3 Total number of defect(Bright dot + Black dot) Zone total(Active area) Total number of defect 6 (Bright dot + Black dot) Defect distance & join Bright dots distance 5mm min Bright dots join nothing Black dots distance 5mm min Black dots join(2 dots) 1 (black dot) count Black dots join(3 dots or more) nothing T-51963GD035J-MLW-AHN (AH) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 24/278. Code System of Production Lot The production lot of module is specified as follows. MOO oO - oo | actory Control Number (0~99) Date of the week (A~G) Factory Number (0~9) Factory Code (Alphabet) Production Week (1~5) Production Month (1~9, X, Y, Z) Production Year (Lower 2 digits) 9. Type Number The type number of module is specified as follows. T-51963GD035J-MLW-AHN 10. Applying Precautions Please contact us when questions and/or new problems not specified in this Specifications arise. T-51963GD035J-MLW-AHN (AH) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 25/2711. Precautions Relating Product Handling The Following precautions will guide you in handling our product correctly. 1) Liquid crystal display devices 1. The liquid crystal display device panel used in the liquid crystal display module is made of plate glass. Avoid any strong mechanical shock. Should the glass break handle it with care. 2. The polarizer adhering to the surface of the LCD is made of a soft material. Guard against scratching it. 2) Care of the liquid crystal display module against static electricity discharge. 1. When working with the module, be sure to ground your body and any electrical equipment you may be using. We strongly recommend the use of anti static mats ( made of rubber ), to protect work tables against the hazards of electrical shock. 2. Avoid the use of work clothing made of synthetic fibers. We recommend cotton clothing or other conductivity-treated fibers. 3. Slowly and carefully remove the protective film from the LCD module, since this operation can generate static electricity. 3) When the LCD module alone must be stored for long periods of time: 1.Protect the modules from high temperature and humidity. 2.Keep the modules out of direct sunlight or direct exposure to ultraviolet rays. 3.Protect the modules from excessive external forces. 4) Use the module with a power supply that is equipped with an overcurrent protector circuit,since the module is not provided with this protective feature. 5) Do not ingest the LCD fluid itself should it leak out of a damaged LCD module. Should hands or clothing come in contact with LCD fluid, wash immediately with soap. 6) Conductivity is not guaranteed for models that use metal holders where solder connections between the metal holder and the PCB are not used. Please contact us to discuss appropriate ways to assure conductivity. 7) For models which use CFL: 1.High voltage of 1000V or greater is applied to the CFL cable connector area. Care should be taken not to touch connection areas to avoid burns. 2.Protect CFL cables from rubbing against the unit and thus causing the wire jacket to become worn. 3.The use of CFLs for extended periods of time at low temperatures will significantly shorten their service life. 8) For models which use touch panels: 1.Do not stack up modules since they can be damaged by components on neighboring modules. 2.Do not place heavy objects on top of the product. This could cause glass breakage. 9) For models which use COG,TAB,or COF: 1.The mechanical strength of the product is low since the IC chip faces out unprotected from the rear. Be sure to protect the rear of the IC chip from external forces. 2.Given the fact that the rear of the IC chip is left exposed, in order to protect the unit from electrical damage, avoid installation configurations in which the rear of the IC chip runs the risk of making any electrical contact. T-51963GD035J-MLW-AHN (AH) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 26/2710) Models which use flexible cable, heat seal, or TAB: 1.In order to maintain reliability, do not touch or hold by the connector area. 2.Avoid any bending, pulling, or other excessive force, which can result in broken connections. 11) In case of buffer material such as cushion / gasket is assembled into LCD module, it may have an adverse effect on connecting parts (LCD panel-TCP / HEAT SEAL / FPC / etc., PCB-TCP / HEAT SEAL / FPC etc., TCP-HEAT SEAL, TCP-FPC, HEAT SEAL-FPC, etc.,) depending on its materials. Please check and evaluate these materials carefully before use. 12) Incase of acrylic plate is attached to front side of LCD panel, cloudiness ( very small cracks ) can occur on acrylic plate, being influenced by some components generated from polarizer film.. Please check and evaluate those acrylic materials carefully before use. 12. Warranty This product has been manufactured to your companys specifications as a part for use in your companys general electronic products. It is guaranteed to perform according to delivery specifications. For any other use apart from general electronic equipment, we cannot take responsibility if the product is used in medical devices, nuclear power control equipment, aerospace equipment, fire and security systems, or any other applications in which there is a direct risk to human life and where extremely high levels of reliability are required. If the product is to be used in any of the above applications, we will need to enter into a separate product liability agreement. 1. We cannot accept responsibility for any defect, which may arise from additional manufacturing of the product (including disassembly and reassembly), after product delivery. 2. We cannot accept responsibility for any defect, which may arise after the application of strong external force to the product. 3. We cannot accept responsibility for any defect, which may arise due to the application of static electricity after the product has passed your companys acceptance inspection procedures. 4. When the product is in CFL models, CFL service life and brightness will vary According to the performance of the inverter used, leaks, etc. We cannot accept responsibility for product performance, reliability, or defect, which may arise. 5. We cannot accept responsibility for intellectual property of a third party, which may arise through the application of our product to your assembly with exception to those issues relating directly to the structure or method of manufacturing of our product. 6. Optrex will not be held responsible for any quality guarantee issue for defect products judged as Optrex-origin longer than 2 (two) years from Optrex production or 1 (one) year from Optrex, Optrex America, Optrex Europe delivery which ever comes later. T-51963GD035J-MLW-AHN (AH) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 27/27