SCK: SPI clock, input only clock from host. The host must shift out data on the falling SCK edge and the QT2640
clocks data in on the rising edge. The QT2640 likewise shifts data out on the falling edge of SCK back to the host so
that the host can shift the data in on the rising edge.
Note: SCK must idle high; it should never float.
SS: Slave select, input only. Acts as a framing signal to the sensor from the host. SS must be low before and during
each byte transfer with the host. It must not go high again until the SCK line has returned high; SS must idle high.
This pin includes an internal pull-up resistor of 20 k–50k. When SS is high, MISO floats.
DRDY: Data Ready, active-high, indicates to the host that the QT2640 is ready to send or receive data. This pin idles
high and is an open-drain output with an internal 20 k–50k pull-up resistor. Most communications failures are
the result of failure to properly observe the DRDY timing.
Serial communications pacing is controlled by DRDY. Use of DRDY is critical to successful communications with the
QT2640. The host is permitted to perform an SPI transfer only when DRDY has returned high. After each SPI byte
transfer DRDY goes low after a short delay and remains low until the QT2640 is ready for another transfer. A short
delay occurs before DRDY is driven low because the QT2640 may be otherwise busy and requires a finite time to
respond. DRDY may go low only for a few microseconds. During the period from the end of one transfer until DRDY
goes low and back high again, the host should not perform another transfer. Therefore, before each byte
transmission, including the first byte of each sequence, the host should first check that DRDY is high again.
If the host wants to perform a byte transfer with the QT2640 it should behave as follows:
1. Wait at least 100 µs after the previous SPI transfer (time S5 in Figure 3-2 on page 24: DRDY is guaranteed to
go low before this 100 µs expires).
2. Wait until DRDY is high (it may already be high again).
3. Perform the next SPI transfer with the QT2640.
The time it takes for DRDY to go high again after each transfer depends if the host is performing
A setups write, or is performing a read, as follows:
Setups write: 20 ms
Read: 1 ms
The DRDY times above are valid when the maximum operating frequency (FREQ0 = 1) is used. These times
increase as the operating frequency is reduced. With very low operating frequency add 5 ms to the above times.
With the Debug interface enabled, add 11ms to the above times.
Other DRDY specifications:
Min time DRDY is low: 1 µs
Min time DRDY is low after reset: 80 ms
Null Bytes: When the QT2640 responds with data requested in a read operation, the host should issue null bytes
(0x00) in order to recover the response bytes back. The host should not start a new communications sequence until
all the response and CRC bytes are accepted back from the QT2640.
Timeout: A successful communications sequence consists of a number of byte transfers. The QT2640 expects each
byte transfer within a sequence to occur within 20 ms (± 5 ms) of the previous transfer. If more than 20 ms elapses
between any two bytes, the QT2640 abandons the current sequence and starts a new sequence at the next byte
Wake-up: The QT2640 can be configured to automatically sleep, but the host must awaken the QT2640, when
required, with a rising signal edge at the VREF/WS pin, which should be accomplished through a simple transistor as
described in Section 2.18 on page 18.
With the SS line used to drive this transistor, the host can simply pulse SS to wake the QT2640. The host should not
send an actual SPI byte to prevent the QT2640 from seeing a byte it cannot properly interpret due to timing errors
during wake-up. There is an interval of approximately 1.5 ms from the pulse on VREF/WS before the QT2640 is able
to resume processing. Transmissions to the QT2640 within this interval are discarded.