AS726x-iSPI Evaluation Kit User Guide AS726x-iSPI Evaluation Kit User Guide ams AS726x-iSPI User Guide [v2-00] 2017-Feb-23 Page 1 Document Feedback AS726x-iSPI Evaluation Kit User Guide Content Guide 1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Kit Content ........................................................................................................................... 3 1.2 Connection ........................................................................................................................... 3 2 Getting Started ..................................................................................................................... 4 3 Hardware Description........................................................................................................... 4 3.1 Hardware Architecture ......................................................................................................... 4 3.2 Power Supply ....................................................................................................................... 5 3.3 UART/ I2C Interface ............................................................................................................. 5 3.4 LEDs .................................................................................................................................... 6 3.5 Others .................................................................................................................................. 7 4 Software Description ............................................................................................................ 7 5 AS726x-iSPI Schematics ..................................................................................................... 8 6 Ordering & Contact Information ........................................................................................... 9 7 Copyrights & Disclaimer ..................................................................................................... 10 8 Revision Information .......................................................................................................... 11 ams AS726x-iSPI User Guide [v2-00] 2017-Feb-23 Page 2 Document Feedback AS726x-iSPI Evaluation Kit User Guide 1 Introduction AS726x-iSPI Evaluation Kit provides a platform to evaluate ams AS726x products with AS726x Spectral Sensing - iSPI software running on Windows based personal computer. This user guide describes the features and functions of AS726x-iSPI evaluation kit. 1.1 Kit Content The following items are delivered with this Demo Kit. 1 2 3 Pos. Item Comment 1 AS726x-iSPI Board Evaluation Board 2 USB Memory Stick Documents and Software 3 Cable FTDI USB-MPSSE Cable Figure 1. Kit Content 1.2 Connection Figure 2. AS726x-iSPI and Cable Connection J2's Pin 1 (the pin with square pad) needs to be connected to Red wire of the cable. ams AS726x-iSPI User Guide [v2-00] 2017-Feb-23 Page 3 Document Feedback AS726x-iSPI Evaluation Kit User Guide 2 Getting Started The evaluation kit requires one time installation of FTDI CDM Driver for the USB-MPSSE cable if it is not already installed on the computer. The installation file can be found in the USB Memory Stick. If there is an issue about the installations, please refer to for more information. The AS726x Spectral Sensing - iSPI software does not need extra installation. Please copy the following files to any folder you would like to work with and run the .exe file to start the GUI. # File Comment 1 AS726x_Spectral_Sensing_iSPI_GUI.exe Excutable file 2 FTD2XX_NET.dll DLL file Figure 3. AS726x Spectral Sensing -iSPI GUI Software Files 3 Hardware Description The AS726x-iSPI design consists of AS726x device with associated flash memory, LED circuit, and jumper configuration for UART/I2C interface. 3.1 Hardware Architecture 3V3 AS726x-iSPI Module PC AS726x-iSPI GUI V LEDs I2C/UART USB-MPSSE Cable 6 Pin Header AS726x Jumper SPI flash Figure 3. Board Block Diagram C E A B D C ams AS726x-iSPI User Guide [v2-00] 2017-Feb-23 Page 4 Document Feedback AS726x-iSPI Evaluation Kit User Guide F Pos. Designator Comment A U1 AS726x Device B J3, J4 Headers for UART or I2C interface Selection; C D6, D7 Place Holders for LEDs; D J2 Six Pins Header; Connect to PC with USB-MPSSE cable; E V Test Point for External Supply for LEDs; F U2 Flash memory; Figure 4. Devices, Connectors and LEDs 3.2 Power Supply The AS726x-iSPI module is powered by FTDI C232HM-DDSHL-0 USB-MPSSE cable that connects to a personal computer. The voltage of the supply is 3.3V. 3.3 UART/ I2C Interface AS726x device supports either UART or I2C interface as the communication path. By default, AS726x-iSPI demo kit is shipped as using I2C interface. AS726x Spectral Sensing iSPI GUI software can be used to evaluate AS726x features. If the UART interface is desired, please adjust the jumper setting as below. Any terminal software configured as 115200 Baud Rate, 8-Bit Data, No Plarity, 1-Bit Stop would be fine. J3 J4 UART Interface OFF ON I2C Interface ON OFF Figure 5. Jumper Setting Please note that you may need to reset the USB-MPSSE cable by plug-out/plug-in when you switch UART and I2C interface during your evaluation. ams AS726x-iSPI User Guide [v2-00] 2017-Feb-23 Page 5 Document Feedback AS726x-iSPI Evaluation Kit User Guide 3.4 LEDs AS726x-iSPI module has two place holders for LED light sources. By default there are no LEDs populated onboard. 3V 10uF 100nF uP VDD1 VDD2 RX / SCL_S TX / SDA_S LED_IND INT LED_DRV Flash MOSI MISO SCK CSN_EE 3V 3V AS726x 6-channel NIR Sensor Light Source Light in Target Reflective Surface GND Figure 6. Generic Application A generic application of AS726x is to shine light rays to a target and AS726x produces outputs based on the reflected light rays as Figure 6. So LED selection is determined by the spectral responsivity of reflected light and characteristics of the target. For example, if the target is expected to absorb 680nm light and the application needs to distinguish the target from others, a broadband white LED might be used as the light source with AS7263 and the 680nm channel should be checked. Various applications may require different light sources. LEDs can be powered either by onboard 3.3V rail or by an external supply. If 3.3V rail is used, please populate LEDs on D6/D7 and install a zero ohms resistor on R5. If 3.3V supply is not high enough for some higher forward voltage LEDs, an external supply can be connected to the test point, V and the current limit resistor R11 should be installed. Please note that R5 has to be removed when connect external supply to the module. The AS726x can drive LEDs with 12.5mA, 25mA, 50mA, or 100mA. There is also an indicator LED, D5, onboard. The LEDs can be controlled and configured with the vitual I2C register, 0x07 (the register address 0x87 for write). Addr: 0x07/0x87 LED Control Bit Bit Name Default Access 7:6 RSVD 0 R 5:4 ICL_DRV 00 R/W Bit Description Reserved LED_DRV current limit `b00=12.5mA; `b01=25mA; `b10=50mA; `b11=100mA; 3 LED_DRV 0 R/W Enable LED_DRV 1: Enabled; 0: Disabled 2:1 ICL_IND 00 R/W LED_IND current limit `b00=1mA; `b01=2mA; `b10=4mA; `b11=8mA; 0 LED_IND ams AS726x-iSPI User Guide [v2-00] 2017-Feb-23 0 R/W Enable LED_IND Page 6 Document Feedback AS726x-iSPI Evaluation Kit User Guide Addr: 0x07/0x87 LED Control 1: Enabled; 0: Disabled Figure 7. Register for LED Configuration For UART interface, AT command ATLED1 = 100/0 to turn the LEDs D6/D7 ON/OFF and ATLEDC = 0xXY (one byte) configures the LED current. X sets the LED current and Y configures the indicator LED current. ATLED0 and ATLEDC controls/configures the indicator LED, D5. AT Commands LED (D6/D7) LED (D5) ATLED0 = 100/0 - ON/OFF ATLED1 = 100/0 ON/OFF - ATLEDC = 0xXY Set LED Current Set LED Current X = 0000b, Y = 0000b 12.5mA 1mA X = 0001b, Y = 0001b 25mA 2mA X = 0010b, Y = 0010b 50mA 4mA X = 0011b, Y = 0011b 100mA 8mA Figure 8. AT Commands for LED Control When ever the board is powered, the LED should be on for a short time and off. If the LED keeps flashing, it implys something wrong in the communication between AS726x device and the flash memory. 3.5 Others AS726x-iSPI module can be wired to customer controller for development/evaluation. The test points, SDA/SCL, can be used for monitoring UART/I2C bus transaction. Also pin 6 of J2 provides the connection to INT. If interrupt is required to get the sensor data, this pin will be convienient for watching interrupt signal. 4 Software Description This evaluation kit comes with the Spectral Sensor dashboard software running on a Windows computer for evaluating AS726x features. The USB Data Stick has the application notes for the Spectral Sensor software. Please refer to the document for more information to use the software. ams AS726x-iSPI User Guide [v2-00] 2017-Feb-23 Page 7 Document Feedback AS726x-iSPI Evaluation Kit User Guide 5 AS726x-iSPI Schematics ams AS726x-iSPI User Guide [v2-00] 2017-Feb-23 Page 8 Document Feedback AS726x-iSPI Evaluation Kit User Guide 6 Ordering & Contact Information Ordering Code Description Demo/Eval Kit AS726x-iSPI AS726x-iSPI Evaluation Kit Buy our products or get free samples online at: Technical Support is available at: Provide feedback about this document at: For further information and requests, e-mail us at: For sales offices, distributors and representatives, please visit: Headquarters ams AG Tobelbaderstrasse 30 8141 Unterpremstaetten Austria, Europe Tel: +43 (0) 3136 500 0 Website: ams AS726x-iSPI User Guide [v2-00] 2017-Feb-23 Page 9 Document Feedback AS726x-iSPI Evaluation Kit User Guide 7 Copyrights & Disclaimer Copyright ams AG, Tobelbader Strasse 30, 8141 Unterpremstaetten, Austria-Europe. Trademarks Registered. All rights reserved. The material herein may not be reproduced, adapted, merged, translated, stored, or used without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. Demo Kits, Evaluation Kits and Reference Designs are provided to recipient on an "as is" basis for demonstration and evaluation purposes only and are not considered to be finished end-products intended and fit for general consumer use, commercial applications and applications with special requirements such as but not limited to medical equipment or automotive applications. Demo Kits, Evaluation Kits and Reference Designs have not been tested for compliance with electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) standards and directives, unless otherwise specified. Demo Kits, Evaluation Kits and Reference Designs shall be used by qualified personnel only. ams AG reserves the right to change functionality and price of Demo Kits, Evaluation Kits and Reference Designs at any time and without notice. Any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. Any claims and demands and any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary or consequential damages arising from the inadequacy of the provided Demo Kits, Evaluation Kits and Reference Designs or incurred losses of any kind (e.g. loss of use, data or profits or business interruption however caused) as a consequence of their use are excluded. ams AG shall not be liable to recipient or any third party for any damages, including but not limited to personal injury, property damage, loss of profits, loss of use, interruption of business or indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, of any kind, in connection with or arising out of the furnishing, performance or use of the technical data herein. No obligation or liability to recipient or any third party shall arise or flow out of ams AG rendering of technical or other services. ams AS726x-iSPI User Guide [v2-00] 2017-Feb-23 Page 10 Document Feedback AS726x-iSPI Evaluation Kit User Guide 8 Revision Information Changes from previous version to current revision 2-00 (2017-Feb-23) Page Updated with AS726x-iSPI Board Version 2.0 Updated LED Section Note: Page numbers for the previous version may differ from page numbers in the current revision. Correction of typographical errors is not explicitly mentioned. ams AS726x-iSPI User Guide [v2-00] 2017-Feb-23 Page 11 Document Feedback