28 Discrete LED Lamps Monsanto offers a broad line of discrete light and brightness is available from standard distribu- emitting diode products to provide the customer tion channels in virtually all quantities. These lines with a wide selection of off-the-shelf products that are being updated continually to provide modern, will meet his particular requirements. A broad functional devices for customer use. selection of packages, lens effects, color power, QUICK REFERENCE CHART MAX, SOURCE BRIGHTNESS TEST FORWARD* MODEL VIEWED WAVE- FORWARD NO. AND @CURR. REVERSE CURRENT MAX, PACKAGE NO. COLOR LENGTH VOLTAGE UNITS (Ip) CURRENT @ 25C POWER KEY MV10B Red (660) nm 1.65 V 0.8 mcd 10mA SOnA 70mA 175 mW Cc MV50 Red (660) nm 1.65 V 1.4 med 20 mA 5.0nA 40 mA 80 mW A MV52 Green (565) nm 2.2V 1.5 med SOmA 100 uA max. 35 mA 105 mw A MV53 Yellow (589) nm 2.1V 1.5 mcd 50:mA 100 uA max. 35 mA 105 mW A MV54 Red (660) nm 1.65 V 1.0 mcd 20mA 5.0nA 40 mA 80 mW A MVS55 Red (660) nm 1.6V 0.5 med 3mA 150 nA 4mA 6 mW B MV5020 Red (660) nm 1.65 V 2.0 mcd 20 mA 15 nA 100 mA 180 mW G MV5021 Red (660) nm 1.65 V 1.6 med 20 mA 15nA 100 mA 180 mW G MV5022 Red (660) nm 1.65 V 1.6 mcd 20 mA 15nA 100 mA 180 mW G MVS5023 Red (660) nm 1.65 V 1.6 med 20mA 15nA 100 mA 180 mW G MV5024 Red (660) nm 1.65 V 3.0 mcd 20mA 15 nA 100 mA 180 mW G MV5025 Red (660) nm 1.65 V 0.4 mcd 20 mA 15 nA 100 mA 180 mW G MV5026 Red (660) nm 1.65 V 0.6 med 20mA 15nA 100 mA 180 mW G MV5050 Red (660) nm 17V 2.0 mcd 20mA 20 nA 100mA 180 mW I MV5051 Red (660) nm 17V 1.6 mcd 20mA 15nA 100 mA 180 mW I MV5052 Red (660) nm 1.7V 2.0 mcd 20mA 5nA 100 mA 180 mW I MV5053 Red (660) nm 1L7V 1.6 med 20mA 5 nA 100 mA 180 mW I MV5054-1 Red (660) nm 1.8V 2.0 mcd 10mA 100 nA 100mA 180 mW H MV5054-2 Red (660) nm 1.8V 3.0 mcd 10mA 100 nA 100 mA 180 mW H MV5054-3 Red (660) nm 1.8V 4.0 mcd 10mA 100 nA 100 mA 180 mW H MVS055 Red (660) nm 1.7V 0.6 mcd 20 mA 5nA 100 mA 180 mW I MV5056 Red (660) nm 17V 0.8 mcd 20mA 5nA 100 mA 180 mW I MV5074B/C Red (660) nm 1.68 V 2.4 mcd 20mA 15 nA 50mA 100 mW E MV5075B/C Red (660) nm 1.68 V 1.5 mcd 20mA 15nA 5OmA 100 mW E MV5077B/C Red (660) nm 1.6V 1.7 mcd 20mA 15 nA 50 mA 100 mw D MV5152 Orange (635) nm 2.0V 40 mcd 20mA 20 nA 35 mA 105 mW I MV5153 Orange (635) nm 2.0V 9.0 med 20mA 20 nA 35 mA 105 mW I MVS5154 Orange (635) nm 2.0 V 10.0 med 20mA 20nA 35 mA 105 mw I MV5252 Green (565) nm 2.2V 11 med 20 mA 20 nA 35 mA 105 mW I MV5253 Green (565) nm 2.2V 3.5 med 20mA 20nA 35 mA 105 mW I MV5254 Green (565) nm 2.2V 3.0 mcd 20mA 20 nA 35 mA 105 mW I MV5352 Yellow (585) nm 2.1V 40 mcd 20mA 20 nA 35 mA 105 mW I MV5353 Yellow ($85) nm 2.1V 8.0 mcd 20mA 20 nA 35 mA 105 mW I MV5354 Yellow (585) nm 2.1V 10.0 mcd 20mA 20 nA 35 mA 105 mW I MV5752 Orange (635) nm 2.0 V 40 mcd 20mA 20 nA 35 mA 105 mW I MV5753 Orange (635) nm 2.0V 9.0 mcd 20mA 20nA 35 mA 105 mW I MV5754 Orange (635) nm 2.0V 10.0 mcd 20 mA 20nA 35 mA 105 mW I MV5174B/C Orange (635) nm 2.0V 3.5 med 20mA 20 nA 35 mA 105 mW E MV5177B/C Orange (635) nm 2.0 V 2.4 med 20 mA 20 nA 35 mA 105 mw D MV5274B/C Green (565) nm 2.2 V 1.8 mcd 20mA 20 nA 35 mA 105 mW E MV5277B/C Green (S65) nm 2.2V 0.9 mcd 20mA 20 nA 35 mA 105 mw D MV5374B/C Yellow (585) nm 2.1V 2.5 med 20 mA 20 nA 35 mA 105 mW E MV5377B/C Yellow (585) nm 2.1V 2.0 mcd 20mA 20 nA 35mA 105 mW D MV5774B/C Orange (635) nm 2.0 V 3.5 med 20 mA 20nA 35 mA 105 mw E MV5777B/C Orange (635) nm 2.0 V 2.4 med 20 mA 20 nA 35 mA 105 mW D MV5094 Red/Red (Note a) 1.6V 0.8 mcd 20 mA 15 nA 70mA 140 mW F MV5491 Red/Green (Note b) Red Diode 1.65 V 1.5 mcd 20mA 15 nA 7O0mA 200 mW F Green Diode 3.0 V 0.5 med 20mA 100 wA max. 35 mA 200 mW F NOTES: (a) The MVS094 contains two red diodes connected inversely parallel. Therefore the unit operates on either polarity DC current or AC current. Wavelength is 660 nm. For this unit, I?T (0.1% duty cycle... 2.5 X 10 amps? sec). (b) The MVS491 contains one red and one green diode connected inversely parallel. Therefore the unit emits green light (570 nm) with one DC polarity and red light (660 nm) with the opposite DC polarity. All specifications are typical unless otherwise specified.RED SOLID MVS050 MV5053 | MVS5051 MVSO55 Monsanto STATE LAMPS | snyeos2 MVSOS6 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The MV5050 series of solid state indicators is made with Gallium Arsenide Phosphide light emitting diodes encap- sulated in epoxy lenses. Various lens effects are pleasing in different design settings. PACKAGE DIMENSIONS FEATURES s Low cost p= 200" E.OBern) DIA = High intensity red light source with various lens colors and effects 160" a Versatile mounting on P.C. board or panel ge sw Snap in clip available on request enn SEATING PLANE = Long lifesolid state reliability ! Lo = Low power requirements l 040" 100" 102m stm = Compacts, rugged, lightweight (5.84mm) DIA s High efficiency FLAT DENOTES CATHODE a Ultra high brightness .075" (7.91mm) MAX | 020" (051mm) 0.50" (12.7mm): 060 (1.27mm) {SQUARE} 100" (2.54mm)} TOLERANCES +.010 (.254 mm) C1062 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS CIRCUIT SOURCE LENS LENS POP-IN BOARD TYPE COLOR COLOR EFFECT MOUNTING MOUNTING MV5050 Red Clear Point x x MV5051 Red Diffused Soft x x MV5052 Red Red Point x x MV5053 Red Red Diffused Flooded x x MV5055 Red Red Diffused Flooded x x MV5056 Red Red Diffused Flooded x x MV50O50, 5051, 5052, 5053, 5055, 5056 ELECTRO-OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS PARAMETER TEST COND. UNITS 5050 5051 5052 5053 5055 5056 Forward Voltage (VF) 20 mA Vv Typ. 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 Max. 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 Luminous Intensity* (See note 1) Typ. 20mA mcd 2.0 1.6 2.0 1.6 6 8 Min. 20mMA mcd 0.5 0.4 0.7 0.5 0.1 0.2 Peak Wave Length 20 mA nm 670 670 670 670 670 670 Spectral Line 20 mA nm 20 20 20 20 20 20 Half Width Capacitance Typ. v=0 pF 30. 30 30 30 30 30 Reverse Voltage (Vp) I, = 100UA Min. Vv 5 5 5 5 5 5 Typ. Vv 25 25 25 25 25 25 Reverse Current (Ip) Vp =5.0V Max. pA 100 100 100 100 100 100 Typ. nA 20 15 5 5 5 5 Light Rise Time 10%-90% nsec 50 50 50 * 50 50 50 502 system Light Fall Time 90%-10% nsec 50 50 50 50 50 50 502 system Viewing Angle See Fig.5 & 6 degrees 50 72 72 80 150 110 *Luminous intensity guaranteed to a 2.5% AQL inspection plan per MIL-STD-105D. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Power dissipation @ 25C ambient ....-. cee ee ee eee ee eee eee eee nee 180 mW Derate linearly from 25C 2... cc eee ee eee De ee eee ee 2.0 mw/C Storage and operating temperatures 6... ee ee ee eet -55C to 100C Lead solder time @ 230C (See Note 3) 2... ee ee eee eee eee eee es 5 sec Continuous forward current @ 25C ... 0. een eee eens 100 mA Continuous forward current @ 100C 2.0... ce eee eee tte 15 mA Peak forward current (1 psec pulse, 0.3% duty cycle) 2... ee ee ee ee ee es 100A Reverse voltage oo eee ee ee eee 5.0 VMV5050, 5051, 5052, 5053, 5055, S056 1s TYPICAL ELECTRO-OPTICAL CHARACTERISTIC CURVES (25C Free Air Temperature Unless Otherwise Specified) t a e s = 2 2 z pe) vn a oc 3 z a wn g 3 3 Z c 2 3 a a 1.2 1.4 1.6 18 2.0 2.2 0 20 40 60 80 100 FORWARD VOLTAGE (Vp) VOLTS C615 FORWARD CURRENT (I) mA c616 Fig. 1. Forward Current vs. Forward Vaitage Fig. 2. Luminous Intensity vs. Forward Current = MV5051 x 100% rr & KE * 2 80% 2 5 3 au 3 > 60% w e / Ee < : 4 \ a a 40% < ez / \ 20% / N 0% 0 20 40 60 80 100 630 640 650 660 670 680 690 FORWARD CURRENT (mA) c617 WAVELENGTH 4 nm C6138 Fig. 3. ROP vs. Forward Current Fig. 4. Spectral Response 0 1020 30 > > 100% EB = MV5051 3 2 sox MV5052 5 E 40 ul i 80% 2 2 MV5050 e e s % 70% 50 a Pr ao oc 5 5 60 a Z 6% oO 8 20 w a 80 a en a pt FF 20 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% c619 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 620 Fig. . Spatial Distribution (Note 2) Fig. 6. Spatial Distribution (Note 2} (MV5053, MV5055, MV 5056) (MV5050, MV5051, MV5052)4 MVSOSO, 5051, 5052, 5053, 5055, 5056 NOTES: 280 DIA. TOLERANCE :.010 MATERIAL: POLYPRO OR EQUIVALENT Rl 25" HOLE +250 DIA. FOR MOUNTING DRILL A .25 ris | soo af Laem mi 4 SECTIONAA C621 SECTION B-B C621 ON +--+ | a Fig. 7. Mounting Grommet (supplied on request only) NOTES 1. As measured with a Photo Research Corp. SPECTRA Microcandela Meter (Model !1V D). 2. The axes of spatial distribution are typically within a 10 cone with reference to the central axis of the device. 3. The leads of the device were immersed in molten solder, at 260C, to a point 1/16 inch from the body of the device per MIL-S-750.