BNC Jack, PC Board
Action Pins
Dielectric: Teflon
. Isolation Pad: Polyester. Body
Plating: Nickel. Ground Clip Plating: Nickel.
Center Contact Plating: Gold. Action Pin Legs:
512-2459. 414553-1. 50 ½. 1-24 .....................................................EACH 10.81
25-49.............................EACH 9.73 50-99.............................EACH 8.11
512-2461. 414493-1. 75 ½. 1-24 .....................................................EACH 11.79
25-49.............................EACH 10.61 50-99.............................EACH 8.11
Contact Plating: Gold. Body Plating: Nickel. Dielectric: Polymethylpentene. Style: Com.
Contact Plating: Gold
(G) or silver (S). Body
Plating: Nickel (N) or
silver (S). Dielectric: Polypropylene (PP), Polymethylpentene (PM) or Teflon
Tee Adapters Ñ Jack-Plug-Jack (Fig. A)
221543-2 comparable to UG274A/U. 329518 comparable to UG274B/U.
BNC 50 Ohm, Twist-On-Plugs
Coaxial Connectors
Turn To Section 1 For Allied Office Addresses and Local Phone Numbers ALLIED
BNC RF connectors have bayonet-lock coupling. AMPÕs exclusive single
and dual crimp terminations insure positive insulation grip and require
absolutely no soldering. They provide termination at the lowest overall applied
cost. Rating: 500 volts (RMS). Frequency: 0-2.5 GHz for single crimp; 0-2 GHz
for 75 ohm; 0-4 GHz for all others. Style: Mil type or commercial (Com.).
Crimping tools for the connectors can be located on page 413.
Standard single (S), dual (D), and hex (H) crimp termination plugs. Contact
plating is gold (G). Body plating is nickel (N). The dielectric is polymethylpentene (PM) or teflon
BNC Right Angle Plugs (50 or 75 Ohms)
Stock Mfr.Õs Crimp For RG/U Contact Body CERTI-CRIMP
Dies for
Ohms Dielectric Style
No. Type Type Cable Plating Plating Hand Tool PROCRIMPER
Hand Tool 1-24 25-99 100-499
512-2278 331178 S 50 174, 188, 188A, 316 G N T Mil. type 69245-1 Ñ 19.89 18.08 16.41
512-2056 413959-3 H 50 174, 188, 188A, 316 G N PM Com. Ñ 58436-3 8.86 7.98 7.24
512-2282 225974-1 D 50 58, 58A, 58B, 58C G N T Mil. type 69478-1 220189-3 17.01 15.47 14.18
512-2057 413959-1 H 50 58, 58A, 58B, 58C G N PM Com. Ñ 58436-1 7.75 7.12 6.46
512-2059 413959-2 H 50 * G N PM Com. Ñ 58436-1 8.86 7.90 7.24
512-2067 413959-6 H 50 Belden 9907, 89907 G N PM Com. Ñ 58436-1 8.86 7.90 7.24
512-2068 413588-3 H 75 Belden 8218 G N PM Com. Ñ 58425-1 11.35 10.22 9.37
512-2069 413588-5 H 75 Belden 8281, 9231, G N PM Com. Ñ 58425-3 11.35 10.32 9.37
AT&T 728
512-2073 413588-7 H 75 Belden 9145, G N PM Com. Ñ 58425-1 11.35 10.22 9.37
AT&T 734A
*59, 59A, 59B, 62, 62A, 62B, 124, 140, 210, Belden 9291, 9209, 9268. Included in PRO-CRIMPER II assembly 58433-2.
Stock Mfr.Õs For RG/U
No. Type Cable 1-24 25-99 100-499
512-2322 414265-7 58, 58A, 58B, 58C 5.12 4.65 4.27
512-2103 414265-3 59, 59A, 59B, 62, 62A, 62B 2.06 1.87 1.72
Stock Mfr.Õs Body Contact Dielectric
No. Type Plating Plating 1-24 25-49 50-99
512-2202 221543-2 Brass, N G T 11.65 10.49 8.74
512-2156 329518 Brass, S S T 15.97 14.52 13.31
512-2155 413592-2 Zinc, N G Acetal 5.17 4.65 3.88
512-2157 413592-4 Zinc, N S Acetal 4.53 4.08 3.40
BNC Right-Angle Adapters Ñ Jack-Plug (Fig. B)
Both are comparable to UG306B/U.
512-2160 329517 N S T 14.67 13.20 11.00
512-2161 222165-2 N G T 14.67 13.20 11.00
512-2455 414666-1 N G PM 10.20 9.18 7.65
BNC Feed-Thru Adapters Ñ Jack-Jack (Fig. C)
Both are comparable to UG914B/U.
512-2165 221551-1 N S T 7.61 6.31 5.32
512-2210 221551-3 N G T 6.10 5.49 4.57
BNC Bulkhead Adapters Ñ Jack-Jack (Fig. D)
228226 is comparable to UG492/D.
Stock Mfr.Õs Body Contact
Impedance Dielectric
No. Type Plating Plating 1-24 25-49 50-99
512-2162 330024 50 Ohm S S PP 13.58 12.22 10.18
512-2164 228226-1 50 Ohm N G PP 4.99 4.49 3.74
512-2167 222117-1 75 Ohm N G Polymethylpentene 6.91 6.22 5.19
BNC Commercial Terminator Plugs (Fig. E)
512-2166 221629-1 1 Watt, 50 Ohm N G With Tether 6.48 5.83 4.86
512-2206 221629-4 1 Watt, 50 Ohm N G Without Tether 3.58 3.22 2.69
512-2208 221629-5 1 Watt, 75 Ohm N G Without Tether 7.43 6.69 5.58
512-2168 221629-6 1 Watt, 93 Ohm N G Without Tether 5.67 5.10 4.25
BNC Jack Cover Ñ Cap (Fig. F)
Stock Mfr.Õs Body Comparable
No. Type Plating To 1-24 25-99 100-499
512-2170 330022 S CW123-A 5.51 4.96 4.13
PRO CRIMPERªII BNC Premise Wiring Kit
Includes: Hand tool, 5 plugs for RG58, 10 plugs for RG59/62, 5 plugs for RG58 plenum, 5 plugs for RG59/62 plenum,
2 jack to jack adapters, and 2 ÒTÓ adapters.
512-8477. 58477-1............................................................................................................................................... EACH 150.09
Stock Mfr.Õs Cable/ Crimp Color
No. Type RG Size Type 1-24 25-99 100-499
512-9506 414852-6 174, 174A, 316, Dual Zinc Die Cast 1.33 1.21 1.11
188, 188A, 179,
179A, 179B, 161,
512-9513 414852-4 58, 58A, 58B, Dual Zinc Die Cast 1.33 1.21 1.11
58C, Belden 9907
512-9519 414852-5 124, 140, 210, 62, Dual Zinc Die Cast 1.33 1.21 1.11
62A, 62B, 59, 59A,
59B, Belden 9291,
9209, 9269
II Hand Tool
512-9521. 58559-1. Hand Tool with Die Set. For Cable/RG Sizes 174, 316, 188, 179, 161, 187 ......................EACH 399.26
Stock Mfr.Õs Resistor Body Contact Note
No. Type Spec. Plating Plating 1-24 25-99 100-499
Plating Ñ Contact - Gold; Body - Nickel; Dielectric Ñ Thermoplastic
New low-cost alternative to AMPÕs full line of commercial and military-style BNC connectors. The sleek, lightweight plastic
collars come in black, red, green, blue and computer grey for easy circuit identification without any additional assembly. Fully
intermateable with standard BNC jacks.
50 Ohm BNC Plugs
BNC Connectors 50 Ohm
Right-Angle PC Board Mount Jacks
Stock Mfr.Õs Body Center Dielectric EACH
No. Type Plating Contact Length
512-9163 413631-1 Nickel 0.171 PM* 4.53
512-1686 413631-3 Nickel 0.131 PM* 5.14
Stock Mfr.'s Body Contact Dielectric EACH
No. Type Plating
512-1687 414373-1 Nickel Gold TPX 2.49
512-2457 414373-4* Tin-Lead Gold TPX 1.83
*Board retention leg prevents connector from tipping during wave solder.
Coaxial Connectors
Consumer Series BNC Plugs