NPN SILICON GERMANIUM RF TRANSISTOR NESG3031M05 NPN SiGe RF TRANSISTOR FOR LOW NOISE, HIGH-GAIN AMPLIFICATION FLAT-LEAD 4-PIN THIN-TYPE SUPER MINIMOLD (M05, 2012 PKG) FEATURES * The device is an ideal choice for low noise, high-gain amplification NF = 0.6 dB TYP., Ga = 16.0 dB TYP. @ VCE = 2 V, IC = 6 mA, f = 2.4 GHz NF = 0.95 dB TYP., Ga = 10.0 dB TYP. @ VCE = 2 V, IC = 6 mA, f = 5.2 GHz NF = 1.1 dB TYP., Ga = 9.5 dB TYP. @ VCE = 2 V, IC = 6 mA, f = 5.8 GHz * Maximum stable power gain: MSG = 14.0 dB TYP. @ VCE = 3 V, IC = 20 mA, f = 5.8 GHz * SiGe HBT technology (UHS3) adopted: fmax = 110 GHz * Flat-lead 4-pin thin-type super minimold (M05, 2012 PKG) <R> ORDERING INFORMATION Part Number Order Number NESG3031M05 NESG3031M05-A NESG3031M05-T1 NESG3031M05-T1-A Package Quantity Supplying Form Flat-lead 4-pin thin-type super minimold (M05, 2012 PKG) (Pb-Free) 50 pcs (Non reel) * 8 mm w ide embossed taping * Pin 3 (Collector), Pin 4 (Emitter) face the perforation side of the tape 3 kpcs/reel Remark To order evaluation samples, contact your nearby sales office. Unit sample quantity is 50 pcs. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (T A = +25C) Parameter Symbol Ratings Unit Collector to Base Voltage V CBO 12.0 V Collector to Emitter Voltage V CEO 4.3 V Emitter to Base Voltage V EBO 1.5 V IC 35 mA Ptot Note 150 mW Junction Temperature Tj 150 C Storage Temperature Tstg 65 to +150 C Collector Current Total Pow er Dissipation Note Mounted on 1.08 cm 2 1.0 mm (t) glass epoxy PWB Caution: Observe precautions when handling because these devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge Document No. PU10414EJ04V0DS (4th edition) Date Published December 2008 NS The mark <R> show s major revised points. The revised points can be easily searched by copying an "<R>" in the PDF file and specifying it in the "Find w hat:" field. NESG3031M05 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T A = +25C) Parameter Symbol Test Conditions MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit DC Characteristics Collector Cut-off Current ICBO V CB = 5 V, IE = 0 mA 100 nA Emitter Cut-off Current IEBO V EB = 1 V, IC = 0 mA 100 nA V CE = 2 V, IC = 6 mA 220 300 380 S21e 2 V CE = 3 V, IC = 20 mA, f = 5.8 GHz 6.0 8.5 dB Noise Figure (1) NF V CE = 2 V, IC = 6 mA, f = 2.4 GHz, ZS = ZSopt, ZL = ZLopt 0.6 dB Noise Figure (2) NF V CE = 2 V, IC = 6 mA, f = 5.2 GHz, ZS = ZSopt, ZL = ZLopt 0.95 dB Noise Figure (3) NF V CE = 2 V, IC = 6 mA, f = 5.8 GHz, ZS = ZSopt, ZL = ZLopt 1.1 1.5 dB Associated Gain (1) Ga V CE = 2 V, IC = 6 mA, f = 2.4 GHz, ZS = ZSopt, ZL = ZLopt 16.0 dB Associated Gain (2) Ga V CE = 2 V, IC = 6 mA, f = 5.2 GHz, ZS = ZSopt, ZL = ZLopt 10.0 dB Associated Gain (3) Ga V CE = 2 V, IC = 6 mA, f = 5.8 GHz, ZS = ZSopt, ZL = ZLopt 7.5 9.5 dB 0.15 0.25 pF V CE = 3 V, IC = 20 mA, f = 5.8 GHz 11.0 14.0 dB PO (1 dB) V CE = 3 V, IC (set) = 20 mA, f = 5.8 GHz, Z S = ZSopt, ZL = ZLopt 13.0 dBm OIP3 V CE = 3 V, IC (set) = 20 mA, f = 5.8 GHz, Z S = ZSopt, ZL = ZLopt 18.0 dBm DC Current Gain hFE Note 1 RF Characteristics Insertion Pow er Gain Reverse Transfer Capacitance Maximum Stable Pow er Gain Cre Note 2 Note MSG V CB = 2 V, IE = 0 mA, f = 1 MHz 3 Gain 1 dB Compression Output Pow er Output 3rd Order Intercept Point Notes 1. Pulse measurement: PW 350 s, Duty Cycle 2% 2. Collector to base capacitance when the emitter grounded 3. MSG = S21 S12 hFE CLASSIFICATION 2 Rank FB Marking T1K hFE Value 220 to 380 Data Sheet PU10414EJ04V0DS NESG3031M05 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T A = +25C, unless otherwise specified) Remark The graphs indicate nominal characteristics. Data Sheet PU10414EJ04V0DS 3 NESG3031M05 Remark The graphs indicate nominal characteristics. 4 Data Sheet PU10414EJ04V0DS NESG3031M05 Remark The graphs indicate nominal characteristics. Data Sheet PU10414EJ04V0DS 5 NESG3031M05 Remark The graphs indicate nominal characteristics. 6 Data Sheet PU10414EJ04V0DS NESG3031M05 Remark The graphs indicate nominal characteristics. Data Sheet PU10414EJ04V0DS 7 NESG3031M05 <R> S-PARAMETERS 8 Data Sheet PU10414EJ04V0DS NESG3031M05 <R> PACKAGE DIMENSIONS FLAT-LEAD 4-PIN THIN-TYPE SUPER MINIMOLD (M05, 2012 PKG) (UNIT: mm) Data Sheet PU10414EJ04V0DS 9