Mallory Sonalert Products Inc. Part # PK-2316N04P-06Q
Sales Outline Drawing Revision A
4411 South High School Road, Indianapolis, Indiana 46241 USA Phone (317) 612-1000 Fax (317) 612-1010
Resonant Frequency (Hz) 400 ± 100
Operating Voltage (Vdc) 4.0 ~ 7.0
Rated Voltage (Vdc) 6.0
Current Consumption Max. (mA) 30 at Rated Voltage
Sound Pressure Level Min. (dB) 70 at 30cm at Rated Voltage
Tone/Pulse Rate Constant
Operating Temperature (°C) -40 ~ +70
Storage Temperature (°C) -40 ~ +80
Housing ABS 757 UL94HB plastic resin
(Color: White)
Leading Pins Tin Plated Brass
Weight (Grams) 9.5
Options For other options contact factory
Dimensions: (units: mm) ROHS Compliant
Must connect “-“ to ground; “+” & “C” t o positive volt age for operation.
Mouser Electronics
Authorized Distributor
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