For more information www.linear.com/LTC3880
This delay minimizes the duty cycle associated with
autonomous retries if the fault that caused the shutdown
disappears once the output is disabled. The retry delay
time is determined by the longer of the MFR_RETRY_
DELAY command or the time required for the regulated
output to decay below 12.5% of the programmed value.
If multiple outputs are controlled by the same GPIO pin,
the decay time of the faulted output determines the retry
delay. If the natural decay time of the output is too long,
it is possible to remove the voltage requirement of the
MFR_RETRY_DELAY command by asserting bit 0 of
MFR_CHAN_CONFIG_LTC3880. Alternatively, the con-
troller can be configured so that it remains latched-off
following a fault and clearing requires user intervention
such as toggling RUNn or commanding the part OFF
then ON.
The LTC3880 has three modes of operation including high
efficiency Burst Mode operation, discontinuous conduction
mode or forced continuous conduction mode. Mode
selection is done using the MFR_PWM_MODE_LTC3880
command (discontinuous conduction is always the start-
up mode, forced continuous is the default running mode).
In Burst Mode operation the peak current in the inductor
is set to approximately one-third of the maximum sense
voltage even though the voltage on the ITH pin indicates a
lower value. If the average inductor current is higher than
the load current, the error amplifier, EA, will decrease the
voltage on the ITH pin. When the ITH voltage drops below
approximately 0.5V, the internal Burst Mode operation as-
serts and both external MOSFETs are turned off. In Burst
Mode operation, the load current is supplied by the output
capacitor. As the output voltage decreases, the EA output
begins to rise. When the output voltage drops sufficiently,
Burst Mode operation is deasserted, and the controller
resumes normal operation by turning on the top external
MOSFET on the next PWM cycle.
If a controller is enabled for Burst Mode operation, the
inductor current is not allowed to reverse. The reverse
current comparator, IREV
, turns off the bottom gate external
MOSFET just before the inductor current reaches zero,
preventing it from reversing and going negative. Thus,
the controller can operate in discontinuous operation.
In forced continuous operation, the inductor current is
allowed to reverse at light loads or under large transient
conditions. The peak inductor current is determined solely
by the voltage on the ITH pin. In this mode, the efficiency
at light loads is lower than in Burst Mode operation.
However, continuous mode exhibits lower output ripple and
less interference with audio circuitry. Forced continuous
conduction mode may result in reverse inductor current,
which can cause the input supply to boost. The VIN_OV_
FAULT_LIMIT can detect this and turn off the offending
channel. However, this fault is based on an ADC read and
can take up to 90ms to detect. If there is a concern about
the input supply boosting, keep the part in discontinuous
conduction or Burst Mode operation.
If the part is set to Burst Mode operation, as the inductor
average current increases, the controller will automati-
cally modify the operation from Burst Mode operation,
to discontinuous mode to continuous mode.
The switching frequency of the LTC3880’s controller can
be established with internal clock references or with an
external time-base. The LTC3880 can be configured for an
external clock input through the programmed value in NVM,
a PMBus command or setting the RBOTTOM resistor of the
FREQ_CFG pin to 0Ω and the RTOP to open. The PMBus
command FREQUENCY_SWITCH is set to external clock.
The MFR_PWM_CONFIG_LTC3880 command determines
the relative phasing. Using the RCONFIG input, channel 0
and channel 1 have a relative phasing of 0° and 180° with
respect to the falling edge of SYNC. The master should
be selected to be out of phase with the slave. Both RUN
pins must be low or both channels commanded off before
mands can be written to the LTC3880. The relative phas-
ing of all devices in a PolyPhase rail should be optimally
phased. The relative phasing of each rail is 360/n where
n is the number of phases in the rail.
If the LTC3880 is configured as the oscillator output on
SYNC, the switching frequency source can be selected with