AMP AMP INCORPORATED Harrisburg, Pa. 17105 AMP PACE* .100- x .200-IN.- CENTERLINE CONNECTORS, ACCESSORIES, AND TOOLING Instruction Sheet IS 9091 STANDARD 415 q HOUSING CARD SLOT DEPTH ACTION PIN * CONTACT 100 , . ~ es womoet 200 (Ref} PC BOARD KEYING PLUGS m SS PART NO. 11898?-1 PART NQ. {Plastic} 119129-2 (Metall ALIGNMENT .025-SQ POST STRIP PC BOARD CLOSED-END/ (Ref) OPEN-END HOUSING PC BOARD TEMPLATE FULL LENGTH (Ref) CARD SCOOP CONNECTOR POST TYPE POSITIONS PART NO. LENGTH Without Card Scoops 75, 30, 33, 50 119485 .180 32 645114 | 50 119530 15 thru Gt 419215 475 75 thru 61 119216 30, 50 119384 50 119535 15, 18, 20, 22, 25, 28, 30, 31, 35, 36, 37, 40, 43, 50, bb, 60 119735 3a 30 115800 => 50 119881 1 = 2 15 thru 61 119163 702 2 76 thru 61 119214 < 55 119493 2 40, 50 175497 27 40 179874 ae 40 119621 rs 30, 40, 60 119677 re 35 119783 ct 43 119812 ea 60 645110 t Eff Without Card Scoops, 35 T9478 180 ees Open End/Closed End 35 419922 ATS ecg 5, 30 thru 61 119379 -=s 30 thru 60 19469 S25 36 19553 tq 30, 32, 25, 55, 60 19830 y Bes 30 thru 119467 702 oy 30 thru 60 119468 Bes a3, 40, 41 119560 ee 35 119676 a3 a) 119837 ' EES With Card Scoops 15, 18, 2?, 25, 28, 30, 35, 36, 37, 40, 43, 50, 55, 60 119725 475 Bes 15, 18, 22, 25, 28, 30, 35, 36, 37, 40, 43, 50, 55, 60 119791 475 Os 15, 18, 22, 25, 28, 30, 35, 36, 40, 43, 50, 55, 60 119726 702 ~& With Card Scoops, 30, 35, 60 TiSe27 475 Es Open End/ Closed End 119828 415 cs 119829 702 TYPE TOOLING CONNECTOR APPLICATION CONTACT REPLACEMENT MANUAL MACHINE REMOVAL INSERTION COMBINED Without Card Scoops 59942 59952 1-265871-7 266220-1 266227-1 58140 58144 266220-1 266227-1 With Card Scoops 58150 59180 5 ~- - Fig. 1 * Tradarnark of AMF Incorporated PAGE 1 OF 4IS 9091 1. INTRODUCTION This instruction sheet (iS) provides assembly infor- mation for AMP PACE connectors on .100- x .200-in. centerlines, and describes their accessories and appli- cation, insertion, and repair tooling (see Figure 1). Alf dimensions presented are in inches, unfess otherwise indicated. 2. DESCRIPTION Each AMP PACE connector includes: AMP* ACTION PIN contacts (current-rated at 34) with .025-in.-square posts for mass insertion inta .093-in.-thk (nom) double-sided or multilayered boards; a housing; and a pre-inserted clear plastic alignment strip that helps to align the contact posts with the board holes prior to insertion. During board insertion, the plastic strip moves up over the posts and finally nests between housing and board surface. It is not removed after assembly. Each blue or black housing is made of glass-filled thermoplastic polyester, and is UL-rated at 94V-O. The chamfered edges of the housing permit entry of a .054- to .071-in.-thk board without damage to contacts or board pads. Typical card slot depth is -475 in. One end of a connector may be open to pair with the open end of another connector, allowing for insertion of longer-than-usual daughterboards. Some connecter ends are dovetailed to accept card guides (see Figure 2) that mount to the pc board. Along with Housings do not need to be removed far contact replacement. AMP PACE .100- x .200-IN.-CENTERLINE CONNECTORS card guides, connectors with full or partial card scoops are available; both types of locational devices facilitate insertion of the daughterboard into the connecter. , 3. ACCESSORIES (Figure 2} Accessories for AMP PACE connectors include card guides, power distribution modules, ground madules, contact repair combs, and keying plugs. NOTE ) Card Guides are available in several lengths. Refer to Figure 2. Power Distribution Module, Part No. 119337, is a card edge connector that is inserted into a bus bar and is also plugged onto the end of an AMP PACE connector, transferring power from bus bar to daughtercard. The power distribution module has a current rating of 20A per contact, and it can be used for either power or ground. Ground Module, Part No. 119341, is a free-standing card edge connector plugged into a bus bar. The ground medule has a current rating of 20A per contact and can be used for either power or ground. Contact Repair Comb, Part No. 119715, (not shown in Figure 2} is a strip of replacement contacts used to replace faulty contacts in pc board-inserted AMP PACE connectors. Keying Plugs, Part No. 118982-1 (plastic) and Part No. 119129-2 (metal), are used on connectors to aid in orientation and to prevent mismating. {See Figure 1.) Cannectors with heights of more than . 545 in. do not accept power modules. ACCESSORIES* CARD GUIDES TH PART NU POWER DISTRIBUTION MODULE 119337 GROUND * CONTACT REPAIR COMBS AND KEYING PLUGS NOT SHOWN, PAGE 2 OF 4AMP PACE .100- x .200-:IN.-CENTERLINE CONNECTORS IS 9091 ARBOR FRAME ASSEMBLY (Manual) oH" FRAME ~~ MACHINE FIXED INSERTION TOOL (Mounted to H-Frame Machine: Enlarged for Clarity} MANUAL INSERTION TOOL (Used with Arbor Frame Assembly; Enlarged for Clarity) Fig. 3 4. APPLICATION TOOLING (Figures 1 and 3} AMP PACE connectors can be inserted into pc boards by using insertion tooling and a hand operated press; eg, an arbor frame unit; or by using insertion tooling mounted to an automatic unit; eg, a hydraulic H-frame machine that is part of a fixed insertion system. Either type of unit must be capable of applying an insertion farce of 50 lb per contact post (max) at a pre-determined shut-height. Refer to Figure 1 for tooling numbers, and to Figure 3 for illustrations. A. Fixed Insertion System Besides the AMP H-Frame Machine, the fixed inser- tion system also includes: a pc board fixture assembly, made up of a pc board template; a straight-edge bar and detent subassembly; and an indexing rack. See Application Specification 11714-26002 for details on the fixed insertion system for automatic insertion of AMP PACE connectors, or consult AMP Engineering, Wiring Products Division. B. = Shut-Height Ram shut-height the distance between the bottom surface of the ram and the top surface of the pc board when the ram is fully bottomed must be adjusted, if necessary, to the dimension specified on the instruction sheet packaged with the insertion tool. Refer to the instructions packaged with the insertion tooling for information on tooling instailation, inser- tion procedure, and tooling maintenance. 5. HOLE SPECIFICATIONS Refer to Figure 4 for recommended pc board hole specifications. ACTION PIN CONTACT HOLE SIZE SPECIFICATIONS 0453 to. Fig. 4 PAGE 3 OF 4IS 9091 6. DAUGHTERCARD LAYOUT Refer to Figure 5 for recommended dimensions for finger patterns and spacing on daughtercard. GOLD FINGERS wot al et LL KEY SLOT L At * A MAX = MINIMUM CARD SLOT - .001 AMIN = MINIMUM CARD SLOT .011 NOTE: FINGER PATTERN TO BE CENTERED ON DAUGHTERCARD. (Each finger can deviate .008 from true position.) 30 .030 .054-.071 _| 4 Fig. 5 7. QUALITY CHECK (Figure 6) Inspect the AMP PACE connector after it has been inserted into the pc board according to the following criteria: 1. Preloaded tabs of contacts are against preload barrier. PAGE 4 OF 4 AMP PACE .100- x .200-IN.-CENTERLINE CONNECTORS HOUSING RETENTION 0.5 LB (Min) PER CONTACT FITS .054- TO .071-IN.-THK PRELOAD TABS OF CONTACTS AGAINST PRELOAD BARRIER Pc BOARD CONTACTS BEHIND PRELOAD BAARIER PUSH HOUSING FLAT SHOULDER AND SQUARE ON PC BOARD a [07.010 PLASTIC ALIGNMENT eS eNGTH STRIP FLUSH WITH ea Figure PC BOARD POST PUSHOUT FORCE 10 LB (Min) Fig. 6 2. Contacts are bshind preload barrier. 3. Housing is flat and square on pc board. 4. Plastic alignment strip is flush with pc board. 5. Post height is dimension referenced in Figure 1. 6. Refer to Product Specification 108-14019 for more details on inspecting AMP PACE connectors.