Smoke extraction motors
Smoke extraction motors
Operating Instructions
5 610 80000 40 018
Safety information
Preparing for use
Electrical connection
Spare parts
Service and Support
Siemens AG
Division Process Industries and Drives
Postfach 48 48
Document order number: 5 610 80000 40 018
03/2016 Subject to change
Copyright © Siemens AG 2003 - 2016.
All rights reserved
Legal information
Warning notice system
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert
symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are
graded according to the degree of danger.
indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will
be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to
property damage.
Qualified Personnel
The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by
personnel qualified
for the specific
task in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions.
Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and
avoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems.
Proper use of Siemens products
Note the following:
Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical
documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended
or approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and
maintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissible
ambient conditions must be complied with. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed.
All names identified by ® are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publication
may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner.
Disclaimer of Liability
We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software
described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the
information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent
Smoke extraction motors
Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018 5
Table of contents
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 9
1.1 About these instructions ........................................................................................................... 9
2 Safety information .................................................................................................................................... 11
2.1 Information for those responsible for the plant or system....................................................... 11
2.2 The five safety rules ................................................................................................................ 11
2.3 Qualified personnel ................................................................................................................. 12
2.4 Safe handling .......................................................................................................................... 12
2.5 Interference voltages when operating the converter .............................................................. 14
2.6 Special designs and construction versions ............................................................................. 14
3 Description ............................................................................................................................................... 15
3.1 Area of application .................................................................................................................. 15
3.1.1 Operating UL-certified machines with a converter .................................................................. 15
3.1.2 CE marking ............................................................................................................................. 16
3.1.3 IE2 marking ............................................................................................................................. 16
3.2 Plates ...................................................................................................................................... 16
3.3 Installation ............................................................................................................................... 18
3.3.1 Machine design ....................................................................................................................... 18
3.3.2 Regulations ............................................................................................................................. 18
3.3.3 Cooling and ventilation ........................................................................................................... 19 Machines with a fan ................................................................................................................ 19 Machines without a fan (optional) ........................................................................................... 19
3.3.4 Bearings .................................................................................................................................. 19
3.3.5 Balancing ................................................................................................................................ 20
3.3.6 Types of construction/method of installation .......................................................................... 20 Types of construction on the rating plate ................................................................................ 20
3.3.7 Degree of protection ............................................................................................................... 22
3.3.8 Optional built-on and built-in accessories ............................................................................... 22
4 Preparing for use ..................................................................................................................................... 23
4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 23
4.2 Safety-related aspects to consider when configuring the plant .............................................. 23
4.3 Observing the operating mode ............................................................................................... 23
4.4 Delivery ................................................................................................................................... 23
4.5 Transport and storage ............................................................................................................ 24
4.5.1 Reference to chapter Safety instructions ................................................................................ 24
4.5.2 Transporting certain frame sizes ............................................................................................ 24
4.5.3 Types of construction on the rating plate ................................................................................ 25
4.5.4 Storage ................................................................................................................................... 25
Table of contents
Smoke extraction motors
6 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
4.6 Electromagnetic compatibility ................................................................................................ 27
4.7 Converter operation ............................................................................................................... 28
4.7.1 Parameterizing the converter ................................................................................................. 28
4.7.2 Reducing bearing currents during operation with converter (low voltage) ............................ 28
4.7.3 Insulated bearings when operated with a converter .............................................................. 30
4.7.4 Operation with insulated coupling (EX) .................................................................................. 31
5 Assembly ................................................................................................................................................. 33
5.1 Reference to chapter Safety instructions ............................................................................... 33
5.2 Conformity .............................................................................................................................. 33
5.3 Preparing for installation ........................................................................................................ 33
5.3.1 Requirements for installation ................................................................................................. 33
5.3.2 Safety instructions .................................................................................................................. 34
5.3.3 Insulation resistance .............................................................................................................. 34 Insulation resistance and polarization index .......................................................................... 34 Testing the insulation resistance and polarization index ....................................................... 35
5.4 Installation .............................................................................................................................. 37
5.4.1 Machine installation ............................................................................................................... 37
5.4.2 Cooling ................................................................................................................................... 38 Ventilation .............................................................................................................................. 38 Safety instructions regarding types construction/mounting type ........................................... 38
5.4.3 Machines with type of construction IM B15, IM B9, IM V8 and IM V9 ................................... 40
5.4.4 Foot mounting ........................................................................................................................ 41
5.4.5 Balancing ............................................................................................................................... 41 Mounting and withdrawing output transmission elements ..................................................... 43
5.4.6 Noise emission ....................................................................................................................... 44
5.5 Alignment and fastening ........................................................................................................ 44
5.5.1 Flatness of the supporting surfaces for conventional motors ................................................ 47
5.5.2 Machine frame mounting feet (special design) ...................................................................... 47
6 Electrical connection ................................................................................................................................ 49
6.1 Reference to chapter Safety instructions ............................................................................... 49
6.2 Connecting the motor ............................................................................................................. 49
6.2.1 Terminal designations ............................................................................................................ 50
6.2.2 Direction of rotation ................................................................................................................ 50
6.2.3 Connection with/without cable lugs ........................................................................................ 51
6.2.4 Connecting protruding cables ................................................................................................ 51
6.3 Tightening torques ................................................................................................................. 51
6.3.1 Cable glands .......................................................................................................................... 51
6.3.2 Terminal box, end shields, grounding conductor ................................................................... 52 Tightening torque for the condensation drain plug ................................................................ 52
6.4 Connecting the grounding conductor ..................................................................................... 52
6.4.1 General information on connecting the grounding conductor ................................................ 52
6.4.2 Connecting the ground conductor .......................................................................................... 53
6.4.3 Grounding connection type .................................................................................................... 53
6.4.4 Minimum surface area of grounding conductor ..................................................................... 53
6.4.5 Size of grounding conductor screw ........................................................................................ 54
6.5 Conductor connection ............................................................................................................ 54
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6.5.1 General information on conductor connection ........................................................................ 54
6.5.2 Type of conductor connection ................................................................................................. 55
6.6 Connecting the converter ........................................................................................................ 56
6.7 Final measures ....................................................................................................................... 56
7 Commissioning ........................................................................................................................................ 57
7.1 Reference to chapter Safety instructions ................................................................................ 57
7.2 Setpoint values for monitoring the bearing temperature......................................................... 57
7.3 Monitoring of the bearing temperature in the event of a fault ................................................. 58
7.4 Switching on ............................................................................................................................ 60
8 Operation ................................................................................................................................................. 61
8.1 Reference to chapter Safety instructions ................................................................................ 61
8.2 Safety instructions ................................................................................................................... 61
8.2.1 Safe handling .......................................................................................................................... 61
8.2.2 Safety instructions when operating machines with fan ........................................................... 64
8.2.3 Machines with textile fan covers ............................................................................................. 64
8.2.4 Stoppages ............................................................................................................................... 65
8.3 Fault tables ............................................................................................................................. 66
8.4 Deactivating ............................................................................................................................ 67
9 Maintenance ............................................................................................................................................ 69
9.1 Safety instructions for inspection and maintenance ............................................................... 69
9.2 Preparation and notes ............................................................................................................ 70
9.2.1 Touch up any damaged paintwork .......................................................................................... 70
9.3 Inspection ................................................................................................................................ 71
9.3.1 First inspection after installation or repair ............................................................................... 71
9.3.2 Main inspection ....................................................................................................................... 72
9.4 Maintenance ........................................................................................................................... 73
9.4.1 Maintenance intervals ............................................................................................................. 73
9.4.2 Re-greasing ............................................................................................................................ 74
9.4.3 Cleaning .................................................................................................................................. 74
9.4.4 Cleaning machines with cover for the textile industry ............................................................. 75
9.4.5 Drain condensate .................................................................................................................... 75
9.5 Corrective maintenance .......................................................................................................... 76
9.5.1 Reference to chapter Safety instructions ................................................................................ 76
9.5.2 Safety instructions ................................................................................................................... 76
9.5.3 Storage ................................................................................................................................... 76 Changing bearings .................................................................................................................. 78
9.5.4 Dismantling ............................................................................................................................. 79 Disassembling smoke extraction motors ................................................................................ 79 Notes on disassembly ............................................................................................................. 79 Bearing bushes ....................................................................................................................... 79
9.5.5 Assembly ................................................................................................................................ 80 Assemly .................................................................................................................................. 80 Fitting the bearing cartridges ..................................................................................................
Table of contents
Smoke extraction motors
8 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018 Fitting bearings ....................................................................................................................... 80 Fitting bearings for smoke extraction motors ......................................................................... 81 Mounting fans ......................................................................................................................... 81 Reassembly: Miscellaneous information ............................................................................... 81
9.5.6 Screw lock washers ............................................................................................................... 82
9.5.7 Cable glands .......................................................................................................................... 82 Cable glands .......................................................................................................................... 82
9.5.8 Terminal boxes, end shields, grounding conductors, sheet metal fan covers ....................... 82
10 Spare parts .............................................................................................................................................. 83
10.1 Parts order ............................................................................................................................. 83
10.2 Parts groups definition ........................................................................................................... 83
10.3 Example for ordering smoke extraction motors ..................................................................... 84
10.4 Machine parts ......................................................................................................................... 85
10.4.1 Part lists ................................................................................................................................. 85
10.5 Standardized parts ................................................................................................................. 86
10.6 Exploded drawings ................................................................................................................. 88
11 Disposal ................................................................................................................................................... 91
11.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 91
11.2 Preparing for disassembly ..................................................................................................... 91
11.3 Dismantling the machine ........................................................................................................ 91
11.4 Disposal of components ......................................................................................................... 92
A Service and Support ................................................................................................................................ 93
A.1 Siemens Industry Online Support .......................................................................................... 93
A.2 SIOS App ............................................................................................................................... 93
Glossary .................................................................................................................................................. 95
Index ........................................................................................................................................................ 97
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Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018 9
About these instructions
These instructions describe the machine and explain how to handle it, from initial delivery to
final disposal of the equipment. Keep these instructions for later use.
Read these operating instructions before you handle the machine and follow the instructions
to become familiar with its design and operating principles and thus ensure safe, problem-
free machine operation and long service life.
Please contact the Service Center if you have any suggestions on how to improve this
Text format features
The warning notice system is explained on the rear of the inside front. Always follow the
safety instructions and notices in these instructions.
In addition to the safety-related warning notices which you must read, you will find the text in
these instructions is formatted in the following way:
1. Handling instructions are always formatted as a numbered list. Always perform the steps
in the order given.
Lists are formatted as bulleted lists.
Lists on the second level are hyphenated.
A Note is an important item of information about the product, ha
ndling of the product or the
relevant section of the document. Notes provide you with help or further suggestions/ideas.
1.1 About these instructions
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10 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
Smoke extraction motors
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Safety information
Information for those responsible for the plant or system
This electric machine has been designed and built in accordance with the specifications
contained in Directive 2006/95/EC up to April 19, 2016 - and from April 20, 2016 according to
Directive 2014/35/EU ("Low-Voltage Directive") and is intended for use in industrial plants.
Please observe the country-specific regulations when using the electric machine outside the
European Community. Follow the local and industry-specific safety and setup regulations.
The persons responsible for the plant must ensure the following:
Planning and configuration work and all work carried out on and with the machine is only
to be done by qualified personnel.
The operating instructions must always be available for all work.
The technical data as well as the specifications relating to the permissible installation,
connection, ambient and operating conditions are taken into account at all times.
The specific setup and safety regulations as well as regulations on the use of personal
protective equipment are observed.
Use the se
rvices and support provided by the appropriate Service Center for planning,
installation, commissioning, and servicing work.
You will find safety instructions in the individual sections of this document. Follow the safety
instructions for your own safety, to protect other people and to avoid damage to property.
Observe the following safety instructions for all activities on and with the machine.
The five safety rules
For your own personal safety and to prevent material damage when carrying out any work,
always observe the safety-relevant instructions and the following five safety rules according
to EN 50110-1 "Working in a voltage-free state". Apply the five safety rules in the sequence
stated before starting work.
Five safety rules
1. Disconnect the system.
Also disconnect the auxiliary circuits, for example, anti-condensation heating.
2. Secure against reconnection.
3. Verify absence of operating voltage.
4. Ground and short-circuit.
5. Provide protection against adjacent live parts.
To energize the system, apply the measures in reverse order.
Safety information
2.3 Qualified personnel
Smoke extraction motors
12 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
Qualified personnel
All work at the machine must be carried out by qualified personnel only. For the purpose of
this documentation, qualified personnel is taken to mean people who fulfill the following
Through appropriate training and experience, they are able to recognize and avoid risks
and potential dangers in their particular field of activity.
They have been instructed to carry out work on the machine by the appropriate person
Safe handling
Workplace safety depends on the attentiveness, care, and common sense of the personnel
who install, operate, and maintain the machine. In addition to the safety measures cited, as a
matter of principle, the use of caution is necessary when you are near the machine. Always
pay attention to your safety.
Also observe the following to prevent accidents:
General safety regulations applicable in the country where the machine is deployed.
Manufacturer-specific and application-specific regulations
Special agreements made with the operator
Separate safety instructions supplied with the machine
Safety symbols and instructions on the machine and its packaging
Live parts
Electric machines contain live parts.
Fatal or severe injuries and substantial material damage can occur if the covers are
removed or if the machine is not handled, operated, or maintained properly.
Always observe the “five safety rules" when carrying out any work on the machine.
Only remove the covers using the methods described by these operating instructions.
Operate the machine properly.
Regularly and correctly maintain the machine.
Rotating parts
Electric machines contain dangerous rotating parts.
Fatal or severe injuries and substantial material damage can occur if the covers are
removed or if the machine is not handled, operated, or maintained properly.
Only remove the covers using the methods described by these operating instructions.
Operate the machine properly.
Regularly and correctly maintain the machine.
Secure free-standing shaft ends and other rotating parts such as couplings, belt pulleys
etc. against touch.
Safety information
2.4 Safe handling
Smoke extraction motors
Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018 13
Hot surfaces
Electric machines have hot surfaces. Do not touch these surfaces. They could cause burns.
Allow the machine to cool before starting work on the machine.
Only remove the covers using the methods described by these operating instructions.
Operate the machine properly.
Hazardous substances
Chemical substances required for the setup, operation and maintenance of machines can
present a health risk.
Poisoning, skin damage, cauterization of the respiratory tract, and other health damage
may result.
Read the information in these operating instructions and the product information
supplied by the manufacturer.
Observe the relevant safety regulations and wear the personal protective equipment
Flammable substances
Chemical substances required for the setup, operation and maintenance of machines may
be flammable.
Burns and other damage to health and material may result.
Read the information in these operating instructions and the product information
supplied by the manufacturer.
Observe the relevant safety regulations and wear the personal protective equipment
Interference to electronic devices caused by electrical power equipment
Electrical power equipment generate electric fields during operation. Potentially lethal
malfunctions can occur in medical implants, e.g. pacemakers, in the vicinity of electrical
power equipment. Data may be lost on magnetic or electronic data carriers.
It is forbidden for people with pacemakers to enter the vicinity of the machine.
Protect the personnel working in the plant by taking appropriate measures, such as
erecting identifying markings, safety barriers and warning signs and giving safety talks.
Observe the nationally applicable health and safety regulations.
Do not carry any magnetic or electronic data media.
Safety information
2.5 Interference voltages when operating the converter
Smoke extraction motors
14 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
Interference voltages when operating the converter
Interference voltages when operating the converter
When a converter is in operation, the emitted interference varies in strength depending on
the converter (manufacturer, type, interference suppression measures undertaken). On
machines with integrated sensors (e.g. PTC thermistors), interference voltages caused by
the converter may occur on the sensor lead. This can cause faults which can result in
eventual or immediate death, serious injury or material damage.
Observe the EMC instructions of the converter manufacturer in order to avoid exceeding
the limit values according to IEC/EN 61000-6-3 for drive systems comprising machine and
converter. You must put appropriate EMC measures in place.
Special designs and construction versions
Before carry out any work on the machine, determine the machine version.
If there are any deviations or uncertainty, contact the manufacturer, specifying the type
designation and serial number (see the rating plate
), or contact the Siemens Service Center.
Smoke extraction motors
Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018 15
Area of application
The three-phase machines of this series are used as industrial drives. They are designed for
operation in automatic smoke and heat extraction units according to EN12101-3. These
motors are designed for operation under normal and fault conditions when a fire occurs, i.e.
they have a dual function.
They are characterized by their high power density, ruggedness, long lifetime, and overall
Intended use of the machines
These machines are intended for industrial installations. They comply with the harmonized
standards of the series EN / IEC 60034 (VDE 0530). It is prohibited to use these motors in
hazardous zones if the marking on the rating plate does not explicitly permit line or converter
operation. If other/more wide-ranging demands (e.g. protection so that they cannot be
touched by children) are made in special cases i.e. use in non-industrial installations
these conditions must be ensured by the customer.
Machine directive
-voltage motors are components designed for installation in machines in accordance
with the current Machinery Directive. Commissioning is prohibited until it has been absolutely
identified that the end product is in
conformance with this Directive. Please observe the
60204-1 standard.
Operating UL-certified machines with a converter
Operating a machine with a converter
Implement all machines of the overall machine
-converter system according to UL-File
E227215 assuming that the machines are only to be operated with a converter and are
supplied with UL certificate.
The company operating the equipment is responsible for implementing this in the actual
3.2 Plates
Smoke extraction motors
16 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
CE marking
Use of machines without CE identification
Machines without
marking are intended for operation outside the European Economic
Area (EEA). Do not use any machines without CE mark within
of the EEA!
IE2 marking
IE2 marking
Since January 1, 2015, according to REGULATION (EC) No. 640/2009, low
-voltage motors
with power ratings above 7.5
kW up to 375 kW and with efficiency IE2 have this label.
This is mandatory within the European Economic Area (EEA). Customers are solely
responsible in ensuring the correct use.
When connecting the machine to a converter, carefully observe the rules a
nd notes in
Chapter "Connecting a converter."
Rating plate
The rating plate shows the identification data and the most important technical data. The
data on the rating plate and the contractual agreements define the limits of proper usage.
Data on the rating plate
General data
Electrical data
Type of machine
Electrical data
Machine type
3 Serial number (incl. date of manufacture
33 Rated voltage [V]
Winding connections
Additional details (optional)
Frequency [Hz]
Customer data (optional)
Rated power [kW]
3.2 Plates
Smoke extraction motors
Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018 17
Country of origin
Rated current [A]
8 Production location 38 Power factor [cosφ]
9 Identification number of testing agency (op-
39 Rated speed [rpm]
Regulations (optional)
Efficiency class
Mechanical data
Frame size
Torque [Nm] (optional)
Type of construction
Rated power [hp] (optional)
Degree of protection
Service factor (optional)
Machine weight [kg]
Starting current ratio (optional)
Temperature class
Operating mode (optional)
Ambient temperature range (optional)
NEMA data (optional)
17 Installation altitude (only if higher than 1000
48 Anti-condensation heating (optional)
Vibration severity grade
Company logo
19 Bearing sizes 50 CODE: Motor code number for converter parame-
terization (optional)
Relubrication data/specifications (optional)
Converter data
Brake data (optional)
Marine regulation
Mechanical speed limit
Image 3-1 Examples of rating plates
3.3 Installation
Smoke extraction motors
18 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
Accident plate
Machine design
Machines of this series are low-voltage three-phase asynchronous drives with a cylindrical
shaft extension and featherkey way. They can be supplied as single-speed machines with
different efficiency classes or as pole changing machines for several speeds.
In the case of machines with feet (IM B3 type of construction), the feet are cast or bolted on.
It is possible to change over the bolted on mounting feet on the machine enclosure, for
example to change the terminal box position; only authorized retrofit partners may carry out
this work.
The regulations and standards used as basis to design and test this machine are stamped
on the rating plate. The machine design basically complies with the following standards:
Table 3- 1 Applicable general regulations
Dimensioning and operating behavior
EN / IEC 60034-1
Procedure for determining the losses and the efficiency of rotating
electrical machines and inspections
EN / IEC 60034-2-1
EN / IEC 60034-2-2
EN / IEC 60034-2-3
Degree of protection
EN / IEC 60034-5
EN / IEC 60034-6
Type of construction
EN / IEC 60034-7
Terminal designations and direction of rotation
EN / IEC 60034-8
Noise emission
EN / IEC 60034-9
Starting characteristics of rotating electrical machines EN / IEC 60034-12
Vibration severity grades
EN / IEC 60034-14
Efficiency classification of three-phase squirrel-cage induction motors EN / IEC 60034-30
IEC standard voltages
IEC 60038
3.3 Installation
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Cooling and ventilation
The machines of this series are three-phase asynchronous machines with a closed primary
(internal) cooling circuit and an open secondary cooling circuit (surface cooling). The surface
cooling varies depending on the version.
Machines with a fan
Self-ventilation (standard): Cooling IC 411 in accordance with EN / IEC 60034-6
Located at the ND end of the stator housing is an air intake cowl that guides the external air
on its way to the motor. The external air is drawn in through openings in the air intake cowl
and flows axially across the outer cooling ribs of the motor frame. The fan wheel for the
external flow of cooling air is attached to the machine shaft.
The fan wheels are bidirectional.
Check the cooling effect below rated speed in the case of frequent switching or braking or
if the speed is controlled continually below the rated speed.
The motors have a metal fan.
Machines without a fan (optional)
Surface cooling by relative movement of cooling air: Type of cooling IC 418 in accordance with
EN / IEC 60034-6
Image 3-2 IC418
In order to support the machine shaft and maintain its position in the non-moving part of the
machine, only 2 rolling-contact bearings are used. One roller bearing performs the function
of a location bearing that transfers axial and radial forces from the rotating machine shaft to
the non-moving part of the machine. The second roller bearing is implemented as floating
and support bearing in order to allow thermal expansion inside the machine and transfer
radial forces.
The nominal (calculated) useful life of the bearings according to ISO 281 is at least 20,000
hours with utilization of the permissible radial/axial forces. However, the achievable useful
life of the bearings can be significantly longer in the case of lower forces (e.g. operation with
self-aligning couplings).
Roller bearings with permanent lubrication are maintenance-free.
3.3 Installation
Smoke extraction motors
20 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
As standard, the motor is balanced dynamically with a half featherkey (code "H") in
accordance with ISO 8821.
The balance quality corresponds to vibration level "A". Vibration level "B" is optional or
possible on request.
Types of construction/method of installation
Types of construction on the rating plate
The type of construction of the machine is stated on the rating plate.
Table 3- 2 Type of construction
Basic type of construc-
tion code
Other methods of in-
IM B3 (IM 1001)
IM V5 (IM 1011)
IM V6 (IM 1031)
IM B6 (IM 1051)
IM B7 (IM 1061)
IM B8 (IM 1071)
Basic type of construc-
tion code
Other methods of in-
IM B5 (IM 3001)
IM V1 (IM 3011)
IM V3 (IM 3031)
3.3 Installation
Smoke extraction motors
Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018 21
Basic type of construc-
tion code
Other methods of in-
IM B14 (IM 3601)
IM V18 (IM 3611)
IM V19 (IM 3631)
Basic type of construc-
tion code
IM B35 (IM 2001)
IM B34 (IM 2101)
Special types of construction
Basic type of construc-
tion code
Other methods of in-
IM B30
Alignment and fastening (Page 44)
3.3 Installation
Smoke extraction motors
22 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
Degree of protection
The machine has a type of protection as stamped on the rating plate, and can be installed in
dusty or humid environments.
Limit values for the standard version
Relative humidity for ambient temperature Tamb
40 °C
Max. 55 %
Ambient temperature
-20 °C to +40 °C
Installation altitude 1000 m
Air with normal oxygen content, usually
21 % (V/V)
For differing environmental conditions, the values on the rating plate and the accident plate
The motor is suitable for tropical climates.
Optional built-on and built-in accessories
Functional endurance when faults/fires occur
Non-observance can lead to death, serious injury or material damage.
In the event of a fault (e.g. fire), disable protective devices or bypass them.
In addition to the current-dependent overload protective device located in the connecting
cables, use temperature sensors integrated in the stator winding in order to monitor the
temperature and protect the stator winding from overheating.
Smoke extraction motors
Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018 23
Preparing for use
Good planning and preparation of machine applications are essential in terms of keeping
installation simple and avoiding errors, ensuring safe operation, and allowing access to the
machine for servicing and corrective maintenance.
This chapter outlines what you need to consider when configuring your plant in relation to
this machine and the preparations you need to make before the machine is delivered.
Safety-related aspects to consider when configuring the plant
A number of residual risks are associated with the machine. These are described in the
chapter titled "Safety information" (Page 11) and in related sections.
Take appropriate safety precautions (covers, barriers, markings, etc.) to ensure the machine
is operated safely within your plant.
Observing the operating mode
Observe the machine's operating mode. Use a suitable control system to prevent
overspeeds, thus protecting the machine from damage.
Checking the delivery for completeness
The drive systems are put together on an individual basis. When you take receipt of the
delivery, please check immediately whether the items delivered are in accordance with the
accompanying documents. Siemens will not accept any claims relating to items missing from
the delivery and which are submitted at a later date.
Report any apparent transport damage to the delivery agent immediately.
Report any apparent defects/missing components to the appropriate SIEMENS office
Archive the safety and commissioning notes provided in the scope of delivery as well as the
optionally available operating instructions so that these documents are always easily
The rating plate optionally enclosed as a loose item with the delivery is provided to enable
the motor data to be attached on or near the machine or installation.
Preparing for use
4.5 Transport and storage
Smoke extraction motors
24 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
Transport and storage
Reference to chapter Safety instructions
When carrying out any work on the machine, observe the general safety instructions
(Page 11) and the specifications contained in EN 50110-1 regarding safe operation of
electrical equipment.
Risk of dropping and swinging when transported suspended
If you transport the motor suspended from cables or ropes, the cables or ropes can break,
e.g. as a result of damage. Further, if not adequately attached, the motor can swing. This
can result in death, serious injury, or material damage.
Use additional, suitable lifting equipment for transport and during installation.
Two cables alone must be able to carry the complete load.
Prevent the lifting equipment from sliding by appropriately securing it.
Toppling over or slipping of the motor
The motor can slide or topple over if it is not correctly lifted or transported. This can result in
death, serious injury, or material damage.
Use all the lifting eyes on the machine.
When using the lifting eyes on the machine, do not attach any additional loads or
weight. The lifting eyes are only designed for the weight of the machine itself.
Any eyes that are screwed in must be tightly fastened.
Eyebolts must be screwed in right up to their supporting surface.
Comply with the permissible eyebolt loads.
When necessary, use suitably dimensioned transport equipment, for example hoisting
straps (EN1492-1) and load restraints (EN12195-2).
Transporting certain frame sizes
When lifting the machines for transport, only lift them in a position that corresponds to their
basic construction type.
Preparing for use
4.5 Transport and storage
Smoke extraction motors
Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018 25
Types of construction on the rating plate
The type of construction of the machine is stated on the rating plate.
If any transport locks are in place, remove them before commissioning. Store the transport
locks or disable them. Use the transport locks when transporting the motors again or
reactivate the transport locks.
The machines are packed in different ways depending on how they are transported and their
size. If not otherwise contractually agreed, the packaging corresponds to the packing
guidelines according to ISPM (International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures).
Comply with the images shown on the packaging. Their meaning is as follows:
Up Fragile
Center of
Hand hooks
Storing outdoors
Damage to the motor
Damage can occur if incorrectly stored.
Take all precautions to protect the motor under extreme climatic conditions, e.g. salt-laden
and/or dusty, moist/humid atmospheres.
Choose a dry storage location which is safe from flooding and free from vibration. Repair any
damage to the packaging before putting the equipment into storage if this is necessary to
ensure proper storage conditions. In order to ensure protection against ground moisture,
locate machines, equipment and crates on pallets, wooden beams or foundations. Prevent
equipment from sinking into the ground. Do not impede air circulation under the stored items.
Covers or tarpaulins used to protect the equipment against the weather must not come into
contact with the surfaces of the equipment. Use wooden spacer elements to ensure that air
can circulate freely around the equipment.
Storing indoors
The storage rooms must provide protection against extreme weather conditions. They must
be dry, free from dust, frost and vibration and well ventilated.
Preparing for use
4.5 Transport and storage
Smoke extraction motors
26 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
Bare metal surfaces
For transport, the bare surfaces (shaft ends, flange surfaces, centering edges) should be
coated with an anti-corrosion agent which will last for a limited amount of time (<6 months).
Apply suitable anti-corrosion measures for longer storage times.
Condensation drain hole
Open any condensation drain holes to drain the condensation depending on the
environmental conditions, every six months at the latest.
Storage temperature
Permissible temperature range: -20 °C to +50 °C
Maximum permissible air humidity: 60%
For machines that have a special design regarding the coolant temperature in the operating
state or the installation altitude, other conditions could apply regarding the storage
temperature. In this case, refer to the machine rating plate for data on the coolant
temperature and installation altitude.
Storage time
Turn the shaft once every year to avoid bearing brinelling. Prolonged storage periods reduce
the useful life of the bearing grease (aging).
Open bearings
For open bearings, e.g. 1Z, check the status of the grease when stored for longer than 12
Replace the grease if it is identified that the grease has lost its lubricating properties or is
polluted. The consistency of the grease will change if condensation is allowed to enter.
Closed bearings
For closed bearings, replace the DE and NDE bearings after a storage time of 48 months.
The motor can be damaged if you use it or store it unprotected outdoors.
Protect the motor against intensive solar radiation, rain, snow, ice and dust. Use a
superstructure or additional cover, for example.
If required, contact the Siemens Service Center, or technically coordinate outdoors use.
Preparing for use
4.6 Electromagnetic compatibility
Smoke extraction motors
Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018 27
Electromagnetic compatibility
If the torque levels are very unequal (e.g. when a reciprocating compressor is being driven),
a non
-sinusoidal machine current will be induced whose harmonics can have an
impermissible effect on the supply system and
cause impermissible interference emissions
as a result.
If operated with a frequency converter, the emitted interference varies in strength,
depending on the design of the converter (type, interference suppression measures,
Avoid that the specified limit values stipulated for the drive system (consisting of the
motor and converter) are exceeded.
You must observe the EMC information from the manufacturer of the converter.
The most effective method of shielding is to conductively connect a shielded machine
supply cable to the metal terminal box of the machine (with a metal screw connection)
over a large surface area.
On machines with integrated sensors (e.g. PTC thermistors), disturbance voltages
caused by the converter may occur on the sensor cable.
When used in accordance with their intended purpose and operated on an electrical supply
system with characteristics according to EN 50160, the enclosed machines comply with the
requirements of the EC Directive concerning electromagnetic compatibility.
Immunity to interference
The machines in principle fulfill the requirements of interference immunity in conformity with
EN / IEC 61000-6-2 . If machines with integrated sensors (e.g. PTC thermistors) are used,
the operating company must ensure sufficient interference immunity by selecting a suitable
sensor signal lead (possibly with shielding, connected in the same way as the machine
feeder cable) and a suitable evaluation unit.
When operating the machines from a converter at speeds higher than the rated speed, then
the mechanical speed limits must be carefully observed (safe operating speed
EN / IEC 60034-1).
Preparing for use
4.7 Converter operation
Smoke extraction motors
28 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
Converter operation
Parameterizing the converter
If the design of the motor requires connection to a particular converter type, the rating
plate will contain corresponding additional information.
Correctly parameterize the converter. Parameterizing data can be taken from the
machine rating plate (not the supplementary rating plate with the operating data when
connected to a converter).
You can find parameter data here:
In the operating instructions for the converter.
In the SIZER engineering tool
In the SINAMICS Configuration Manuals.
For explosion-protected machines, also in the declaration of compliance with the order
Do not exceed the specified maximum speed limit nmax. You can either find this on the
rating plate nmax, on the supplementary plate for converter operation as the highest
speed, or in the type-specific catalog.
Operate the machine only for a short period at the maximum speed. Operating the
machine for an extended period at the maximum speed may cause vibrations with an
increased frequency and consequently higher noise levels.
Check that the machine is cooled sufficiently for commissioning purposes.
Reducing bearing currents during operation with converter (low voltage)
Taking the following actions will reduce the bearing currents:
Ensure that the contacts are established over a large area. Solid copper cables are not
suitable for high frequency grounding because of the skin effect.
Equipotential bonding conductors:
Use equipotential bonding conductors:
Between motor and driven machine
Between motor and converter
Between the terminal box and the RF grounding point at the motor enclosure.
Preparing for use
4.7 Converter operation
Smoke extraction motors
Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018 29
Selecting and connecting the cable
As far as possible, use symmetrically arranged, shielded connection cables. The cable
shielding, made up of as many strands as possible, must have good electrical conductivity.
Braided shields made of copper or aluminum are very suitable.
The shield is connected at both ends, at the motor and converter.
To ensure good discharging of high-frequency currents, provide contacting over a large
surface area:
as contact established through 360° at the converter
at the motor, for instance with EMC glands at the cable entries
If the cable shield is connected as described, then it ensures the specified equipotential
bonding between the motor enclosure and converter. A separate RF equipotential
bonding conductor is then not necessary.
Concentric copper or aluminum shield
Steel armor
If the cable shield is not connected due to special secondary conditions, or not
adequately connected, then the specified equipotential bonding is not provided. In this
particular case, use a separate RF equipotential bonding conductor:
Between the motor enclosure and protective ground rail of the converter.
Between motor enclosure and driven machine
Use braided flat copper straps or high-frequency cables with finely-stranded
conductors for the separate RF equipotential bonding cable. Solid copper cables are
not suitable for high frequency grounding because of the skin effect.
Ensure that the contacts are established over a large area.
Overall system design
To specifically reduce bearing currents, you must consider the system as a whole, which
comprises the motor, converter, and driven machine. The following measures support you
when reducing bearing currents and help to avoid damage:
In the overall system, set up a properly meshed grounding system with low impedance.
Use the common-mode filter (damping cores) at the converter output. The Siemens sales
representative is responsible for selection and dimensioning.
Limit the rise in voltage by using output filters. Output filters dampen the harmonic content
in the output voltage.
Preparing for use
4.7 Converter operation
Smoke extraction motors
30 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
Converter documentation
The operating instructions for the converter are not part of this
documentation. Refer also to
the configuration information for the converter.
Insulated bearings when operated with a converter
If the machine is operated from a low-voltage converter, insulated bearings are fitted at the
NDE and an insulated encoder with insulated bearings (option).
Comply with the plates on the machine relating to bearing insulation and possible bridges.
Driving machine
Insulated bearings
Insulated tachometer fitting
Image 4-1 Schematic representation of a single drive
Bearing damage
The bearing insulation must not be bridged. Bearing currents can damage bearings.
Also for subsequent installation work, such as the installation of an automatic lubrication
system or a non-
insulated vibration sensor, make sure that the bearing insulation cannot
be bridged.
Contact the Service Center, if necessary.
Preparing for use
4.7 Converter operation
Smoke extraction motors
Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018 31
Tandem operation
If you connect two motors in series in "tandem operation", install an insulated coupling
between the motors.
Driving machine
Insulated bearings
Insulated tachometer fitting
Insulated coupling
Image 4-2 Schematic representation of a tandem drive
Bearing damage
Bearing currents can flow if the coupling between the motors of the tandem drive is not
insulated. This can damage the DE bearings of both motors.
Use an insulated coupling to link the motors.
Operation with insulated coupling (EX)
If you connect two motors in series in "tandem operation", fit a coupling between the motors;
this coupling should satisfy Directive 94/9/EC (up to April 19, 2016, from April 20, 2016
according to directive 2014/34/EU) or the regulations that apply in the country where the
equipment is installed.
Preparing for use
4.7 Converter operation
Smoke extraction motors
32 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
Smoke extraction motors
Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018 33
Reference to chapter Safety instructions
When carrying out any work on the machine, observe the general safety instructions
(Page 11) and the specifications contained in EN 50110-1 regarding safe operation of
electrical equipment.
Loss of conformity with European directives
In the delivery sta
te, the machine corresponds to the requirements of the European
directives. Unauthorized changes or modifications to the machine lead to the loss of
conformity with European directives and the loss of warranty.
Preparing for installation
Requirements for installation
The following requirements must be satisfied prior to starting installation work:
Staff have access to the operating and installation instructions.
The machine is unpacked and ready for mounting at the installation location.
Measure the insulation resistance of the winding before starting installation work
Wherever possible, measure the insulation resistance of the winding before starting
installation work. If the insulation resistance lies below the
specified value, take
appropriate remedial measures. These remedial measures may necessitate the machine
being removed again and transported.
5.3 Preparing for installation
Smoke extraction motors
34 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
Safety instructions
Note also the technical data on the rating plates on the motor enclosure.
Damage to the motor
To avoid material damage, before commissioning, check whether the correct direction of
rotation of the machine has been set on the customer side, e.g. by decoupling from the
driven load.
Insulation resistance
Insulation resistance and polarization index
Measuring the insulation resistance and polarization index (PI) provides information on the
condition of the machine. It is therefore important to check the insulation resistance and the
polarization index at the following times:
Before starting up a machine for the first time
After an extended period in storage or downtime
Within the scope of maintenance work
The following information is provided regarding the state of the winding insulation:
Is the winding head insulation conductively contaminated?
Has the winding insulation absorbed moisture?
As such, you can determine whether the machine needs commissioning or any necessary
measures such as cleaning and/or drying the winding:
Can the machine be put into operation?
Must the windings be cleaned or dried?
Detailed information on testing and the limit values can be found here:
"Testing the insulation resistance and polarization index" (Page 35)
5.3 Preparing for installation
Smoke extraction motors
Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018 35
Testing the insulation resistance and polarization index
Hazardous voltage at the terminals
During and immediately after measuring the insulation resistance or the polarization index
(PI) of the stator winding, hazardous voltages may be present at some of the terminals.
Contact with these can result in death, serious injury or material damage.
If any power cables are connected, check to make sure line supply voltage cannot be
Discharge the winding after measurement until the risk is eliminated, e.g. using the
following measures:
Connect the terminals with the ground potential until the recharge voltage drops to a
non-hazardous level
Attach the connection cable.
Measure the insulation resistance
1. Before you begin measuring the insulation resistance, please read the operating manual
for the insulation resistance meter you are going to use.
2. Make sure that no power cables are connected.
3. Measure the winding temperature and the insulation resistance of the winding in relation
to the machine enclosure. The winding temperature should not exceed 40° C during the
measurement. Convert the measured insulation resistances in accordance with the
formula to the reference temperature of 40° C. This thereby ensures that the minimum
values specified can be compared.
4. Read out the insulation resistance one minute after applying the measuring voltage.
Limit values for the stator winding insulation resistance
The following table specifies the measuring voltage and limit values for the insulation
resistance. These values correspond to IEEE 43-2000 recommendations.
Table 5- 1 Stator winding insulation resistance at 40° C
VN [V]
VMeas [V]
U ≤ 1000
1000 ≤ U ≤ 2500
500 (max. 1000)
2500 < U ≤ 5000
1000 (max. 2500)
5000 < U 12000
2500 (max. 5000)
U > 12000
5000 (max. 10000)
rated = rated voltage, see the rating plate
meas = DC measuring voltage
RC = minimum insulation resistance at reference temperature of 40° C
5.3 Preparing for installation
Smoke extraction motors
36 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
Conversion to the reference temperature
When measuring with winding temperatures other than 40° C, convert the measuring value
to the reference temperature of 40° C according to the following equations from IEEE 43-
RC = KT · RT
RC Insulation resistance converted to 40° C reference temperature
Temperature coefficient according to equation (2)
RT Measured insulation resistance for measuring/winding temperature
T in °C
KT = (0.5) (40-T)/10
Reference temperature in °C
Halving/doubling of the insulation resistance with 10 K
Measuring/winding temperature in °C
In this case, doubling or halving the insulation resistance at a temperature change of 10 K is
used as the basis.
The insulation resistance halves every time the temperature rises by 10 K.
The resistance doubles every time the temperature falls by 10 K.
For a winding temperature of approx. 25° C, the minimum insulation resistances are 20 MΩ
(U 1000 V) or 300 MΩ (U > 1000 V). The values apply for the complete winding to ground.
Twice the minimum values apply to the measurement of individual assemblies.
Dry, new windings have an insulation resistance of between 100 and 2000 MΩ, or
possibly even higher values. An insulation resistance value close to the minimum value
could be due to moisture and/or dirt accumulation. The size of the winding, the rated
voltage and other characteristics affect the insulation resistance and may need to be
taken into account when determining measures.
Over its operating lifetime, the motor winding insulation resistance can drop due to
ambient and operational influences. Calculate the critical insulation resistance value
depending on the rated voltage by multiplying the rated voltage (kV) by the specific
critical resistance value. Convert the value for the current winding temperature at the time
of measurement, see above table.
Measuring the polarization index
1. To determine the polarization index, measure the insulation resistances after one minute
and ten minutes.
2. Express the measured values as a ratio:
PI = Rinsul 10 min / Rinsul 1 min
Many measuring devices display these values automatically following the measurement.
For insulation resistances > 5000 MΩ, the measurement of the PI is no longer meaningful
and consequently not included in the assessment.
R(10 min) / R(1 min)
Insulation in good condition
< 2
Dependent on the complete diagnosis of the insulation
5.4 Installation
Smoke extraction motors
Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018 37
Damage to insulation
If the critical insulation resistance is reached or undershot, this can damage the insulation
and cause voltage flashovers.
Contact the Service Center.
If the measured value is close to the critical value, you must subsequently check the
insulation resistance at shorter intervals.
Limit values of the anti-condensation heating insulation resistance
The insulation resistance of the anti-condensation heating with respect to the machine
housing should not be lower than 1 MΩ when measured at 500 V DC.
Machine installation
Danger caused by falling eyebolts
In the event of a fault/fire, increased vibration levels occur that can loosen eye bolts.
This will result in severe bodily injury or death.
Remove all of the eyebolts after installing the motor in the equipment.
For vertical installation, use all of the eyebolts provided and when necessary, hoisting
straps (DIN EN 1492-1) and/or lashing straps (DIN EN 12195-2) to stabilize the position
of the motor.
Prevent foreign bodies from falling into the fan cover. For vertical machine installation
with the shaft end facing downwards, attach a protective canopy.
If the shaft extension is facing upwards, liquid must be prevented from entering by moving
along the shaft.
Clean bare metal surfaces with anti-corrosion agent using white spirit to ensure proper
installation and / or machine mounting.
Do not obstruct ventilation. Do not draw in the discharged air directly also from adjacent
5.4 Installation
Smoke extraction motors
38 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
Avoid exposing them to direct, intense solar radiation, rain, snow, ice, or also dust for
extended periods. Attach a covering structure or an additional cover when using or
storing outdoors.
Do not exceed the permissible axial and radial forces.
Check for vibration caused by fan reaction or resonance points at the installation location
corresponding to ISO 10816 over the complete speed range.
Overheating and failure of the motor
Death, severe injury or material damage can occur if you do not carefully observe the
following points.
Do not obstruct ventilation.
Prevent the air expelled by neighboring equipment from being immediately sucked in
For machines with a vertical type construction with air entry from above, prevent the
ingress of foreign bodies and water in the air entry openings (standard IEC / EN 60079-
If the shaft extension is facing upwards, liquid must be prevented from entering by
moving along the shaft.
Safety instructions regarding types construction/mounting type
Damage caused by small parts falling in
Material damage and injury can occur if the fan is destroyed and therefore the motor
For types of construction with the shaft extension facing downwards, prevent small parts
from falling into the fan cover by providing suitable covers (standard IEC / EN 60079-0).
Prevent the cooling airflow from being reduced as a result of covers that might be in
5.4 Installation
Smoke extraction motors
Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018 39
Table 5- 2 Air guidance
Minimum dimension "x" for the distance between neighboring modules and the air intake of the m
5.4 Installation
Smoke extraction motors
40 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
Table 5- 3 Minimum dimension "X" for the distance between neighboring modules and the air intake
on machines
Frame size
80 ... 100
112 25
180 ... 225
280 ... 315
Machines with type of construction IM B15, IM B9, IM V8 and IM V9
Types of construction without bearings on the drive side
These machines do not have their own bearing system for the machine shaft at the drive end
(DE). The machine shaft is accepted by the (hollow) shaft or coupling of the system or driven
Using the centering edge, the machine is aligned with respect to enclosures, flanges or
driven machines.
Note that the temperature of the motor and motor shaft increases during operation. The
thermal expansion of the machine shaft must be compensated by the customer by
applying suitable measures.
Use the spring washers provided to locate the NDE bearing without any play.
Damage to the motor
Material damage can occur if the following notes are not carefully observed:
The IM B3 bearing shield with built-in distance ring mounted at the DE is only used as
transport lock. A warning label is attached to this bearing shield.
The spacer ring is not a roller bearing.
Remove the bearing shield and the spacer ring.
Remove the transport lock before commissioning.
5.4 Installation
Smoke extraction motors
Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018 41
Foot mounting
Only authorized retrofit partners must be employed to relocate the bolted on mounting feet at
the machine enclosure.
After attaching the mounting feet, you must note the following in order to avoid stressing and
deforming the machine.
Ensure that the foot mounting surfaces are aligned in one plane and are parallel to the
machine shaft.
Post-machine the foot mounting surfaces or use thin shims, for example.
Professionally touch up damaged painted surfaces.
Observe the information provided in Chapter Aligning and mounting
The rotor is dynamically balanced. The balancing quality corresponds to vibration severity
grade "A" for the complete machine as standard. The optional vibration severity grade "B" is
indicated on the rating plate.
The declaration regarding the type of featherkey for balancing is generally marked on the
rating plate and optionally on the face of the shaft end.
As a standard measure, balancing is carried out dynamically with a half featherkey (code
"H") in accordance with ISO 8821.
"F" means balancing with a whole featherkey (optional version).
"N" means balancing without a featherkey (optional version).
Incorrect installation or removal
To avoid injury and material damage, carefully observe general touch protection measures
for output transmission elements:
The general touch protection measures for drive output elements must be observed.
Drive output elements may only be pushed on or pulled off with the correct equipment.
The feat
her keys are only locked against falling out during shipping. If you commission a
machine without a drive output element, the feather keys must be secured to prevent
them from being thrown out.
5.4 Installation
Smoke extraction motors
42 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
The featherkey data on the shaft and transmission element must indicate the correct type of
balancing in each case and must be correctly mounted.
The balancing quality corresponds to vibration severity grade "A" for the complete machine;
vibration severity grade "B" is possible as an option, i.e. in order to ensure the desired
balancing quality, it must be ensured that the featherkey data on the hub and machine shaft
complement each other in the case of a shorter or longer output transmission element.
Risk that the function will not be able to be maintained in the case of a fault/fire
Temperature-related fan imbalance and temperature-related changes to mounting
resonance points in the equipment result in vibration levels that automatically increase. This
can result in material damage, injury and death.
Before balancing, anneal the output transmission elements (fans) to relieve any internal
stress. Avoid any mounting resonance points in the equipment close to operating speeds.
Align the offset at the coupling between electrical machines and the driven machines so that
the maximum permissible vibration values according to ISO 10816 are not exceeded.
Maximum permissible vibration values for operation under fault/fire conditions
Frame size
Vibration velocity
80 ...112
132 ... 200
225 ... 315
5.4 Installation
Smoke extraction motors
Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018 43
Mounting and withdrawing output transmission elements
Withdrawing output transmission elements
Mounting output transmission elements
When mounting output transmission elements (coupling, gear wheel, belt pulley etc. ) use
the thread at the shaft end.
If possible, heat up the output transmission elements as required.
Use a suitable device when withdrawing output elements.
When mounting or withdrawing, do not apply any blows, for example with a hammer or
similar tool, to the parts to be mounted or withdrawn.
Only transfer radial or axial forces specified in the catalog to the motor bearings via the
shaft extension.
5.5 Alignment and fastening
Smoke extraction motors
44 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
Noise emission
Hearing damage when operating three-phase motors
If the permissible sound pressure level is exceeded, hearing damage can occur when
operating three-phase motors at their rated power.
Observe the maximum permissible sound pressure level according to the ISO 1680
standard. The maximum permissible sound pressure level is 70 dB (A).
Alignment and fastening
Observe the following when aligning and mounting:
Ensure a flat and uniform contact surface for foot and flange mounting.
Precisely align the machine when couplings are used.
Ensure that the mounting surfaces are clean and free of any dirt.
Remove any anti-corrosion protection using white spirit.
Avoid installation-related resonances with the rotating frequency and twice the line
Note any unusual noise when the rotor is manually turned.
Check the direction of rotation with the motor uncoupled.
Avoid rigid couplings.
Repair any damage to the paint, this must be done immediately and correctly.
The following measures are required in order to compensate any radial offset at the coupling
and to horizontally adjust the electrical machine with respect to the driven load:
Vertical positioning
For vertical mounting positions, avoid deforming the machines by placing shims under the
mounting feet. Keep the number of shims low; only use a few stacked shims.
Horizontal positioning
To position the machine horizontally, shift it sideways on the foundation and ensure that
the axial position is maintained (angularity error).
When positioning the motor, ensure that a uniform axial gap is maintained around the
5.5 Alignment and fastening
Smoke extraction motors
Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018 45
Smooth running
Preconditions for smooth, vibration-free operation according to DIN 4024 include:
Stable foundation design free of any shock or vibration.
A precisely aligned coupling.
A well-balanced drive output element (coupling, belt pulleys, fans, ...)
Maintain the maximum permissible vibration in operation according to ISO 10816.
Avoid inadmissible vibration caused by imbalance, for example (drive output element),
external vibration or any resonance over the complete speed range.
It may be necessary to completely balance the machine with the drive output element or
the system resonance frequency must be shifted.
Foot mounting/flange mounting
Use the specified thread sizes laid down in EN 50347 when flanging the machine to a
foundation or a machine flange.
Mount the machine at four foot or flanged holes that are at right angles to one another.
The customer is responsible for selecting the strength (property class) of the mounting
For mounting elements up to and including frame size 160, property class 5.6 or
higher is recommended, from frame size 180, property class 8.8 or higher.
Select the correct screw length for IM B14 flanges.
IM B30 pad mounting (duct fans or fans installed in pipes)
To install the motor in the equipment, use all DE and NDE mounting brackets or all 8
bores in the enclosure.
Use suitable locking measures to prevent the connections from being released in normal
operation and operation under fault/fire conditions.
Observe the maximum tensile force and compressive force for each mounting bracket.
Frame size
Tensile force and compressive force for each mounting bracket
80 ... 90
1500 N
100 ... 112 2000 N
132 ... 160
3000 N
Attach the radial bracing at the threads provided.
5.5 Alignment and fastening
Smoke extraction motors
46 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
Screw the threads all he way in.
Make sure that the fixing bolts are not tensioned against the motor lugs.
Drill fixing holes in the fan unit so that the braces do not bend.
5.5 Alignment and fastening
Smoke extraction motors
Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018 47
Flatness of the supporting surfaces for conventional motors
Frame size
≤ 132
160 0.15
≥ 180
Machine frame mounting feet (special design)
For terminal boxes mo
unted at the NDE (option H08), dimension C can deviate from EN
For motors with double or triple holes at the NDE, maintain the foot mounting dimensions as
specified in standard EN
50347 .
5.5 Alignment and fastening
Smoke extraction motors
48 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
Smoke extraction motors
Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018 49
Electrical connection
Reference to chapter Safety instructions
When carrying out any work on the machine, observe the general safety instructions
(Page 11) and the specifications contained in EN 50110-1 regarding safe operation of
electrical equipment.
Connecting the motor
Hazardous voltages
Death, injury or material damage can occur. Note the following safety information before
connecting-up the machine:
Only qualified and trained personnel should carry out work on the machine while it is
Disconnect the machine from the power supply and take measures to prevent it being
reconnected. This also applies to auxiliary circuits.
Check that the machine really is in a no-voltage condition.
Establish a safe protective conductor connection before starting any work.
If the incoming power supply system displays any deviations from the rated values in
terms of voltage, frequency, curve form or symmetry, such deviations will increase the
temperature and influence electromagnetic compatibility.
Operating the machine on a line supply system with a non-
grounded neutral point is only
permitted over short time intervals that occur rarely, e.g. the time leading to a fault being
eliminated (ground fault of a cable, EN 60034-1).
Observe the information in EN / IEC 60034-1 (VDE 0530-1) regarding operation at the limits
of the A zones (±5 % voltage difference and ±2 % frequency difference) and the B zones,
especially in respect of temperature increase and deviation of the operating data from the
rated data on the rating plate. Never exceed the specified limits!
Connect up so that a permanently safe electrical connection is guaranteed (no protruding
wire ends); use the assigned cable-end fittings (e.g. cable lugs, end sleeves).
Connect up the line supply voltage and arranged the disconnecting link in accordance with
the circuit diagram provided in the terminal box.
Select connecting cables according to DIN VDE 0100 taking into account the rated current
and the system-dependent conditions (e.g. ambient temperature, routing type etc. according
to DIN VDE 0298 or EN / IEC 60204-1).
Electrical connection
6.2 Connecting the motor
Smoke extraction motors
50 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
The technical specifications stipulate the following that have to be taken into account with
respect to the motor connection:
Direction of rotation.
The number and arrangement of the terminal boxes.
The circuit and connection of the machine winding.
Terminal designations
With the terminal designations according to DIN VDE 0530 Part 8 or EN / IEC 60034-8 for
three-phase machines, the following principle definitions apply:
Table 6- 1 Terminal designations (with the 1U1-1 as an example)
x Index showing the pole assignment for pole-changing machines (where appli-
cable, a lower number indicates a lower speed) or, in special cases, for a
subdivided winding.
x Phase designation (U, V, W)
x Index showing the start (1) / end (2) or tapping point of the winding (if there is
more than one connection per winding)
x Additional index for cases in which it is obligatory to connect parallel power
feed cables to several terminals with otherwise identical designations
Direction of rotation
The standard motors are suitable for clockwise and counter-clockwise rotation.
For defined directions of rotation (direction of rotation arrow), appropriately connect the line
power cables.
If you connect the line cables with phase sequence L1, L2, L3 at U, V, W or according to
NEMA at T1 T2 T3 , then the machine rotates in the clockwise direction.
If you interchange two connections, e.g. L1, L2, L3 at V, U, W or according to NEMA at
T2 T1 T3 , then the machine rotates counter-clockwise.
According to IEC
According to NEMA
Clockwise rotation
V U W T2 T1 T3
Direction of rotation of the motor when looking at DE
Electrical connection
6.3 Tightening torques
Smoke extraction motors
Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018 51
Connection with/without cable lugs
In the case of terminals with terminal clamps, distribute the conductors in such a way that the
clamping heights on both sides of the fillet are about the same. This method of connection
requires that you must bend a single conductor in a U shape or use a cable lug. The same
applies to the inner and outer terminals of the ground conductor.
When connecting up using cable lugs, select their size corresponding to the required cable
cross-section and the stud size. An inclined arrangement is only permitted provided the
required air clearances and creepage distances are carefully maintained.
Remove insulation from the ends of the conductors so that the remaining insulation almost
reaches the cable lug.
The di
rect contact between the cable lug surfaces and the contact nuts or contact screws
ensure that the connection can conduct current.
Connecting protruding cables
In the case of connection cables brought out of the machine, no terminal board is installed
on the terminal base of the machine housing. The connection cables are directly connected
to stator winding terminals at the factory.
The connection cables are color-coded or labeled. The customer directly connects individual
cables in the control cabinet for their system in accordance with the labeling.
Tightening torques
Cable glands
Avoid damaging the cable jacket.
Adapt the tightening torques to the cable jacket materials.
Electrical connection
6.4 Connecting the grounding conductor
Smoke extraction motors
52 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
You should refer to the table in order to find the correct tightening torque for any metal and
plastic cable glands that are to be mounted directly on the machine, as well as for any other
screw-type connections (such as adapters).
Table 6- 2 Tightening torques for cable glands
± 10%
Clamping range [mm]
O ring
Cord dia.
-30 °C ... 100 °C
M 12 x 1.5
3,0 ... 7,0
M 16 x 1.5
4,5 ... 10,0
M 20 x 1.5
12 7,0 ... 13,0
M 25 x 1.5
9,0 ... 17,0
M 32 x 1.5
11,0 ... 21,0
M 40 x 1.5
19,0 ... 28,0
M 50 x 1.5
26,0 ... 35,0
M 63 x 1.5
34,0 ... 45,0
Terminal box, end shields, grounding conductor
If no other tightening torques are specified, then the values in the following table apply.
Table 6- 3 Tightening torques for screws on the terminal box, end shields, screw-type grounding conductor connections
Thread ∅
M 3.5
M 4
M 5
M 6
M 8
M 10
M 12
M 16
max 1.2 3 5 9 24 42 70 165 340
Tightening torque for the condensation drain plug
Tightening torque for the condensation drain plug
Tighten the condensation drain plug M6x0.75 with a torque between 1.5 and 2.0
Connecting the grounding conductor
General information on connecting the grounding conductor
The machine's grounding conductor cross-section must comply with EN / IEC 60034-1.
Please also observe installation regulations such as those specified in EN / IEC 60204-1.
Electrical connection
6.4 Connecting the grounding conductor
Smoke extraction motors
Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018 53
Connecting the ground conductor
There is always a possibility of connecting an additional, outer grounding conductor to the
To do this, use the locations provided for this purpose at the enclosure that are appropriately
Grounding connection type
Enclosure grounding method
Connection of an individual
conductor under the external
grounding bracket.
… 10
Connection is made using a
DIN cable lug under the
external grounding bracket.
DIN 46 234
… 25
Minimum surface area of grounding conductor
Table 6- 4 Minimum cross-sectional area of grounding conductor
Minimum cross-sectional area of phase conduc-
tor for installation
Minimum surface area of associated grounding
S ≤ 16 S
16 < S ≤ 35
S > 35 0.5 S
Internal ground terminal
When making connections, ensure the following:
Ensure that the connecting surface is bare and is protected against corrosion using a
suitable substance, e.g. acid-free Vaseline.
Arrange the flat washer and spring washer under the bolt head.
Locate the cable lug under the clamping bracket.
Electrical connection
6.5 Conductor connection
Smoke extraction motors
54 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
Use the terminals designated for the grounding conductor in the terminal box.
Comply with the tightening torque (Page 52) for the terminal screw.
For machines, frame sizes 80 ... 90 with central terminal box locking, a cable lug, size M4
according to DIN 46237 can be used to connect the inner grounding.
External ground terminal
When making connections, ensure the following:
Ensure that the connecting surface is bare and is protected against corrosion using a
suitable substance, e.g. acid-free Vaseline.
Position the cable lug between the contact bracket and the grounding bracket; do not
remove the contact bracket pressed into the enclosure!
Arrange the flat washer and spring washer under the bolt head.
Use the terminals designated for the grounding conductor in the terminal box.
Comply with the tightening torque (Page 52) for the terminal screw.
Size of grounding conductor screw
Table 6- 5 Size of grounding conductor screw
Frame size
Thread size for the grounding conductor
80 ... 90
M3.5 / M4
100 ... 112 M5
132 ... 180
200 ... 315 M8
Conductor connection
General information on conductor connection
Cross-sections that can be connected depending on the size of the terminal (possibly
reduced due to size of cable entries)
Electrical connection
6.5 Conductor connection
Smoke extraction motors
Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018 55
Type of conductor connection
Connection with cable lug
DIN 46 234
Bend down the cable lug for the
... 25
Connection of an individual con-
ductor with terminal clamp
... 10
Connection of two conductors of
approximately the same thickness
with terminal clamp
... 25
Link rail
Power supply cord
Motor connection cable
Cover washer
Electrical connection
6.6 Connecting the converter
Smoke extraction motors
56 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
Connecting the converter
Increased winding temperature in the case of a fault/fire
Winding damage and failure of the motor can result in death and injury.
In the case of a fire/fault condition, the motors must be directly connected to the line supply
(DOL). The converter is only permissible in normal operation, and must be bypassed if a
fault condition or fire develops.
Excessively high supply voltage
Material damage can occur if the supply voltage is too high for the insulation system.
The machines can be operated at line voltages ≤ 500 V on SINAMICS G converters and
SINAMICS S converters (uncontrolled and controlled infeed) when maintaining the
permissible peak voltages.
The maximum permissible voltage rate of rise (gradient) is 9 kV/µs.
Ûphase-phase ≤ 1500 V; Ûphase-ground 1100 V
Please observe the section containing instructions on ensuring electromagnetic compatibility.
Final measures
Before closing the terminal box/terminal base of the machine enclosure, check the following:
Establish the electrical connections in the terminal box in accordance with the details in
the sections above and tighten with the correct torque.
Maintain air clearances between non-insulated parts:
5.5 mm up to 690 V, ≥ 8 mm up to 1000 V.
Avoid protruding wire ends!
In order not to damage the cable insulation, freely arrange the connecting cables.
Connect the machine corresponding to the specified direction of rotation.
Keep the inside of the terminal box clean and free from trimmed-off ends of wire.
Ensure that all seals and sealing surfaces are undamaged and clean.
Correctly and professionally close unused openings in the terminal boxes.
Smoke extraction motors
Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018 57
Reference to chapter Safety instructions
When carrying out any work on the machine, observe the general safety instructions
(Page 11) and the specifications contained in EN 50110-1 regarding safe operation of
electrical equipment.
Setpoint values for monitoring the bearing temperature
Prior to commissioning
If the machine is equipped with bearing thermometers, set the temperature value for
disconnection on the monitoring equipment before the first machine run.
Table 7- 1 Set values for monitoring the bearing temperatures before commissioning
Set value
Alarm 115 °C
Shutting down 120 °C
Normal operation
Measure the normal operating temperature of the bearings Top at the installation location in
°C. Set the values for shutdown and warning corresponding to the operating temperature
Table 7- 2 Set values for monitoring the bearing temperatures
Set value
Alarm Toperation + 5 K 115 °C
Shutting down
Toperation + 10 K ≤ 120 °C
7.3 Monitoring of the bearing temperature in the event of a fault
Smoke extraction motors
58 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
Monitoring of the bearing temperature in the event of a fault
Shutdown of the machine caused by increased bearing temperature in the event of a fault
Standstill of the machine in the event of a fault can lead to death or physical injuries.
In the event of a fire/fault, machines must fulfill their function irrespective of the bearing
Switch off the protection equipment for monitoring the bearing temperature in the event of a
Damage to the machine
In order to avoid material damage, check the following points before commissioning the
Using appropriate measures, check whether the correct direction of rotation of the motor
has been set by the customer, e.g. by decoupling from the driven load.
Ensure that temperature-sensitive parts (cables, etc.) are not in contact with the
machine enclosure.
Ensure that the condensation drain holes are always located at the lowest part of the
Damage caused by insufficient cooling
Effective cooling is no longer possible if air guidance of the machine is not provided as
intended. This can damage the machine.
Before commissioning, attach the covers to guarantee the intended air guidance.
Once the system has been correctly installed, you should check the following prior to
Ensure that the machine has been correctly installed and aligned.
Connect the machine corresponding to the specified direction of rotation.
Ensure that the operating conditions match the data specified on the rating plate.
Lubricate the bearings, depending on the version. Ensure that machines with roller
bearings, which have been stored for longer than 24 months, are relubricated.
Also observe the notes in Chapter Preparation for use.
Ensure that any optional supplementary machine monitoring equipment has been
connected correctly and is functioning as it should.
7.3 Monitoring of the bearing temperature in the event of a fault
Smoke extraction motors
Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018 59
For versions with bearing thermometers, check the bearing temperatures when the
machine starts to run for the first time. Set the values for alarm and shutdown at the
monitoring device. Also observe the notes in Chapter Setting values for monitoring the
bearing temperature.
Corresponding to the control and speed monitoring functions implemented, ensure that
the machine cannot exceed the permissible speeds specified on the rating plate.
Ensure the correct setting conditions of the drive output elements depending on the type
(e.g. alignment and balancing of couplings, belt forces in the case of a belt drive, tooth
forces and tooth flank backlash/play in the case of gear wheel output, radial and axial
clearance in the case of coupled shafts).
Comply with the minimum insulation resistances and minimum air clearances.
Ensure correct grounding and potential bonding connection of the protective conductor.
Tighten all mounting bolts, connection elements and electrical connections to the
specified torques.
Remove any lifting eyes that were screwed after installation or secure them to prevent
them becoming loose.
Rotate the rotor to ensure that it does not touch the stator.
Implement all touch protection measures for both moving and live parts.
Ensure that free shaft extensions cannot be touched, e.g. by attaching covers.
Secure any featherkeys so that they cannot be flung out.
Ensure that the optional external fan is ready for operation and connected so that it
rotates in the specified direction.
Ensure that the cooling airflow is not obstructed or diminished in any way.
If an optional brake is being used, ensure that it is functioning perfectly.
Comply with the specified mechanical limit speed nmax, and ensure that it is not exceeded.
If the design of the machine requires the converter to be assigned in a particular way, the
relevant information will be provided on the rating plate or an additional label.
It may be necessary to perform additional chec
ks and tests in accordance with the specific
situation on site.
7.4 Switching on
Smoke extraction motors
60 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
Switching on
Measures for start-up
After installation or inspections, the following measures are recommended for normal start-
up of the machines:
Start the machine without a load. To do this, close the circuit breaker and do not switch
the machine off prematurely. Switching the machine off again while it is starting up and
still running at slow speed should be kept to a bare minimum, for example for checking
the direction of rotation or for checking in general. Allow the machine to run to a standstill
before switching it back on again.
Check mechanical operation for noise or vibration at the bearings or end shields.
If the machine is not running smoothly or is emitting abnormal noises, switch it off, and
determine the cause of the fault as it runs down.
If mechanical operation improves immediately after the machine is switched off, then the
cause is magnetic or electrical, e.g. voltage imbalance, magnetic imbalance. If
mechanical operation does not improve immediately after switching the machine off, then
the cause is mechanical, e.g. an imbalance in the electrical machines or in the driven
machine, inadequate alignment of the machine set, operation of the machine with the
system resonating (system = machine + base frame + foundations etc.).
If the machine runs perfectly in terms of its mechanical operation, switch on any cooling
devices present and continue to monitor the machine for a while as it idles.
If it runs perfectly, connect a load. Check that it runs smoothly.
Read off and document the values for voltage, current, and power.
Where possible, read off corresponding values for the driven machine and document
them as well.
Monitor the bearing temperature, winding temperature, etc. until the system reaches a
steady state.
Document these, provided this is possible with existing measuring instruments.
Commissioning measures for smoke extraction motors according to EN 12101-3
The procedures laid down in EN 12101-3 must be complied with when testing the motors,
installed in the fan unit.
Plot the input power curve and temperature-time characteristic in the fire testing room.
Record the vibration response at the end shields radially in at least one direction
according to ISO 10816 throughout the entire test period.
Do not exceed the values specified in the Balancing chapter.
When installing in the fire testing room, avoid directly exposing the unit, machine and
cable to flames.
Avoid abrasion points of connection cables and cables on metallic components.
Smoke extraction motors
Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018 61
Reference to chapter Safety instructions
When carrying out any work on the machine, observe the general safety instructions
(Page 11) and the specifications contained in EN 50110-1 regarding safe operation of
electrical equipment.
Safety instructions
Safe handling
Workplace safety depends on the attentiveness, care, and common sense of the personnel
who install, operate, and maintain the machine. In addition to the safety measures cited, as a
matter of principle, the use of caution is necessary when you are near the machine. Always
pay attention to your safety.
Also observe the following to prevent accidents:
General safety regulations applicable in the country where the machine is deployed.
Manufacturer-specific and application-specific regulations
Special agreements made with the operator
Separate safety instructions supplied with the machine
Safety symbols and instructions on the machine and its packaging
Live parts
Electric machines contain live parts.
Fatal or severe injuries and substantial material damage can occur if the covers are
removed or if the machine is not handled, operated, or maintained properly.
Always observe the “five safety rules" (Page 11) when carrying out any work on the
Only remove the covers using the methods described by these operating instructions.
Operate the machine properly.
Regularly and correctly maintain the machine.
8.2 Safety instructions
Smoke extraction motors
62 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
Rotating parts
Electric machines contain dangerous rotating parts.
Fatal or severe injuries and substantial material damage can occur if the covers are
removed or if the machine is not handled, operated, or maintained properly.
Only remove the covers using the methods described by these operating instructions.
Operate the machine properly.
Regularly and correctly maintain the machine.
Secure free-standing shaft ends and other rotating parts such as couplings, belt pulleys
etc. against touch.
Hot surfaces
Electric machines have hot surfaces. Do not touch these surfaces. They could cause burns.
Allow the machine to cool before starting work on the machine.
Only remove the covers using the methods described by these operating instructions.
Operate the machine properly.
Hazardous substances
Chemical substances required for the setup, operation and maintenance of machines can
present a health risk.
Poisoning, skin damage, cauterization of the respiratory tract, and other health damage
may result.
Read the information in these operating instructions and the product information
supplied by the manufacturer.
Observe the relevant safety regulations and wear the personal protective equipment
Flammable substances
Chemical substances required for the setup, operation and maintenance of machines may
be flammable.
Burns and other damage to health and material may result.
Read the information in these operating instructions and the product information
supplied by the manufacturer.
Observe the relevant safety regulations and wear the personal protective equipment
8.2 Safety instructions
Smoke extraction motors
Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018 63
Switching on the machine
Hazardous voltages
Electrical machines are at hazardous voltage levels. Contact with these can result in death,
serious injury or material damage.
Operating the machine on a line supply system with a non-grounded neutral point is only
permitted for short periods of time that occur rarely, e.g. the time leading to a fault being
eliminated. Cable ground fault EN / IEC 60034-1.
Damage to the machine or premature bearing failure
The bearings can be damaged if the following is not observed.
It is absolutely crucial that you maintain the permissible vibration values to avoid
damage to the machine or its destruction.
In operation, observe the vibration values in accordance with ISO 10816.
Under all circumstances maintain the minimum radial load of cylindrical roller bearings
of 50% corresponding to what is specified in the catalog.
Take the appropriate measures to reduce bearing currents. Observe the Chapter
Converter operation.
Faults in operation
Changes with respect to normal operation indicate that there is an impaired function. This
can cause faults which can result in eventual or immediate death, severe injury or material
For instance, observe the following signs that could indicate a malfunction:
Higher power drawn than usual
Higher temperatures than usual
Unusual noises
Unusual smells
Response of monitoring equipment
Immediately contact the maintenance personnel if you identify any irregularities. If you are
in doubt, immediately switch off the machine, being sure to observe the system-specific
safety conditions.
8.2 Safety instructions
Smoke extraction motors
64 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
Risk of corrosion due to condensation
If the machine and/or ambient temperatures fluctuate, this can result in condensation inside
the machine.
If available, remove the drain plugs or screws to drain the water depending on the
ambient and operating conditions.
If available, re-attach the drain plugs or screws.
If the motor is equipped with drain plugs, then the water can drain away by itself.
Switching on the machine with anti-condensation heating (optional)
Machine overheating
Minor injury or material damage can occur if you do not observe the following:
If available, switch off the anti-condensation heating each time before switching on.
Safety instructions when operating machines with fan
Risk of injury when touching the fan
There is a risk of injury at machines equipped with a fan cover (e.g. fan cover used in the
textile industry), as the fan is not completely touch protected.
Do not touch the rotating fan.
Do not put your fingers into the larger air discharge openings.
Manual intervention must be prevented on the customer's side by using suitable
measures, e.g. appropriate housings or a protective grating.
Machines with textile fan covers
In order to guarantee an essentially unobstructed flow of cooling air containing fluff, remains
of materials or similar dirt, machines with a fan cover for textile applications have a larger air
discharge cross-section between the edge of the cover and the cooling ribs of the machine
These machines have a warning sticker on the fan cover.
8.2 Safety instructions
Smoke extraction motors
Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018 65
If the machine remains out of service for an extended period of time (> 1 month), it should be
commissioned regularly (around once a month) or, at the very least, the rotor should be
turned. Please refer to the instructions in the section titled "Switching on" before
recommissioning the machine. If a rotor locking device has been fitted to the machine, you
must remove it before the rotor starts to turn.
Restricted motor function
If not used for longer periods of time, material damage or complete motor failure can occur.
If the motor is out of service for a period of more than 12 months, then environmental
effects can damage the motor.
Apply suitable corrosion protection, preservation, packing and drying measures.
Taking the machine out of service
For details of measures that need to be implemented, see Preparing for use.
Lubricating before recommissioning
Dry running bearings
Bearings can be damaged if they do not have sufficient grease.
Re-grease the bearings if they have been out of service for more than one year. The shaft
must rotate so that the grease can be distributed in the bearings. Observe the data on the
lubricant plate.
See also Chapter, Maintenance - bearing service life.
8.3 Fault tables
Smoke extraction motors
66 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
Fault tables
Before removing any faults, please read the information in Chapter
Safety information
If you oper
ate the motor with a converter, and an electrical fault occurs, then also observe
the information in the converter operating instructions.
The tables below list general faults caused by mechanical and electrical influences.
Table 8- 1 Electrical influences
Electrical fault characteristics
Machine will not start up
Machine starts up reluctantly
Rumbling noise during startup
Rumbling noise during operation
Overheating during no-load operation
Overheating when under load
Overheating of individual winding sections
Possible causes of faults
Remedial measures
Reduce load
X Interruption of a phase in the supply line Check switches and supply lines
X X X X X Interruption of a phase in the supply line
after switching on
Check switches and supply lines
X X Supply voltage too low, frequency too
Check power supply conditions
Supply voltage too high, frequency too
Check power supply conditions
Stator winding incorrectly connected
Check winding connections
X X X X Winding short circuit or phase short cir-
cuit in stator winding
Measure the winding resistances and insulation
resistances, repair after consultation with manu-
Incorrect direction of rotation of axial fan
Check connections
(1) As well as eliminating the cause of the fault (as described under "Remedial measures"),
you must also rectify any damage the machine may have suffered.
8.4 Deactivating
Smoke extraction motors
Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018 67
Table 8- 2 Mechanical effects
Mechanical fault characteristics
Grinding noise
Radial vibrations
Axial vibrations
Possible causes of faults
Remedial measures
Rotating parts are grinding
Determine cause and adjust parts concerned
X Reduced air supply, fan possibly rotating in the wrong
Check airways, clean machine
Rotor not balanced.
Check feather key declaration (H, F, N)
Rotor out of true, shaft bent
Please consult the manufacturer.
X X Poor alignment Align machine set,
check coupling.
Coupled machine not balanced
Re-balance coupled machine
Surges from coupled machine
Inspect coupled machine
Imbalance originating from gearing
Adjust/repair gearing
X X Resonance in the overall system (comprising machine
and foundation)
Reinforce foundation following consultation
X X Changes in foundation Determine cause of changes; eliminate if neces-
sary; realign machine
1) In addition to the cause of the fault (according to remedial measures), also eliminate the
damage caused to the machine, if necessary.
2) Note any changes that take place while the temperature is rising.
Commission any devices provided for protection against condensation after switching off the
8.4 Deactivating
Smoke extraction motors
68 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
Smoke extraction motors
Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018 69
Through careful and regular maintenance, inspections, and overhauls you can detect faults
at an early stage and resolve them. This means that you can avoid consequential damage.
Operating conditions and characteristics can vary widely. For this reason, only general
maintenance intervals can be specified here. Maintenance intervals should therefore be
scheduled to suit the local conditions (dirt, starting frequency, load, etc.).
When carrying out any work on the machine, observe the general safety instructions
(Page 11) and the specifications contained in EN 50110-1 regarding safe operation of
electrical equipment.
Service Center
Please contact the
Service Center (Page 93), if you require support with servicing,
maintenance or repair.
Safety instructions for inspection and maintenance
Rotating and live parts
Electric machines contain live and rotating parts. Fatal or serious injuries and substantial
material damage can occur if maintenance work is performed on the machine when it is not
stopped or not de-energized.
Perform maintenance work on the machine only when it is stopped. The only operation
permissible while the machine is rotating is regreasing the roller bearings.
When performing maintenance work, comply with the five safety rules (Page 11).
Machine damage
If the machine is not maintained it can suffer damage. This can cause faults which can
result in eventual or immediate death, serious injury or material damage.
Perform regular maintenance on the machine.
9.2 Preparation and notes
Smoke extraction motors
70 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
Dust disturbances when working with compressed air
When cleaning with compressed air, dust, metal chips, or cleaning agents can be whirled
up. Injuries can result.
When cleaning using compressed air, make sure you use suitable extraction equipment
and wear protective equipment (safety goggles, protective suit, etc.).
Damage to insulation
If metal swarf enters the winding head when cleaning with compressed air, this can
damage the insulation. Clearance and creepage distances can be undershot. This may
cause damage to the machine extending to total failure.
When cleaning with compressed air, ensure there is adequate extraction.
Machine damage caused by foreign bodies
Foreign bodies such as dirt, tools or loose components, such as screws etc., can be left by
accident inside the machine after maintenance is performed. These can cause short
circuits, reduce the performance of the cooling system or increase noise in operation. They
can also damage the machine.
When carrying out maintenance work, make sure that no foreign bodies are left in or on
the machine.
Securely attach all loose parts again once you have completed the maintenance
Carefully remove any dirt.
Operating conditions and characteristics can vary widely. For this reason, only general
intervals for inspect
ion and maintenance measures can be specified here.
Preparation and notes
Touch up any damaged paintwork
If the paint is damaged, it must be repaired in order to protect the unit against corrosion.
Paint system
Contact t
he Service Center (Page 93
) before you repair any paint damage. They will provide
you with more information about the correct paint system and me
thods of repairing paint
9.3 Inspection
Smoke extraction motors
Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018 71
Pay particular attention to the relubrication intervals for rolling bearings that deviate from the
inspection intervals.
When servicing a three
-phase machine, it is generally not necessary to dismantle it. The
machine only has to be dismantled if the bearings are to be replaced.
First inspection after installation or repair
Perform the following checks after approximately 500 operating hours or at the latest six
months after commissioning:
Table 9- 1 Checks after assembly or repair
When the
motor is
At stand-
The stated electrical characteristics are being observed.
The permissible bearing temperatures are not exceeded (Page 58).
The smooth running characteristics and machine running noise have not
The motor foundation has no cracks and indentations. (*)
(*) You can perform these checks while the motor is running or at a standstill.
Additional tests may also be required according to the system-specific conditions.
Machine damage
When carrying out the inspection, if you detect any impermissible deviations from the
normal state, you must rectify them immediately. They may otherwise cause damage to the
9.3 Inspection
Smoke extraction motors
72 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
Main inspection
Check that the installation conditions are observed. We recommend that the following
checks are performed after approx. 16 000 operating hours or at the latest after two years:
Table 9- 2 Checks that have to be performed during the general inspection
When the
motor is
At stand-
The electrical parameters are maintained
The permissible bearing temperatures are not exceeded (Page 58)
The smooth running characteristics and machine running noise have not
The motor foundation has no cracks and indentations (*)
The machine is aligned within the permissible tolerance ranges
All the fixing bolts/screws for the mechanical and electrical connections
have been securely tightened
All the potential connections, grounding connections and shield supports
are correctly seated and properly bonded
The winding insulation resistances are sufficiently high
Any bearing insulation is fitted as shown on the plates and labels
The CABLES and insulating parts and components are in good condition
and there is no evidence of discoloring
(*) You can perform these checks while the motor is at standstill or, if required, while running.
Machine damage
When carrying out the inspection, if you detect any impermissible deviations from the
normal state, you must rectify them immediately. They may otherwise cause damage to the
9.4 Maintenance
Smoke extraction motors
Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018 73
Maintenance intervals
Skin irritations and eye inflammations
Many greases can cause skin irritations and eye inflammations.
Follow all safety instructions of the manufacturer.
The machines are equipped with permanently lubricated roller bearings. A regreasing device
is optional.
Please note the following in order to identify faults at an early stage, rectify them and avoid
follow-on damage:
Maintain the machine regularly and carefully.
Inspect the machine.
Motors must be allocated a revision/inspection number after inspection.
Operating situations and characteristics can vary widely. For this reason, only general
maintenance intervals are specified here. Maintenance intervals should therefore be
scheduled to suit the local conditions (dirt, starting frequency, load, etc.).
Motor failure
Material damage can occur if the machine develops faults or is overloaded.
Immediately inspect the machine if faults occur.
An immediate inspection is especially necessary, if the three-phase motor is excessively
stressed, either electrically or mechanically (e.g. overload or short-circuit).
Measures, intervals and deadlines
Measures after operating period intervals or deadlines have elapsed:
Table 9- 3 Operating period intervals
Operating period intervals
Initial inspection
After 500 operating hours
After 1/2 year at the latest
Relubrication (optional)
See the lubricant plate
Depending on the degree of pollution
Main inspection Approximately every 16000 operating
After two years at the latest
Drain condensate Depending on the climatic conditions
9.4 Maintenance
Smoke extraction motors
74 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
For machines with regreasing system, relubrication intervals, grease quantity and grease
grade are provided on the lubricant plate. Additional data can be taken from the main
machine rating plate.
Grade of grease for standard motors (IP55) UNIREX N3 - ESSO.
It is not permissible to mix different types of grease.
Prolonged storage periods reduce the useful lifetime of the bearing grease. Check the
condition of the grease if the equipment has been in storage for more than 12 months. If the
grease is found to have lost oil content or to be contaminated, the machine must be
immediately relubricated before commissioning. For information on permanently-greased
bearings, please refer to the section titled Storage (Page 76).
To relubricate the roller bearings, proceed as follows:
1. Clean the grease nipples at the drive end and non-drive end.
2. Press-in the specified grease and amount of grease according to the data stamped on the
lubrication plate.
Please observe the information on the rating and lubricant plates.
Regreasing should be carried out when the motor is running (max. 3600 rpm).
The bearing temperature can rise significantly at first, and then drops to the normal value
again when the excess grease is displaced out of the bearing.
This invalidates the warranty and operational safety
Mixing different types of grease can lead to material damage on the machine.
If you use or mix types of grease other than UNIREX N3, this invalidates the warranty and
standard conformity with the EN 12101-3 test standard.
Only use UNIREX N3 for re-lubrication purposes.
Cleaning the grease ducts and spent grease chambers
The spent grease collects outside each bearing in the spent grease chamber of the outer
bearing cap. When replacing bearings, remove the spent grease.
Dismantle the bearing cartridges to replace the grease in the lubrication duc
9.4 Maintenance
Smoke extraction motors
Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018 75
Cleaning the cooling air ducts
Regularly clean the cooling air ducts through which the ambient air flows.
The frequency of the cleaning intervals depends on the local degree of fouling.
Damage to the machine
Material damage can occur if y
ou direct compressed air in the direction of the shaft outlet or
machine openings.
Avoid pointing compressed air directly onto shaft sealing rings or labyrinth seals of the
Cleaning machines with cover for the textile industry
In the case of machines with fan covers for the textile industry, regularly remove fluff balls,
fabric remnants, and similar types of contamination (particularly at the air passage opening
between the fan cover and cooling fins of the machine enclosure) to ensure that the cooling
air can flow without obstruction.
Drain condensate
If there are condensation drain holes present, open these at regular intervals, depending on
climatic conditions.
Hazardous voltage
The winding can be damaged if objects are introduced into the condensation holes
(optional). This can lead to death, serious injury or material damage.
Note the following to maintain the degree of protection:
Switch off the machine so that it is in a no-voltage condition before you open the
condensation drain holes.
Close the condensation drain holes, e.g. using T-plugs, before commissioning the
Reduction of the degree of protection
If condensation drain holes are not closed, then this can result in material damage to the
In order to maintain the degree of protection, after the condensation has been drained, you
must close all of the drain holes.
9.5 Corrective maintenance
Smoke extraction motors
76 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
Corrective maintenance
Reference to chapter Safety instructions
When carrying out any work on the machine, observe the general safety instructions
(Page 11) and the specifications contained in EN 50110-1 regarding safe operation of
electrical equipment.
Safety instructions
Safety instructions for smoke extraction motors
Functional endurance when faults/fires occur
The insulation system of the machine is exposed to smoke and heat for 2 hours, which it
has to withstand. Changes to the winding and cable can result in death, serious injury, or
material damage.
Only the manufacturer must replace or repair special windings with heat resistant insulation
and motor cables. Under no circumstances should other repair workshops carry out this
work. The motors can no longer be repaired after a fault event (fire). Replace the motor,
even if it still functions.
Refer to the rating plate or the catalog for the designations of the bearings being used.
Bearing lifetime
Prolonged storage periods reduce the useful lifetime of the bearing grease. For permanently
lubricated bearings, this reduces the bearing service life.
We recommend that the bearings or grease are replaced after a storage time of 12 months;
if the time exceeds 4 years, replace the bearings or the grease.
9.5 Corrective maintenance
Smoke extraction motors
Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018 77
Replacing bearings
Recommended interval after which bearings are to be replaced under normal operating
Table 9- 4 Bearing replacement intervals
Ambient temperature
Principle of operation
Bearing replacement intervals
40 °C
Horizontal coupling operation
40 000 h
40 °C With axial and radial forces 20 000 h
Do not reuse bearings that have been removed.
Remove the dirty spent grease from the bearing shield.
Replace the existing grease with new grease.
Replace the shaft seals when the bearings are replaced.
Slightly grease the contact surfaces of the sealing lips.
Special operating conditions
The operating hours are reduced, e.g.
When machines are vertically mounted.
High vibration and surge loads
Frequent reversing operation
Higher ambient temperatures.
High speeds etc.
9.5 Corrective maintenance
Smoke extraction motors
78 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
Changing bearings
Heat up 80 ... 100 °C
9.5 Corrective maintenance
Smoke extraction motors
Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018 79
Disassembling smoke extraction motors
Before commencing disassembly, you should mark how each of the fastening elements has
been assigned, as well as how internal connections are arranged, for re
-assembly purposes.
Notes on disassembly
Before commencing removal, you should mark how each of the fastening elements has been
assigned, as well as how internal connections are arranged. This simplifies subsequent
Metal fan
Remove the locking ring.
Use a suitable tool to pull off the fan (puller).
Locate the arms of the pulling tool in the openings in the fan in the vicinity of the hub.
Alternatively, the pulling tool can be placed at the outer edge of the fan plate.
Uniformly withdraw the fan from the shaft by turning the pressure screw of the pulling tool.
Do not apply any hammer blows to avoid damaging the rotor shaft, the fan and the
Order the appropriate new parts if damaged.
Bearing bushes
Protect the bearings against the ingress of dirt and moisture.
1. Replace any corroded screws.
2. Take care not to damage the insulation of live parts.
3. Document the position of any rating and supplementary plates that have been removed.
4. Avoid damaging the centering edges.
9.5 Corrective maintenance
Smoke extraction motors
80 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
If possible, assemble the machine on and alignment plate. This ensures that the mounting
feet surfaces are all on the same plane.
Avoid damaging the windings protruding out of the stator enclosure when fitting the end
Sealing measures
1. Apply the necessary liquid sealant, e.g. Fluid-D, Hylomar, to the centering edge.
2. Check the terminal box seals, and if required, replace these.
3. Repair any damage to the paint, also to screws/bolts.
4. Take the necessary measures to ensure compliance with the applicable degree of
5. Do not forget the foam rubber cover in the cable entry. Completely seal the holes, and
ensure that cables do not come into contact with sharp edges.
See also
Terminal boxes, end shields, grounding conductors, sheet metal fan covers (Page 82)
Fitting the bearing cartridges
When fitting the bearing cartridges, observe the specified screw tightening torques
(Page 82).
Fitting bearings
Sealing the bearings
Note the following details:
Shaft sealing rings are used to seal machines at the rotor shaft.
For V rings, comply with the assembly dimension.
Use the specified bearings.
Ensure that the bearing sealing disks are in the correct position.
Insert the elements for bearing preloading at the correct end.
Fixed bearings can have a locking ring or bearing cover.
Seal the bearing cap screws with the appropriate gaskets or with grease.
Do not interchange the position of the bearing covers (DE and NDE or inner and outer).
9.5 Corrective maintenance
Smoke extraction motors
Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018 81
Fitting bearings for smoke extraction motors
Sealing the bearings
Note the following details:
V rings are used on the shaft to seal the bearings, V rings on the shaft
Use the specified bearings
Ensure that the bearing sealing disks are in the correct position
Only use the original replacement bearings from the manufacturer.
Insert the elements for bearing preloading at the correct end
Fixed bearings can have a locking ring or bearing cover
Table 9- 5 Mounting dimension "x" of V rings
Frame size
100 ... 112
6 ±0,8
132 ... 225
7 ±1
(4 ... 8-pole)
11 ±1
250 ... 315
(4 ... 8-pole)
13,5 ±1,2
11 ±1
250 ... 315
13,5 ±1,2
Mounting fans
Take care not to damage the snapping mechanisms on fans that are equipped with these.
To ensure this, the fans should be heated to a temperature of approximately 50 °C
around the area of the hub.
If any damage is caused, request new parts.
Reassembly: Miscellaneous information
Position all rating and supplementary plates as in the original state.
Where relevant, fix electric cables.
Check the tightening torques of all screws, as well as those of screws that have not been
9.5 Corrective maintenance
Smoke extraction motors
82 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
Screw lock washers
Nuts or bolts that are mounted together with locking, resilient and/or force-distributing
elements (e.g., safety plates, spring-lock washers, etc.) must be refitted together with
identical, fully functional elements.
Locking and sealing elements must always be replaced!
Cable glands
Cable glands
void damaging the cable jacket.
Adapt the tightening torques to the cable jacket materials.
You should refer to the table in order to find the correct tightening torque for any metal and
plastic cable glands that are to be mounted directly on the machine, as well as for any other
screw-type connections (such as adapters).
Table 9- 6 Tightening torques for cable glands
± 10%
Clamping range [mm]
O ring
Cord dia.
-30 °C ... 100 °C
M 12 x 1.5
3,0 ... 7,0
M 16 x 1.5
4,5 ... 10,0
M 20 x 1.5
7,0 ... 13,0
M 25 x 1.5
9,0 ... 17,0
M 32 x 1.5
11,0 ... 21,0
M 40 x 1.5
19,0 ... 28,0
M 50 x 1.5
26,0 ... 35,0
M 63 x 1.5
34,0 ... 45,0
Terminal boxes, end shields, grounding conductors, sheet metal fan covers
If no other tightening torques are specified, then the values in the following table apply.
Table 9- 7 Tightening torques for screws on the terminal box, end shields, screw-type grounding conductor connections
M 3.5
M 4
M 5
M 6
M 8
M 10
M 12
M 16
max 1.2 3 5 9 24 42 70 165 340
Table 9- 8 Tightening torques for self-tapping screws on the terminal box, end shields, screw-type grounding conductor
connections, sheet metal fan covers
Thread ∅
M 4
M 5
M 6
max 5 9,5 15,5
Smoke extraction motors
Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018 83
Spare parts
Parts order
In addition to the exact part designation, please specify the machine type and the serial
number in all orders for spare parts and repair parts. The part designation must be identical
to the designation stated in the list of parts and specified together with the appropriate part
When spare and repair parts are ordered, the following details must be provided:
Designation and part number
Order number and serial number of the machine
Spare parts information and database
Using the Siemens order number and the associated serial number, you can download spare
parts information from a database for almost all current motors → Spares On Web
Parts groups definition
The following parts groups are differentiated:
Spare parts
Spare parts are machine parts that can be ordered during the production time and for a
further five years after discontinuation of production. These parts should be replaced only by
authorized service or modification partners.
Repair parts
Repair parts are machine parts that can be supplied during the active production of the
machine (until the product discontinuation).
Repair parts are parts used for the repair or modification of the current products. These parts
should be replaced only by authorized service or modification partners.
Standardized parts
Standardized parts are machine parts obtained from free trade outlets in accordance with
their necessary dimensions, materials and surface finish. A detailed list can be found in the
"Standardized parts" section.
Spare parts
10.3 Example for ordering smoke extraction motors
Smoke extraction motors
84 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
Other parts
Other parts are small parts required to complete the exploded drawing. They cannot,
however, be supplied as individual spare or repair parts. The delivery in assembly units (e.g.
complete terminal box) is possible on request.
The following supply commitment apply to replacement machines and spare parts following
delivery of the motor:
For up to five years, in the event of total machine failure, Siemens will supply a
comparable machine with regard to the mounting dimensions and functions.
Spare parts will be available for up to five years.
After the time period of up to five years, Siemens provides information about spare parts
and will supply documents when required.
Spare machine deliveries after the active production of the machine series are also
identified as "Spare motor" on the nameplate. Spare parts are offered only on request for
these machines.
Example for ordering smoke extraction motors
Ordering example
End shield, drive end
1.40 End shield
Machine type * 1PC1300-1DB43-4AA0
ID no. *
* corresponding to the rating plate
Take the type and serial number from the rating plate and the machine documentation.
When replacing rolling-contact bearings, in addition to the bearing identification code, the
replacement code for the bearing version is required. Both of these codes are specified on
the rating plate and in the machine documentation. They are also shown on the installed
The graphical representations in this chapter show schematic diagrams of the basic
versions. They are used for spare part definitions. The supplied version may differ in details
from these representations.
Spare parts
10.4 Machine parts
Smoke extraction motors
Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018 85
Machine parts
Part lists
DE bearings
Terminal box, complete
1.40 End shield 5.05 Cover plate, complete
Shaft sealing ring
NDE bearings
Bearing cover
Locking ring
Cover ring
Roller bearing
Self-tapping screw
End shield
Shaft sealing ring
Spacer washer
Lubrication sleeve
Roller bearing
Self-tapping screw
T plugs
Bearing cover NDE, inner
Grease nipple
DE bearing cover, inner
Spring washer
Outer bearing cover
Grease nipple
Mounting bracket IMB30
Sealing washer
Spiral locking pin
Mounting bracket IMB30
Complete ventilation
Spiral locking pin
Rotor, complete
Locking ring
Locking ring
Fan cover
Featherkey for fan
Stator, complete
Threaded pin
4.04 Eyebolt
4.08 Housing foot, left
Housing foot, right
Spring lock washer according to SN 60727
Rating plate
Self-tapping screw
Terminal board
Spring lock washer according to SN 60727
Grounding screw (self-tapping screw)
Tools for mounting and withdrawing roller bearings; fans and output transmission elements cannot be supplied.
Spare parts
10.5 Standardized parts
Smoke extraction motors
86 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
Standardized parts
Table 10- 1 Purchase commercially available standard parts according to the dimensions, materials and surface.
DIN 471
DIN 939
DIN 472
DIN 6912
DIN 7964
4.04 DIN 580
EN ISO 4014
DIN 582
EN ISO 4017
DIN 625
EN ISO 4762
3.38 DIN 6885
EN ISO 7045
EN ISO 4032
EN ISO 7049
Spare parts
10.5 Standardized parts
Smoke extraction motors
Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018 87
EN ISO 7089
EN ISO 7090
6.58 DIN 42013
SN 60098
DIN 7343
1.56 DIN 988
Spare parts
10.6 Exploded drawings
Smoke extraction motors
88 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
Exploded drawings
Image 10-1
1PC1300 FS 80 ... 90
Spare parts
10.6 Exploded drawings
Smoke extraction motors
Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018 89
Image 10-2
1PC1300 FS 100 ... 160
Spare parts
10.6 Exploded drawings
Smoke extraction motors
90 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
1PC1301 FS 180 ... 315
Smoke extraction motors
Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018 91
Protecting the environment and preserving its resources are corporate goals of the highest
priority for us. Our worldwide environmental management system to ISO 14001 ensures
compliance with legislation and sets high standards in this regard. Environmentally friendly
design, technical safety and health protection are always firm goals even at the product
development stage.
Recommendations for the environmentally friendly disposal of the machine and its
components are given in the following section. Be sure to comply with local disposal
Preparing for disassembly
Disassembly of the machine must be carried out and/or supervised by qualified personnel
with appropriate expert knowledge.
1. Contact a certified waste disposal organization in your vicinity. Clarify what is expected in
terms of the quality of dismantling the machine and provision of the components.
2. Follow the five safety rules (Page 11).
3. Disconnect all electrical connections and remove all cables.
4. Remove all liquids such as oil and cooling liquids. Collect the liquids separately and
dispose of them in a professional manner.
5. Detach the machine fixings.
6. Transport the machine to a suitable location for disassembly.
See also
Corrective maintenance (Page 76)
Dismantling the machine
Dismantle the machine using the general procedures commonly used in mechanical
Machine parts can fall
The machine is made up of heavy parts. These parts are liable to fall during dismantling.
This can result in death, serious injury or material damage.
Before you release any machine parts, secure them so that they cannot fall.
11.4 Disposal of components
Smoke extraction motors
92 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
Disposal of components
The machines consist mainly of steel and various proportions of copper and aluminum.
Metals are generally considered to be unlimitedly recyclable.
Sort the components for recycling according to whether they are:
Iron and steel
Non-ferrous metal, e.g. windings
The winding insulation is incinerated during copper recycling.
Insulating materials
Cables and wires
Electronic waste
Process materials and chemicals
Sort the process materials and chemicals for recycling according to whether they are for
Cleaning substances and solvents
Paint residues
Anti-corrosion agent
Coolant additives such as inhibitors, antifreeze or biocides
Dispose of the separated components according to local regulations or via a specialist
disposal company. The same applies for cloths and cleaning substances which have been
used while working on the machine.
Packaging material
If necessary, contact a suitable specialist disposal company.
Wooden packaging for sea transport consists of impregnated wood. Observe the local
The foil used for water-proof packaging is an aluminum composite foil. It can be recycled
thermally. Dirty foil must be disposed of via waste incineration.
Smoke extraction motors
Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018 93
Service and Support
Siemens Industry Online Support
Technical queries or additional information
If you have any technical queries or you require additional information, please contact
Technical Support (
Please have the following data ready:
Serial number
You can find this data on the rating plate.
Contact person
If you wish to request on-site service or order spare parts, please contact your local office.
This office will contact the responsible service center on your behalf. You can find your
contact person in the relevant contact database: (
Siemens Support for on the move
You can obtain optimum support anywhere you go using the "Siemens Industry Online
Support” app. The app is available for Apple iOS, Android and Windows Phone.
Service and Support
A.2 SIOS App
Smoke extraction motors
94 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
Smoke extraction motors
Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018 95
Drive end (DE)
Operating instructions
CE marking
Code F
Balanced with whole featherkey (full)
Code H
Balanced with half featherkey (half)
Coolant temperature
Drive end (D end of shaft)
EC type examination certificate
Evidence of a machine certified by an inspection body
Electromagnetic compatibility
International Cooling (standard)
Smoke extraction motors
96 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
International mounting standard design
Degree of protection
International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
N code
Balanced without featherkey (non2)
Non-drive end
Non-drive end
Shaft height
Smoke extraction motors
Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018 97
Anti-condensation heating
Insulation resistance, 37
Bearing currents
Reduction, 28
Bearing insulation, 30
Bearing temperature
Monitoring, 57
Set values, 57
Common-mode filters, 29
Converter documentation, 30
Correct usage, 16
Coupling, 31
Damping cores, 29
Disposal, 91
Chemicals, 92
Components, 92
Electromagnetic fields, 13
Emitted interference, 13
Equipotential bonding conductor, 28
Five safety rules, 11
Flammable substances, 13, 62
General inspection, 72
Grounding system
Meshed, 29
Hazardous substances, 13, 62
Hot surfaces, 13, 62
Initial inspection, 71
Insulated bearings, 30
Insulated coupling, 31
Insulation resistance, 34
Anti-condensation heating, 37
measure, 35
Interference voltages, 14
Limit speed, 28
Local service, 93
Low-Voltage Directive, 11
Maintenance intervals, 69
More information, 93
Operating mode, 23
Overspeed, 23
Paint system, 70
Paintwork damage, 70
Polarization index, 34, 36
Preparations for assembly, 33
Smoke extraction motors
98 Operating Instructions, 03/2016, 5 610 80000 40 018
Qualified personnel, 12
Rating plate, 16
Initial inspection, 71
Residual risks, 23
RF grounding point, 28
Rotating parts, 12, 62
Safety instructions
Flammable substances, 13, 62
Hazardous substances, 13, 62
Hot surfaces, 13, 62
Live parts, 12, 61
Maintenance work, 69
Rotating parts, 12, 62
Spare parts, 93
Tandem operation, 31
Technical Support, 93