Section 7-2 Semiconductor Protection Semiconductor Fuses - es 5 Semiconductor Fuses are so designed. They prevent large AC or DC Application This is a significant feature relative to some type of - destructive excursions of heat energy from being impressed DC voltage ratings are the same or higher than a-c ratings. semiconductor fuses. Buss semiconductor fuses will interrupt upon diodes, SCRs and other semiconductor devices They For instance, the 700 volt FWP Series fuses can be applied any a-c overload or fault current (up to 200,000 amperes isolate faults in parallel branches. Buss Semiconductor at 700 volts AC or, if the overcurrent L/R time constant of the symmetrical rms). In contrast, some type fuses will not Fuses give high performance protection. They have been DC circuit is 10 milliseconds or less, at 700 volts DC. interrupt ac overloads below a certain level. This limitation designed for maximum reliability. Practically, circuits of most applications do have a time then requires the use of some other means of interrupting the constant of 10 ms or less. However, for circuits with longer low-level overloads. time constants, derating curves such as the one shown, Arc Voltage permit the determination of the appropriate d-c voltage rating. The arc voltage which develops within a fuse when it is o clearing a fault current always exceeds the system voltage. This arc voltage may reach a value which is twice that of the 7 system applied voltage. ar *To interrupt d-c overcurrents which are 200% or less of the ampere rating of O the fuse, electronic sensing with SCR gate suppression or other means must , be used. te 0 { | eae : WW 300 rn 20 30 40 : L ae 2 CIRCUIT TIME CONSTANT L/R (MS) tra High D t Limitatio mt, . Ultra Hig egree of Current Limitation and Low : DC voltage rating versus circuit time constant (Overcurrent LR in The heat energy of even low-level fault currents can quickly milliseconds}. (Curves shown apply to the 700V FWP Series). destroy a semi-conductor device. As shown in the illustration Buss FW Series Fuses Will Interrupt Any AC Overcurrent below, the Buss FW type fuse limits peak let-thru current to a Above Their Ampere Rating... They are Full Range AC level which is a fraction of the potential available short-circuit Fuses. peak current. In this typical case, the peak let-thru current of the fuse is only 2,800 amperes instead of 28,000 amperes peak current that would occur if there were not current - Ampere And Voltage RatingsSemiconductors Carton Quantity And Weight (Semiconductor Fuses) limiting action. The immensely fast speed-of-response to f ) gf 4 150 Volts 250 Volts 500 Volts 700 Volts 700 Volts Voltage a ig on we Per cin. build-up of short-circuit current and the quickly decaying B'S wa er Ewe Ae rep yme Soa a a = 5 = short-circuit current as the fuse suppresses internal arcing FWA-2 FWX-2 FWH2 FWP.2 = 35-60 10 1.06 ral together can limit the [*t let-thru to values substantially lower FWX-3 FWH.3 FWP-3 ago wa 70-100 10 1.30 0.590 than the I@t withstand of the semiconductor device. FWA-3 FWX-4 FWH-4 FWP-4 = 125-400 1 0.17 0.077 FWA-5 FWX-5 FWH-5 FWP-5 = 450-600 1 0.35 0.159 VOLTAGE RATINGS (Full Voltage or Less): Available Short-Circuit FWA-6 FWX-6 FWH-6 FWP-6 _ 700-800 i 0.50 0.227 FWA Series150V AC; 200V DC 28,000AJ-n\ Current that would flow FWA-7 FWX-7 FWH:-7 FWP-7 = 1-30 10 0.56 0.254 FWX Series250V AC; 300V DC FA when a Fuse is not used. FWA-8 FWX-8 FWH-8 FWP-8 _ 35-60 10 1.19 0.540 FWH Series500V AC: 500V DC \ FWA-10 FWX-10 FWH-10 FWP-10 _ 70-100 10 1,58 0.717 ; : I \ FWA-12 FWX-12 FWH-12 FWP-12 = a0 ar 125-200 1 0.20 0.091 FWP and FBP Series700V AC; 700V DC 7 : FWA15 FWX-15 FWH-15 FWP-15 FBP-15 250-400 1 0.28 | 0.127 CURRENT RATINGS: 1 to 1000 Amperes. } \ FWA-20 FWX-20 FWH-20 FWP-20 FBP-20 450-600 1 0.36 0.163 INTERRUPTING RATING: 200,000 Amperes RMS Symmet. z| | 7 ew aes ee ew25 a ee a oe oer CURRENT LAR Agni N= tilirataih Degree. e| | \ , , FWAQ5 FWX-35 FWH-35 _FWP.05_~*FBP-35 1-30 10 0.56 | 0.254 It LET-THRU: Very Low. Bl] 7 \ ' yp i ( FwWaao_FWx-40 FWH-40 FWP.40 FBP-40 35-60 10 1.40 0.635 U.L. RECOGNIZED: (FWA15-600A); (FWX15-8004A), ij \ eo & = _ FWP-45 FBP-45 70-100 1 0.19 0.086 (FWH, FWP and FBP15-1000A); other Series pending , L/P \ Pwaso ee ens wee topos 500 FWH wens 7 oz i j 2, 800A, " i BP-60 0-400 : x complewen oul: aetian). ian. T . . : FWA-70 FWX-70 FWH-70 FWP-70 FBP-70 450-600 1 0.69 0.313 CONSTRUCTION: Patented design. Totally inorganic, \ FWA-80 _FWX-80 FWH80 _FWP-80 _ FEP-80 700-800 i 1.62 | 0.735 non-degradable materials for reliability at high temperatures. \ f.. FWA-90 FWX-90 FWH-90 FWP-90 FBP-90 900-1000 1 8.00 3.609 High thermal conductivity, ceramic tubes with revolver-like | TIME ] FWA-100 FWX-100 FWH-100 = FWP-100 FBP-100 1-30 10 0.56 0.254 cylindrical chambers for isolation of multiple fuse links. ee \/ FWA125 ew r128 Fw-125 Fw t28 rep-t2s 35-60- f0 0.87 0.395 Provide high-performance, a-c or d-c operation. Fotal Clearing Time of Fuse ee ise SWE 75 FWPA7S ~~ FEPc75 oe : a are MOUNTING: Bolt holes spaced for dimensional compatibility on FWA-200 __FWX-200 FWH.200 _FWP-200 _ FBP-200 ce FWP 250-400 1 115 | 0.522 : ar : : Current Limiting Effect of Fuse. : with most existing mount configurations and Buss fuse . _ FWX-225 = = oa 450-600 1 2.62 1.188 blocks. Buss high-performance, FW Series Semiconductor Full Line For Optimum Selection FWA-250 _ FWX-250 FWH-250 FWP-250 _FBP-250 700-800 1 3.56 1.615 Fuses are generally mounted directly to bus bars. For FW Series Semiconductor Fuses are available in four ac FWA:300 Ewan ew 208 ea cBP-200 og0-t900 - a sa fuseblock mounting, See Section 8. voltage ratings; 150V, 250V, 500V and om Current ratings Saaaen eae SanCa0 eWeaOn _FERAOD Eo a a o5 APPLICATION DATASee Buss Bulletin SCF. cover the full range of 1 to 1000 amperes. Performance KK FWA-450__ FWX-450 FWH-450___FWP-450___ FBP-450 70-100 i 0.28 | 0.127 characteristics of the FWP and FBP 700 volt Series fuses are FWA-500 __FWX-500 FWH-500_FWP.500 _FBP-500 125-200 1 0.49 0.222 the same: however, the dimensional size of the FBP Seriesis ~~ FWA-600___FWX-600 FWH-600 _FWP.600___ FBP-600 a= si 250-400 1 1.19 | 0.540 The small mass and very low, transient, thermal capacity of smaller than the FWP Series and thus provides greater ee eee en ee ee 450-600 1 a8 ones the thin semiconductor chip requires the use of an over- economy of space. Fuses can be applied at their full voltage FWA-800 ee oo ry rer a ee = i current protective device which is ultra fast-acting and limits rating or any lesser voltage. For instance, it may be desirable = FWX-HP-800 - = = short-circuit peak current to a very low value, Buss to use 700 volt (FWP Series) units in 500 volt circuits, etc. _ FWX-HP-900 FWH-900 FWP-900 FBP-900 _ FWX-HP-1000__FWH-1000_FWP-1000__ FBP-1000 1 2Section 7-2 Semiconductor Protection Semiconductor Fuses i 2 FWA Series (150 Volts) 2 to 800 Amperes _ FWH Series (500 Volts) 1 to 1000 Amperes (cont.) patie rC tony 6 \ | BP)" 1 e ; 344" $y" J (152.0mm) ( aa x * (9.53%) (9.54mm) {102.0mm) eae 4 Igq" pat ode (76.2mm) 4 (110.0mm) i | 21/o2" (50.6mm) (59,5mm) 7. . ata (50.8mm) 2-30 Ampere Rating 35-60 Ampere Rating 70-800 Ampere Rating FWA 70-800 Ampere Rating sibom Ampere Dimensions In Inch Dimensions in Millimeters "t Rating A B Cc D E F G H A B Cc D E F G H 70-100 27/2 fxg 13 A She g 67.5 21.4 206 476 191 7.94 Ht ez 125-400 27%a9 ae 27fao ie le She 7 67.5 92.0914 254 4.76 222 794. ' ase i ae = 2 via Ba 400-600 312 7 apn Ma 1 13} 88.9 214 341 695 25.4 103 a {(e.3bmim) =m : 4p 700-800 3%) yp 17% Ye Tyo 8.9 ag 405 6.35. 254103 ~~ } 700-800 Ampere Rating SOO -TECO Ampere Rating wenn FWX Series (250 Volts) 1 to 1000 Amperes FWP Series (700 Volts) 1 to 1000 Amperes Fi Oa (ae { Tq9 | oD (50.8mm) 4," he (50.6mm) ike (180. 0mm) ae 2 8 ata 1 ad i [in (4.3m) | aie (191mm) (tm vatles La + 2% | -| y" Je | "fg" | (88: 7mm} {)27mm) (127mm) : . 1-30 Ampere Ratin 1-30 Ampere Rating 3 P 9 | A | (19.4mm) Wig" 450-600 Ampere Rating a) Lj (27mm) 35-800 Ampere Rating e| | 700-1000 Ampere Rating FWX-HP 35-60 Ampere Rating \ 6';,' (173,0mm) FWX 35-600 Ampere Rating , e Pn Ampere ODI I In inch Dimensi in Millimeters Sa 36" 227/,, __- Rating =A B c D E F G H A B c D E F G 0 oo Ag! (ern) a (722mm) 35-60 a%6___ 2%Ae Mee Yo V0 81,0 61.9 206 3.18 183 8.73 : jonny) | an ] ees) 70-100 3% 2% %e Ve Ys He 79.4 60.3 20.6 4.76 19.1 7.94 / 125-200 3% 2% 2/9 1 As % Ae As 794 603 214 254 476 222 7.94 1.59 So di 5) i 225-300 3772 2252 1 Ye % Yaa 97.6 70,6 25.4 635 222 103 13/yg" ~ a TT * a 350-600 32%: 252 1a2 V4 1 Yap 97.6 70.6 341 635 25.4 10.3 (amin) aer| | 700-800 37% 2%a 1a 18% 1% "So eu 97.6 40.9 25.4 50.4 635 8B 1B aU 70-100 Ampere Rating I FWH Series (500 Volts) 1 to 1000 Amperes VaQ" jes q [ 700-800 Ampere Rating pat i 15). ok LJ 900-1000 Ampere Rating (11.5imen) cise . we di 2 7 7mm, BET | (50. im) | + (FWH 500 Volts line continued on next page.) 125-200 Ampere Rating | wee in @ | 5433" 1)" | (129.0rm) {34.9mm) | ye oo | "2" J (2.7mm) (12,7mm) e| | art 1-30 Ampere Rating 35-600 Ampere Rating [eri _ FWH 35-600 Ampere Rating Mie Ampere Dimensions in Inches Dimensions in Millimeters 2"" __ Heri Rating A B c D E F G H A B c D E F G H (54.0mai) 900-1000 Ampere Rating 35-60 3716 215/32 135/64 She Va 23a2 a2 Vg 81.0 62.7 39.3 20.6 3.18 183 873 3.18 70-100 35/s 216 135/ea 3h6 Ve Ya Mga 39 92.1 68.3 39.3 20.6 3.18 19.1 8.73 8.73 L*. Watts | 125-200 354, 25/a 16 1 the 1 M39 "a 92.1 66.7 39,7 25.4 476 254 8.73 635 iti aston 250-400 41/50 3 4/a2 2 5/a0 12"ea Ya 1 13y9 Mae 110 786 53.2 S37 6.35 254 10.3 8.73 250-400 Ampere Rating 450-600 415. 3*7/ea 2 3lao 1'%39 1s 15/ap-_ "Slag 114 83,0 53.2 40.5 6.35 31.8 119 5.95 (Data continued on next page.) . Contact factory for latest information. Per setorenee ony 6 3 For reference only. Contact factory for latest information, 4Section 7-2 Semiconductor Protection Semiconductor Fuses FBP Series (700 Volts) 15 to 1000 Amperes (S0.8men) | a_i 4" (14.3mm) aye (127mm 15-30 Ampere Rating S510" (90,5mm) 214, 4 + (714mm) [ae (s3.-2mm) | ]| Toa} | |" (127mm) nen 20.0%) a l L 4 a we aa iota | 35-60 Ampere Rating he Va" (7mm) tia (20m) 110" (27.0mm) 70-100 Ampere Rating 445 (104,90) Naa" (10. 3mim) 125-200 Ampere Rating 250-400 Ampere Rating a Orrin) f 2)... 0H vy i 63)," (7mm) ," 4 (20.7) 3445" (iit-Orm) ay" (889mm) 900-1000 Ampere Rating Section 7-3 Semiconductor Protection Tron, Rectifier Fuses Ampere and Voltage RatingsRectifier Fuses TRON,, Rectifier Fuses are especially designed for the protection of semi-conductor rectifiers, SCR's, Thyristors, solid state devices or any instance in which a very fast acting fuse is needed. They provide extremely fast opening on overload and fault currents, with a high degree of restriction of the let-thru current. If each diode is protected by a TRON rectifier fuse, the fuse will open very quickly when the current drawn exceeds the rating of the diode. Thus when a short-circuit occurs in a diode the fuse opens and takes that diode out of the circuit; other good diodes in the rectifier which might otherwise be damaged are not affected. For application data, see Bulletin TRFS andE60. 60 Volts 130 Volts 250 Volts 500 Volts | 600 Volts 700 Volts GBB KAA KAW KAH KAB KAX KAG KBH KAC KBC KAJ KBP *GBB-Ye - _ - - - = - - - a *GBB-14 _ _ _ a _ _ *GBB-'2 *KAA-12 =- _ KAB-1/2 KAX-1/2 _ = = *GBB-34 _ = _ _ =_ = = _ _ *GBB-1 *KAA-1 KAW-1 _ KAB-1 KAX-1 _ KAC-1 KBC-1 KAJ-1 *GBB-1%/4 a _- - _ - -_ _ - - - _ *GBB-1'2 | *KAA-112 _- - - - - _- - - _ *GBB-2 *KAA-2 KAW-2 _ KAB-2 KAX-2 _ KAC-2 KBC-2 _ _ *KAA-2'/2 - - - - _ - - - = *GBB-3 *KAA-3 KAW:3 _ KAB-3 KAX-3 _ _ KAC-3 KBC-3 = _ *GBB4 *KAA-4 KAW-4 KAB-4 KAX-4 _ _ KAC-4 KBC-4 =_ _ *GBB-5 *KAA-5 KAW-5 _ KAB-5 KAX-5 J KAC-5 KBC-5 = *GBB-6 *KAA-6 KAW-6 KAB-6 KAX-6 - _ KAC-6 KBC-6 _ _ *GBB-7 *KAA-7 KAW-7 _ KAB-7 KAX-7 J KAC-7 KBC-7 = *GBB-8 *KAA-S KAW-8 _ KAB-8 KAX-8 _ a KAC-8 KBC-8 _ *GBB-9 *KAA:9 KAW-9 _ KAB-9 KAX-9 _ _ KAC-9 _ _ _ *GBB-10 *KAA-10 KAW-10 _ KAB-10 KAX-10 _ KAC-10 KBC-10 KAJ-10 _ *GBB-12 *KAA-12 KAW-12 KAB-12 KAX-12 _ KAC-12 KBC-12 _ *GBB-15 *KAA-15 KAW-15 _ KAB-15 KAX-15 _ _ KAC-15 KBC-15 - _ *GBB-17'2 KAB-1712 KAX-17'2 _ KAC-1712 KBC-17'2 _ *GBB-20 *KAA-20 KAW:20 _ KAB-20 KAX-20 _ KAC-20 KBC-20 = *GBB-25 *KAA-25 KAW-25 KAB-25 KAX-25 _ *KAC-25 KBC-25 KAJ-25 | KBP-25 *@BB-30 | *KAA-30 KAW-30 - KAB-30 KAX-30 J _ *KAC-30 KBC-30 KAJ-30 | KBP-30 _ *KAH-35 | *KAB-35 *KAX-35 *KBH-35 *KAC-35 *KBC-35 KAJ-35 | KBP-35 _ _ _ *KAH-40 | *KAB-40 *KAX-40 *KBH-40 *KAC-40 *KBC-40 KAJ-40 | KBP-40 _ _ - *KAH-45 | *KAB-45 7 45 = *KBH-45 *KAC-45 *KBC-45 KAJ-45 _- J *KAH-50 | *KAB-50 *KAX-50 *KBH-50 *KAC-50 *KBC-50 KAJ-50 | KBP-50 _ *KAH-60 | *KAB-60 *KAX-60 _ *KBH-60 *KAC-60 *KBC-60 KAJ-60 | KBP-60 _ a _ *KBH-65 _ = = = *KAA-70 *KAB-70 KAX-70 _ *KBH-70 *KAC-70 *KBC-70 _ KBP-70 = *KAA-80 os _ *KAB-80 KAX-80 _ *KBH-80 *KAC-80 *KBC-80 _ KBP-80 = *KAA-90 _ *KAB-90 KAX-90 _ *KBH-90 *KAC-90 *KBC-90 =_ KBP-90 *KAA-100 _ *KAB-100 KAX-100 *KBH-100 |*KAC-100 *KBC-100 KBP-100 -_ - - - - _ _ *KAC-110 *KBC-110 = *KAA-125 _ - *KAB-125 KAX-125 _ *KBH-125 |*KAC-125 *KBC-125 KBP-125 se *KAA-130 _ - _ - _ = = = = *KAA-150 - - *KAB-150 KAX-150 _ *KBH-150 |*KAC-150 KBC-150 _ KBP-150 *KAA-175 - a *KAB-175 KAX-175 _ *KBH-175 |*KAC-175 *KBC-175 _ KBP-175 =n *KAA-200 = *KAB-200 KAX-200 *KBH-200 |*KAC-200 *KBC-200 KBP-200 = *KAA-225 _ - *KAB-225 *KAX-225 - *KBH-225 |*KAC-225 *KBC-225 - KBP-225 *KAA-250 _ _ *KAB-250 *KAX-250 _ *KBH-250 |*KAC-250 *KBC-250 _ KBP-250 *KAA-300 = *KAB-300 *KAX-300 *KBH-300 |*KAC-300 *KBC-300 _ KBP-300 = *KAA-350 _ *KAB-350 *KAX-350 _ *KBH-350 |*KAC-350 KBC-350 =_ *KAA-400 = *KAB-400 *KAX-400 _- *KBH-400 |*KAC-400 *KBC-400 KBP-400 ext *KAA-450 a _ *KAB-450 *KAX-450 _ *KBH-450 |*KAC-450 KBC-450 _ KBP-450 = *KAA-500 = _ *KAB-500 *KAX-500 _ *KBH-500 |*KAC-500 *KBC-500 _ KBP-500 _ _ = _- - - *KBH-550 _ a = nd *KAA-600 = _ *KAB-600 *KAX-600 _ *KBH-600 |*KAC-600 *KBC-600 KBP-600 *KAA-650 _ = = =- -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ *KAA-700 a *KAB-700 *KAX-700 _ KBH-700 KAC-700 *KBC-700 _ -- *KAA-800 _ a *KAB-600 KAX-800 KAG-800 KBH-800 KAC-600 *KBC-800 - -_ = *KAA-1000 = = _ =_ KAG-1000 | KBH-1000 | KAC-1000 KBC-1000 _ _- a KAA-1200 = _ - KAG-1200 | KBH-1200 = _ _ KAA-1500 _ -_ KAG-1500 _ = _ _ KAA-2000 - = KAG-2000 _ _ _ KAA-2500 = _ KAG-2500 _ = KAA-3000 _ _ _ _ KAG-3000 _ _ _ a *ULL. Recognized,