National Semiconductors Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Digital TTL 74S Series TTL (Ultra-High-Speed) Series"74S Schottky TTL circuits are designed to Terminated, controlled-impedance lines notnormally achieve ultra-high speeds previously obtainable required. only with emitter coupled logic, yet they retain the : : . desirable features of, and are completely compatible | 40w output impedance: provides tow AC noise with, most of the popular saturated logic circuits. Susceptibility; drives highly capacitive loads. Series 745 circuits are completely compatible Switching times virtually insensitive to power supply with the Series 74, Series 74H and Series 74L and/or temperature variations. TTL logic families. ar . Power dissipation remains relatively low at FEATURES operating frequencies up to 100 MHz. 3ns typical gate propagation delay time. High fan-out: 20 74S toads at the high logic level; 19mW-per-gate power dissipation at 50% duty 10 74S loads at the low logic level. cyclespeed-power product=57 pJ. High DC noise margintypically 1 volt. 125 MHz typical J-K flip-flop maximum input clock Fully compatible with Series 74, 74H, and 74L TTL trequency (DC coupled). (including MSI/LSI), and most DTL. REFERENCE TABLE See outline drawings Nos. 109, 111 and 114 for physical dimensions. : Stock Connection Code * Function . No: Diagram No. DM74S00N Quad 2 NAND Gate 33056X : Bi DM74S03N Quad 2 NAND Gate (Open Collector) . 33057R B4 DM74S04N HEX Inverter 330586 BS DM74S05N HEX Inverter (Open Collector) : 33059E B6 _DM74S10N Triple 3 NAND Gate : 33060H B11 DM74S11N Triple 3 AND Gate . 33061 F B12 DM74S15N Tripte 3 AND Gate (Open Collector) : 330638 B15 DM74S20N ' Dual 4 NAND Gate 33064X BIB DM74S22N - Dual 4NAND Gate (Open Collector) 330666 Bat: *DM74S40N Dual 4 NAND Buffer : 33070D B31 DM74S64N (4-2-2-3) And-OR-Invert Gate . 33072X B49 DM74S65N (4-2-2-3) And-OR-Invert Gate (Open Collector) 33073R B50 *DM74S74N Dual D Flip-Flop -- $3074G B55. *DM74S86N Quad Exclusive-OR Gate oe : 33075E B65 *DM74S8112N Qual J-K Flip-Flop TTA B83 *DM74S113N Dual J-K Flip-Flop 33078xX B84 *DM74S114N Dual J-K Flip-Flop . oo 39079H. Bes *DM74S140N Dual 4-NAND Line Driver ~ 93080X B99 *DM74S151N Eight Input Multiplexer a 33081 R B103 OM74S153N Duai 4-Input Multiplexer uo - $3083E B105 *DM74S157N Quad 2 Multiplexer : 33084c. B109 DM74S158N Quad 2 Multiplexer / 33085 A B110 *DM74S194N 4-Bit Bi-directional Shift Register - 33088F B136 DM745200N 256 Bit Ram 34679X B142 *DM74S251N TRI-STATE 8-Input Multiplexer : CTRI-STATE 748151) : 330906 B143, *OMMS251N TRI-STATE Quad 2-Input Multiplexer : (TRISTATE 748157) , 33091E B144 *NOTE: These items are new productscheck on availability with our sales desk. PLEASE QUOTE STOCK NO. AND MANUFACTURER'S CODE WHEN ORDERINGSemiconductors Connection Diagrams B139 =~ SN74197N Brae SN7acz00 N74C200N 50 MHz binary counter 256-bit RAM DATA INPUTS eo oa 1 INPUTS Veg CLA [D DB B_ CLK Vec C _H_ DATAWRITEG FE 16 fat 15 by 14 8 13 bs 12 bd 17 10 3 1 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 COUNT; Qg C A OQ, 2 GND A 8 {MEMORY ENABLE) O/P D GND LOAD vv cLK SELECT 1/P : DATA INPUTS B140 _ SN74198N SNT4S198N . . . B143. SN74S251N S-bit shift register 8-bit data selector/multiplexer LEFT , SER DATA. DATA, DATA DATA vec S1inpuTH GH G OG fF OF OF CLR Nec Dg Dg Dg 07 A B D3 c 02 Dy Do vy x_st ~ SQ SHIET QO, DATA Qg DATA Qc DATA Gp CLK GND B c D ~-RHT DATA GND SER A INPUT B141 =SN74199N Bt44 SN74S257N 8-bit shift register Quad 2-input data selector DATA SHIFT H DATA_ DATA DATA Vc LOAD. On G OG F OF CE CLRCLK 22} - Ka Ja DATAGa DATAQg DATAGe DATA Op CLK GND Sma 8 c d ENAB SERIAL INPUTS MANUFACTURER'S CURRENT LIST PRICES ARE ALWAYS CHARGED