TECHNICAL NOTE System Power Supply LSIs for use in automotive electronics Power Supply for system With built-in for system Communication functions BD9401FM/BD9403FV zDescription The BD9401FM/BD9403FV can be combined with the BD9400BFP to create application-specific, system power supplies. The BD9401FM features 3 built-in channels: a 1 A LDO channel, a switching regulator controller channel, and a 500 mA high-side switch channel. The BD9403FV features one built-in switching regulator controller channel. The combination of a switching regulator with an LDO enables the IC to deliver reduced voltage consumption. zFeatures 1. The IC can be combined with the BD9400BFP, providing design flexibility. 2. Broad input voltage range: 7 V to 36 V 3. Built-in 1 A variable LDO (BD9401FM) 4. Output voltage accuracy of 2% (BD9401FM LDO) 5. Built-in 500 mA high-side switch (BD9401FM) 6. Built-in open collector type PWM controller channel for design flexibility 7. Maximum frequency: 500 kHz 8. Built-in short protection circuit (SCP) 9. Built-in thermal shutdown circuit 10. HSOP-M28/SSOP-B14 package zApplications Car audio, satellite navigation systems, etc. zAbsolute maximum ratings (Ta = 25C) Parameter Symbol Limit Unit Power supply voltage 1 VCC 36*1 V Power supply voltage 2 VLDOVcc 12*1 V Power supply voltage 3 VREG, VREF 7 V PWM output current IoMAX 100 mA Power dissipation 1 (HSOPM28) P01 1.8*2 W *3 Power dissipation 2 (HSOPM28) P02 2.2 W Power dissipation 3 (SSOPB14) P03 0.35*4 W Power dissipation 4 (SSOPB14) P04 0.4*5 W Operating temperature range TOPR -40 to +85 C Storage temperature range TSTG +150 C Maximum junction temperature TJMAX +150 C *1 Not to exceed Pd. *2 Reduced by 14.4 mW/C over 25C during IC without heat sink operation. *3 Reduced by 17.6 mW/C over 25C, when mounted on a glass epoxy board (70 mm x 70 mm x 1.6 mm). *4 Reduced by 2.8 mW/C over 25C during IC without heat sink operation. *5 Reduced by 3.2 mW/C over 25C, when mounted on a glass epoxy board (70 mm x 70 mm x 1.6 mm). Ver.B Oct.2005 zRecommended operating ranges (Ta = 25C) (Not to exceed Pd.) Parameter Symbol Min. Max. Unit Power supply voltage 1 VCC 8 26 V Power supply voltage 2 VLDOVcc 3 11 V Oscillating frequency FOSC 30 500 KHz zElectrical characteristics 1:BD9401FM (Unless otherwise specified, Ta = 25C; VCC = 13.5 V; VREF = 3.0 V; VREG = 5.0 V) Parameter Symbol Limit Min. Typ. Max. Unit Conditions [Total supply current] ICC -- 200 400 A PWMCTL = HSDCTL = 2 V, Io = 0 mA Total supply current VREG IVREG -- 0.68 -- mA VREG = 5.0 V Total supply current VREF IVREF -- 0.96 -- mA VREF = 3.0 V ISTBY -- 1 10 A VREF = VREG = PWMCTL = HSDCTL = 0 V -- 3.3 -- V Io = 10 mA NF voltage VNF 1.225 1.250 1.275 V Output maximum current IPEAK 1.0 -- -- A Line regulation VOLI -- 10 20 mV VLDOVcc = 5 V to 11 V Load regulation VOLO -- 50 100 mV Io = 0 mA to 800 mA Minimum I/O voltage VOLDO -- 0.5 1.0 V Io = 800 mA R.R. 50 60 -- dB Io = 10 mA, VIN = 0.1 Vp.p VDH -- 0.5 1.0 V Io = 500 mA IPEAKH 0.5 -- -- A Total supply current VCC Total supply current during standby operation [Variable LDO regulator: 1 A] Output voltage difference Ripple rejection [High-side switch: 500 mA] Dropout voltage Output maximum current [High-side switch control pin] Off voltage input range VHSDOFF 0 -- 1.0 V On voltage input range VHSDON 2.0 -- VREF V INV pin threshold voltage VINV 1.225 1.250 1.275 V VFB = 3.0 V INV pin input current IBIAS -1 -- 1 uA VINV = 0 V AV -- 60 -- dB Max. output voltage VFBM 2.0 2.4 2.8 V VINV = 2.0 V Min. output voltage VFBL -- -- 0.1 V VINV = 2.0 V Output sinking current IFBSI 1 2.5 4 mA VFB = 3 V, VINV = 0 V Output source current IFBSO 50 100 200 uA VFB = 0 V, VINV = 2 V [Error amp] DC voltage gain [PWM comparator] 0% duty cycle VTH0D 0.90 1.00 1.10 V FB voltage, OSCIN = 1.0 V VTH100D 1.80 2.00 2.20 V FB voltage, OSCIN = 2.0 V VSINV 0.8 0.9 1.0 V Voltage when SCP is off VSSCP -- 50 100 mV Threshold voltage 1 VT1SCP 0.85 1.05 1.2 V Threshold voltage 2 VT2SCP 1.80 2.00 2.2 V SCP voltage, PWM: OFF ISCP 1.5 2.5 4.0 A VSCP = 0 V 100% duty cycle [Short protection circuit (SCP)] INV pin short detection voltage SCP pin source current INV voltage SCP voltage SCP voltage, SCD, OUT: HIGH [Undervoltage protection circuit (UVLO)] Threshold voltage VUVLO -- 5.70 -- V Vcc = 13.5 V5 V Hysteresis voltage VHYS -- 0.07 -- V Vcc = 5 V13.5 V VUVLO 2/16 zElectrical Characteristics 2:BD9401FM (Unless otherwise specified, Ta = 25C, Vcc = 13.5 V, STDY = 3.3 V, VREF = 3.0 V, VREG = 5.0 V) Parameter Symbol Limit Min. Typ. Max. Unit Conditions [PWM driver output block] Output saturation voltage VSAT -- 0.8 1.4 V Io = 75 mA, VFB = 3.0 V VDOFF -- -- 10 uA VPWMOUT = 30 V, VPNMCTL = 0 V Off voltage input range VPNMOFF 0 -- 1.0 V On voltage input range VPWMON 2.0 -- VREF V Output current when DWM is off [Switching regulator control pin] [SCD (short protection detection) signal output pin] SCD low output voltage VSCPL 0.0 -- 1.0 V VSCP = 0 V SCD high output voltage VSCOH 2.0 -- VREF V VSCP = 2 V zElectrical Characteristics 3:BD9403FV (Unless otherwise specified, Ta = 25C, Vcc = 13.5 V, STDY = 3.3 V, VREF = 3.0 V, VREG = 5.0 V) Min. Limit Typ. Max. IVREG IVREF -- -- -- 200 0.68 0.96 400 -- -- A mA A Io = 10 mA VREG = 5.0 V VREF = 3.0 V ISTBY -- 1 10 A VREF = VREG = PWMCTL = 0 V VINV IBIAS AV VFBM VFBL IFBSI IFBSO 1.225 -1 -- 2.0 -- 1 50 1.250 -- 60 2.4 -- 2.5 100 1.275 1 -- 2.8 0.1 4 200 V uA dB V V mA uA VFB = 3.0 V VINV = 0 V VTH0D VTH100D 0.90 1.80 1.00 2.00 1.10 2.20 V V VSINV VSSCP 0.8 -- 0.9 50 1.0 100 V mV VT1SCP 0.85 1.05 1.2 V Threshold voltage 2 VT2SCP 1.80 SCP pin source current ISCP 1.5 [Undervoltage protection circuit (UVLO)] Threshold voltage VUVLO -- Hysteresis voltage VHYS -- [PWM driver output block] Output saturation voltage VSAT -- Output current when DWM is off VOFF -- [Switching regulator control pin] Off voltage input range VPWMOFF 0 On voltage input range VPWMON 2.0 [CD (short protection detection) signal output pin] SCD low output voltage VSCDL 0.0 SCD high output voltage VSCDH 2.0 2.00 2.5 2.2 4.0 V A INV voltage SCP voltage SCP voltage, SCD, OUT: HIGH SCP voltage, PWM OFF VSCP = 0 V 5.70 0.07 -- -- V V Vcc = 13.5 V5 V Vcc = 5 V13.5 V VdVLO 1.0 -- 2.0 20 V uA Io = 75 mA VPWMOUT = 30 V, VPWMCTL = 0 V -- -- 1.0 VREF V V -- -- 1.0 VREF V V Parameter [Total supply current] Total supply current VCC Total supply current VREG Total supply current VREF Total supply current during standby operation [Error amp] INV pin threshold voltage INV pin input current DC voltage gain Maximum output voltage Minimum output voltage Output sinking current Output source current [PWM comparator] 0% duty cycle 100% duty cycle [Short protection circuit (SCP)] INV pin short detection voltage Voltage when SCP is off Threshold voltage 1 Symbol ICC 3/16 Unit Conditions VINV = 2.0 V VINV = 2.0 V VFB = 3 V, VINV = 0 V VFB = 0 V, VINV = 2 V FB voltage, OSCIN = 1.0 V FB voltage, OSCIN = 2.0 V VSCP = 0 V VSCP = 2 V zReference Data (Unless otherwise specified, Ta = 25C, Vcc = 13.5 V, VLDOVCC = 5 V, VREF = 3.0 V, VREG = 5.0 V) 2 1.5 1 0.5 400 300 200 100 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 2 4 6 8 10 0 12 Fig.2 VLDOVcc Total Supply Current BD9401FM 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 500 400 300 200 100 0 1 2 3 4 5 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 INPUT VOLTAGE VREG [V] 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 40 Fig.5 Total Supply Current When CTL Is Off (BD9401FM) Fig.4 VREG Total Supply Current (BD9401FM) 2 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 1 2 3 0 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 INPUT VOLTAGE VLDOVCC [V] Fig.10 LDO Input Stability (2) (When VOUT setting = 3.3 V; Io = 200 mA) 12 40 1 0 3 2 1 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 OUTPUT CURRENT ILDOvcc [A] Fig.11 LDO Load Stability (When VOUT setting = 3.3 V) 4/16 2 4 6 8 10 12 INPUT VOLTAGE VLDOVCC [V] Fig.9 LDO Input Stability (1) (Io = 0 mA) DROPOUT VOLTAGE VLDROPOUT[V] OUTPUT VOLTAGE VLDO[V] 2 35 2 6 4 3 30 3 Fig.8 VREG Total Supply Current (BD9403FV) 4 25 4 INPUT VOLTAGE VREG [V] 5 20 0 0 INPUT VOLTAGE VREF [V] Fig.7 VREF Total Supply Current (BD9403FV) 15 5 OUTPUT VOLTAGE VLDOO [V] INPUT CURRENT I_VREG[mA] 1.4 10 Fig.6 VCC Total Supply Current (BD9403FV) 1.2 1.6 5 INPUT VOLTAGE VCC [V] INPUT VOLTAGE VCC [V] 1.8 4 0.8 0 6 3 1 INPUT CURRENT ICC[mA] INPUT CURRENT ISTBY[A] 1 2 Fig.3 VREF Total Supply Current (BD9401FM) 600 1.2 0 1 OUTPUT VOLTAGE:Vref [V] INPUT VOLTAGEVLDOVCC [V] INPUT VOLTAGEVCC [V] INPUT CURRENT I_VREG[mA] 1.2 0 0 35 Fig.1 VCC Total Supply Current (BD9401FM) INPUT CURRENT I_VREF [mA] 1.4 0 0 OUTPUT VOLTAGE VLDOO[V] 1.6 OUTPUT:CURRENT:IREF[mA] INPUT CURRENT ILDOVCC[A] INPUT CURRENT ICC [mA] 1.8 500 2.5 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 OUTPUT CURRENT ILDO [A] Fig.12 LDO I/O Voltage Differential 3.4 3.3 3.2 OUTPUT VOLTAGE:VHSDSW[V] 80 RIPPLE REJECTION:RR[dB] OUTPUT VOLTAGE:VLDOUT [V] 2 90 3.5 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 100 1000 10000 0 100000 0 25 15 10 5 20 5 10 15 20 15 10 5 5 10 15 20 8 6 4 2 0 40 30 20 10 0 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 -10 -20 100 1000 10000 0 Frequencyf [Hz] Fig.19 ERRAMP Frequency 100 4 80 DUTY:DUTY[%] 5 0.5 1 1.5 2 100 2.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 OUTPUT VOLTAGE:VPWMOUT [V] Fig.21 PWM Output Current VOUT 60 40 SCP 20 0 1.4 200 Fig.20 Error Amp I/O (VINV vs VFB) 1 1.2 300 INPUT VOLTAGE:VINV [V] 2 1 0 100000 3 0.8 400 0 10 0.6 500 OUTPT CURRENT:IPWMOUT[mA] OUTPUT VOLTAGE:VFB[V] 50 0.4 Fig.18 High-Side Switch Load Current 3 60 0.2 OUTPUT CURRENT:IHSDSW [A] 80 70 35 10 25 Fig.17 High-Side Switch I/O (OutputVCCLoad: 50 ) [V] 90 30 12 INPUT VOLTAGE:VCC [V] INPUT VOLTAGE:VCC [V] Fig.16 High-Side Switch I/O (Output Load: ) 25 0 0 25 20 14 0 0 15 16 OUTPUT VOLTAGE:VHSDSW[V OUTPUTVOLTAGE:VHSDSW[V] 20 10 Fig.15 High-Side Switch Output When Off 25 0 5 INPUT VOLTAGE:VCC [V] Fig.14 LDO Ripple Rejection Fig.13 LDO Output Voltage vs Temperature OUTPUT VOLTAGE:VHSDSW[V 0.5 Frequency:f[Hz] TEMPERATURE:Ta [] GainG[dB] 1 -20 3.1 OUTPUT CURRENT:I_PWMLeak[A] 1.5 SCPOUT 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 INPUT VOLTAGE:VCC [V] Fig.22 Leak When PWM Output Is Off 35 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 INPUT VOLTAGE:VFB [V] Fig.23 PWM Output FB vs Duty 5/16 0 1 2 3 4 5 Time:t[msec] 6 7 8 Fig.24 Short Protection Timer zBlock Diagram (BD9401FM) VCC zPin function descriptions (BD9401FM) UVLO THD VREF GROUND OSCIN SCDOUT DTC SCP Err AMP. FB OSCIN PWM COMP. PNP DRIVER PWMCTL PWMOUT VCC GND PWMGND HSDVCC HSDSW LDOVCC N.C VREG PMWOUT PWMGND RICTL LDOVCC VTGATE LDOOUT NF HSDCTL FB DTC SCP VREF VREG INV SCD_OUT PWMCTL INV HIGH-SIDE HSD VCC SWITCH CTL HSD SW N.C HSDCTL N.C N.C N.C NF RICTL VTGATE N.C N.C LDOOUT Fig.26 BD9401FM Pin Function Descriptions Fig.25 BD9401FM Block Diagram zPin Descriptions (BD9401FM) Pin No. Pin name 1 OSCIN 2 SCDOUT 3 SCP 4 VREF 5 VREG 6 VCC 7 GND 8 HSDVCC 9 HSDSW 10 N.C. 11 HSDCTL 12 N.C. 13 N.C. 14 N.C. 15 LDOOUT 16 N.C. 17 N.C. 18 VTGATE 19 RICTL 20 NF 21 LDOVCC 22 N.C. 23 PWMGND 24 PWMOUT 25 DTC 26 FB 27 INV 28 PWMCTL FIN FIN Function Triangular waveform input pin Output short detection signal output pin (to BD9400BFP) Output short detection delay time setting capacitor connection pin Reference input VREF (3.0 V) input pin Reference input VREF (5.0 V) input pin Power supply input pin Ground pin High-side switch power supply input pin High-side switch output pin NC pin High-side switch On/off control pin NC pin NC pin NC pin LDO regulator output pin NC pin NC pin LDO regulator output PMOS gate pin LDO regulator overcurrent protection adjustment resistance connection pin (connect to GND when not using) LDO regulator output voltage setting resistance connection pin (reset input) LDO regulator power supply input pin NC pin PWM ground PWM output pin Dead time control pin Error amp output pin Error amp inverted input pin DC/DC control On/off switching pin Heat dissipation fin; connect to ground. 6/16 zBlock Diagram (BD9403FV) VCC UVLO THD VREF 0 GROUND DTC SCP DISCHARGE 1.25V Err AMP. INV SCD_OUT FB 2.0V 1.0V OSCIN PWM VREG OFF PNP PMWOUT PWMCTL PWMGND Fig.27 BD9403FV Block Diagram zPin assignment diagram (BD9403FV) PWMGND GND PWMOUT DTC N.C VCC FB INV PWMCTL VREG OSCIN VREF SCDOUT SCP Fig.28 BD9403FV Pin Assignment Diagram zPin function descriptions (BD9403FV) Pin No. Pin name 1 PWMGND 2 PWMOUT 3 DTC 4 FB 5 INV 6 OSCIN 7 SCDOUT 8 SCP 9 VREF 10 VREG 11 PWMCTL 12 VCC 13 N.C 14 GND Function PWM ground PMW output pin Dead time control pin Error amp output pin Error amp inverted input pin Triangular waveform input pin Output short detection signal output pin (to BD9400BFP) Output short detection delay time setting capacitor connection pin Reference input VREF (3.0 V) input pin Reference input VREF (5.0 V) input pin DC/DC control On/off switching pin Power supply input pin NC pin Ground pin 7/16 zApplication example 1F VCC VREF GROUND 100pF CT 56k RT 0.033F DELAY RESET BD9400BFP SYNC+ SYNCSYBY 100k 3.3V 250mA VOUT 10 F 100k STATUS_FLAG MASTER SDA VREG SCL DC/DC CTL2 10F HSD CTL2 DGND SCP2 DC/DC DC/DC CTL3 HSD CTL1 HSD CTL3 SCP1 0.1F SCP3 VCC VREF GND VREG SCP SCDOUT BD9401FM PWMCTL OSCIN SLAVE PWMOUT LDOOUT HSDSW 50 0.033F 25k 33H 200 75k 220 F 10F NF 10F 20k 100 220F LDOVcc RICTL HSDVCC HSD_1 INV FB HSDCTL 10k 1F DTC DC/DC1 30k LDO1 30k 10k 1F 0.1F BD9401FM 50 0.033F 75k 220 F 10F HSD_2 25k 33H 200 SLAVE 20k 100 220F DC/DC2 30k 10F LDO2 30k 1F 0.1F BD9401FM 220F 25k 50 200 SLAVE 20k 100 0.033F 33H 220 F HSD_3 30k 10F LDO3 10F Fig.29 Application Example 8/16 50k 10k 35k DC/DC3 zBlock operation descriptions *LDO block The LDO block consists of an output-stage PMOS 1 A LDO with variable output voltage. The feedback voltage pin carries 1.25 V at a precision of 2%. The input LDO voltage range is 3 V to 11 V. This range is independent of Vcc and assumes the connection of DC/DC output. *High-side switch block The high-side switch block consists of a high-side switch with a current capacity of 500 mA. The HSD CTL pin provides on/off control. The block incorporates a built-in overcurrent protection circuit. *Error amp block The error amp block connects the output feedback voltage to the INV pin. The reference voltage is connected internally to the inverted input pin. The switching duty is controlled with output feedback to control the output voltage. Phase compensation can be performed by connecting a capacitor or resistor between the INV and FB pins. *PNM comparator The triangular waveform from the BD9400BFP is input to the OSCIN pin. This triangular waveform and the FB voltage are used to output a switching pulse to create the duty. A capacitor can be connected to the DTC pin to set the Soft-start. *PNP driver The duty output by the PWM comparator drives the output NPN open collector. The PNP base current can be set by connecting a resistor to the PWM output. *SCP block The SCP block detects DC/DC converter output shorts and latches all output off after the set delay time elapses. The circuit is cleared by setting DC/DC CTL from low to high. Detection is performed using the INV pin, and the timer starts when the pin reaches 0.9 V. BD9401FM/BD9403FV short detection consists of 2 mode settings, with the short detection signal being output to SCD-OUT after 1/2 the timer latch delay time. The timer time can be set with the capacitor connected to the SCP pin. *UVLO block The IC incorporates a built-in UVLO (undervoltage lockout) circuit to prevent J output malfunctions, during periods of low Vcc input. When Vcc falls to 5.7 V or lower, this circuit operates and turns off PWM output. When Vcc rises above the 5.7 V hysteresis voltage (0.70 mA TYP), output is reset. zTiming chart (DC/DC controller) 1) At startup VIN DCDC CTL FB OSCIN DTC PWMOUT Fig.30 Timing Chart At Startup Time 9/16 2) During short protection VINV 0.9 V 2.0 V 1.0 V SCP SCD OUT PWMOUT PMWCTL DTC Fig.31 Timing Chart During Short Protection zSelecting application components Block name LDO output voltage DC/DC output voltage Setting procedure VOUT = ((R1 + R2)/R2) x VNF (VNF = 1.25 V) Use a ceramic capacitor with a capacitance of 1 F or higher for the output capacitor. An electrolytic capacitor may also be used. Use a capacitance value of 1,000 F or lower. Calculation example VOUT = 1.8 V VOUT (R1 + R2)/R2 = VNF R1 = 0.439 x R2 R2 = 20 k R1 = 8.70 k VOUT = ((R1 + R2)/R2) x VINV (VINV = 1.25 V) VOUT = 3.3 V VOUT (R1 + R2)/R2 = VINV R1 = 1.64 x R2 R2 = 10 k R1 = 16.4 k 10/16 = 1.439 V LDOOUT VOUT R1 NF R2 =2.64 V VINV R2 R1 VOUT zSelecting application components Block name MAX DUTY (DTC) Setting procedure VDTC = (R2/ (R1 + R2)) x VREF Max DUTY = (VDTC - VDD)/(VD100 - VDO) x 100 [%] (VREF = 3.0 V, VD0 = 1.0 V, VD100 = 2.0 V) (typ.) Calculation example R2 = 20 k, R1 = 10 k VOTL = 2.0 V Max DUTY = (1.0/1.1) x 100 = 90.9% VREF R1 VDTC R1 C Soft start (DTC) Short protection circuit (SLP) VFB = (VOUT/VIN) x (VD100 - VDD) + VDO t )) VDTC = VREF x (1 - exp (CR VFB = VDTC t = -C x R x IN (1 - VFB/VREF) (VREF = 3.0 V, VD100 = 2.1 V, VD0 = 1.0 V) C = 10 F1 R1 = 10 k VOUT = 3.3 V, Vcc= 13.5 V t = 55 ms T1 = (CSCP x VSCP1) /ISCP (ISCP = 2.5 A, VSCP1 = 1 V, VSCP2 = 2 V) t1 = 50 ms t2 = 100 ms CCSCP = 0.125 F VDTC VFB VOUT t VSCP2 VSCP VSCP1 SCPOUT 2 ( to I CBUS) VOUT t1 t2 zSetting phase compensation 1. Application stability conditions The following conditions are required in order to ensure the stability of the negative feedback circuit. Because DC/DC converter applications use a switching frequency, the overall gain (BW) should be set to 1/10th the switching frequency or lower. The target application characteristics can be summarized as follows: *Phase lag should not exceed 150 at gain 1 (0 dB). (A minimum phase margin of 30) *BW (frequency with gain of 0 dB) should not exceed 1/10th the switching frequency. Because the response is determined by the GBW limitation, it is necessary to use higher switching frequencies for quick response. One way to maintain stability through phase compensation involves canceling the secondary phase lag (-180) caused by LC resonance with a secondary phase advance (by inserting 2 phase advances). Because the GMB is determined by the phase compensation capacitor, attached between the error amp output and INV input, capacitance must be increased in order to lower the GBW. 11/16 (1) Standard integrator (low-pass filter) (2) Integrator's open loop characteristics (a) A C Gain [dB] Feedback R -20 dB/decade FB A GBW (b) 0 + 1 Phase 0 [ ] -90C -90 Phase margin -180C -180 1 1 At point (a), fa = (Hz) 2RCA Fig. 32 At point (b), fbGWB = Fig. 33 1 (Hz) 2RC The error amp performs phase compensation of types (1) and (2), making it act as a low-pass filter. For DC/DC converter applications, R refers to feedback resistors connected in parallel. 2. When the output capacitor is an electrolytic capacitor or other capacitor with a large ESR When the output capacitor's ESR is large (> 1 ), phase compensation is reasonably simple. Because LC resonant circuits always exist in the output of DC/DC converter applications, the phase lag for those circuits is -180. However, when an ESR component is present, a +90 phase advance occurs, reducing the phase lag to -90. This is an extremely effective way of keeping the phase lag to within 150C. However, it has the disadvantage of increasing the ripple component of the output voltage. (1) LC resonant circuit (2) With ESR Vcc Vcc L L Vo Vo RESR C C Resonance point and phase lag of -180 at 1 fr = 2 Fig. 35 1 Resonance point at fr = 2 1 [Hz] LC (Hz) LC Phase advance at Fesr = 2 Fig. 34 R ESR C (Hz) Phase lag = -90 One phase advance should be inserted due to variations in phase characteristics caused by ESR. This phase advance can be accomplished by either of the following methods: (3) Insert C1 into the feedback resistors Vo (4) Insert R3 into the integrator Vo R1 R3 R1 INV A C2 FB INV R2 A R2 Fig. 36 Phase advance fz = FB 1 2 C1R (Hz) Fig. 37 Phase advance fz = 1 2 C2R (Hz) To cancel LC resonance, set the phase advance frequency to the LC resonant frequency. This setting has been obtained in a simple fashion and does not reflect a rigorous calculation, so adjustment may be required for the actual implementation. These characteristics vary with board layout, load conditions, and other factors. They should be confirmed in the actual implementation during the mass production design process. 12/16 zI/O Equivalent circuits 1. OSCIN 2. SCDOUT VREG 3. SCP VREF VREF Vcc VCC VCC 9. HSDSW Vcc HSDVcc Vcc HSDVcc 11. 28. HSDCTL PWMCTL 15. LDOOUT VREF Vcc SCP 18. VTGATE LDOVcc LDOVcc 19. RICTL LDOVcc 20. NF VREG VCC LDOVCC 10k LDOOG 25. DTC 24. PWMOUT 26. FB VCC VREG VCC VREG 27. INV Vcc VREF 1k Fig.38 I/O Equivalent Circuits 13/16 VCC VREG VREF zOperation Notes 1. Absolute maximum ratings Use of the IC in excess of absolute maximum ratings, such as the applied voltage or operating temperature range (Topr), may result in IC damage. Assumptions should not be made regarding the state of the IC (short mode or open mode) when such damage is suffered. A physical safety measure, such as a fuse, should be implemented when using the IC at times where the absolute maximum ratings may be exceeded. 2. GND potential Ensure a minimum GND pin potential in all operating conditions. Make sure that no pins are at a voltage below the GND at any time, regardless of whether it is a transient signal or not. 3. Thermal design Perform thermal design, in which there are adequate margins, by taking into account the permissible dissipation (Pd) in actual states of use. 4. Short circuit between terminals and erroneous mounting Pay attention to the assembly direction of the ICs. Wrong mounting direction or shorts between terminals, GND, or other components on the circuits, can damage the IC. 5. Operation in strong electromagnetic field Using the ICs in a strong electromagnetic field can cause operation malfunction. 6. Testing on application boards When testing the IC on an application board, connecting a capacitor to a pin with low impedance subjects the IC to stress. Always discharge capacitors after each process or step. Always turn the IC's power supply off before connecting it to, or removing it from a jig or fixture, during the inspection process. Ground the IC during assembly steps as an antistatic measure. Use similar precaution when transporting and storing the IC. 7. Regarding input pin of the IC (Fig. 40) + This monolithic IC contains P isolation and P substrate layers between adjacent elements to keep them isolated. P-N junctions are formed at the intersection of these P layers with the N layers of other elements, creating a parasitic diode or transistor. For example, the relation between each potential is as follows: When GND > Pin A and GND > Pin B, the P-N junction operates as a parasitic diode. When Pin B > GND > Pin A, the P-N junction operates as a parasitic transistor. Parasitic diodes can occur inevitably in the structure of the IC. The operation of parasitic diodes can result in mutual interference among circuits, operational faults, or physical damage. Accordingly, methods by which parasitic diodes operate, such as applying a voltage that is lower than the GND (P substrate) voltage to an input pin, should not be used. 8. Ground wiring patterns The power supply and ground lines must be as short and thick as possible to reduce line impedance. Fluctuating voltage on the power ground line may damage the device. 9. Thermal Shutdown Circuit (TSD) The IC incorporates a built-in thermal shutdown circuit (TSD circuit). The thermal shutdown circuit (TSD circuit) is designed only to shut the IC off to prevent runaway thermal operation. It is not designed to protect the IC or guarantee its operation. Do not continue to use the IC after operating this circuit or use the IC in an environment where the operation of this circuit is assumed. 10. Over current protection circuit The IC incorporates a built-in overcurrent protection circuit that operates according to the output current capacity. This circuit serves to protect the IC from damage when the load is shorted. The protection circuit is designed to limit current flow by not latching in the event of a large and instantaneous current flow originating from a large capacitor or other component. These protection circuits are effective in preventing damage due to sudden and unexpected accidents. However, the IC should not be used in applications characterized by the continuous operation or transitioning of the protection circuits. At the time of thermal designing, keep in mind that the current capability has negative characteristics to temperatures. 14/16 11. When the Vcc pin is opposite in voltage to each pin in the application, the internal circuit or element may be damaged. For example, such damage might occur when VCC is shorted with the GND pin while an external capacitor is charged. Use the output pin capacity with a maximum capacitance of 1000 F. It is recommended to insert a diode in order to prevent back current flow in series with VCC or bypass diodes between VCC and each pin. Resistor Transistor (NPN) (NPN) B Pin B B C C B Diode for preventing back current flow (Pin B) E A A Pin Bypass diode GND VCC N P P N N Parasitic elements P P Parasitic elements or Transistor N N Output pin GND P P N N (Pin A) P P substrate P GND E Parasitic elements GND GND Fig. 39 Bypass diode Fig. 40 Example of Simple Bipolar IC Architecture [W] [W] 2.5 2.2 W (1) 1.8 W (2) 2.0 0.5 (1) 70 mm x 70 mm x 1.6 mm PCB (Glass epoxy resin) (2) Without heat sink J-A = 36.76C/W 0.4 1.5 0.3 1.0 0.2 0.5 0.1 0 0 25 50 75 100 0 Ambient Temperature [Ta] 125 0 150 [C ] (1) 70 mm x 70 mm x 1.6 mm PCB (Glass epoxy resin) (2) Without heat sink J-A = 36.76C/W 0.4 W (1) 0.35 W (2) 0 25 50 75 100 0 Ambient Temperature [Ta] 15/16 125 150 [C ] zSelecting a model name when ordering B D 9 4 0 1 F M Part number ROHM model name E 2 Packaging FM: HSOP-M28 (BD9401FN) FV: SSOP-B14 (BD9403FV) Packaging specifications E2: Emboss taping (BD9403FV) No: Tube container (BD9401FM) HSOP-M28 Embossed carrier tape Tape 18.5 0.2 0.5 0.2 9.9 0.3 15 7.5 0.2 28 0.8 14 E2 (The direction is the 1pin of product is at the upper left when you hold reel on the left hand and you pull out the tape on the right hand) 0.25 0.1 1234 1234 1234 Direction of feed 1Pin Reel (Unit:mm) 1234 0.1 S 1234 0.35 0.1 0.08 M 16.0 0.2 1234 0.11 5.15 0.1 1500pcs Direction of feed 1234 2.2 0.1 1 Quantity When you order , please order in times the amount of package quantity. SSOP-B14 8 1 7 0.3Min. 14 Quantity 2500pcs Direction of feed E2 (The direction is the 1pin of product is at the upper left when you hold reel on the left hand and you pull out the tape on the right hand) 0.15 0.1 1234 1234 1234 1pin 1234 1234 Unit:mm) Reel 1234 0.1 0.22 0.1 1234 0.65 Embossed carrier tape 1234 1.15 0.1 0.1 6.4 0.3 4.4 0.2 5.0 0.2 Tape Direction of feed When you order , please order in times the amount of package quantity. Catalog No.05T388Be '05.10 ROHM C 1000 TSU Appendix Notes No technical content pages of this document may be reproduced in any form or transmitted by any means without prior permission of ROHM CO.,LTD. The contents described herein are subject to change without notice. The specifications for the product described in this document are for reference only. Upon actual use, therefore, please request that specifications to be separately delivered. Application circuit diagrams and circuit constants contained herein are shown as examples of standard use and operation. Please pay careful attention to the peripheral conditions when designing circuits and deciding upon circuit constants in the set. Any data, including, but not limited to application circuit diagrams information, described herein are intended only as illustrations of such devices and not as the specifications for such devices. ROHM CO.,LTD. disclaims any warranty that any use of such devices shall be free from infringement of any third party's intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights, and further, assumes no liability of whatsoever nature in the event of any such infringement, or arising from or connected with or related to the use of such devices. Upon the sale of any such devices, other than for buyer's right to use such devices itself, resell or otherwise dispose of the same, no express or implied right or license to practice or commercially exploit any intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights owned or controlled by ROHM CO., LTD. is granted to any such buyer. Products listed in this document are no antiradiation design. The products listed in this document are designed to be used with ordinary electronic equipment or devices (such as audio visual equipment, office-automation equipment, communications devices, electrical appliances and electronic toys). Should you intend to use these products with equipment or devices which require an extremely high level of reliability and the malfunction of which would directly endanger human life (such as medical instruments, transportation equipment, aerospace machinery, nuclear-reactor controllers, fuel controllers and other safety devices), please be sure to consult with our sales representative in advance. It is our top priority to supply products with the utmost quality and reliability. However, there is always a chance of failure due to unexpected factors. Therefore, please take into account the derating characteristics and allow for sufficient safety features, such as extra margin, anti-flammability, and fail-safe measures when designing in order to prevent possible accidents that may result in bodily harm or fire caused by component failure. ROHM cannot be held responsible for any damages arising from the use of the products under conditions out of the range of the specifications or due to non-compliance with the NOTES specified in this catalog. Thank you for your accessing to ROHM product informations. More detail product informations and catalogs are available, please contact your nearest sales office. ROHM Customer Support System Copyright (c) 2008 ROHM CO.,LTD. THE AMERICAS / EUROPE / ASIA / JAPAN Contact us : webmaster@ jp 21 Saiin Mizosaki-cho, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto 615-8585, Japan TEL : +81-75-311-2121 FAX : +81-75-315-0172 Appendix1-Rev2.0