Technical Specifications continued
Designed and built in the U.K. by:
Thurlby Thandar Instruments Ltd.
Glebe Road, Huntingdon. Cambs. PE29 7DX England
Tel: 01480 412451 Fax: 01480 450409
Web: Email:
TGA1240 Series
Multi-channel Universal Waveform Generators
Thurlby Thandar Instruments Ltd. operates a policy
of continuous development and reserves the right to
alter specifications without prior notice.
One, two or four independent or inter-linked channels
40MS/s, 12-bit, 64K words per channel
Technical Specifications
Specifications apply at 18-28
C after 30 minutes
warm-up, at maximum output into 50
Maximum waveform size is 65,536 points, mini-
mumwaveformsizeis4points. Upto100userde-
fined waveforms may be stored in the 256K point
nonvolatile RAM. Waveforms can be defined by
front panel editing controls or by downloading of
waveform data via RS232 or GPIB.
Waveform Memory: 64k points per channel.
Vertical Resolution: 12 bits
Sample Clock: 100mHz to 40MHz
Resolution: 4 digits
Accuracy: ± 1 digit of setting
Up to 16 waveforms may be linked. Each wave-
form can have a loop count of up to 32,768. A
sequence of waveforms can be looped up to
1,048,575 times or run continuously.
Output Filter
Selectable between 16MHz Elliptic, 10MHz Ellip-
tic, 10MHz Bessel or None.
Sine,square,triangle, DC,positiveramp, negative
ramp, sin(x)/x, pulse, pulse train, cosine,
haversine and havercosine.
All Waveforms
Accuracy: 10 ppm for 1 year
Temp. Stability: Typically <1 ppm/ºC.
Output Level: 2.5mV to 10Vpp into 50Ω
Sine, Cosine, Haversine, Havercosine
Range: 0·1mHz to 16 MHz
Resolution: 0·1mHz or 7 digits
Harmonic Distortion: <0.1% THD to 100kHz;
<–65dBc to 20kHz,
<–50dBc to 1MHz,
<-35dBc to 10MHz
<-30dBc to 16MHz
Nonharmonic Spurii: <–65dBc to 1MHz,
<–65dBc + 6dB/octave
1MHz to 16MHz
Range: 1mHz to 16MHz
Resolution: 1mHz (4 digits)
Accuracy: ± 1 digit of setting
Rise/Fall Times: <25ns
Pulse and Pulse Train
Rise/Fall Times: <25ns
Period Range: 100ns to 100s
Period Resolution: 4digit
Accuracy: ±1 digit of setting
Delay Range: -99·99s to + 99·99s
Delay Resolution: 0·002% of period or 25ns,
whichever is greater
Width Range: 25ns to 99·99s
Width Resolution: 0·002% of period or 25ns,
whichever is greater
Notethat thepulse widthand absolutevalue ofthe
Pulse trains of up to 10 pulses may be specified,
each pulse having independently defined width,
defined and the sequence repetition rate is set by
the pulse train period.
Range: 0.1mHz to 100kHz
Resolution: 0.1mHz or 7 digits
Linearity Error: <0.1% to 30 kHz
Ramps and Sin(x)/x
Range: 0.1mHz to 100kHz
Resolution: 0.1mHz (7 digits)
Linearity Error: <0.1% to 30 kHz
Waveform runs continuously.
Triggered Burst
Each active edge of the trigger signal will produce
one burst of the waveform.
Carrier Waveforms: All standard and arbitrary
Max. Carrier Frequency:
40Msamples/s for ARB and Sequence. 1MHz
or the maximum for the selected waveform.
Number of Cycles: 1 to 1,048,575
Trigger Repetition: 0.005Hz to 100kHz internal
dc to 1MHz external.
Trigger Signal Source:
Internal from keyboard, previous channel, next
channel or trigger generator. External from
TRIG IN or remote interface.
Trigger Start/Stop Phase:
± 360osettable with 0.1oresolution, subject to
waveform frequency and type.
Waveformwillrun while the Gatesignalis true and
stop while false.
Carrier Waveforms: All standard and arbitrary.
Max. Carrier Frequency:
40Msamples/s for ARB and Sequence. 1MHz
or the maximum for the selected waveform.
Number of Cycles: 1 to 1,048,575
Trigger Repetition: 0.005Hz to 100kHz internal
dc to 1MHz external.
Gate Signal Source:
Internal from keyboard, previous channel, next
channel or trigger generator. External from
TRIG IN or remote interface.
Gate Start/Stop Phase:
± 360osettable with 0.1oresolution, subject to
waveform frequency and type.
Frequency sweep capability is provided for both
standardandarbitrarywaveforms. Arbitrary wave-
forms are expanded or condensed to exactly 4096
points and DDS techniques are used to perform
the sweep.
Carrier Waveforms: All standard and arbitrary
except pulse, pulse train and sequence.
Sweep Mode:
Linear or logarithmic, triggered or continuous.
Sweep Direction:
Up, down, up/down or down/up.
Sweep Range:
From 1mHz to 16 MHz in one range. Phase
continuous. Independent setting of the start and
stop frequency.
Sweep Time: 30ms to 999s .
Marker: Variable during sweep.
Sweep Trigger Source:
The sweep may be free run or triggered from
the following sources: Manually from keyboard.
Externally from TRIG IN input or remote inter-
Sweep Hold: Sweep can be held and
restarted by the HOLD key.
Multi Channel Sweep
Any number of channels may be swept simulta-
neously but the sweep parameters will be the
same for all channels. Amplitude, Offset and
Waveform can be set independently for each
Tone Switching
Capability provided for both standard and arbitrary
waveforms. Arbitrary waveforms are expanded or
condensed to exactly 4096 points and DDS tech-
niques are used to allow instantaneous frequency
Carrier Waveforms:
All except pulse, pulse train and sequence.
Frequency List:
Up to 16 frequencies from 1mHz to 10MHz.
Trigger Repetition Rate:
0.005Hz to 100kHz internal. dc to 1MHz exter-
nal. Usable repetition rate and waveform fre-
quency depend on the tone switching mode.
Internal from keyboard, previous channel, next
channel or trigger generator. External from
TRIG IN or remote interface.
Tone Switching Modes:
Gated: The tone is output while the trigger sig-
nal is true and stopped, at the end of the current
waveform cycle, while the trigger signal is false.
The next tone is output when the trigger signal
is true again.
Triggered: The tone is output when the trigger
signal goes true and the next tone is output, at
the end of the current waveform cycle, when the
trigger signal goes true again.
FSK: The tone is output when the trigger signal
goes true and the next tone is output, immedi-
ately, when the trigger signal goes true again.
Using 2 channels with their outputs summed to-
gether it is possible to generate DTMF test sig-
Trigger Generator
Internal source 0.005 Hz to 100kHz square wave
adjustable in 10us steps. 3 digit resolution. Avail-
Main Output - One for each channel
Output Impedance: 50Ω
5mV to 20Vpp open circuit (2.5mV to 10Vpp
into 50Ω). Amplitude can be specified open cir-
cuit (hi Z) or into an assumed load of 50Ωor
600Ωin Vpkpk, Vrms or dBm.
Amplitude Accuracy: 2% ±1mV at 1kHz into 50Ω.
Amplitude Flatness: ±0.2dB to 200 kHz; ±1dB to
10 MHz; ±2.5dB to 16MHz.
DC Offset Range: ±10V from 50Ω. Offset plus
signal peak limited to ±10V.
DC Offset Accuracy: Typically 3% ±10mV,
Resolution: 3 digits or 1mV for both
Amplitude and DC Offset.
Sync Out - One for each channel
Multifunction output user definable or automati-
cally selected to be any of the following:
Waveform Sync (all waveforms):
A square wave with 50% duty cycle at the main
waveform frequency, or a pulse coincident with
the first few points of an arbitrary waveform.
Position Markers (Arbitrary only):
Any point(s) on the waveform may have associ-
ated marker bit(s) set high or low.
Burst Done:
Produces a pulse coincident with the last cycle
of a burst.
Sequence Sync:
Produces a pulse coincident with the end of a
waveform sequence.
Selects the current trigger signal. Useful for syn-
chronizing burst or gated signals.
Sweep Sync:
Outputs a pulse at the start of sweep to synchro-
nize an oscilloscope or recorder.
Phase Lock Out:
Used to phase lock two generators. Produces a
positive edge at the 0° phase point.
Output Signal Level:
TTL/CMOS logic levels from typically 50Ω.
Cursor/Marker Out
Adjustable output pulse for use as a marker in
sweep mode or as a cursor in arbitrary waveform
anoscilloscope orbedisplayedonasecond‘scope
Output Signal Level:
Adjustable from nominally 2V to 14V, normal or
inverted; adjustable width as a cursor.
Output Impedance: 600Ωtypical
Trig In
Frequency Range: DC to 1MHz.
Signal Range: Threshold nominally TTL
level; maximum input ±10V.
Min. Pulse Width: 50ns, for Trigger/Gate;
50us for Sweep mode.
Polarity: Selectable as high/rising
edge or low/falling edge.
Input Impedance: 10kΩ
Modulation In
Frequency Range: DC to 100kHz.
VCA Signal Range: Approximately 1V pkpk for
100% level change at maximum output.
SCM Signal Range: Approximately ± 1Vpk for
maximum output.
Input Impedance: Typically 1 kΩ.
Sum In
Frequency Range: DC to 8MHz.
Signal Range: Approximately 2 Vpk-pk
input for 20Vpk-pk output.
Input Impedance: Typically 1kΩ.
Holds an arbitrary waveform at its current position.
A TTL low level or switch closure causes the wave-
form to stop at the current position and wait until a
TTL high level or switch opening which allows the
waveform to continue. The front panel MAN HOLD
key or remote command may also be used to con-
trol the Hold function. While held the front panel
MAN TRIG key or remote command may be used
to return the waveform to the start. The Hold input
may be enabled independently for each channel.
Input Impedance: 10kΩ
Ref Clock In/Out
Set to Input: Input for an external 10MHz
reference clock. TTL/CMOS threshold level.
Set to Output: Buffered version of the
internal 10MHz clock. Output levels nominally
1V and 4V from 50Ω.
Set to Phase Lock: Used together with SYNC
OUT on a master and TRIG IN on a slave to syn-
chronise (phase lock) two separate generators.
Inter-channel Modulation:
The waveform from any channel may be used to
Amplitude Modulate (AM) or Suppressed Carrier
Modulate (SCM) the next channel. Alternatively
SCM) with the signal at the MODULATION input
Carrier frequency: Entire range for selected
Carrier waveforms: All standard and arbitrary
Modulation Types:
AM: Double sideband
with carrier.
SCM: Double sideband
suppressed carrier.
Modulation source:
Internal from the previous channel. External
from Modulation input socket. The external
modulation signal may be applied to any num-
ber of channels simultaneously.
Frequency Range: DC to >100 kHz.
Internal AM Depth: 0% to 105%.
Internal AM Resolution: 1%.
Carrier Suppression (SCM): > 40dB.
External Modulation Signal Range:
VCA: Approximately 1V pk-pk for 100% level
change at maximum output.
SCM: Approximately ± 1Vpk for max. output.
Inter-channel Analogue Summing:
channel into the next channel.
Alternatively any number of channels may be
summed with the signal at the SUM input socket.
Carrier frequency:
Entire range for selected waveform.
Carrier waveforms:
All standard and arbitrary waveforms.
Sum source:
Internal from the previous channel. External
from SUM IN socket.
Frequency Range: DC to >8MHz.
Ext. Signal Range:
Approx. 5Vpk-pk input for 20Vpk-pk output.
Inter-channel Phase locking:
Two or more channels may be phase locked to-
gether. Each locked channel may be assigned a
phase angle relative to the other locked channels.
Arbitrary waveforms and waveform sequences
may be phase locked but certain constraints apply
to waveform lengths and clock frequency ratios.
With one channel assigned as the Master and
other channels as Slaves a frequency change on
the master will be repeated on each slave thus al-
lowing multiphase waveforms at the same fre-
quency to be easily generated. DDS waveforms
are those with 7 digits of frequency setting resolu-
tion, while Non-DDS waveforms have 4 digits.
Phase Resolution:
DDS waveforms: 0.1 degree
Non-DDS waveforms: 0.1 degree or 360 de-
grees/number of points whichever is the greater
Phase Error: <±10ns all waveforms.
The signals from the REF IN/OUT socket and the
SYNC OUT socket can be used to phase lock
two instruments where more than 4 channels are
Inter-channel Triggering:
Any channel can be triggered by the previous or
next channel.
The previous/next connections can be used to
’daisy chain’ a trigger signal from a ‘start’ channel,
through a number of channels in the ‘chain’ to an
‘end’ channel. Each channel receives the trigger
out signal from the previous (or next) channel, and
drives its selected trigger out to the next (or previ-
ous) channel. The ‘end’ channel trigger out can be
In this way, complex and versatile interchannel
trigger schemes may be set up. Each channel
can have its trigger out and its output waveform
set up independently. Trigger out may be se-
lected from Waveform End, Position Markers,
Sequence Sync or Burst Done.
Using the scheme above it is possible to create a
sequence of up to 64 waveform segments, each
channel producing up to 16 segments and all
channels being summed to produce the complete
waveform at the output of channel 4.
Full remote control facilities are available through
the RS232 or GPIB interfaces.
RS232: Variable Baud rate, 9600
Baud maximum.
IEEE488: Conforms with IEEE488.1
and IEEE488.2
Software Included:
Windowsbased software for waveform cre-
ation, editing and management is supplied. For
further details see separate data sheet.
20 character x 4 row alphanumeric LCD.
Data Entry:
Keyboard selection of mode, waveform etc.;
value entry direct by numeric keys or by rotary
Stored Settings:
Up to 9 complete instrument setups may be
stored and recalled from battery-backed mem-
ory. Up to 100 arbitrary waveforms can also be
stored independent of the instrument settings.
130mm (3U) height; 335mm long; width
350mm (TGA1242/1244), 212mm (TGA1241).
7.2 kg. (16 lb), TGA1242/1244;
4.1kg (9lb) TGA1241.
230V, 115V or 100V nominal 50/60Hz, adjust-
able internally; operating range ±14% of nomi-
nal; 100VA max. for 4 channels, 75VA max. for
2 channel, 40VA max. for 1 channel. Installa-
tion Category II.
Operating Range: +5°C to 40°C, 20-80% RH.
Storage Range: -20°C to + 60°C.
Environmental: Indoor use at altitudes to
2000m, Pollution Degree 2.
Options: 19 inch rack mounting kit.
Safety: Complies with EN61010-1.
EMC: Complies with EN50081-1
and EN50082-1.