Data Sheet AD9531
Note that, if assertion of a sync pulse occurs prior to the PLL
lock and the successful completion of the VCO calibration, then
synchronization of the channel dividers does not occur until
both conditions are satisfied. Otherwise, the channel dividers
synchronize coincident with the falling edge of the sync pulse.
PLL1 Holdover Mode
When the AD9531 enters holdover mode, whether invoked
manually or automatically, a reset state is in effect for the PFD
and charge pump (either the 1.8 V or the 3.3 V charge pump,
per the prevailing loop configuration). This mode places the
charge pump in a tristate condition, effectively freezing the state
of charge on the capacitors in the loop filter (either internal or
external per the prevailing loop configuration). By holding the
current state of charge on the loop filter, the VCO control voltage
remains essentially constant, thereby holding the VCO output
frequency at the value it maintained upon entering holdover mode.
Although the VCO frequency remains constant under these
conditions, it is subject to frequency drift caused by charge
injection or bleed off, for example, the capacitor leakage
current or the charge pump leakage current.
PLL1 Freerun Mode
The most important fact regarding freerun mode is that it only
applies to the external loop configurations (Loop 3 or external
Loop 4). When the device enters freerun mode, whether
invoked automatically or manually, it operates much the same
as it does in holdover mode. However, in this case the device
only acts on the 3.3 V charge pump. In addition to the charge
pump entering a tristate condition, an internal resistor connects
the LF pin to an internal voltage equal to half the 3.3 V supply.
The internal resistor, combined with the tristate condition of
the charge pump, effectively holds the VCO control voltage at a
constant 1.65 V.
Manual Holdover Mode/Freerun Mode
Force the device into holdover mode at any time by setting the
holdover bit (Register 0x0102, Bit D6). Note that, if one of the
internal loop configurations is in effect, setting the freerun bit
(Register 0x0102, Bit D7) also forces holdover mode. Be aware,
however, that in this case, the PLL1 freerun bit (Register 0x0082,
Bit D2) is true, even though the device is technically in holdover
Force the device into freerun mode at any time (assuming an
external loop configuration is in effect) by setting the freerun bit
(Register 0x0102, Bit D7).
Automatic Holdover Mode/Freerun Mode
The AD9531 supports automatic transition to holdover mode
when the enable autohold bit (Register 0x0102, Bit D1) is Logic 1
and the freerun vs. holdover bit (Register 0x0102, Bit D2) is
Logic 0. An automatic transition to holdover happens when the
appropriate LOR states of REF1_A and/or REF1_B occur.
Specifically, if the enable autoswitch bit (Register 0x0102, Bit D0) is
Logic 0, the automatic transition to holdover occurs when the
selected reference (see the Manual Reference Selection section)
indicates LOR (REF1_Ax or REF1_Bx, as the case may be).
However, if the enable auto switch bit is Logic 1, then both
REF1_A and REF1_B must indicate LOR before an automatic
transition to holdover occurs.
Automatic transition to freerun mode occurs in identically the
same manner as an automatic transition to holdover, but only
when an external loop configuration is in effect and both the
enable autohold bit and the freerun vs. holdover bit are both
Logic 1 (Register 0x0102, Bits[D2:D1]).
Manual Reference Selection
Manual reference selection allows the user to control whether
REF1_A or REF1_B is the active reference. Manual control is
possible via both hardware (the REF1_SEL pin) and software
(by means of the SPI port, Register 0x0102, Bits[D5:D4]).
Hardware-based manual reference selection uses the
REF1_SEL pin to make REF1_A or REF1_B the active
reference. Logic 0 selects REF1_A, whereas Logic 1 selects
Note that programming the device for automatic reference
switching via the enable autoswitch bit disables the functionality
of the REF1_SEL pin.
Software-based manual reference selection via the SPI port uses the
enable reference select and reference select bits of Register 0x0102.
When the enable reference select bit is Logic 0, manual reference
selection via the SPI port is disabled. When the enable reference
select bit is Logic 1, the reference select bit selects REF1_A or
REF1_B as the active reference: Logic 0 selects REF1_A,
whereas Logic 1 selects REF1_B.
Note that manual reference selection via the SPI port overrides
the automatic reference selection function as well as manual
reference selection via hardware using the REF1_SEL pin.
Automatic Reference Selection
Automatic reference selection allows the device to select a
reference automatically based on the LOR status of PLL1 (see
the Loss of Reference (LOR) section). Automatic reference
selection is in effect when the enable auto switch bit is Logic 1.
Upon LOR indication, the device decides whether to switch
references. If the active reference indicates LOR and the alternate
reference does not, the device automatically switches to the
alternate reference. Otherwise, the currently selected reference
remains the active reference.
When an automatic reference switch occurs, the new reference
becomes the active reference and the other the alternate reference,
which allows the device to switch back and forth between the two
references as required. Be aware, however, that manual reference
selection via Register 0x0102, Bits[D5:D4] overrides this automatic
switching feature.
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