Dichromatic Leadless Chip LED Device LT10QU92A series 3030 Size, 1.1mm Thickness, MID* Type Dichromatic Leadless Chip LED Devices LT1LILI92A series B Outline Dimensions (Unit : mm) M@ Radiation Diagram (Ta=25C) -20 Q* +20 , ~ 100 | i -40 LS , +40 AF 80 p_/ 5 i / / = i y \-$-60-Y / \ 3 if -60 \5 oi f \_] +60 g(r \ Recommended PWB pattern for soldering 34 | CA 05 0.5 [ fos % 20 v T -80-+_f MEY \ 80 12) | (12 pty oye | Soldering area 7 A wn S /| [Anode] Ed [Cathode] 0.4 So | Device center Xx in -20 0 +20" fey 7 oN | 40 Ke [100 R a0 LE = io 3 80 Ty . x78 { 7 \ / 1,Plating area CL] \- 2 60 i 2.Pin connections <| \ 2 tof YS ( | ED | EH -60 2 i <} \ 4 460 iTAnoa Yes Valls. c\ 63740 7 OS ra[Cathode| 'e'og'eet | Yelon-gieer / , xS 24 {> b \ Cathode mark {Cathodes Red | Yellow i! KS 3 so / LX \ ltme) 3.Unspecified tolerance:+0.2 80 | i eS Ni SSA \_ +80" _ iam ! SSIZZ- {of *MID:Molded Interconnection Device 0 bog Y . . 4 @ Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ti=25C) Gs Reverse voltage | Operating temperature | Storage temperature | Sokdeting temperature Model No. jRadiation color | Radiation material | ...P R Tope Teg Tsoi"? - . ay ) | o J CC) ce) Cc) LT1ED92A Yellow-green | GaP 84 30 30 0.40 | 0.67 5 -25 to +85 | -25 to +100 260 Red GaAsP on GaP 84 30 50 0.40 | 0.67 5 -25 to +85 | -25 to +100 260 LT1EH92A Yellow-green | GaP 84 30 30 0.40 | 0.67 5 -25 to +85 | -25 to +100 260 Yellow GaAsP on GaP 84 30 50 0.40 | 0.67 5 -25 to +85 | -25 to +100 260 *{ The value is specified under the condition that either color is lightened separately. When the both diodes are lightened simultaneously, the power dissipation of each diode should be less than the half of the value specified in this table. *2 Duty ratio=1/10, Pulse width=0. ims *3 For 3s or less at the temperature of hand soldering. Temperature of reflow soldering is shown on the page 7. @ Electro-optical Characteristics (Ts=25C) Lens. type Colodes color Yi _ {LTTED92A Red ) LTIEH92A Y Yellow diagrams Notice Internet In the absence of confirmation by device specification sheets, SHARP takes no responsibility for any defects that may occur in equipment using any SHARP devices shown in catalogs,data books,etc.Contact SHARP in order to obtain the latest device specification sheets before using any SHARP device. Internet address for Electronic Components Group hittp:/Avww.sharp.co.jp/ecg/ 123 LED Lamp