15.0 Functional Description
The ADC128D818 provides 8 analog inputs, a temperature
sensor, a delta-sigma ADC, an external or internal VREF op-
tion, and WATCHDOG registers on a single chip. An I2C
Serial Bus interface is also provided. The ADC128D818 can
perform voltage and temperature monitoring for a variety of
The ADC128D818 continuously converts the voltage input to
12-bit resolution with an internal VREF of 0.625mV LSb
(Least Significant bit) weighting, yielding input range of 0V to
2.56V. There is also an external VREF option that ranges from
1.25V to V+. The analog inputs are intended to be connected
to several power supplies present in a variety of systems.
Eight inputs can be configured for single-ended and/or pseu-
do-differential channels. Temperature can be converted to a
9-bit two's complement word with resolutions of 0.5°C per
The ADC128D818 provides a number of internal registers.
These registers are summarized in the "ADC128D818 Inter-
nal Registers" section.
The ADC128D818 supports Standard Mode (Sm, 100kbits/s)
and Fast Mode (Fm, 400kbits/s) I2C interface modes of op-
eration. ADC128D818 includes an analog filter on the I2C
digital control lines that allows improved noise immunity. The
device also supports TIMEOUT reset function on SDA and
SCL to prevent I2C bus lock-up. Two tri-level address pins
allow up to 9 devices on a single I2C bus.
At start-up, ADC128D818 cycles through each measurement
in sequence and continuously loops through the sequence
based on the Conversion Rate Register (address 07h) set-
ting. Each measured value is compared to values stored in
the Limit Registers (addresses 2Ah - 39h). When the mea-
sured value violates the programmed limit, the ADC128D818
will set a corresponding interrupt bit in the Interrupt Status
Registers (address 01h). An interrupt output pin, INT, is also
available and fully programmable.
The ADC128D818 operates with a supply voltage, V+, that
has a range between +3.0V to +5.5V. Care must be taken to
bypass this pin with a parallel combination of 1 µF (electrolytic
or tantalum) capacitor and 0.1 µF (ceramic) bypass capacitor.
The reference voltage (VREF) sets the analog input range.
The ADC128D818 has two options for setting VREF. The first
option is to use the internal VREF, which is equal to 2.56V.
The second option is to source VREF externally via pin 1 of
ADC128D818. In this case, the external VREF will operate in
the range of 1.25V to V+. The default VREF selection is the
internal VREF. If the external VREF is preferred, use the Ad-
vanced Configuration Register (address 0Bh) to change this
VREF source must have a low output impedance and needs
to be bypassed with a minimum capacitor value of 0.1 µF. A
larger capacitor value of 1 µF placed in parallel with the
0.1 µF is preferred. VREF of the ADC128D818, like all ADC
converters, does not reject noise or voltage variations. Keep
this in mind if VREF is derived from the power supply. Any
noise and/or ripple from the supply that is not rejected by the
external reference circuitry will appear in the digital results.
The use of a reference source is recommended. The LM4040
and LM4050 shunt reference families as well as the LM4120
and LM4140 series reference families are excellent choices
for a reference source.
The ADC128D818 allows up to 8 single-ended inputs or 4
pseudo-differential inputs as selected by the modes of oper-
ation. The input types are described in the next subsections.
15.4.1 Single-Ended Input
ADC128D818 allows a maximum of 8 single-ended inputs,
where the source's voltage is connected to INx (0 ≤ x ≤ 7).
The source’s ground should be connected to ADC128D818’s
GND pin. In theory, INx can be of any value between 0V and
(VREF-3LSb/2), where LSb = VREF/212.
To use the device single-endedly, refer to the "Modes of Op-
eration" section and to bits [2:1] of the Advanced Configura-
tion Register (address 0Bh). Figure 2 shows the appropriate
configuration for a single-ended connection.
FIGURE 2. Single-Ended Configuration
15.4.2 Pseudo-Differential Input
Pseudo-differential mode is defined as the positive input volt-
age applied differentially to the ADC128D818, as shown in
Figure 3. The input that is digitized is (ΔVIN = IN+ - IN-), where
(IN+ - IN-) is (IN0-IN1), (IN3-IN2), (IN4-IN5), or (IN7-IN6). Be
aware of this input configuration because the order is
swapped. In theory, ΔVIN can be of any value between 0V
and (VREF-3LSb/2),where LSb = VREF/212.
By using this pseudo-differential input, small signals common
to both inputs are rejected. Thus, operation with a pseudo-
differential input signal will provide better performance than
with a single-ended input. Refer to the "Modes of Operation"
section for more information.
FIGURE 3. Pseudo-Differential Configuration
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