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Datasheet Evaluation Kit EK-P3
For SDP600 series differential pressure Sensors
Evaluation Kit
Applicable to SDP5xx/6xx/7xx sensors
Viewer Software for download
Easy connection via USB Interface
Set Up of EK-P3
Figure 1 Schematic of Evaluation Kit EK-P3. USB Dongle with
I2C to USB converter. SDP6xx sensor is connected via plug to
this USB dongle. Viewer software must be downloaded from the
Sensirion web page.
Material Contents
1 EK-P3 USB Stick: Contains USB to I2C translator
1 Sensor cable of 20 cm length with plug for
connecting sensors with USB dongle.
1 SDP610 sensor: Digital Sensor with I2C output.
Please refer to datasheet for the SDP600 series for
more details:
Installation Guide
Step 1: Connect USB-stick to PC and install viewer
software. Viewer Software must be downloaded from the
Sensirion web page at:
Step 2: Connect the sensor via the adapter cable to the
USB-stick (see figure 2).
Figure 2 Pin assignment of SDP6xx on PCB top view from left
to right. Connect cable such that yellow cable is connected to
data, black (GND), red (Vdd) and green (clock).
WARNING: Reverse polarity connection might damage sensor
Step 3: Start software. Please note that the USB stick,
sensor cable and sensor must be connected to the
computer before starting the software. Please choose
SDP6xx series and press OK button.
Step 4: Press run to start the measurement or chose
advanced settings like described in the next section.
Viewer Software
The viewer software displays differential pressure over
time. It allows selecting all available resolutions, absolute
or relative timing and free choice of sampling time
(sampling time is limited to 8 ms due to the USB-stick not
because of the sensor). Furthermore, the output signal
Product Summary
The evaluation kit EK-P3 contains everything needed for
fast evaluation and qualification of the SDP600 series
differential pressure sensors. It contains a USB dongle, a
SDP610 differential pressure sensor and an adapter cable
to connect the sensor to the USB-dongle.
With this equipment, first measurements can be done
within a couple of minutes.
The viewer software can be downloaded from the
Sensirion web page and includes some simple data-
logger features.
Datasheet EK-P3
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may be displayed as linearized or raw data. The data can
be logged, stored and exported to Excel format.
When starting the viewer software, the right sensor must
be selected in a first window (please select SDP 600
series). The settings must be chosen and then the
measurement may be started. Choose the type of
measurement, the resolution and sampling time and press
the run button. The software has a simple data logger
feature which saves data as csv-file.
Device Certification
The Evaluation Kit EK-P3 is RoHS and WEEE compliant.
Ordering Information
Use the part names and item numbers shown in the
following table when ordering the EK-P3 evaluation kit. For
the latest product information and local distributors, visit
Part name
Description / Output
Item number
SDP600 series evaluation kit
Revision History
August 2010
1 3
Initial release
December 2010
New Link to Software
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Important Notice
Warning, Personal Injury
Do not use this product as safety or emergency stop devices or in
any other application where failure of the product could result in
personal injury. Do not use this product for applications other
than its intended and authorized use. Before installing, handling,
using or servicing this product, please consult the data sheet and
application notes. Failure to comply with these instructions could
result in death or serious injury.
If the Buyer shall purchase or use SENSIRION products for any
unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall defend, indemnify
and hold harmless SENSIRION and its officers, employees,
subsidiaries, affiliates and distributors against all claims, costs,
damages and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of,
directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated
with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if SENSIRION shall be
allegedly negligent with respect to the design or the manufacture of the
ESD Precautions
The inherent design of this component causes it to be sensitive to
electrostatic discharge (ESD). To prevent ESD-induced damage and/or
degradation, take customary and statutory ESD precautions when
handling this product.
See application note “ESD, Latchup and EMC” for more information.
SENSIRION warrants solely to the original purchaser of this product for
a period of 12 months (one year) from the date of delivery that this
product shall be of the quality, material and workmanship defined in
SENSIRION’s published specifications of the product. Within such
period, if proven to be defective, SENSIRION shall repair and/or
replace this product, in SENSIRION’s discretion, free of charge to the
Buyer, provided that:
notice in writing describing the defects shall be given to
SENSIRION within fourteen (14) days after their appearance;
such defects shall be found, to SENSIRION’s reasonable
satisfaction, to have arisen from SENSIRION’s faulty design,
material, or workmanship;
the defective product shall be returned to SENSIRION’s factory at
the Buyer’s expense; and
the warranty period for any repaired or replaced product shall be
limited to the unexpired portion of the original period.
This warranty does not apply to any equipment which has not been
installed and used within the specifications recommended by
SENSIRION for the intended and proper use of the equipment.
SENSIRION is only liable for defects of this product arising under the
conditions of operation provided for in the data sheet and proper use of
the goods. SENSIRION explicitly disclaims all warranties, express or
implied, for any period during which the goods are operated or stored
not in accordance with the technical specifications.
SENSIRION does not assume any liability arising out of any application
or use of any product or circuit and specifically disclaims any and all
liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental
damages. All operating parameters, including without limitation
recommended parameters, must be validated for each customer’s
applications by customer’s technical experts. Recommended
parameters can and do vary in different applications.
SENSIRION reserves the right, without further notice, (i) to change the
product specifications and/or the information in this document and (ii) to
improve reliability, functions and design of this product.
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