1 Introduction
User's GuideSCAU017B – August 2006 – Revised August 2007
CDCE906/CDCE706 Programming Evaluation Module
This user's guide explains how to use the CDCE906/CDCE706 programming evaluation module. An easyto use socket is provided on the EVM to make a fast programming of samples or small productionquantities possible. There is an another EVM available for the purpose of performance measurements andevaluation, called CDCE906/CDCE706 Performance Evaluation Module.
If you need assistance with this device, email: clocks_apps@list.ti.com
The CDCE906/CDCE706 is one of the smallest and powerful PLL synthesizer / multiplier / divideravailable today. Despite its small physical outlines, the CDCE906/CDCE706 is the most flexible. It has thecapability to produce an almost independent output frequency from a given input frequency.
The input frequency can be derived from a LVCMOS, a differential input clock, or a single crystal. Theappropriate input waveform can be selected via the SMBus data interface controller.
To achieve an independent output frequency the reference divider M and the feedback divider N for eachPLL can be set to values from 1 up to 511 for the M-Divider and from 1 up to 4095 for the N-Divider. ThePLL-VCO (voltage controlled oscillator) frequency than is routed to the free programmable outputswitching matrix to any of the six outputs. The switching matrix includes an additional 7-bit post-divider(1-to-127) and an inverting logic for each output.
The deep M/N divider ratio allows the generation of zero ppm clocks from e.g., a 27-MHz reference inputfrequency.
The CDCE906/CDCE706 includes three PLLs of those one supports SSC (spread-spectrum clocking).PLL1, PLL2, and PLL3 are designed for frequencies up to 300 MHz and optimized for zero-ppmapplications with wide divider factors.
PLL2 also supports center-spread and down-spread spectrum clocking (SSC). This is a proven method toeffectively reduce the energy for the selected frequency range. The electro-magnetic interference (EMI)will be significantly reduced. Also, the slew-rate controllable (SRC) output edges minimize EMI noise.
Based on the PLL frequency and the divider settings, the internal loop filter components will beautomatically adjusted to achieve high stability and optimized jitter transfer characteristic of the PLL.
The device supports non-volatile EEPROM programming for easy customized applications. It ispre-programmed with a factory default configuration (see Figure 1 ) and can be re-programmed to adifferent application configuration before it goes onto the PCB or re-programmed by in-systemprogramming. A different register setting is programmed via the serial SMBus interface.
Two free programmable inputs, S0 and S1, can be used to control for each application the mostdemanding logic control settings (outputs disable to low, outputs 3-state, power down, PLL bypass, etc).
The CDCE906/CDCE706 has three power supply pins, VCC, VCCOUT1, and VCCOUT2. VCC is thepower supply for the device. It operates from a single 3.3-V supply voltage. VCCOUT1 and VCCOUT2 arethe power supply pins for the outputs. VCCOUT1 supplies the outputs Y0 and Y1 and VCCOUT2 suppliesthe outputs Y2, Y3, Y4, and Y5. Both output supplies can be 2.3 V to 3.6 V. The output works even at1.7V VCCOUT. However, some limitations apply at VCCOUT below 2.3V.
The CDCE906/CDCE706 is characterized for operation from 0 °C to 70 °C/–40 °C to 85 °C.
Pro-Clock is a trademark of Texas Instruments.Microsoft is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
SCAU017B – August 2006 – Revised August 2007 CDCE906/CDCE706 Programming Evaluation Module 5Submit Documentation Feedback